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Slicing nodes broken, giving way too many credits since 4.1


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How about a graduated sales tax on the GTN, so that the highest prices took a much bigger hit?


Or would that just price more people out of the market while the "whales" would just throw more credits at stuff?




Because I haven't touched KotFE, I've really had no incentive to grind weekly heroics... just how high are the credit "rewards" for those? Do they actually make the dailies into a pittance, as some seem to be implying?


15-20K reward for main mission completion, another 12-20K reward for bonus mission completion, before vendoring the trash, and not inclusive of the alliance crate contents (vendorable BoL orange armor recycling old models and high-grade companion gifts). You can only do each heroic once per week, but there's a LOT of heroics. If you group, everyone in the group gets an additional award every time each member of the group completes a bonus task, equivalent to the bonus task completion reward. I think the reward is somewhat better than dailies, for time invested about the same as a daily+weekly run at, say, BH or CZ-198. The scale is very dependent on which heroics you run - the starter or capital planet heroics are "faster" (in most cases) than the Ch3 planets. This is complicated by some heroics being open-world with low respawn rates (Pub Taris is awful for the heroics set in the bonus series area, and a couple of coruscant heroics it's not worth the time spent waiting around for respawn to do the bonus missions). There's a lot of variables, but I basically stopped doing dailies except where I need rep, even on characters that haven't started KotFE yet - I turn at least 200K a character, maybe more, each week, and I don't do many more than half the available heroics (usually only do Taris, Coruscant, some of NS, and the two fast ones on Alderaan on my Pubs, though I recently started doing Hoth as well. The imp ones I haven't been doing, since I only recently got a 60+ character there. I find the Imp heroics to be somewhat more tedious than the pub ones). And you do get the stash of crates for if/when you ever do have a concept to run KotFE on. (The crates are absolutely unusable unless you finish Ch9 of KotFE, and I don't think they can be vendored. They're BoL, so they can't be sold on GTN).

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they could put a limit on total credits a player can have. that would hit the gold sellers hard. or they could start tracking large lump sum transfers and catch them that way. or they could go after bots, but that seems to be too much trouble considering hom many sit on ord mantel and hutta for weeks on end


Oh, I agree, they should start with actually enforcing the existing rules first.


If the US federal government can require all bank transactions of $10k or more to be reported, then Bioware can internally monitor all transactions over a certain number of credits, since they control the code of the game that it all takes place in.


They should also have someone who lurks in the various fleets randomly, and just notes anyone spamming gold sales, flags the account for investigation, and then squelches it.

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How about a graduated sales tax on the GTN, so that the highest prices took a much bigger hit?


Or would that just price more people out of the market while the "whales" would just throw more credits at stuff?



Too fiddly, and more likely to drive people into the /trade channels for high-credit sales. Also too obvious.

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Too fiddly, and more likely to drive people into the /trade channels for high-credit sales. Also too obvious.


Why not tax brackets that deduct total credits every 2 months from everyone? 20 percent of that tax could then go into a lottery like system where all Sub can participate and have a chance at acquiring a good amount of wealth. That would balance the economy and people wouldn't be stupid enough to yell nerf nerf nerf!!!

Edited by squirrelballz
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op is dead wrong.

Since when is less than 10K the same amount as doing a daily let alone a weekly heroic?

Don't be making claims that the slicing nodes on Zakuul are broken.

They don't even come close as the 30K plus when SOR was released and the Rishi and Yavin 4 boxes were ungodly.

Heck, they are hardly dropping any 530 mission discoveries.

I've received two (2) so far.

Don't ask for something to be fixed in game when it isn't broken.

The Devs need to get the operations and their bosses fixed ASAP, not waste time on an Oscar Meyer bologna claim of the slicing nodes being broke on Zakuul.

And if you're getting more than 6k on a node, maybe they should check you out because you're a mad hacker.

As a matter of fact, I'll bring ten of my girls to Zakuul and hunt those boxes down for you and give you exact locations of said "broken" slicing nodes giving out big credits.

Next please.

Edited by IslanderRebel
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:] This node gives me too much credits. I demand taxation!



