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Agent Romance Chapter 10 bug


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Spoilers ahead


So seeing as we are receiving Kaliyo as our latest companion I decided to run the new chapter on my agent. When I meet up with her my agent introduced Kaliyo to Theron as my wife despite the fact I never married her on my agent. My agent is a pre-launch toon so not an insta 60. Is anyone else running into this issue on their agents?

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Oh man, what about my Agent, who did marry the crazy *itch? Will he behave as if he didn't marry her? DId they invert the check?


(I did Chapter X first on my Commandogirl main. No romance scenes with Lana, boo!)


Come to think of it, no scenes with just Lana at all... I really didn't want to run around with Shoulder Boy.

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  • 1 month later...

My agent isn't flagged as married to Kaliyo, but the game is insisting that I romanced her, giving me the break up or make up dialogue when I get through the chapter. I rolled him post-KotFE launch, but I went through the story, and I never once flirted with the wretched woman.


It could be connected, or it could be it's own little ball of weird, but it's similar enough that I'm wondering if that the romance (or, more accurately, lack thereof) is borked in general.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Same thing here, played through the chapter on my Sniper more than 5 times now...only mine goes through the entire chapter introducing himself as her friend, talking to her in her apartment as friends, but then at the end of the chapter, I get the Make up/Break up dialogue instead of the friends dialogue I got back when you couldn't complete the chapter because of the infamous agent bug - that didn't recognize your return to the war room. My sniper has just been sitting in Chapter 10 limbo for awhile now, attempts at filing tickets with Customer Service end up with a uneventful response(that shows it's obvious they didn't read it).
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am having this issue with chapter 10 as well, played today.


My Agent did not romance Kaliyo -- not even a single flirt. Everything seemed fine at first: no calling Kaliyo his wife, no flirting, nothing but platonic interactions with her. But then I get to the end and my options when talking to her are: resume relationship, resume relationship and kiss, or break up. The little dialogue box pops up and everything. Needless to say, I esc'd right out of the conversation as I don't want to "break up" because that would be acknowledging that a romance actually happened, which it did not. I don't want my character flagged as "romanced Kaliyo", especially since I am having him romance Theron.


Romance bugs like this can be real show-stoppers. I hope it will be fixed soon, though I am really not looking forward to dragging my Agent through ch.10 again (Operative healer + infl.14 Kaliyo, need I say more?). I was looking forward to getting through this chapter so I could get Aric, but it looks like my Agent is sidelined for now. :(

Edited by Gwena
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I've heard a theory, and I think it's probably correct:


KotFE basically reset a bunch of players' romance flags (Consulars got hit big time with it). Bioware isn't able to retroactively restore the flags to what they were before, and so their solution is to just assume every affected character did the romance. That way people who intended to do the romance can see the entire event, while those who don't wish to romance can end it and pursue Lana/Theron/Koth/whoever.

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It's a bummer if that's true and BW has set up Kaliyo as a 'default' romance - it's somewhat jarring to have my agent and her spit at each other like angry cats for twenty odd hours then get asked if he still loves her or not. Strange they didn't pick Temple, as even a relative newbie such as myself can tell that the Kaliyo romance is about as popular as beltsanding your own under-carriage.


I rolled a fresh level 1 agent since the new chapter, so I'll keep tabs when I hook him up in SoR and see if he gets flagged on his KotFE run.

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Yes, this is still bugged. I was posting in another thread about it that I can't find now. I've replayed twice only to have to reset because the situation with Kaliyo pretending we are together is not acceptable to me. Came back here today hoping to see it was fixed and it's not. Guess I will keep ignoring this agent for now. :(
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Does anyone know if this happens to a trooper who romanced Aric? It didn't happen to me but I'm curious.


Didn't happen to me today, everything was fine with the romance. But my trooper is having her own issue with not being able to start the next chapter after Jorgan's. Just says coming soon, won't launch.

