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35 Grand chance cubes and 9 new armor boxes out of new Hypercrate


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35!!! Grand chance cubes?! Seriously?!

3 mounts

2 vibro swords

1 sniper rifle

4 crystals

3 deco

And the usual ton of green jawa junk and companion gifts.


Some boxes had 2 of the chance cubes in them. Is this the way it's going to be from now on?

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Same odds as You, i decdid after spendiong more than 900 E on packs that i will not again, only buy ops and wz pass and sell on GTN, but if thi skeeps up NOBODY will buy these CRAP packs and You wont even be abler to buy th eitems you want from GTN anymore.... IM SO FÅÅÅking tired of BIOFAIL / BIOGREED
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You should have seen the writing on the wall. It was quite obvious when they were releasing what details they were releasing how horrible this would be.


They do appreciate your continued flow of money though to their coffers so they can continue to not patch things, fix bugs, put out more than 60 minutes of content, etc..

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1 Hypercrate


32 Chance cubes

14 comp gifts (various)

10 boxes of Silver armor

6 Decos

3 Crystals

2 Gold Armor boxes

2 MH sword things

2 mounts

2 pets

Various amounts of all 3 Jawa Scraps



So Umm Bioware, is 32 cubes supposed to be the going rate?


EDIT: So I went threw all of the Chance Cubes just to see what I would get. Here is what I got:


7 Things that I would consider useful or that I did no have.

(They were 2 Silver & 5 Bronze: Silver: TM-59 Blaster Pistol & Advanced Cyan-Blue Hawkeye, Bronze: Republic Huttball Home Uniform, Killik Queen Larva Pet, Yuun 2, Togruta Female, and Underworld Light Orange)


There were also 6 Titles that I already have, 5 sh*tty dyes, 3 bronze mounts, 2 bronze rando decos, and a bit of other cr*p.


So bit bummed. Thought the Cubes were REPLACING the Bronze junk?!?

Edited by MiloUto
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no. i don't get it at all. please explain.


The grand packs replace a new item with a chance at older items which you may already have or probably wont sell well either since a lot of people probably already have them. When one buys a pack that advertises new items, they tend to want the new items.

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I thought grand chance cubes were a good thing? giving you full sets of armor???


Only that they aren't doing that. The current droprate seems to be ~60% chance cube, with some people reporting to have two chance cubes in a single pack. That happens to 3-4 packs in a hypercrate. That means there is a solid 10-15% chance to have two chance cubes in the packs. The GCC itself seems to have a ~90% bronze ratio. That means you have a very reasonable chance that 60% of the stuff you receive from new packs is old stuff that isn't worth a dime. The Cybernetic 606 set was gathering dust back in the day, it will still do that.


The GCC would be a good addition if:


1. The GCC has one single slot assigned in the new packs. You receive the GCC as a bonus from buying a pack, or you have a chance of ~30% to have a single GCC in the pack. Not double. I twittered that to Eric before the patch went live. Making the chance of receiving two GCC with bronze items in a single new pack is a bad change.


2. The GCC has a reasonable chance to drop something that people actually need. Not a golden armour set, but even more silver stuff would go a long way. Regenration emotes, decent mounts. Maybe even Cartel Certificates.


The GCC right now is just a way to bloat packs for the sake of limiting the amount of new armour on the market, as well as not designing more new armour for coming packs. They are, in essence, only a way to make the package look as big as before, with less stuff inside.


Think of it as a bag of chips. 40% of the content is actually tasty and great. The rest is somewhere inbetween. Schroedingers chips. You have no idea if the chip tastes good before you eat it. In 60% of the cases, there is a blue chip in there. That blue potato chip tastes awful 80% of the time. I doubt you'd continue to buy that brand at full price, right?

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The grand packs replace a new item with a chance at older items which you may already have or probably wont sell well either since a lot of people probably already have them. When one buys a pack that advertises new items, they tend to want the new items.


I just bought one pack, got blue comp gift + 10 scrap parts and 2 grand change cubes. Out of the cubes, I got blue/pink dye (ghasly) and Kloo Emote" (***)


I would say that's even just as bad or worse than the 2 packs i bought a week ago to see what they did.


I thought grand cahnce cubes were supposed to give you full sets of things. I didn't even get a silver or gold item. I got at least one silver from packs a week ago.


so from what other people are saying it's not going to get better than this? Or will it, because it'll drive GTN prices down and be cheaper for people not having old stuff to buy?

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I am a big fan of fluff. Always buy it in the games that I play, but even for me this is just crap. That was the last crate I buy.


If they would get their act together and put out some decent content, they wouldn't need to do this embarrassing money grab thing they have going at the moment.


To pay for a crate and get stupid emotes, crappy dyes I don't want, and not even *1* of the armor pieces I wanted...

Well, shame on me for not knowing better by now.

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Thank you for being guinea pig. You guys saved me some money.



Just kidding. I'm going to blow it on Blade and Souls fluff.



I don't understand.


I thought grand chance cubes were a good thing? giving you full sets of armor???


They are a good thing for new players that don't have all the items they want from old packs. Those veteran players that have the items its a huge waste of money. Chance to get a full armor set. But you stand a better chance at getting crap.

Edited by Warrgames
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Man reading all this... I was so excited to buy the new packs, but this just scares me off. I have 10,000 cc, but now I am not sure if I want to even spend it at all... wow man... this sounds awful. The droprate of the chance cube seems unusually high. I think I'll hold off until Bioware says something or if they don't I just don't buy it.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm not a fan of the Chance Cubes. They are a gamble at old items. If I wanted those I'm sure I would have bought them on the Cartel Market when they were released or saved up and gotten them off the GTN at some point. I don't think they're a thing that is highly desirable either. The "Grand" packs were a nice idea, but implementing random old items, usually junk armor sets, into a new pack was a massive disappointment to me. The whole theme of the pack was confusing to me as well. It didn't really have a theme to it. About half the items were themed around the new Research Alliance and Oggurobb's lab theme, while the other half were assorted items from chapter Ten of KOTFE. It would have been nice to have one real set with a coherent theme and an assortment of new items, instead of this strange mixture of two half aborted packs and mess of old items.
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Some of you just have bad luck,,personally i like the Chance Cubes,,and when i purchased my Hypercrate i did not expect to get a Unattuned saber tbh,,i was hoping and did get many of the other stuff,i purchased one more of those 5 packs and did get one however to my surprise.
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