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The debate about needing for companions.....


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You know theres been a lot of argument on the forums about people needing for items for there companions and people calling them ninjas etc, I dont think anything could be further from the truth and heres why:


Companions are a major part of this game, this is not wow and you should not try and apply the same loot rules, companions are a great help to a player and as such should be treated in my opinion as another piece of gear when rolls come up, they are not controllable characters so none of this `well if there not taking part in the run they cant roll` thats stupid, your talking about a computer controlled npc.


However gearing them well does bring benefit to the player character I see needing as something only to be done if it benefits your character.....sorry but in this game that does include companions, if khem val in my case (as a sith inquisitor/sorcerer using him as a tank) is wearing better armor or using a better weapon for example he`ll stay alive longer/do more damage both of which help me and should be considered an upgrade that benefits my character in the same way as a piece of gear for the main character would.


So no this is not ninjaing and is just something players are going to have to get used to, This is not wow, you cannot apply the same greed/need rules here as companions are very much a major part of a players play style and as such should factor in the decision to need/greed an item, I couldn't care less if its for me or my companion an upgrade is an upgrade and if it helps me then ill need it simple as.



Edited by Thatcrazypenguin
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i agree 100%. If noone needs a item i will ask if it is ok to need for companion before doing so.


that's my point though, companions should not be considered AFTER players, an upgrade that helps a player is just that, be it on him/her or there companion, im saying companion gear should be considered just as highly as player gear when it comes to these need/greed rolls. it can help out just as much after all so why not?

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I agree with you that companions are much more than "pets" as some might say. They are a very big part of the leveling process and they really end up helping a lot. Though, I do think that they should not have loot priority over the player. A companion does only so much for you. Players do most of the damage, and quite honestly, aren't used where gear counts, which would be flashpoints and operations. While leveling it may not really matter as much, but it will when you're doing operations at 50. I can't really see companions being extremely useful outside of doing dailies. And even then, as your gear is progressing, I doubt you'll really need to pay as much attention or put as much urgency on them.


Bottom line: Need for players, greed for companions. Should be the same rules as rolling for off-specs.

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if ya need ya need, you gearing for two people not one in this game. playing a commando with Aric is great, but in times of stress im spending my time healing him and myself while he goes on the nuke path. he needs gear otherwise we are both dead, so he gets the gear. gives me more time to dps with him and keep us both alive, also gives ya the option to solo a lot more content when both of ya are geared up.
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if ya need ya need, you gearing for two people not one in this game. playing a commando with Aric is great, but in times of stress im spending my time healing him and myself while he goes on the nuke path. he needs gear otherwise we are both dead, so he gets the gear. gives me more time to dps with him and keep us both alive, also gives ya the option to solo a lot more content when both of ya are geared up.



Exactly, in a lot of cases gearing the companions up be it armor or weapons benefits the player greatly so I fail to see how people gearing for companions keep getting called ninjas for doing no more then giving themselves an upgrade which after all is the very point in needing. I think a lot of people are stuck in wow mode and see companions as some kind of secondary spec or something(which doesn't make sense as there alongside you all the time, hell without khem tanking for me id never survive some of the tougher fights ive been in as a wearer of light armor etc)

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that's my point though, companions should not be considered AFTER players, an upgrade that helps a player is just that, be it on him/her or there companion, im saying companion gear should be considered just as highly as player gear when it comes to these need/greed rolls. it can help out just as much after all so why not?

NO that is wrong.


It's fine to need if NO ONE ELSE NEEDS IT FOR THEMSELVES. However hitting NEED when someone actually NEEDS it is WRONG.



It is very selfish not to mention everyone gets companions and by YOUR logic EVERYONE should NEED on everything then.




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NO that is wrong.


It's fine to need if NO ONE ELSE NEEDS IT FOR THEMSELVES. However hitting NEED when someone actually NEEDS it is WRONG.



It is very selfish not to mention everyone gets companions and by YOUR logic EVERYONE should NEED on everything then.






Not really seeing as different companions need different things same as players.


As for hitting need when someone else needs it thats my whole point, I need it as well! for my companion who is as much a part of my gear as anything else and should be considered as such!

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simple courtesy makes no issues. If you want an item for a companion, wait to see how everyone that could need for the item rolls, if they roll greed roll need and state why.. if they roll need then leave it be. theyre gear is more important than your companions.


