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Everything posted by Haunted

  1. I didn't pay attention when I was playing the story with my Sith Sorceress but after reading this I realized that the exactly same thing happened for me back then! Geez, then this is way more messed up than I thought.
  2. Resetted the mission several times, didn't work. In one try I even dared to flirt with Theron which only gave me the option to romance him. Funny though after I resetted the mission again and didn't flirt with him during that try the option to romance him was still there. Seems very odd to me. Just frustrating...
  3. Same here.. was about to finish Chapter 9 today with my sorceress, but no Flirt option with Lana..
  4. Eh, I have no reason to lie. Anyway, I made screenshots as proof, but since I am a German player I of course use the German client: http://oi66.tinypic.com/2928uc6.jpg http://oi63.tinypic.com/2u9l6vp.jpg
  5. My ticket has been answered and it is a bug! Both the mask and the lightsaber has been sent to me!
  6. Uhm, nope? The mask had the correct name.
  7. Companion conversations are independent of affection since 4.0. What matters now is the story progression..
  8. So I just saw a lvl 20 sith assassin a few minutes ago.. with the mask. Of course I don't know if the character has been created respectivelly the quest has been done before patch 4.0.3 because said player didn't react to my whisper..
  9. Hmph, I guess you are referring to the 4.0.3 patch notes: "All Class Missions that occur between planets have had their Item rewards updated. " Damn.. that's quite a downer.
  10. When was that? Probably I overread it in the patch notes..
  11. The sorceress I created after 4.0 launched got Kallig's Countenance as a reward, after recreating her she last week didn't. Was there a major update since the expansion launched regarding the quest rewards? If not then I would still call that a bug.
  12. Bei solchen ignoranten Kommentaren muss ich mich wirklich zusammenreißen um ruhig bleiben zu können... Oder willst du einfach nur ein wenig trollen, mh?
  13. *grins* Wollte den Thread grad selber wieder nach oben zerren, aber da bist du mir zuvorgekommen.
  14. Mag ja vielleicht sein, dass man auf einem reinen PvP Server RP machen könnte, darum gehts aber, zumindest meiner Meinung nach, überhaupt nicht. Sondern eher um.. ich sag mal den "Nachwuchs", sprich, neue rp-begeisterte Spieler. Und ich bin mal so naiv zu behaupten, dass sich diese bei der Serverwahl eher für einen entscheiden, auf dem auch "RP" drauf steht. Außerdem macht es keinen Sinn, einen Teil der RP Community auszugrenzen. Deswegen, auch wenn ich persönlich Server mit PvE-Mechanik absolut nicht mag, bin ich in diesem speziellen Fall absolut für einen weiteren Transfer nach VC!
  15. *kopfkratz* Seit wann interessieren DPS Zahlen im PvP?
  16. Kann sein, dass ich mich irre, aber ich meine gelesen zu haben, dass das auch vom Fortschritt in der Klassenquestreihe abhängt. Und homosexuelle Beziehungen gibt es bislang nicht im Spiel.
  17. Ist, soweit ich weiß, nur ein Bug, Jaesa sollte dennoch Dark Side sein.
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