I don't want any nerf ever for anything I don't trust BW but if the greedy 1 percent doesn't want anyone else to accumulate wealth then I want them to be taxed to kingdom come so they can get a taste of what a balanced economy feels like. :)

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rare high level mats is a fine example. when their market dominance was challenged, the gtn whales screamed and got it restored. crafting in and of itself does not cause inflation, it allows a few people to gather an inordinate amount of wealth which does cause inflation.added to the devs psychotic drop rate of good items and the large pools of wealth become obvious. It isnt about what is 'needed" onc e you restrict a large percentage of your customers to the barf ugly fingerpainted models that they can afford and reserve anything that looks good to the gtn whales, the appeal of the game will lessen for all these new players that are supposedly flooding in. I have been here since day 1, I have all the nice shinies that I want(arbiters saber is butt ugly IMO) Listening to some of the people I got to try the game, they understand that they will probably never get a chance at a lot of the cool shinies in the game.

So you ARE talking about the expensive cosmetics.


As you pointed out, many of the absurdly expensive stuff is not terribly aesthetic -- it's prices are high because it's rare and "popular". There's plenty of "cool shinies" in a less expensive range.


Also, if you're talking about the brand new player with nary a credit to their name just starting the game for the first time -- of course the "cool shinies" are going to be out of their reach at first. Luckily, this is an alt-friendly game -- their next class story character will be much better dressed :cool:


As I mentioned earlier, I made a new toon on a new server with no legacy and no alts with money. By the time I finished my class stories (approx 20 hours later) I had 2 million credits. This from taking 3 gathering skills, selling everything I gathered, along with doing some heroics (gear and credits). If I wanted, I could have spent a bit more time doing some dailies or weeklies or some such and quickly pushed that to 4 million.


Anyone that cannot put together a really nice looking outfit for a toon with 4 million credits has no creativity whatsoever and is simply chasing the super-rare fad gear.

and to a previous poster, you cant use heroic tp while leveling, many quests require you to use your ship. the quest wont advance unless you fly there.

Not sure what a "Heroic TP" is. Are you talking about the weekly heroics? The ones that you can fast travel to with the big terminal on the fleet? That don't require you to fly anywhere?

Edited by Khevar
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Why not tax brackets that deduct total credits every 2 months from everyone? 20 percent of that tax could then go into a lottery like system where all Sub can participate and have a chance at acquiring a good amount of wealth.


Um... random redistribution and a punitive credit balance cap... you'd really have to make a good case for that.

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Um... random redistribution and a punitive credit balance cap... you'd really have to make a good case for that.


I don't care for the lottery idea but since BW has a fetish for RNG thought I'd include it in there heck they can even make money off of it by requiring lotto tickets to be purchased from the cartel market. Though if people wanna scream nerf and balance the economy well then implement tax brackets and then the wealthier you are the harder you get hit with taxes. If people don't like tax brackets then they need to learn to live with the economy and new credits being introduced and again if they want balance easiest way to flush credits is a tax system I guarantee these same imbeciles will stop yelling nerf then. :)


Edit: BW DOESN'T KNOW BALANCE just look at the slot machine debacle, STOP ASKING FOR NERFS!!!



Edited by squirrelballz
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So you ARE talking about the expensive cosmetics.


As you pointed out, many of the absurdly expensive stuff is not terribly aesthetic -- it's prices are high because it's rare and "popular". There's plenty of "cool shinies" in a less expensive range.


Also, if you're talking about the brand new player with nary a credit to their name just starting the game for the first time -- of course the "cool shinies" are going to be out of their reach at first. Luckily, this is an alt-friendly game -- their next class story character will be much better dressed :cool:


As I mentioned earlier, I made a new toon on a new server with no legacy and no alts with money. By the time I finished my class stories (approx 20 hours later) I had 2 million credits. This from taking 3 gathering skills, selling everything I gathered, along with doing some heroics (gear and credits). If I wanted, I could have spent a bit more time doing some dailies or weeklies or some such and quickly pushed that to 4 million.


Anyone that cannot put together a really nice looking outfit for a toon with 4 million credits has no creativity whatsoever and is simply chasing the super-rare fad gear.


