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Dread Fortress SM Reaches, Hands, Brontes are broke.


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I am going to assume the message has gotten through and they will prioritize/hotfix this.


While I'm aware they have a dubious track record, I am not going to believe BW is actually that stupid to let this go until April. Seriously, there's no possible way they could be that dumb.


There is not a universe that exists where anyone actually gainfully employed in this industry would deem a two month wait for this issue to be within the bounds of intelligent thought.


The devs are NOT bumbling buffoons. This will be hotfixed this week.

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If it was one boss in one op then maybe I could see a fix coming in 4.3. But this is impacting multiple bosses, multiple instances, i would think a little more urgency would be called for. Especially since some are preventing raid progression.
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I am going to assume the message has gotten through and they will prioritize/hotfix this.


While I'm aware they have a dubious track record, I am not going to believe BW is actually that stupid to let this go until April. Seriously, there's no possible way they could be that dumb.


There is not a universe that exists where anyone actually gainfully employed in this industry would deem a two month wait for this issue to be within the bounds of intelligent thought.


The devs are NOT bumbling buffoons. This will be hotfixed this week.


Even if it does get fixed this week, the fact that they even considered waiting until 4.3 as a good idea is its own brand of stupid.

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Given that it took an extra month to release 4.1, I'm not hopeful everything else will be released on time.


Off Topic, but I am so freaking tired of seeing people repeat this garbage statement. Bioware announced that new chapters would be released in early 2016. Now I don't know about you, but most people consider February early 2016. Its nobodies fault but your own for assuming that the release of new chapters would begin in January.



Edited by Billupsat
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Well, I had hoped to talk my guild into resubbing so we could raid, but that doesn't look very feasible now. Teaming up with friends to attempt challenging puzzles and bosses really is something I truly enjoy - and I enjoy it best when lightsabers are involved.


Eric, is there any way we could get an update on where group content stands in regards to priority for Bioware? I know such a statement might be considered a risk to the subscription numbers, but I think it is more dangerous to leave us without any information, especially after the statement that we wouldn't go a long period without a new Ops again. With the current line up of announcements and bugs, it really does seem like Bioware is stating "We don't care about group content or the players that want to participate in it."


I would much rather know that there would be no focus on group content for the next 12 months (or however long) than simply speculate and fathom worst case scenarios. At least then I could know where to focus my time in swtor. That being said, I would be highly disappointed if it is officially no longer a priority.

Edited by Tearsscream
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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






Can you elaborate on why this will take so long?

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I am going to assume the message has gotten through and they will prioritize/hotfix this.


While I'm aware they have a dubious track record, I am not going to believe BW is actually that stupid to let this go until April. Seriously, there's no possible way they could be that dumb.


There is not a universe that exists where anyone actually gainfully employed in this industry would deem a two month wait for this issue to be within the bounds of intelligent thought.


The devs are NOT bumbling buffoons. This will be hotfixed this week.


Man, you made me spill) Such naivete. Me and my friends have been watching the development of issues with SWTOR for quite some time and we all got the feeling that Bug'o'ware managed to find AND hire THE dumbest braindead people for their team. We've thought and tried to find another logical explanation and after recent events we've found NONE other then the one above. Either they are managing the project understaffed and don't see a problem (which I thought is only possible in countries like Russia, while in West world the problem of "effective" management when you hire as much managers as you can and fire ppl who worked on the team for years had died out), or they hired a (too put it mildly) bunch of unqualified. Not only that, but they are ready and have been for some time treating their players like trash and continue to kill the game and community. I still can't wrap around my head the decision to close the PTS and some forums and the decision to ignore the bug reports. If some ppl didn't see that before, now it is clear that we are just money for them which they want to get without giving something in return, just the typical EA behavior.

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I truly understand the issues you are trying to work thru in the game, but I see that the biggest issue is being taken for granted or totally ignored. This issue is your customer relations and mainly your subscriber base.


When bugs are found that are exploits, you have been quick to communicate and swift to take action.


