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Unstable Arbiters Lightsaber/Staff


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I hooe they will never add it to cartel market. I got this saber by purchasing 1 pack I could allow myself with my CC amount, and got this saber :D

Ha-ha feel myself so special now:

-yeap, only true coolbro like me should have it

-but I want to look cool too [cry]

-get out of here! I'm the best here! [slap]


But really they coukd add it to CM after a year or more, like Ziost saber. But doing it anytime soon would be kinda nit cool, since ppl whk bought it for 30-50 mills, or wasted tonn of CC to get will be very upset that others can just take it for 500cc.


So, no! :p

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But doing it anytime soon would be kinda nit cool, since ppl whk bought it for 30-50 mills, or wasted tonn of CC to get will be very upset that others can just take it for 500cc.


So, no! :p


Nobody twisted their arm to drop all that coin on a lightsaber with such a fugly hilt. :p

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I hooe they will never add it to cartel market. I got this saber by purchasing 1 pack I could allow myself with my CC amount, and got this saber :D

Ha-ha feel myself so special now:

-yeap, only true coolbro like me should have it

-but I want to look cool too [cry]

-get out of here! I'm the best here! [slap]


But really they coukd add it to CM after a year or more, like Ziost saber. But doing it anytime soon would be kinda nit cool, since ppl whk bought it for 30-50 mills, or wasted tonn of CC to get will be very upset that others can just take it for 500cc.


So, no! :p


;] I've wasted a ton of CC myself and still didn't get it. So that point is sort of moot.


Regardless there's nothing special about getting the saber from the pack, it doesn't make your account super shiny - you were just extremely lucky.

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Forgetting the economics of the matter, I rather like the low drop rate.


It's preventing everyone and their mother from running around with these sabers. Because, quite frankly, they make these sabers easier to get, then at least half of the saber using players will have it.


It's better, aesthetically, the way it is.

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I OPENED ALMOST 200-300 GOOD AM PACKS! AND I GOT ALL ITEMS EVEN THE COMP BUT NOT A SINGLE SABER! (not even the dubble saber wich i dotn even want) luckely i got a nice friend willing to sell me for lower price! dam bw and their money grasping packs! not to mention the stupid chance cubes. got hundreds of them and ONLY good item i got from em was a black/white color crystal!



im not saying the pack was bad etc cus i got lots of cool stuff but for real guys... 300packs and no saber... thats robery even for bioware... and yes i know its no garantee but still!



and u know i cant resist yout shiny beutifull packs. and this time u exploited it >:C

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well they usually put stuff thats in crates. on the market. anyway.. just takes longer. they just did it with the Jedi temple guardian armor.. and the zakulian saber, tons of stuff that is pack exclusive makes it to direct buy. sorry to say, but its just how it is. were just sayin SPEED IT UP, i also believe it will drop in price soon... cause it has only been out 3 days and there are 3 pages of them on the GTN.. for freakin 50 to 100 mil.. its already going down ive seen a couple for 20 mil, within a week or week . 5 it will be down to 10 mil


not on progenitor it wont ;P

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I was one of the lucky few who bought one Supercrate and had one drop. Hooray! I was so excited! Then I made the mistake of equipping it.


Lets just say that after about two hours of gaming, I started to miss my Gray Helix. The Arbiter's Hilt is ugly, the blade ( although well animated ) is far too thin, and the sound it makes is just annoying. So, yes, I returned to my Helix.


To those who are grinding out 40 or 50 mill for this thing... I hope it meets your expectations. I was sorely disappointed. :(

Edited by -PassingStar-
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Pretty sure it's been said multiple times but can not stress enough:


If you want the anarchist set or sabers DO NOT WASTE MONEY on these packs.


I love the cartel, I'm a sucker for any of that aesthetic in game stuff, and I don't mind throwing spare money down on these kinds of things. That said, over 200 packs not one saber, only 3 boxes for the anarchist set (two upper, one supplemental), ENTIRELY stupid chance cubes with about 90% bronze items that have no resell value, functionality, or appeal. Most packs contain one or two of these cubes, a companion gift, and a decoration or crystal that has little to no resell value.


For comparison, you could get four year's subscription at full price for the cost of *maybe* getting one of the sabers. The rarity of the cubes needs to be lowered substantially or the standard of their drops raised, they are the main issue this pack fails worse than any other pack to be released on the market to date. The money dropped wasn't the issue here for me, and of course no one made me get more packs, but I've never been so dissatisfied with the cartel market.


