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Sucks to be Squelched


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This is false we had someone log in that did not use chat mass spam reported them and they were deemed likeley to be spaming due to enough flags and they were squelched I can show it to you sometime if you would like.


Did you even bother to read Owens' link?


Here's a couple of quotes from that link on how the system works:


Without going into too many details: If someone goes on a mission to send as many tells as they possibly can, as fast as they can, there’s a good chance they’ll wind up squelched, even without manual CSR intervention.


I want to stress that this action happens only because of efforts by the player who got squelched. They performed an action that was deemed sufficiently disruptive and likely enough to be a spammer or a griefer so the system automatically shut them down to prevent any more spam. Your friend who you sent a bunch of messages to too quickly (nice or mean) did not report you, a CSR didn’t hold a grudge against you, you just looked like a spammer to our automated systems. The squelch WILL eventually wear off (length is subject to change).




1.Please don’t spam each other with the same message over and over again. That’s what spammers do, and you don’t want to copy them. If you need to get someone’s attention, you can slow down the messages. Copy-pasting the same message to people as fast as you can, over and over again, is the only way you can really hit current limits. I feel bad for anyone who gets caught and subsequently squelched, but the key is not to act like a spammer/credit seller.




3.Please right-click and report spammers. We DO pay attention to that, and the more reports we get on a person the higher up it goes in our list of ‘Likely spam message’ for us to track and deal with. There was a brief time where right-click reporting wasn’t working properly and our CSRs weren’t getting the ‘check out this spammer and ban him’ message. That has been fixed, but that time of it being broken caused a sharp decline in people using it. It works now, I promise! Report spammers! It makes us all happier when we remove them from our game.


As it says, REPORT SPAM sends a message to the CSRs to INVESTIGATE the report, it does not squelch you. If you are being squelched it's because you are doing something to trigger the automated (read computer) system to block you, there's not a human involved in that part except YOU.


If a CSR investigates you and finds you are a spammer, you will not be squelched, you will be banned and unable to log in until your ban is over or you appeal it.

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Whether or not the OP is actually having the squelch mechanism abused against him and his guild, if the squelch system can be abused in that fashion, that's a Bad Thing. 10 reports is an absurdly low threshold, especially if it can be done via /who.


The squelch mechanism is completely automated and doesn't involve reports by other players. It is solely the computer that determines if you should be squelched and it goes by how fast you are sending identical or similar messages in chat.


Being reported as a spammer by other players will result in a ban after a CSR investigation, not being squelched. OP isn't complaining about being banned so no one is abusing anything reporting him.

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Being reported as a spammer by other players will result in a ban after a CSR investigation, not being squelched. OP isn't complaining about being banned so no one is abusing anything reporting him.

This is false we have tested the system and I read that link. If you are reported for spam you are deemed to be likely as a spamer if you have enough reports you are deemed likely to spam and squelched read what it says

it is an automated system I an show you if you would like in game.

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The squelch mechanism is completely automated and doesn't involve reports by other players. It is solely the computer that determines if you should be squelched and it goes by how fast you are sending identical or similar messages in chat.


Being reported as a spammer by other players will result in a ban after a CSR investigation, not being squelched. OP isn't complaining about being banned so no one is abusing anything reporting him.

THis is false we have squelched people that have not used chat pls stop talking off one post by a community manager when other players have investigated it If you do not believe me give me one of your in game toons names and I can show you with consent.

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This is false we have tested the system and I read that link. If you are reported for spam you are deemed to be likely as a spamer if you have enough reports you are deemed likely to spam and squelched read what it says

it is an automated system I an show you if you would like in game.


Sure, come on over to Jung Ma and you can show me.

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I need multiple people to be able to do it but if you would like to make a level 1 on harb I can show you sometime


Why would I want to roll on another server. Come to Jung Ma and put your money where your mouth is, because it's certainly getting you in trouble on Harbie so anything you report there is likely to get you banned for being a high maintenance customer.

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Why would I want to roll on another server. Come to Jung Ma and put your money where your mouth is, because it's certainly getting you in trouble on Harbie so anything you report there is likely to get you banned for being a high maintenance customer.


I need multiple people to do the report spam check you are talking without testing the system and if you do not want to see how it works that is fine but this is a real problem

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Did you even bother to read Owens' link?


Here's a couple of quotes from that link on how the system works:












As it says, REPORT SPAM sends a message to the CSRs to INVESTIGATE the report, it does not squelch you. If you are being squelched it's because you are doing something to trigger the automated (read computer) system to block you, there's not a human involved in that part except YOU.