You should honestly do the same when its all on your side. Your communications are slow and vague. No actions are taken that can be remotely called swift.


May I suggest you freeze the subscriptions for everyone until you fix this.


The relationship is strained right now with your customer base. You really need to act now before you are viewed in the same light as SOE or other companies that did the same.


None of them have had great success with future games due to the scars from past actions.


Just my two cents on the issues...

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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






Its not only about simple sm Bosses. Revan HC is like not doable at all. Impel just shows where it is at when he starts to cast it, so its nearly impossible to do it right now. HK just screws around as well. Coras Pearl is doing the same crap. We are a Raid Guild, playing SWtor for... well RAIDING. You just cut our whole content and tell us to unsub till 4.3 until you lazy guys fixed the stuff we pay for. It is like you want us to go play FF or WoW.

I can not even tell you how mad i am about your irresponsibility and disrespect you have for your raiding community.

Edited by RadioFM
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Although it sucks that it will take a couple of months for them to fix these issues, I have to say that I am glad they are communicating about it in an open and more honest way.


Why does it take time to fix bugs? Different reasons and they are out there. I still am amazed that people need to ask why...it's obvious and has been explained many times over already.


Am I happy about this? Of course not, but it is what it is and at least they're giving openness about it. I know what to expect now and no empty promises are being made. And remember there was an issue not too long ago that they said would take at least a month and they fixed it sooner. That can always happen but clearly they don't want to make any promises they can't keep and at least I can appreciate that side of it.


And just for reference, I've been very vocal in the past against some of the things BW has done and it still happens that I am not happy with things. If any of you feel the need to call me a white knight or bio defender or something similar anyway, you can consider yourself an idiot. Your choice, but I think that at least we can be happy to see more communication happening with realistic responses. That's at least worth something to me.

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I like the response from community to mr.Musco's announcement :) thread had about 3 pages and now suddenly 17 lol


There are still raiders in the game and I hope this reaction wakes BW to the issues. This has been said many times already but our guild is struggling too atm. One team is working on M&B and hoping to get back to Cora which they haven't been able to do yet in 4.0. Denying them a chance to progress for two months is just sad, and it might just be our raiding guild dies too in the process. Wake up dudes and dudettes @bw, wake up!

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Although it sucks that it will take a couple of months for them to fix these issues, I have to say that I am glad they are communicating about it in an open and more honest way.


Why does it take time to fix bugs? Different reasons and they are out there. I still am amazed that people need to ask why...it's obvious and has been explained many times over already.


Am I happy about this? Of course not, but it is what it is and at least they're giving openness about it. I know what to expect now and no empty promises are being made. And remember there was an issue not too long ago that they said would take at least a month and they fixed it sooner. That can always happen but clearly they don't want to make any promises they can't keep and at least I can appreciate that side of it.


And just for reference, I've been very vocal in the past against some of the things BW has done and it still happens that I am not happy with things. If any of you feel the need to call me a white knight or bio defender or something similar anyway, you can consider yourself an idiot. Your choice, but I think that at least we can be happy to see more communication happening with realistic responses. That's at least worth something to me.


I guess there is at least one White Knight left on the forums ... even if the fix takes 2 months (very dubious claim), is it still acceptable that Musco hasn't chimed in again on this thread?


BTW, anyone that thinks we will ever see a new operation is delusional. BW has decided that raiders are not worth the effort. If they are right, they will have no motivation to add a new op. If they are wrong, the damage will have been done and will be irreversible. I think the best we will ever get is a one boss instance.

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Although it sucks that it will take a couple of months for them to fix these issues, I have to say that I am glad they are communicating about it in an open and more honest way.


Why does it take time to fix bugs? Different reasons and they are out there. I still am amazed that people need to ask why...it's obvious and has been explained many times over already.


Am I happy about this? Of course not, but it is what it is and at least they're giving openness about it. I know what to expect now and no empty promises are being made. And remember there was an issue not too long ago that they said would take at least a month and they fixed it sooner. That can always happen but clearly they don't want to make any promises they can't keep and at least I can appreciate that side of it.