Tl;Dr DO NOT buy these packs. Save your coins to get items that will sell or trade at the value of the sabers or armor sets and get them from other players or wait for them to inevitably throw it on the market due to its high demand

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You argument was so imbecilic it made me sigh. I don't want it for cheap, I want it to be in the range of obtainable within reason. It's not about difficulty, it's not about me not wanting to spend 100 million credits on a lightsaber. It's the fact the drop rate is so horrific due to the new system that it's simply unbelievable. Multiple packs opened to find no item from the newest pack itself and you think this is all 'WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I want things for cheap' get a clue.



And for the record, NiM mounts cost less than this lightsaber does right now, food for thought.


NiM mounts actually cost more now. The cheapest I seen is 70 million. Part of the reason prices are so high is due to inflation and the rarity. The NiM mount wing boss was a lot easier prior tot 4.0, which is why guilds sold the mount for 20 mill. However, now the still remaining NiM guilds that are willing to sell the wing mount charge between 70-100 mil. I actually have no problem with the cost of the saber. I check all the servers and the saber generally sales for 40-55 million. Like most I bought some hypercrates and didn't get the lightsaber and now I'm saving my credits for the lightsaber. Maybe I will buy more hypercrates. I use most of the items, except the majority of weapons I discard. Selling bronze weapons on the gtn for 1k-5k isn't worth the time posting on the gtn.

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This sounds like:




I can't have what I want for cheap. BW, you OWE me. You HAVE to allow me to buy EXACTLY what I want, for CHEAP. "


Before you start throwing any accusations around, I have bought NO crates or packs, so I do not have a saber up for sale on the GTN.


Guess what? Rare is rare sometimes. Sometimes, things are more expensive to obtain, or harder to obtain than we would like, but that is reality. The fact that this is a game means NOTHING. The same principles apply.




That is your opinion. That opinion may not be shared by all players.


If you want that saber, then it would seem obvious what you have to do in order to obtain it.


Credits are easy to be had. Maybe it is time to start farming.



So this guys troll attempt was a valiant one but to reiterate one more time for people--especially if you don't understand how customer satisfaction or how the exchange of goods is supposed to work as seen above--the value you get in return is remarkably low for what you put in. Any time you put actual money into digital items is going to be a loss at face value, but the bulk of items you will receive from the new packs do not have high credit or trade value to compensate. As another person stated, twelve crates did not yield one saber and that seems to be the common result.


If you have enough free time to farm 50-100mil for the saber, by all means it will spare you a lot of money if you'd rather put in the time. If you are busy with work and family, are otherwise occupied with your free time, or play casually, put the money or existing coins into items that can help you meet the GTN value of the sabers.

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So this guys troll attempt was a valiant one but to reiterate one more time for people--especially if you don't understand how customer satisfaction or how the exchange of goods is supposed to work as seen above--the value you get in return is remarkably low for what you put in. Any time you put actual money into digital items is going to be a loss at face value, but the bulk of items you will receive from the new packs do not have high credit or trade value to compensate. As another person stated, twelve crates did not yield one saber and that seems to be the common result.


If you have enough free time to farm 50-100mil for the saber, by all means it will spare you a lot of money if you'd rather put in the time. If you are busy with work and family, are otherwise occupied with your free time, or play casually, put the money or existing coins into items that can help you meet the GTN value of the sabers.


By now, it should be WELL KNOWN that the packs are nothing but "gambling packs". It also should be well known that some items are far rarer than others. Even some gold items have far lower drop rates than other gold items. It has been this way from the very first pack available.


It has also been stated MANY times on these forums that if you want a specific item, the best way to get it is NOT to buy packs and open them HOPING to hit the "jackpot". If you are going to spend CC's on those packs, the best way to get that new shiny that you want is to SELL those unopened packs on the GTN and then use the credits to buy that new shiny via the GTN.


What we have here is a lot of people who CHOSE to spend a lot of CC's and then OPEN the packs HOPING to hit the "jackpot", but ultimately being unsuccessful. Now many of those people are suffering from buyer's remorse and crying "foul" and demanding refunds or that the new shiny they want be made available for direct purchase or whatever else they feel would let them have that new shiny.

