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Why is the support for this game so terrible?


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No they don't.


This game is centered in Austin. Austin has a low cost of living and has a huge population of students who would love to make close to minimum wage as an intern doing support.


He said good support teams. The underpaid student interns are probably what is in use as support team right now.

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Why is the customer support for SWTOR so terrible?


The only complaint I have regarding customer support is their slow response time to in-game tickets and emails. It takes customer support days to respond to in-game tickets, and literally weeks to respond to emails. Very, very unimpressive.


However, my experience with customer support once I was able to actually communicate with a human being was positive. Even had to call them on the phone once to change my security key and that went really well.


That said, the community forum support is pretty horrible, especially the moderation within threads. So, in my experience, it's been a mixed bag.

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I submitted an in-game support ticket not that long ago to request an item restoration for a stronghold decoration that I accidentally added to my stronghold inventory as I was trying to trade it to someone. I specifically asked if they would restore the decoration in question to my inventory and reduce the decoration count by one. Here's the response I received approximately two weeks later (the relevant part is bolded):




Thank you for contacting us.


Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to process your request as we do not offer the service you have requested.


Currently we are not able to assist with:


- Name changes (must be purchased through the Cartel Market)

- Faction or Class change

- Server transfers (paid server transfer is available on your account management page on http://www.swtor.com/)

- Server transfers between regions, i.e. US to EU or EU to US

- Un-binding of items (from Cartel Packs, Missions or Vendors)

- Trades between players, where one account is a Free To Play account

- In-game mail sent to incorrect characters in error

- Adjustments to character appearance (must be purchased through the apperance designer at the Cartel Bazaar)

- Abandoned missions

- The Public Test Server (Please post in http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=308 for help)

- Merging of accounts or transfers of characters between accounts


If you requested a different service not listed above, but received this response, please consider it to be a service we do not provide at the moment.


While we understand the frustration this may cause, we would like to assure you that we are doing our utmost to ensure that our players have the best possible game play experience. As such, requests of this type are something that we are monitoring and may potentially offer in the future.


Any new information will be communicated through our official forums, found here:



Thank you for your patience and understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you require further assistance with this or any other issues, please do not hesitate to contact us again.




Protocol Droid M0-T0

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service



Essentially, Bioware has stopped doing item restorations, which is probably one of the most important services provided in any MMO. Their customer support was already pretty bad by industry standards as the OP already noted, but this brings it to a new low. What it says to me is that they are no longer providing in-game support that is time/resource intensive in an effort to reduce resources and save money. It was obviously a business decision aimed at their bottom line, but it's been my experience in the 20 years I've been playing MMOs that when a company starts cutting critical services, it starts a downward spiral toward going out of business. Customers generally won't stick around when legitimate issues can't or won't be addressed, and as the revenue continues to dwindle, they'll pass the financial viability threshold of no longer being able to sustain the cost of the product, in this case, the game.


tl;dr version: The reduction in the already inadequate in-game support bodes ill for the game.

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