I have never once offended someone rolling for somthing because i think to myself, how would i feel if someone rolled this way?

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Once you hit level 50... I DON'T think you should need for companions... EVER. At that point you'll mainly be in situations that don't include your companion. Once you hit max, your companions just aren't that important.


However, in the leveling process companions are extremely important, and I do feel it's ok to need for them. Especially if you're the type of person who mainly uses one companion in particular.

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if ya need ya need, you gearing for two people not one in this game. playing a commando with Aric is great, but in times of stress im spending my time healing him and myself while he goes on the nuke path. he needs gear otherwise we are both dead, so he gets the gear. gives me more time to dps with him and keep us both alive, also gives ya the option to solo a lot more content when both of ya are geared up.


But, by that logic you're gearing for six players, and you might as well roll need on everything, cause one of compains will be able to use it.


Companion gear = greed.



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Once you hit level 50... I DON'T think you should need for companions... EVER. At that point you'll mainly be in situations that don't include your companion. Once you hit max, your companions just aren't that important.


However, in the leveling process companions are extremely important, and I do feel it's ok to need for them. Especially if you're the type of person who mainly uses one companion in particular.


that maybe and in that case my attitude may change once I hit max level but as of now like you say my companion is very important to me, As a light armor wearing sorcerer I depend on Khem val being a good tank to survive a lot of fights especially when outnumbered and against melee etc so the better gear I can give him the better for me and that is why I will need if the item is an upgrade for me or him.

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I don't have any problems with a companion rolling need on a piece. I do however have a problem with someone in a group rolling need on a drop for a character that isn't in the group and taking it from the character who did contribute to actually getting the drop...
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What I did (at level 35ish) was, soloed Flashpoints like Black Talon, Hammer Station and Arthiss for various custom/orange gear that my companion could wear, and then I updated the armoring, mods and enhancements with level appropriate commendation gear.


The whole process took about an hour or two.

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I think that's a little selfish, but to each their own.

I'd check it with the party before the run starts, because as you can see not everyone thinks it's okay.


No offense but I couldn't care less, if you ask people that your never going to get a group because a lot of people don't like competition for loot as it is, my conciense is clear and my reasons are just. thats all I need :)

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Well considering the number of solo missions where you use a companion.

And considering you can get plenty armor and weapons that work just fine for those style missions.


I find it rather hard to believe that someone can rationalize need on a group drop when.

1. There companion isn't even there.

2. There is someone in the group that does have a need and is contributing so you can actually complete the mission.


Nobody should put need down for a companion.

Edited by Korizan
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You know theres been a lot of argument on the forums about people needing for items for there companions and people calling them ninjas etc, I dont think anything could be further from the truth and heres why:


Companions are a major part of this game, this is not wow and you should not try and apply the same loot rules, companions are a great help to a player and as such should be treated in my opinion as another piece of gear when rolls come up, they are not controllable characters so none of this `well if there not taking part in the run they cant roll` thats stupid, your talking about a computer controlled npc.


However gearing them well does bring benefit to the player character I see needing as something only to be done if it benefits your character.....sorry but in this game that does include companions, if khem val in my case (as a sith inquisitor/sorcerer using him as a tank) is wearing better armor or using a better weapon for example he`ll stay alive longer/do more damage both of which help me and should be considered an upgrade that benefits my character in the same way as a piece of gear for the main character would.


So no this is not ninjaing and is just something players are going to have to get used to, This is not wow, you cannot apply the same greed/need rules here as companions are very much a major part of a players play style and as such should factor in the decision to need/greed an item, I couldn't care less if its for me or my companion an upgrade is an upgrade and if it helps me then ill need it simple as.




So then I should be able to roll need for my alts as well since they aren't helping with the group quest. Looks like you are just trying to justify your own poor behavior. This has nothing to do with WoW. If the companion is part of the group, then I might agree with you. If they are not actively helping with the group's objectives then it is just as valid as me rolling need for alts items. I know, you will say there is a difference, but there really isn't.

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I don't have any problems with a companion rolling need on a piece. I do however have a problem with someone in a group rolling need on a drop for a character that isn't in the group and taking it from the character who did contribute to actually getting the drop...


yes because the companion character totally had a choice in the matter with a full group haha, trust me some of the players ive played with id RATHER have had my companion along lol you cant put a personality on an npc for the purposes of loot denying haha

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