And just for reference, I've been very vocal in the past against some of the things BW has done and it still happens that I am not happy with things. If any of you feel the need to call me a white knight or bio defender or something similar anyway, you can consider yourself an idiot. Your choice, but I think that at least we can be happy to see more communication happening with realistic responses. That's at least worth something to me.


You actually think it's legitimately going to take them 2 months to fix this? Hah! Hahahahahs


We'd be lucky if they have even taken a look for the cause. We'll also be lucky if the fix they deploy a) actually fixes the issue and b) didn't horribly break something else that's completely unrelated. You know, kind of like how apparently ops bosses were broken in a patch to fix crafting.

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I guess there is at least one White Knight left on the forums ... even if the fix takes 2 months (very dubious claim), is it still acceptable that Musco hasn't chimed in again on this thread?


BTW, anyone that thinks we will ever see a new operation is delusional. BW has decided that raiders are not worth the effort. If they are right, they will have no motivation to add a new op. If they are wrong, the damage will have been done and will be irreversible. I think the best we will ever get is a one boss instance.


Well if you read my post again you will see how I expected people calling me a white knight, but you had to and that's why I mentioned it.


Secondly Eric has responded to this thread.


So my suggestion to you is learn to read before you react.


BW make plenty of mistakes and I criticize things regularly but I can also see positives. If that makes me a white knight because I can sometimes take out positives, I suggest you learn logical reasoning from someone as well. It does make life easier for everyone involved.


As I said I don't like what is happening but I'd rather they say it's gonna take a few months to fix this than lie about it or not respond. Again they did respond in this thread.

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You actually think it's legitimately going to take them 2 months to fix this? Hah! Hahahahahs


We'd be lucky if they have even taken a look for the cause. We'll also be lucky if the fix they deploy a) actually fixes the issue and b) didn't horribly break something else that's completely unrelated. You know, kind of like how apparently ops bosses were broken in a patch to fix crafting.


Try not to add things to what I wrote.


I think it's much more realistic of them to say it's going to take a few months to fix it. Whatever else you read into that is your responsibility.


I am also aware that they break stuff every time a patch with new content comes out. So please learn that between 0% and 100% there are many more numbers. It's not just love or hate. I hate some of the stuff they do or don't do and I am happy with other things. If me saying something positive makes me a 100% fan of BW in your eyes, you are not as smart as you may think.

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Although it sucks that it will take a couple of months for them to fix these issues, I have to say that I am glad they are communicating about it in an open and more honest way.


Why does it take time to fix bugs? Different reasons and they are out there. I still am amazed that people need to ask why...it's obvious and has been explained many times over already.


Am I happy about this? Of course not, but it is what it is and at least they're giving openness about it. I know what to expect now and no empty promises are being made. And remember there was an issue not too long ago that they said would take at least a month and they fixed it sooner. That can always happen but clearly they don't want to make any promises they can't keep and at least I can appreciate that side of it.


And just for reference, I've been very vocal in the past against some of the things BW has done and it still happens that I am not happy with things. If any of you feel the need to call me a white knight or bio defender or something similar anyway, you can consider yourself an idiot. Your choice, but I think that at least we can be happy to see more communication happening with realistic responses. That's at least worth something to me.


It took a week for them to acknowledge this bug yet it was posted 24 hours after the update was released. This bug would have been found in 5 minutes if they had put this out to PTS.


You can laud their openness all you want, but consider this:


a) at any point in the 100+ days it took to get this update out, if one person at BW had thought to look at any of the operations bosses, this would have been noticed.


b) this fix date is AFTER the release of Eternal Championship. Do you see the major problem there, seeing as it's pretty safe this bug will affect EC?


c) For experienced, talented groups this is an issue that is manageable. Idiotic, but manageable. For inexperienced players i.e. newer players, it is certainly not. So all those fresh new subs that have leveled their characters and walk into all these nice sunny level 65 Operations are getting the shaft.


