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My Hypercrate Loot and Grand Chance Cube Review.


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Hello everyone. I am shure as most of you know Patch 4.1 launched today after a unexpected but expect patch maintenance day. So I will cut right to the chase. I was eager to log in today because there is a new pack coming out and before today I fully knew about the upcoming changes regarding these "Grand Chance Cubes". Now before today, my opinion of these were that it was a good idea but was going to be terribly, horribly implemented. I will state my post 4.1 opinion further down in this post but first let's have a look at the haul, shall we?




That is from 1 Hypercrate. Not pictured are the Companion Gifts and Scrap Metals.


41x Grand Chance Cubes.




1x Classic Lightweight Vibrosword

1x Insurrectionist's Blaster

2x Insurrectionist's Rifle

1x R1-H5 Astromech Droid

1x Korrealis Marquis

1x Prairie Kybuck

1x Desert Green Indestructible Crystal

1x Desert Green Hawkeye Crystal

2x Zakuulan Information Terminal

1x Squadron's Ace Upper

1x Squadron's Ace Lower

1x Darth Skotia Supple

1x Resistance Fighter Supple

1x Zak Knight Captain Lower

1x UW Anarachist Supple


Out of 60 Items, 41 were Cubes vs. 19 New Items. "But Wait Reno! You didn't open your cubes! Maybe you got something new from them!" Well let's take a look then.




Would you like to guess how many of these are new? No? here's the Answer




Now for my Post 4.1 Opinion regarding "Grand Chance Cubes."


Simply put? They are garbage, not even okay. Just garbage. If they were a separate item to be sold by itself or even if you were promised at least 1 new item per pack they would be okay. But as they are now. They are garbage.


Bioware, we buy packs to get the new items within them. I know you want to make money. But I strongly recommend you not only cancel this change on any upcoming packs but you might want to consider a hot fix that adjusts the drop rate of these cubes because this pack is Garbage now and I shall not be using my free coins to buy anymore of them.

Ur character is rattataki woman, right?

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All of the threads on this are funny. "I bought a gorillion grab bags and didn't get the shiny pixels I wanted." Mmmhmm.... People keep buying enough of them that BW feels comfortable farting around with drop rates and gimmicks. Why should BW change how they're doing it?


It's also pathetically funny that in a friggin' SW MMO the #1 subject after a patch are silly grab bags. How lame is the playable part of the game then?

They're all funny indeed. All these suckers are part of the problem. This game won't get any better content-wise unless a vast majority stop buying CC to gamble their RL money away on pixels. I love pixels as much as the next guy, but that's why I use my friend referral link (free CC) and try to farm when I can.

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The new chance cubes strike me as the same sort of thinking that led to level sync and trying to "reuse" the old content from launch until pre-4.0.


The game is catering to the new player rather than the old timer. If you just showed up, if you've just started playing since 4.0, then the chance cubes are probably wonderful.


For those of us who already collected everything, meh, who cares... but the new people are probably loving it...


New players? Where? Everyone already knows this game sucks, only old players here.

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They're all funny indeed. All these suckers are part of the problem. This game won't get any better content-wise unless a vast majority stop buying CC to gamble their RL money away on pixels. I love pixels as much as the next guy, but that's why I use my friend referral link (free CC) and try to farm when I can.


I used my free CC I get from my referral link to buy the hypercrate so I did not spend any extra money.

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Same here. I bought 1 hypercrate and 7 packs and I found only a Koensayr Revolution, a Zakuulan Luxury Sidecar, 2 Cyberlamp Mewvorr, a R1-H5 Astromech Droid, 3 green color crystal, a Classic Double-Bladed Vibrosword, a Insurrectionist’s Sniper Rifle and a lots of scraps, gift and chance cubes. A lot of chance cubes. I was drowning in chance cubes. And I didn't find anything interesting in them except 2 silver decorations.


Same bad luck for some of my guildies. A total of 3 hypercrate and 65 packs and no Rancor, 1 Uxibeast, 1 Prairie Kybuck and no Unstable Arbiter’s Lightsaber or Dualsaber.