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Does anyone know if this happens to a trooper who romanced Aric? It didn't happen to me but I'm curious.


I suspect Troopers, regardless of their romance status, are in the clear - the bug seems to be related to agent's that had trouble completing the chapter, if I've understood correctly. And it doesn't seem to be 100% of all agent's, just us lucky few :rolleyes:


Besides, I think random classes were being ninjamanced by Kaliyo, there'd be more forum noise.

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My problem is the same as this but kinda different. I romanced Ensign Temple and it didn't hint at all during chapter 10 that I romanced Kaliyo until I got to the last cutscene with her and it wants me to either continue the romance or end the romance. I don't want to have to this chapter a third time on one character :\ please just fix it and let me continue.
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  • 3 weeks later...
As of chapter 13 being out, and as of today as well, bug is still not fixed. The chapter was not reset with the newest chapter but Kaliyo still decides to start her fake romance during the last cutscene. I've made several bug reports and even contacted customer service who said they would 'bring it up at the next report to the devs', but in all this time it remains untouched.
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Can also confirm this bug. At the start of KOTFE I get the letter from Temple (surely an indication the game should recognize she's the one I romanced)


All through chapter 10, no signs of any romance between Kaliyo and me, but suddenly the last cutscene triggered is the make up or break up one as well. Hope it gets fixed soon, was hoping to start working on getting this character geared, but now I'm afraid of doing anything that might somehow mess up the Ensign Temple romance.


If this was just a chance merely for us to change our desired romance option from the vanilla story then I guess that's cool, but since the only 2 options result in the pop up screen that either locks you in or out of the relationship, it's got me a bit worried, because this definitely wasn't the case with my sith warrior in the newest chapter, who romanced Jaesa instead of Vette. At no point during the chapter did Vette have an option to switch to her as the primary romance.


EDIT : I received an in game ticket indicating this is INTENDED. It's not a bug; it sounds like they're just giving the option to romance her if you didn't the first time around (though I'm guessing Temple might not be happy about it if you romanced her in the vanilla story) . The whole "'Continue' Romance" thing was confusing for me as I was afraid it hadn't flagged my Temple romance, but yea: Just wanted to let anyone know who was wondering about this that "Ending" the Kaliyo 'romance' won't have any negative consequences, it's essentially meaning 'Don't wish to start a new relationship' with her.

Edited by DWillikers
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  • 5 weeks later...
Can also confirm this bug. At the start of KOTFE I get the letter from Temple (surely an indication the game should recognize she's the one I romanced)


All through chapter 10, no signs of any romance between Kaliyo and me, but suddenly the last cutscene triggered is the make up or break up one as well. Hope it gets fixed soon, was hoping to start working on getting this character geared, but now I'm afraid of doing anything that might somehow mess up the Ensign Temple romance.


If this was just a chance merely for us to change our desired romance option from the vanilla story then I guess that's cool, but since the only 2 options result in the pop up screen that either locks you in or out of the relationship, it's got me a bit worried, because this definitely wasn't the case with my sith warrior in the newest chapter, who romanced Jaesa instead of Vette. At no point during the chapter did Vette have an option to switch to her as the primary romance.


EDIT : I received an in game ticket indicating this is INTENDED. It's not a bug; it sounds like they're just giving the option to romance her if you didn't the first time around (though I'm guessing Temple might not be happy about it if you romanced her in the vanilla story) . The whole "'Continue' Romance" thing was confusing for me as I was afraid it hadn't flagged my Temple romance, but yea: Just wanted to let anyone know who was wondering about this that "Ending" the Kaliyo 'romance' won't have any negative consequences, it's essentially meaning 'Don't wish to start a new relationship' with her.



Thanks for the heads up. I just got this error too yesterday. My agent never flirted with her once and is with Theron. So i was like O_o "When did I flirt with her?" The game still has me flagged as having a relationship with Theron too.

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