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My $15 is for 80+ hours of raiding, not 2 hours of Story. /signed

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I don't play this game for biowang fan boys who have their noses up dev's asses and sugar coat the games horrible fkn failures patch, after patch.


Don't give us new raid content?

Fine, I played wow I'm used to that garbage, I'm kind of ok with it, but the least you could do, is make the current re-hashed content work the way its supposed to.

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I don't really care about raiding content, but that's just me. I think there's probably room for debate about just how social raiding really is, but it all comes down to semantics, preferences, and individual experiences.


I do question a move to WoW if what you're looking for is an energized raiding group. Until their xpac drops, I'm guessing it'll be a little dead on that front.

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I'll do and enjoy the story, but it's more of a hook; it's what got me to show up in the first place way back when, and it's what will get new players to come. But you need something substantial to keep people playing. For me, and for many others I play with, it's the raiding that's keeping us here.


The past couple years have been a series of overcorrections. Unless we're just in the planned obsolescence phase, we need a more balanced approach: some story to hook people, and some group content to keep them here.

Edited by cxten
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You all realize they bumped the fix date up to 4.2, right?


Not guaranteed. But this is also about just lack of concern over ops as a whole. The thread title is an excellent summary of how the ops community feels.

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Whilst I agree with the sentiment here fully I do think just posting "signed" is ludicrous to effecting change.


Vote with your wallet and stop paying not you forum post else as long as they hit sales targets under this model they'll continue with this model. It's easy mode development for them.

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Whilst I agree with the sentiment here fully I do think just posting "signed" is ludicrous to effecting change.


Vote with your wallet and stop paying not you forum post else as long as they hit sales targets under this model they'll continue with this model. It's easy mode development for them.


Actually I disagree. Especially recently, I've noticed BW starting to pay attention to the forums to try to figure out where outrage is coming from for certain things. PVP maps, the fix on operations being moved up, the crafting skills get fixed quickly, the NiM loot issue. And I think a big part of that is the progression works as follows: upset about decision->post on forums->don't receive response from BW about concern->leave. And while BW is obviously still making money, they may have realized they aren't making as much as they could (and we will see if they change the next Cartel packs to reflect that outrage as well) if they were a little more responsive to concerns, and try to address them before people leave instead of after.



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As someone who also played WoW, my advice is to find another MMO to switch to when you want to make the jump. The raiding scene over there is terrible due to an 8 month content drought (likely to be a year or more by the time the xpac lands.)


You might want to wait until the expac drops before moving to WoW. Though keep in mind:


Their expansions cost 50 dollars vs. $20 for SWTOR's expansions that include raids (KotFE is free but doesnt include raids).


Their expansions have a minimum of 30 raid bosses over the life of the expac. SWTOR's have a minimum of 10.


Warcraft has 4 modes to do the same content. SWTOR has 2 or 3 depending on the raid, BUT the first two difficulty modes of WoW are easier than SM operations.


You raid with 9-29 people in WoW. You raid with 7-15 other people in SWTOR.


Make an informed decision!

Edited by Crossward
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This game is taking the "single player" path, any new content is focused on the story, ok, maybe someone care about the story, but most of us like to see new PvE (Not play with your companion, that is not PvE) and PvP content here, is a long time now that we don't see anything like that, it starts to get ridiculous, really, you can't focus on releasing story and companions for 12 months and planning to do it for the next [insert here a number of year], this is a MMORPG or i'm wrong? meh, new content is just single player trash imho :rolleyes:


Also we need real QoL improvements, like Cross-Server for PvP and PvE, mixed team is a good thing i think (republic that play with empire), maybe expanding also in PvE will be productive for fix a bit the population problem, because sometime is really hard to start some operations, pvp, ranked, flashpoint or random content.


Last but not last, you just need to fix this stupid gear problem, each time you release a new level cap, you can't just let us trash our gear, this is stupid and insane, anyone that start playing need to earn the gear and evolve it, not just play 1 week for get a full gear when some people have spend hours for getting good gear, this is a major problem imho, a problem that afflict PvE AND PvP, just take a look at the evolving system of Blade and Souls, you need to evolve your weapon for example, you just don't get in the game at max level and you get the awesome gear instantly, ignoring the old gear like "what is that? trash!", but like "i need to do that content for take that gear before i can do the next [flashpoint or ops], this is just an example but most of my friends stopped playing [and paying offcourse] for this reason


/signed :mad:

Edited by kalakus_
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Well said. This game is going in the toilet and its really sad. My raid team has been a tight knit group since 2012. We aren't hardcore, by any means, and have generally raided about 4-6 hours per week and have cleared all HM content (and some Nightmare) while it was relevant content, generally getting fully geared and farming for alts a month or so before the content got refreshed.