I'm glad you can find some sort of silver lining to this. Personally, I think it's pathetic. This is an issue that requires hotfix and anything short of that is derelict. I expect the community manager to be explaining in no uncertain terms that the response he has been given is unacceptable and to impress reality upon his development team.

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It took a week for them to acknowledge this bug yet it was posted 24 hours after the update was released. This bug would have been found in 5 minutes if they had put this out to PTS.


You can laud their openness all you want, but consider this:


a) at any point in the 100+ days it took to get this update out, if one person at BW had thought to look at any of the operations bosses, this would have been noticed.


b) this fix date is AFTER the release of Eternal Championship. Do you see the major problem there, seeing as it's pretty safe this bug will affect EC?


c) For experienced, talented groups this is an issue that is manageable. Idiotic, but manageable. For inexperienced players i.e. newer players, it is certainly not. So all those fresh new subs that have leveled their characters and walk into all these nice sunny level 65 Operations are getting the shaft.


I'm glad you can find some sort of silver lining to this. Personally, I think it's pathetic. This is an issue that requires hotfix and anything short of that is derelict. I expect the community manager to be explaining in no uncertain terms that the response he has been given is unacceptable and to impress reality upon his development team.


Their communication has been much worse in the past. If I want to stay here and play this game I need to at least acknowledge the positives. Call it pathetic, but what I think is pathetic is people who are still subbed when they don't even see the positives anymore.


I know that when I play a BW game that I will like the game itself and that it will come with bugs. Hell I remember playing the original Dragon Age with all the memory leak issues that they denied for a looooong time till suddenly there was a fix that took care of it...and thereby finally acknowledging it was a bug. BW is Bugware in that respect and you can either accept that and deal with it or run away and never come back.


I don't blame people for complaining about it, on the contrary I quite distinctly said it sucks, but what then? BW isn't gonna change how they do things. They never have. I've played games of other companies too, they also had bugs, some fixed bugs quicker others didn't, some had better CS, others didn't.


If you are sick of these bugs and how BW handle it, that's cool. You're not wrong. But are you then going to stop playing or not? If you keep playing when you can't handle this, that's pathetic. For myself, to keep things enjoyable in spite of this nonsense I have to focus on at least what's positive. If I don't I will quit the game.


But take it from me, after a thread full of fair comments and exaggerations what else can I add to this. It's broken, not everybody has the same problem and BW will take a while to fix it. How is this anything new?

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Well if you read my post again you will see how I expected people calling me a white knight, but you had to and that's why I mentioned it.


Secondly Eric has responded to this thread.


So my suggestion to you is learn to read before you react.


BW make plenty of mistakes and I criticize things regularly but I can also see positives. If that makes me a white knight because I can sometimes take out positives, I suggest you learn logical reasoning from someone as well. It does make life easier for everyone involved.


As I said I don't like what is happening but I'd rather they say it's gonna take a few months to fix this than lie about it or not respond. Again they did respond in this thread.


I am not capable of comprehending words with two vowels adjacent to each other ... it's a medical condition. Thanks for making me fell self-conscious about it.


Musco responded to this thread and created a firestorm ... he's been silent ever since then. I have no clue what an reasonable timeline is for them to fix the bug. As I said in my first post, I am dubious that it should take 2 months, but I'm no expert.


However, what is completely unacceptable is that BW is allowing the perception to exist & grow that they do not care about the raiding population. That falls right at the feet of Musco.

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Try not to add things to what I wrote.


I think it's much more realistic of them to say it's going to take a few months to fix it. Whatever else you read into that is your responsibility.


I am also aware that they break stuff every time a patch with new content comes out. So please learn that between 0% and 100% there are many more numbers. It's not just love or hate. I hate some of the stuff they do or don't do and I am happy with other things. If me saying something positive makes me a 100% fan of BW in your eyes, you are not as smart as you may think.