Really disappointed with this poor drop rate. I know 0.00000000000000000000000000001% is better than 0.0% but it seems a little ridiculous to me.

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You are missing the entire point. When new packs come out, I want the new stuff from the pack, that's why I buy those packs to get the new stuff.


Except in the cubes you DID get new stuff. You clearly dont have all those pets/emotes/titles on that character, otherwise they'd be grayed out. No telling on the dye/crystal/armor. But that stuff IS new to be unlocked for you.


You'll also note you got nearly zero dupes, something that would not have been the case under the old bronze setup, which had about 10-15 different items in the pool.


Sell that stuff and buy your lightsaber and rancor. You're complaining you were given good older stuff instead of a 3 copies of recolored czerka derp-mobile.

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Except in the cubes you DID get new stuff. You clearly dont have all those pets/emotes/titles on that character, otherwise they'd be grayed out. No telling on the dye/crystal/armor. But that stuff IS new to be unlocked for you.


You'll also note you got nearly zero dupes, something that would not have been the case under the old bronze setup, which had about 10-15 different items in the pool.


Sell that stuff and buy your lightsaber and rancor. You're complaining you were given good older stuff instead of a 3 copies of recolored czerka derp-mobile.


But they arn't new. They are old items. If I wanted those items I would have gotten them already by now.


Again you are completely missing the point.


I don't care that I got nearly zero dupes. I would much rather have gotten dupes of items to share with my friends and guildies or to sell to those who didn't buy packs then having gotten Old stuff that I have no desire for.


Do try to understand before you post next time, okay?

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But they arn't new. They are old items. If I wanted those items I would have gotten them already by now.


Again you are completely missing the point.


I don't care that I got nearly zero dupes. I would much rather have gotten dupes of items to share with my friends and guildies or to sell to those who didn't buy packs then having gotten Old stuff that I have no desire for.


Do try to understand before you post next time, okay?


Well bummer to be you. Sorry you missed out on, what, 10 new bronze items. The total number of new items in each shipment are going to be less. For everyone who hasnt magically obtained every single old item ever, this is a boost. Which is the majority of us.


Share those old multi million cred items with your friends instead. I'm sure you can find someone who prefers that over the equivalent of a 5000 credit bronze from the Strategist Alliance.

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New hilts?

By new hilts I mean the Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber. I haven't seen anyone running around with one on Red Eclipse yet. That doesn't mean anything, but usually people are yelling out when they get the latest and greatest, either how they are going to sell it for billions or whatever...

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There is not one single title that sells for less than what outlander observer/guerilla crates are going for. So the cube crap still beats the bronze you wold have gotten at its worst.



I recall that coming out around the time of the announced pack changes, but cant for the life of me find it. Maybe it was edited, maybe I'm senile.




You get more actually, since the armor you get from the cubes is a whole set, as opposed to an upper, lower or supp box. The old bronze's were soon worthless on the GTN. Having them come from a larger pool makes them worth more, longer.


Consider the OP's cube results. I see a reusable Jawagram in there worth a few million, A yippe type emote, some other good stuff in addition to the revan holostatue. That **** is worth WAYYY more than whatever he would have gotten otherwise, and should let him buy the rancor/lightsaber/whatever he wants from the pack easier than the bronze's he would have gotten instead, unless the drop rates of gold have been reduced and Musco was just lying when he said they were increased.


I really think you are missing the point, on my main toon alone I have over 150 mil credits, I do not need credits, I buy hypercrates as a means of supporting the game and getting new items within the pack. I nearly have everything unlocked so a lot of the stuff from the chance cube I end up already having, and I have no real need for credits. So, the only reason for me buying packs is now gone, since it is honestly not worth it for me to if I end up getting older items.


By no means should a pack drop two chance cubes, they should make it so each pack has a 100% drop rate on a new item, and a maybe 40% drop rate on the grand chance cube. I have always bought three hypercrates each time a new pack drops, but if the new packs have a lower chance at getting new items, what is the point really?