If a CSR investigates you and finds you are a spammer, you will not be squelched, you will be banned and unable to log in until your ban is over or you appeal it.


You are wrong. Many of our members of vice, including me, have been squelched by NOT spamming chat or even talking in chat. All they have to do is type /who and go to our name and report us for spam over and over with multiple people helping them. IT DOES NOT get investigated. We have spoken to many CSRS of swtor and they have confirmed this. It is a player system, not a CSR system. Trust me when i say that the CSRS are not that involved in this game.

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You are wrong. Many of our members of vice, including me, have been squelched by NOT spamming chat or even talking in chat. All they have to do is type /who and go to our name and report us for spam over and over with multiple people helping them. IT DOES NOT get investigated. We have spoken to many CSRS of swtor and they have confirmed this. It is a player system, not a CSR system. Trust me when i say that the CSRS are not that involved in this game.


If that is true, then it is a very recent change. It is also not wise to admit to abusing said system on the forum, like the OP is doing his last few posts. Since I quoted him, there's no way he can edge out of that one.

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If that is true, then it is a very recent change. It is also not wise to admit to abusing said system on the forum, like the OP is doing his last few posts. Since I quoted him, there's no way he can edge out of that one.

I have never used this system on any non concenting players only for the purpose of documenting an exploit

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If that is true, then it is a very recent change. It is also not wise to admit to abusing said system on the forum, like the OP is doing his last few posts. Since I quoted him, there's no way he can edge out of that one.


Excuse me, how am i admitting to abusing the system? I am simply explaining how others have been doing it to us. Its not rocket science you know. If you put your mind to it you can figure out how people do a lot of things.

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I have never used this system on any non concenting players only for the purpose of documenting an exploit


It doesn't matter, if you read their policy on exploits they explicitly tell you NOT TO TEST AN EXPLOIT OTHERWISE YOU CAN BE SUBJECT TO ACTIONS TAKEN AGAINST YOUR ACCOUNT. Now you've not only repeatedly threatened to use said exploit on me, you've also said in earlier posts that you did it to others. It doesn't matter if they consented, you still engaged in an exploit.

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It doesn't matter, if you read their policy on exploits they explicitly tell you NOT TO TEST AN EXPLOIT OTHERWISE YOU CAN BE SUBJECT TO ACTIONS TAKEN AGAINST YOUR ACCOUNT. Now you've not only repeatedly threatened to use said exploit on me, you've also said in earlier posts that you did it to others. It doesn't matter if they consented, you still engaged in an exploit.


I never threatened I asked if you wanted to see how it worked that is no way a threat. Also those this could be classified as in an game community problem not an exploit why I am posting it here on forums. Reason they have that in the tos if I am not mistake is for gear and credit exploits to stop the people who exploit gear and say I only did it once and was testing anyways if action is taken against me for trying to help the community solve a problem that is fine.

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It doesn't matter, if you read their policy on exploits they explicitly tell you NOT TO TEST AN EXPLOIT OTHERWISE YOU CAN BE SUBJECT TO ACTIONS TAKEN AGAINST YOUR ACCOUNT. Now you've not only repeatedly threatened to use said exploit on me, you've also said in earlier posts that you did it to others. It doesn't matter if they consented, you still engaged in an exploit.


You are the reason I agree with SJW's when they want to create safe spaces. So that people like you will willfully segregate yourselves from the rest of functioning society and can be easily identified and thus exploited sheeple in ponzi schemes and other such business ventures.

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You are the reason I agree with SJW's when they want to create safe spaces. So that people like you will willfully segregate yourselves from the rest of functioning society and can be easily identified and thus exploited sheeple in ponzi schemes and other such business ventures.


Hes just trying to be a troll

Edited by ekhelaf
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We all know its Blood Bath and Beyond. Problem is the lack of involvement by bioware in their game :/


As much as I dislike said guild and known them for using exploits... you really shouldn't break the TOS over ... and over... and over... and over. Yes, I agree, you should be allowed to shame people, but this is a guild were talking about, not everyone there is bad I bet, and nothing relevant is being changed or discussed here... just lots of petty insults and accusations from one side to another.


I think its best to just let it go for now, as nothing constructive is coming from this.

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Apparently this thread has forgotten the core problem yet again and degraded back into Salt Town. Allow me to remind you all.


"Total Drama Island isn't the issue. The automated squelching system with no review is clearly not functioning as intended. No one at BioWare stopped and thought...wait someone might abuse this?"

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