I didn't claim you were a BioWare fanboy. But even if you are understandably trying to just find the positive part of it, this is not the place to look. I'm not going to celebrate BioWare's "good" communication of bad decisions. This is not an issue that you take two months to fix. This is not an issue that you underpromise and overdeliver (did I just say that about a perspective BioWare fix) on. This is an issue that you hotfix that week. Or if you can't do it that week then you give regular updates on why the fix is delayed. This isn't something you potentially let fester for two months.

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Eric, is there any way we could get an update on where group content stands in regards to priority for Bioware? I know such a statement might be considered a risk to the subscription numbers, but I think it is more dangerous to leave us without any information, especially after the statement that we wouldn't go a long period without a new Ops again.


There is no financial incentive for them to tell you earlier than they have to that it will never be a priority. If it was and people were leaving, they would be the first to get out there and say "Hey we are looking hard at group content and will be rolling things out <insert date here>.". Since they will not give a straight answer, this means they have nothing positive to say and the truth would only drive more away earlier. If they can get a few more months or more of sub time from people, they are going to do that.

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seriously what the #&@\.. HOW in the HELL can you MESS UP the code with 4GB of crafting and 1 chapter..

and you will patch (read mess up even more) this on 4.3?? you kidding me? there are players that actively PAY for this.. PAY!!! i mean giving you their money.. holy fak.. be well bb


Just want to re-post this - well made me laugh anyway...

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There is no financial incentive for them to tell you earlier than they have to that it will never be a priority. If it was and people were leaving, they would be the first to get out there and say "Hey we are looking hard at group content and will be rolling things out <insert date here>.". Since they will not give a straight answer, this means they have nothing positive to say and the truth would only drive more away earlier. If they can get a few more months or more of sub time from people, they are going to do that.


Their lack of communication builds on the narrative that they don't care about this game any more. I have seen a lot posts from non-raiders saying that this should be prioritized. Even if raider subscriptions are a small piece of their revenue pie, the perception of allowing this issue to linger will have ripple effects.

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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






This isn't the first MMO EA build, promoted, and then drained completely of talented resources way before the game is dead. I don't doubt the remaining dev teams are trying their best to earn their pay, and that with limited resources you can only divert so many to either fix bugs or meet the content release deadline that you guys have already fallen way behind.


But to Eric and the rest of the Dev team. I would start sending out resumes now instead of when corporate EA holds a meeting 6 months from now and tell you guys the game is not working out, put the blame solely at whoever was remaining and folds the game up.


I was wary to start this game at launch with the EA logo on it because I still remember how they butchered Earth and Beyond, And now I see them butchered the original swtor team the same way. They take everyone that did a good job at the beginning, divided them up into other EA projects, stick in a bunch of new people to fill the spots, blame them for not putting out new content fast enough as they spend most of the time trying to pick up the pieces other left behind. Fires those people or force them to leave, and stick in another bunch of new people from other projects trying to revive the game, but with a greatly reduced budget. The new and last team, draft up a new direction and new timelines only to discover 9 months down the line, they will end the game before the new team can finish all their proposed changes.


The only way to save this game now is if some Disney executive takes a look at this and sees the lost potential, and forces EA to put money in development as Disney cannot let EA ruin the Star Wars brand, now that they build up a very solid episode 7 ground work, because EA was too damn cheap. I hope Disney values their investment and would involve themselves in the way EA works with their IP.

Edited by Dreamsky
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BTW, from what I heard Bug'o'ware is recruiting a new team for a NEW MMORPG. Is that for real? If it is, then why on earth you are making plans to make ANOTHER game when you can't make THIS one work ?


doesnt matter. even if they create the newest, coolest and best mmo out there. i stopped buying Bioware/EA Games after SWTOR. that was hard at some times, but im not interested in giving them more of my money, besides that subbing fee.

and ill stay on game strike until they give swtor the love that this great license deserves.


my gametime expires in about 30 days...i wont add more to the game. mb i ll return to swtor someday...but only if there is better grp content and a not broken game.

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Those are exactly the reasons I've stopped subscribing after 4.0 came out.

Fortunately, they keep breaking referal system aswell, so I can enjoy a week of subscription every few months to buy weekly passes/authorizations on GTN.

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