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My $15 is for 80+ hours of raiding, not 2 hours of Story. /signed

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While it was your fault and they aren't obligated to help, Its been my understanding that these things tend to vary from CSR to CSR. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't.


Please remember that it's also possible that this was a change in policy dating back to pre-KOTFE. Back then there was an exploit where people would abuse CSR generosity to get 204 mainhands from the monolith. Bioware may have instituted a more strict policy, or maybe you just had a more strict CSR.


Consider making a new ticket; it may help.


There have been exploits of that nature dating back to at least Nightmare DF, where people would request a replacement barrel for their offhand and so on. it's a common thing and I imagine he just got unlucky with the rep

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Late entry but better late than never. I am GM in my guild and we have since a long time back been heavily focused on raiding, this is what our members primarily want and also what I want to do, it's social and fun to take on greater challenges in a group. Unfortunately due to the lack of any new raiding content me and our raid group members are now looking around to play another game.


The story content is good but not enough; bugs, instabilities, poor performance, bad communication and lack of new challenging raids and content have made our team feel nothing but frustration with the game.


Bioware, we know you can deliver great and challenging operations and content, please continue doing that!


We all love SWTOR, or want to love it but enough is enough.

Edited by TehBerch
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I honestly understand that raiding is too stronk for a lot of people. I think having more tiers is probably the answer, not focusing too much on story.


An easy way to do this is to have 4 levels built around 2 difference sets of mechanics. Story Mode - Easy, Story Mode - Medium, Hard Mode - Strong, Hard Mode - Nightmare. I hate to admit this, but given how bad some people appear to be (e.g. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=864692), I think the current versions of operations for TOS/Rav align to Story Mode - Medium and Hard Mode - Strong.

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I also unsubbed. Since the game has no more raids to do since I have cleared everything in the game, there really is no point. Black Desert Online is a way better MMO. I'm going there. BDO has more content to do during the laucnh of it's game than SWTOR has in it's 5+ years. It's quite pathetic.

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I also unsubbed. Since the game has no more raids to do since I have cleared everything in the game, there really is no point.


Sometimes, I'm actually glad that I'm such a slow player. I didn't do Revan's OP and the Ravagers as well until now.

And I'm not sure when I'll do them. Any time I read about them I get the impression that I'm far too undergeared and far too bad for that (even after doing Ziost).

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Bioware is following Sony Online Entertainment's footsteps.


Dumbed down solo game for a simple minded casual player base.


I've been saying it for 2 years yet my warnings went either unnoticed or trolled. Everything I predicted has come true. I've watched this movie before and it doesn't have a happy ending for the majority of the community. Be that PvE Raiders or PvP elitist.


It's all about the cash shop and quick short strokes for single serving friends. We aren't children, stop creating short weekend cartoon content. We are adults and want long term satisfaction and entertainment.

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sub since early access - been watching them kill this game and ignore the players who love it for years now


I sign but I know they don't care - I know they're not reading this: they're entrenched - they're in a deep bunker of stupidity cooking up the next cutscene+kill-ten-mobs for us all to be completely underwhelmed by.


I know I should stop subbing like those prog raider guys did ages ago - they were right. I stay because I love the game and like an idiot I hope it'll get better. I hope we'll see a regime change, and get some devs in who love the game.


But it's getting boring and depressing and I'm playing other stuff more and more.


These are dark days for the SWTOR raiding community. We've basically been told we don't matter.

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