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KotFE Chapter 9 Cantina Flirt Option Gone


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It was there before 4.1 update. I pressed "Esc" before the scene ended to delay the decision. After the patch the flirt option is gone. Anyone else having the same problem?


Edit: Guys, try resetting the quest. It worked for me. :)

Edited by evelynchk
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I just experienced this too. My agent was the only one i chose to side with valkorion and blow up the sun, at the catina instead of the "id like to speak to one of you or flirt same way he just speaks without any options then koth storms out then i can speak to lana or theron but no flirt.?
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The "No Flirt option" in the cantina scene has been an issue for me since the launch of KotFE in October. Instead of getting a "Flirt" and "No Flirt option" when stating that I wanted to speak to one of them, I only got the "No Flirt" option. I searched I read countless threads about companion romances being bugged in one way or another. Rather than rehash all of the various issues discussed, here are links to two related threads:






However, I had a different problem:


I have been reading about bugs with romancing pre-KotFE companions. This has not been an issue for me. However, a small minority of folks - myself included - posted that we never got the flirt option at the end of Chapter 9. We only got the non-flirt option. I ran four characters through that story, flirted with Lana every chance I got yet there was no opportunity for me to lock in a romance with her? If this only happened once, I would suck it up. But four different characters? According to Taitwatson (one of the developers?), no such bug exists. I created a second account, used the instant level 60 token given to subscribers and at the end of Chapter 9, I locked in the romance with Lana. I didn't do anything different on that character than I did on the previous four. Sent a private message to Tait. Put in an in game ticket. No response. I have achievements, unlocks, titles, strongholds on my primary account. I have nothing on the second account except the romance lock in that I really wanted. And I love the character. That account will drop down to Preferred status in March. I shouldn't have to go between accounts. Even if I did get a response from them, Bioware doesn't merge accounts.


In addition to sending a private message to Taitwatson, I also sent one to Eric Musco. No answer. Tried EA support which sent me to the SWTOR forums which sent me back to EA.


This is the statement that Taitwatson put out regarding the above issues:


Hey everyone,

We have seen quite a few reports about the Romance system being broken, and I wanted to clarify a few things. A number of the issues being reported are not, in fact, bugged.

I have also seen mention of not being able to romance one of the new characters (Lana, Theron, Koth) being a bug. As far as we can tell, this is not bugged at this time. In order to romance these characters, you must consistently choose flirt options with them throughout KOTFE (having a relationship with Theron or Lana back in Shadow of Revan also contributes to their romances, but is not required) and you must choose a particular option in Chapter IX to pursue a full romance with one of them. If anyone finds that this is not the case for their character, definitely let us know!




Please forgive the long post with all of the quotes. This has been a hot topic for me for several months.

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The "No Flirt option" in the cantina scene has been an issue for me since the launch of KotFE in October. Instead of getting a "Flirt" and "No Flirt option" when stating that I wanted to speak to one of them, I only got the "No Flirt" option. I searched I read countless threads about companion romances being bugged in one way or another. Rather than rehash all of the various issues discussed, here are links to two related threads:






However, I had a different problem:


In addition to sending a private message to Taitwatson, I also sent one to Eric Musco. No answer. Tried EA support which sent me to the SWTOR forums which sent me back to EA.


This is the statement that Taitwatson put out regarding the above issues:




Please forgive the long post with all of the quotes. This has been a hot topic for me for several months.

Yeah i ran two characters before through it back when came out and both had the flirt option but with my agent it didnt give only a non flirt talk to on of you he just says that without an option to chose from. I wondering cause this toon was the only one that went darkside choices and other characters lana came to help with arcann but she didnt but on his . This sucks lol

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I am aware that some players have encountered this problem since KotFE launched. But with regard to the particular character I'm talking about, the flirt option was there before the patch and now it is not. I've played through KotFE 2-3 times, flirting with Lana at every turn and I've always got the flirt option until now.
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Running through my Agent this morning (2.13.16; patch 4.1a) I encountered the same problem. During the Cantina cutscene in KotFE Ch IX, the "[Flirt] I need to speak with one of you" option is not available. This prevents continuation of any KotFE romance (for this alt, Lana).


This is the 4th character that I've run through KotFE but the first time I encountered this problem.


The character (to help identify where the bug is):

Agent (not an instant character)


Married Temple

SoR: flirted with Lana throughout

KotFE: saved the city, flirted with Lana throughout - until the bug in the Ch IX cantina scene above

Influence with Lana: 20

Edited by Raethyn
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I got to Chapter 9 on my SW yesterday, along the way she'd flirted with Koth, Lana and Theron. Once the cantina moment arrived, she was able to flirt. Koth walked off (cos I'd been an *** too on top of flirting with him), but both Lana and Theron were available to go 'private' with and continue flirts. I even did Lana first (wanting to see how her convo goes cos thus far I'd always gone for Theron), then esc'd out and did Theron to lock my romance with him.
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I've flirted with Lana on a couple of toons in both Shadow of revan and Knights of the fallen empire, had no issue with locking in the romance in chapter 9 until I tried it on my agent today. Considering how many issues there has been with chapter 10 I wouldn't be surprised if this was another bug.
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Yes, I am seeing this on my second 65, which was a lvl 60 boost. I flirted only with Lana and I hit ch. 9 after 4.1a hit. Now stuck on the cantina cut scene. Instead of getting the option to [Flirt] I need to speak with one of you, I get no option and she just says the dialog and I'm presented with the 3 options of Koth, Lana, and Theran. Choosing Lana I do not get the option to lock in romance or any flirts for that matter.. I'm also sitting at rank 14 influence with Lana and still no go.