Since 4.0, we struggle to field our whole team two nights per week. The reason is pretty simple; all the content in the game is on farm. Gear really doesn't matter, because its so easy to gear up its insane.


We've done all the content, so nothing exciting there. It is either boring because we've done it already or frustrating because we've done it already so why are we wiping on it again? Really, there's no winning.


What blows my mind is that people are okay to accept the "story content." The value for your money just isn't there any more.


My guild ran a Kaon Under Siege Hardmode. It took about 45 minutes from start to finish. It is easy enough, but there's the good amount of trash and a few bosses. Comparatively, doing the story content in each patch takes an hour. Put out a flashpoint in each patch and make it worth doing and it'll be more value for the players.


We were remembering the old days when we ran 5 flashpoints a week (3 randoms and the Rakghoul FPs) because you could get set piece gear from Flashpoints and comms could turn into 160 set piece armorings and decent gear that made you decent enough for HM Operations.


I'll stop being an old man player now.

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I play this game to do content with friends, and a part of the fun is doing something new and exciting, not the same raid I spent 5 months farming back in 2013.

I think it's fair to expect an endgame that gets attention, the current version isn't even repeatable, there's no reason to login at this point.

Silly cosmetics like helmets and jetpacks aren't enough to keep people subbed, at least the people that are gonna invest in the game and get their friends to play it, I can't see anyone playing this to play kotfe just cause their friend said so.

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Same story here as well. After playing this game since launch, through the good, bad, and now ugly, it's starting to really look like it's time to hang it up. The 3 guilds I participate in raiding with are all bleeding subs, or in one case, have ALL unsubbed due to stale raid content. When you have run the same raids for a year, it's tedious but still fun at times due to the social nature of raiding. When you have new raids to look forward to, it makes the drudge a bit more bearable, but it's now been 14 months with nothing new (and nothing in sight), and let's be honest, the majority of the content is WELL beyond 14 months in age. Not to mention the constant breaking of the most ridiculous and completely unrelated things in every patch, this time around the break in question being the only raid content we were left with. And the response on fixing said content was a cold, hard slap in the face. While most all of us can clear it regardless of the bugs, it's just another clear indicator that Bioware has given up on us. A lack of incentive in gearing and progression, when a casual player can deck himself out in 224 gear farming EV/KP hm's with a one button rotation, also didn't help the matter. I would love nothing more than to see something change, I just don't see it in the cards. My 6 month renewal of my sub is up in June, and unless something drastic changes between now and then (hell even an announcement would do), it will unfortunately be the last of it. Everything in the game is now faceroll other than NIM ops, and it's the same NIM ops we cleared years ago in progression.


It's painful that it's come to this, but they really haven't given us any other choice. It almost feels like they are driving us, us being the PVE social and progression raiding community, away with a purpose. Other than xp bonuses and maybe RP, is there even a reason for guilds anymore? While most of us had hoped that KOTFE would breath new life into the game, and show a new found effort on Bioware's part in improving the game, it's looking more like a tombstone and final resting place. The raiding, flashpoints, new storyline content, and even gearing have become so first person-centric, and so faceroll easy, that anyone other than the most casual of casual players would find any of it remotely challenging. It truly is a sad state of affairs, and declining at a very rapid pace.


Sincerely....and regretfully,


Edited by Lahandra
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I stayed subscribed to this game for the MMO aspects of it, including OPs, FPs, Warzones, and GSF. There is not enough focus on these areas of play to justify paying $15 a month anymore. The communication from the developers still appears ignorant and as a means to placate the community, rather than to properly inform us; and recent events have further solidified this impression. I enjoyed the KotFE story content once through, but I don't feel it had enough replay-ability to be considered a true expansion. I am already playing multiple other MMOs that have smaller reported earnings, yet have faster updates and bug fixes than SWTOR provides. This shows me that most other MMO developers are more invested in their games, and better at allocating the money I put into them to keep those games working and growing; and therefor more deserving of my money. I have put a lot of time into this game so far, and would be excited to be able to return if my concerns are properly addressed at some point in the future. Until then I have to cancel my subscription and move on to something better.