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I opened up 360 packs -- 12 Hypercrates -- and didn't get a single saber. I'd say the drop rate is laughably low. It's utter rubbish.
^^AGREED^^ I personal will never buy another pack because of this idiotic ideal some 13 year old developer came up with:mad: And I use to buy them on a normal basis because you at least had a chance of getting what the pack advertises :rolleyes:
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These sabers were hyped to all heck and back, and yet made near enough unobtainable with their ludicrously low drop rate from the newest packs. It’s insane how Bioware thinks this is acceptable. It's a dirty grasp for cash, yet I know this won’t change, hence me putting forward the option for these two sabers to be bought DIRECTLY from the cartel market without having to purchase the wild rodeo which is the newest pack.


If anything but for a small period of time until you actually fix the horrific rate of the chance cubes which is stumping most if not all individuals who are buying this pack only to find 60%+ drops are chance cubes. Who thought this was a good idea? An acceptable business plan?


At least with the sabers being obtainable through the CM you’ll get your cash and people will get the item they desire. If they want the crate they can simply buy it – but let’s face it… who wants ‘that crate’ with everything that has been revealed about it?


TL;DR Put the Unstable Arbiters sabers directly into the CM.


So tired of this saber crying,you guys are really getting crazy on it. You haven't got your lightsaber and you came to cry here?I don't even care which saber my characters have and you guys need to understand that this game is carrying on only thanks for cartel market sales. This game is just a business now and these new cube idea was implemented to force players to spend more money for new stuff. If you don't like it - boycot it or leave but stop making this sloppy threads about your bad luck.

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So tired of this saber crying,you guys are really getting crazy on it. You haven't got your lightsaber and you came to cry here?I don't even care which saber my characters have and you guys need to understand that this game is carrying on only thanks for cartel market sales. This game is just a business now and these new cube idea was implemented to force players to spend more money for new stuff. If you don't like it - boycot it or leave but stop making this sloppy threads about your bad luck.


Nice. If you actually read the thread you will find I don't like the saber, nor do I desire it myself. My friend however did, thankfully we pooled our cash together and raised enough funds for him to purchase the item.


Crying, no? This suggestion still stands its ground due to how many people desire this item to be a direct purchase. Boycott the CM, we already have - money talks. Leave, no. We enjoy this game, we do not however enjoy the new pack mechanics or the chance cubes that hinder drop rates.


Go troll somewhere else, or better yet educate yourself before making such a 'cry baby' claim.

Edited by StarkHelsing
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So tired of this saber crying,you guys are really getting crazy on it. You haven't got your lightsaber and you came to cry here?I don't even care which saber my characters have and you guys need to understand that this game is carrying on only thanks for cartel market sales. This game is just a business now and these new cube idea was implemented to force players to spend more money for new stuff. If you don't like it - boycot it or leave but stop making this sloppy threads about your bad luck.


If the problems people have with a cartel market item and their suggestions for resolving the problem is something you don't want to read then perhaps the "Cartel Market Suggestions" forum isn't the best place for you.


The funny thing is, if you are correct that the chance cubes are purely an effort to get people to spend more money (and not, for example a direct result of fewer man-hours to use on creating CM content leading to no longer creating bronze level items) then the solution presented would be a fantastic solution for EA/BW. It would require people either having CC to purchase it directly from the CM or them spending money for more CC, many players of which had already spent money on the packs/crates.

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IDK about anyone else, but every time I group with people or fight against them in WZ, I'm not looking to see a few pixels variation in their lightsabre, sabrestaff, blaster or rifle. - And also in 4 years of playing the game I think I've had 1 whisper asking what weapon it is I'm using. - showing that it's all just fluff.


So what if it's long and knobbly instead of knobbly and thin?


50M or 100M doesn't buy you a BETTER lightsabre, just ANOTHER lightsabre.


But yeah, if you want it that bad, earn the credits and buy it. OR keep spending IRL cash on CCs - simples!

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IDK about anyone else, but every time I group with people or fight against them in WZ, I'm not looking to see a few pixels variation in their lightsabre, sabrestaff, blaster or rifle. - And also in 4 years of playing the game I think I've had 1 whisper asking what weapon it is I'm using. - showing that it's all just fluff.


So what if it's long and knobbly instead of knobbly and thin?


50M or 100M doesn't buy you a BETTER lightsabre, just ANOTHER lightsabre.


But yeah, if you want it that bad, earn the credits and buy it. OR keep spending IRL cash on CCs - simples!


I never gotten a complement about my lightsaber, but I have gotten many complements about my outfit. I get at least one whisper each week.

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