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I purchased 1 hypercrate as I often do with a new pack release and while its a small sample size to use as a gauge, the OPs assessment of the chance cubes is not unreasonable imho. I would estimate I received approximately 30-40 chance cubes of which all items were things from the first 3 shipments.


That's great if you're a fairly new player of say the past 12-18 months. Lots of items that may be harder to come by now or pricey on the GTN, but as a founder and long time player it was a very poor haul as I already have a lot of those items. A couple of emotes and a title and an armor set I suspect is not in demand in the slightest were all that was new for me.


In terms of actual new items I guess I did alright. Got the entirety of the exiled knights set and a smattering of pieces from all the others. Vibrosword and the offhand, both rifles and the pistol, 4 green crystals. 4-5 decos but no arbiter or any mounts.


Again, 1 hypercrate is perhaps too small a sample to base a conclusion on but it does seem that this new pack format benefits newer players more so than old schoolers given the ratio of chance cubes vs new pack items. Perhaps 60/40 with my hypercrate?

Edited by StrangeDais
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I've been against this idea since they announced it, but I bought a hypercrate just to give BW the benefit of the doubt. It was exactly as I predicted. It is absolute garbage. BioWare has had some stupid ideas since 4.0, but this one takes the cake.


BioWare, I used to spend hundreds of dollars a month on the cartel market. Literally. And with the CDN$ so low right now, this is not a small expense. Because of this stupid idea, you will now get $0.00 from me. I will continue to sub, just because I don't like the restrictions, but I will not spend another red cent on your packs. Your absolute ignorance of the community is shameful. When are you guys going to stop making changes that only suit YOU and actually listen to your paying customers for a change?


You are now getting NO further money from me on cartel packs. If you continue down this path of stupid ideas and complete ignorance of the community, my subscription is gone too, and I will never buy another EA/BW product ever again. I know I'm just one guy, but I also know that there are a lot of others like me. Pull your collective heads out your collective rectums and pay attention. You are losing loyal customers.

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Hm, 41 new bronze level vendor fodder garbage vs 41 chances at the lottery.


If I ended up with a friggin revan statue from a chance cube I'd be pretty satisfied with how that went.



Look at the old packs and honestly tell me the "latest and greatest" bronze garbage they were flooded with is worse than what you bagged there.

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By new hilts I mean the Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber. I haven't seen anyone running around with one on Red Eclipse yet. That doesn't mean anything, but usually people are yelling out when they get the latest and greatest, either how they are going to sell it for billions or whatever...


I have one on Shadowlands. I'm waiting until the timer runs out to transfer it to my sorc. That's the one thing I don't like about them being bound when you loot them, still have to wait to transfer them to the right character. I understand the reason why, so it's not a complaint, so much as an observation.

Edited by Devlyne
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First was the total item count nerf which they tried to disguise with the packs dropped per hypercrate. They saw their sales plummet so they relented and increased the item content drop rate some, but still not fully like the original 24 pack hypercrates.


Now they still want bring the numbers back down so they can get more profits, but they don't want the players to realize it and revolt like they did initially. They can't bring out grand packs on a permanent basis anymore either, because they were cutting into profits of the regular packs. So, what was the new solution created by the number manipulators? Enter the "Grand Chance Cubes". The GCC are systemic of the flawed dev approach that is fueled solely by deception and greed.

Edited by Holocron
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I have to throw out a big THANK YOU to all of you who wasted your hard earned money on proving these new Hypercrates are crap. You saved me so much money. I am eternally grateful.


Now if everyone would just stop buying anymore of them, perhaps Bioware would take notice and change it. But, based on how they incompetently annihilated the Contraband Slot Machine, I wouldn't hold your breath on them fixing the Hypercrates/Packs anytime soon.


Hey, does anyone have one of the new 212, 216, and 220 Craftable Relic for sale?


*cricket chirp*

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