In Memory Of.

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I. Can't. Even.


Ticket: 23334001 Date Created: 02/07/2016

Status: Closed Last Modified: 02/23/2016


02/07/2016 - Character: Shen'kung

Server: The Shadowlands




I forgot that I already won an Ultimate Exarch Combat Medic's Boots earlier this week and exchanged a new Unassembled Ultimate Exarch Boots Token in for the same item and pulled the mods out before noticing. I put the mods back into it and left it in slot 1 of my inventory, I would really appreciate it if you could exchange it for the token again so I can get something else out of it.





Dear Marc,


Thank you for contacting Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service. I have responded to your query in-game and, for your convenience I have included a summary of the response below in case you are unable to access the in-game mail at the moment. Please note – at times, cases and responses from Customer Support may appear blank in the in-game help portal. If you have accessed your case and are unable to see a response from us, please respond to this mail and myself or a colleague will respond as soon as possible.


My name is Lance and I'm the agent that is (finally!) taking a look at your in game ticket.

I want to apologize for how long it took to get back to you. With the new expansion our queue has gone

a little crazy compared to normal. I really do appreciate your patience while we work to catch back up with everything.


Unfortunately we are unable to help out in situations like this. All I can advise is to be mindful of your purchases going forward. Spending an extra minute or so double checking can save you a weeks worth of work or more trying to rectify it.


To check back on any details of the case, you can do so at any time by logging into the game on any of your characters and opening the Help Centre. All cases you have submitted will be listed in the Request Help section, alongside the response from us. All cases are set to resolved once a response has been sent however if you would like to discuss this case further, you can do so by replying to this email or creating a new case in-game.


As always, at BioWare and EA, we strive to provide you with the world's best customer experience for the world's best games. We're always interested in hearing back from you, the player, about your experience with our Game Advisors so that we can improve our service to you.


We would appreciate it if you could take the time to fill out a short survey about your most recent support experience with us. We would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have as we're committed to making sure you always have a personal and positive connection to our game, our people, and our community.


Please click here to begin: https://www.research...c=A0-U423334001


Thank you for playing Star Wars: The Old Republic.






So even though I've had them refund this same type of mistake before, and seen many other people have their tokens refunded, there's nothing they can do but lecture me on it? After taking over 2 weeks to respond, then blaming it on the release of 4.0, which has been out for 4 months now including through the 1st of the year when it's easier to hire more people to handle these types of things... I'm completely done with any EA or BioWare merchandise. I've gone from disappointment to just plain **** you. There is literally nothing they are doing right with this game anymore, and I'm passed the point of hoping for it to get better, because it's not, and I'm mad at myself that it took this long for me to accept that.

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I. Can't. Even.






So even though I've had them refund this same type of mistake before, and seen many other people have their tokens refunded, there's nothing they can do but lecture me on it? After taking over 2 weeks to respond, then blaming it on the release of 4.0, which has been out for 4 months now including through the 1st of the year when it's easier to hire more people to handle these types of things... I'm completely done with any EA or BioWare merchandise. I've gone from disappointment to just plain **** you. There is literally nothing they are doing right with this game anymore, and I'm passed the point of hoping for it to get better, because it's not, and I'm mad at myself that it took this long for me to accept that.



Been there man..... Have had them refund two such tokens for me over the past couple years. I guess I'm unfortunately not that shocked that they are so short handed at this point that they don't have anyone left on staff that is capable or experienced enough to accomplish this. Sorry about your issue. Considering the breaking of such random and unrelated things in patches lately, it appears whoever is actually still keeping the lights on for this game, isn't aware of how to screw in a new light bulb.

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While it was your fault and they aren't obligated to help, Its been my understanding that these things tend to vary from CSR to CSR. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't.


Please remember that it's also possible that this was a change in policy dating back to pre-KOTFE. Back then there was an exploit where people would abuse CSR generosity to get 204 mainhands from the monolith. Bioware may have instituted a more strict policy, or maybe you just had a more strict CSR.


Consider making a new ticket; it may help.

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