I did this on my first 65 no problem (which was also a lvl 60 boost), but that was before 4.1 patch dropped. I really do think this is broken. BW needs to step up and figure it out.

Edited by Sinfulblade
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I got to Chapter 9 on my SW yesterday, along the way she'd flirted with Koth, Lana and Theron. Once the cantina moment arrived, she was able to flirt. Koth walked off (cos I'd been an *** too on top of flirting with him), but both Lana and Theron were available to go 'private' with and continue flirts. I even did Lana first (wanting to see how her convo goes cos thus far I'd always gone for Theron), then esc'd out and did Theron to lock my romance with him.

So I'm curious, since it seems to work for you. What is your influence level with those two?

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This bug right here makes me afraid to take any character through KOTFE. If they have mucked up the flirt triggers requiring you to flirt/say something in a previous chapter of KOTFE which you cannot go back to, they effectively write off that character. A lot of biowares fixes are not necessarily retroactive either. What annoys me more is because of the nature of this flirt scene facing Theron, I missed it for 2 characters Lana Romances, (see countless complaint threads).


I know a fair few returning players who have just sacked this game off again, first impressions returning to the game and all: broken companions, bugged story, bugged romance. Now I've made a conscious decision to not quit the game and instead reroll, then I see this bug thread and I've come to a grinding halt at the KOTFE content afraid to touch it!


Final thoughts as a returning player and collateral damage figures:

1. On return levelled a consular, thought this ain't so bad, came to a grinding halt when I realised I was missing a Zenith. Companion bug, fixed 4 weeks later (mean while I rerolled, abandoned the consular still sat at Quesh).

2. Two broken characters I "rerolled" too that missed a stupidly designed flirt scene, cannot replay chapter 9 to "lock them in". I never knew I missed it til I saw complaint threads, then realised I ruined both of them.

3. After a few days of raging rerolled a Sorc, got to a point where I could not complete Ashara's companion quest due to a new bug, "what the hell". Unable to progress (as I want to finish asharas quest line before she's removed), Sorc got shelved.

4. Raged some more for a few days, and rerolled an agent, then I read about this bug right here, and I think "what the hell is the point".

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Since JennyFlynn had no problem getting the flirt option with her SW but others (including me) are encountering this problem, maybe the bug is class-related? My toon is a Guardian.


Anyhow, since this prevents me from progressing the story the way I want to, it was the last straw for me - I unsubbed yesterday. I love Star Wars and this game...but the myriad of problems dragging the game down lately made it really hard to justify the subscription anymore. I enjoyed the game, did all eight class stories, had like 10 level 65s, ran countless ops with guildies...it was fun while it lasted. Good luck getting this bug fixed.

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Something was broken in patch 4.1 or 4.1a for sure. Before the patch I had the flirt option "i need to speak to one of you". I hit escape and didn't complete the mission.

I went back yesterday, and the flirt option was gone. Now there are no options at all, actually. My character just says "I need to speak to one of you" and I can pick between the three companions. No flirt options in the private room in the cantina either.

This is not class related, as I am also SW, like the person above who could complete this mission after 4.1. and lock in a romance.


TL;DR: Before patch I could pick flirt option, but didn't finish mission. After patch, the option is gone. Same character.

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Something was broken in patch 4.1 or 4.1a for sure. Before the patch I had the flirt option "i need to speak to one of you". I hit escape and didn't complete the mission.

I went back yesterday, and the flirt option was gone. Now there are no options at all, actually. My character just says "I need to speak to one of you" and I can pick between the three companions. No flirt options in the private room in the cantina either.

This is not class related, as I am also SW, like the person above who could complete this mission after 4.1. and lock in a romance.


TL;DR: Before patch I could pick flirt option, but didn't finish mission. After patch, the option is gone. Same character.


I don't know what to make of this. Prior to 4.1, I had the exact same problem that people are reporting in this thread. I took four characters through the story and never got the flirt option in the cantina. Therefore, I didn't progress in the story with the two characters that had just started it. After 4.1, I took a character through the story that I did not intend on romancing Lana. However, something in my gut told me to take every flirt option with Lana. Guess what? I was able to lock in the romance with her. Doesn't make any sense. But since romances with companions are still bugged, she doesn't talk to me.

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Update: Guys, try resetting the quest. It worked for me. :)


Tried it, didn't work for me


Edit: okay tried it again it work and I also flirted with Theron, so not sure if it was just the restart or the extra flirting but either way worked.

Edited by DarkSkkull
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