Not sure what a "Heroic TP" is. Are you talking about the weekly heroics? The ones that you can fast travel to with the big terminal on the fleet? That don't require you to fly anywhere?


he was saying you didnt have to pay to fly to the planets, us the heroic tp. I was pointing out that wont work, the mission advance requires you to use the ship. its annoying because the htp is a real tiime saver.


if the cosmetic items are so unimportant(looking at things like orbital kilto and mounts) then the devs should quit making them and use those resources to beef up the actual game. I love when people with everything tell new players what they dont need . if they have to play a plain jane game, maybe they will go play a game that lets them participate in the whole game. bad idea from the devs perspective

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if the cosmetic items are so unimportant(looking at things like orbital kilto and mounts) then the devs should quit making them and use those resources to beef up the actual game. I love when people with everything tell new players what they dont need . if they have to play a plain jane game, maybe they will go play a game that lets them participate in the whole game. bad idea from the devs perspective

Way to take what I said "good cosmetics can be found that are affordable" and turn it into "players don't need good cosmetics"


This is a classic "Straw Man" argument. You can't refute what I actually said, so you twist it around and make it seem like I said something ELSE, then argue against THAT.




Explain to me:

What it is you think players NEED that they cannot have without a modicum of time spent playing the game?

Edited by Khevar
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Unfortunately none of my slicing-able chars is ready for Yavin 4, level-wise ... :(

In the end, there'll be a few whales who have profited from that, but the majority has not. :(



Sorry you had to find out from a non-guildie Alrik, but your character(s) do not need to be so-called same level as the planet's nodes.

You just won't get as much if you were at level or above.

Also, you should go up at least 4 levels if you are underleveled and collect the nodes.

At least that's how many levels my characters have been getting until they get close to cap.

I've leveled up 5 characters from level 1 slicing, scavenging and archaeology on yavin 4 all the way to 550.

So farm away with them low levels now. ;)

Edited by IslanderRebel
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To the thread starter, have you taking into account, the intelligence of these developers. Do you have any idea what a nerf could mean? Remember the complaint "companions are too OP, and the fix that made them useless, remember the slot machine, and the fix that made them useless. This is not an insult and should not be taking as one, but the devs here, have no common sense, period...none. They will fix the drop rate, and screw up up everything else.:mad::mad:
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What they need for bots is something similar to squelching.


Players X and Y notice bots farming on Ord Mantell or some other starter planet, and submit a specialized botting complaint. An automated system starts tracking these characters after a certain threshold of complaints have been reached. If the system detects telltale signs of botting like multiple characters synced together and following the same routine repeatedly, or using hacks like teleporting through the terrain, it then auto flags them permanently for PVP and allows players to loot corpses, obtaining not only the credits on hand but any credits in bank accounts as well. Accounts would still be locked/deleted after reviewed by a CSR, but in the meantime players had their shot at them.


The credits would still be in circulation, but it would provide a large incentive for players to hunt botters themselves and make gold farming more difficult and less lucrative. Make bounty hunting botters a Conquest goal as well.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Has there actually been inflation on the GTN; at least for stuff that doesn't come out of packs? I don't regularly buy or sell anything, so I don't keep track. And if so, is it because of more creds from slicing, or because of removal of small required credit sinks to be replaced by large optional credit sinks? (Training costs vs Strongholds)
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What they need for bots is something similar to squelching.


Players X and Y notice bots farming on Ord Mantell or some other starter planet, and submit a specialized botting complaint. An automated system starts tracking these characters after a certain threshold of complaints have been reached. If the system detects telltale signs of botting like multiple characters synced together and following the same routine repeatedly, or using hacks like teleporting through the terrain, it then auto flags them permanently for PVP and allows players to loot corpses, obtaining not only the credits on hand but any credits in bank accounts as well. Accounts would still be locked/deleted after reviewed by a CSR, but in the meantime players had their shot at them.


The credits would still be in circulation, but it would provide a large incentive for players to hunt botters themselves and make gold farming more difficult and less lucrative. Make bounty hunting botters a Conquest goal as well.


Its definitely a problem. If the credit boxes didn't give so much they wouldn't be farming them in droves on lower level planets too.

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In my opinion there is no reason at all for slicing nodes to even give pure credits. Keep large amounts of credits to more complex activities(dailies, weeklies, flashpoints, etc) Having something simple like slicing nodes giving a lot of credits just helps and encourages bots/credit sellers.
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In my opinion there is no reason at all for slicing nodes to even give pure credits. Keep large amounts of credits to more complex activities(dailies, weeklies, flashpoints, etc) Having something simple like slicing nodes giving a lot of credits just helps and encourages bots/credit sellers.


I agree - I often wondered why there was one crew skill that allowed you make pure credits without any extra work unlike all the other crew skills ( i.e. having to actually sell your result ).

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