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Anarchist Alliance Pack, Grand Chance Packs Nonsens


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I want to address the new anarchist pack that contains the so called grand chance packs. I feel scammed about this and I want to tell you why. The way I see it, nothing indicated that these packs could contain gear from old packs which is obviously the case with the chance cubes. I bought 15 crates in eager anticipation of the new stuff of which im interested in many of the items. Here is the result excluding mats and gifts: 19 items from old packs, 11 items from the actual anarchist pack. No gold and of the overall 20 items 9 are of bronze quality. Had I been warned that these packs consist by nearly two thirds! of old stuff I would not have bought them. I am disappointed and thanks for nothing. I hope you feel the repercussions of this nonsens on a financial level. Edited by mousestar
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I agree, these grand chance cubes should come as bonuses in the actual packs as an extra slot, if at all. I am already unsubbed from this game due to lack of meaningful group content and now I have no reason to spend any money whatsoever on this game at all, because I will not be purchasing any more packs from the cartel market with this ripoff formula.
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Agreed, it looks like a fraud. I feel myself completely cheated with this Grand Chance packs - I bought hypercrate because of Anarchist Pack's items, instead I got "Grand Chance" without even any description I could see before purchase (!) and from the whole hypercrate i didn't get any super rare or rare item from new pack, just 2 silver mainhands. Crand Chance packs gave me anything trash from old packs, but not even 1 Anarchist item.



BW is cheating you.

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Actually speaking on a legal level it is very, very close to fraud. It skirts the line a bit because of the randomness (or apparent randomness) of the packs. But these grand chance cubes are a total rip off. 30 packs from a hypercrate and over half of them had 2 chance cubes in it which give nothing but old junk. Bioware we do not buy the newest pack for old items. We want the new items.


Once again you've listened to a vocal minority, in this case people wanting to have a chance at old items in new packs, to the detriment of people who make up a far larger chunk of your financial gains. I will never again buy cartel coins. I have to say I'm extremely disappointed by these shady business practices and I feel like a company I have supported since pre-launch just ripped me off for 50 bucks.

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I bought 60 packs and ended up with like 70 plus cubes and maybe 2-3 golden items, most the stuff i got was old outdated crap. I feel like i've been robbed. I really wanted that lightsaber or something new to trade for it. New packs are meh.
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I bought a hypercrate and ended up with 32 chance cubes. That's more chance cubes than packs in the hypercrate. I wish it was just my bad luck but all of my friends who bought one had the same experience. I have been buying hypercrates since the first one was released and this is hands down the most disappointed I've been in a pack. I don't buy the hypercrates for old items. I buy them because I want the new items. These cubes should be made a separate item on the CM for players who are interested in them to buy. I feel ripped off and honestly I would unsub if there wasn't a credit cap for preferred players. I can guarantee that I won't be buying another pack if nothing is changed.


Chance cubes from one hypercrate.

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never posted anything before, but i feel especially swindled and disheartened with swtor over these crates. I buy a hypercrate every time a new one comes out. I especially liked the stuff said to be contained in this new pack. Over half of the 60 crates i bought were double chance cubes with none of the new content. The other crates held 1 new item and 1 chance cube. basically instead of getting 30 crates in a hypercrate of new shipment you're only getting 10 real crates to roll new content. 10 crates to try and get new items (good luck with a Gold roll) after paying for 30, 20 of which will give u titles, moods, and emotes of old packs.


Ive never been angry with this game before, I frown on people who talk about unsubbing all the time, and pretty much love the game. Today that changed. I feel like swtor stole from me and im not sure im ever gonna enjoy this game again. Really just thinking about cutting my loses and just play league or just spending money on aaa title games like battlefront and the like. A hypercrate is the same price or close to a full title video game like starcraft, borderland and the like. There was alot of promise in this pack, the new items are nice, too bad the nicest pack in awhile was a scam to fraud customers into one last pocket pick before the customer base leaves when season 1 of the story is over.

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I can tell you that I will no longer buy hypercrates. I used to buy 2 hypercrates every release... Now BW will get no extra money. They should gurantee one pack item from that pack in each pack. In an entire hypercrate. I got 3 armor boxes, one vehicle, and three decos. Everything else was garbage from the Chance Cubes. It's worse than Mafia Wars roll garbage.
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These chance cubes are BS. If they were as rare as the old credit boom...then maybe. I don't want old recycled emotes ***! For those of us that have been playing since beta this is trash, just as worthless as the buffs. The packs have gotten less and less items, due to the clutter I am guessing. People now can have well over 20 chars and each has 5 bank tabs full of useless crap we hoard. I understand the pains by why give us a chance cube to give us more crap? The rare items are 1 in a crate of 30 if lucky. What happened to that super promised rare gold pack that was in the ones before these ****** ones? FML, for the money you spend to buy the coins, id rather you just put the items on the market for straight sale and let me buy what I want. Very disappointing. opening packs used to be fun. Getting ****, isn't fun. Normally spend 100-200 a series but not anymore. I'm boycotting packs until its changed. I'll just buy the items i want
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Attempted to put in a ticket to see if the packs were just bugged or what, as I couldn't believe my results after opening three hypercrates. The bug report feature broke and won't even allow me to put in a ticket now. Guess I'll be calling customer service direct tomorrow to demand a refund.
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Same here...


Bought two hypercrates... and of the 60 boxes only 2 actually did not contain a great chance cube (perhaps the great chance is when they are not in the crate).


But I should have seen the signs: the very first box I opened contained 2 great chance cubes, which "blessed" me with a ball toss and an imperial banner.


I think for a very very very long time I will be healed from buying anything from the cartel market.... and I will return for some time to the other space themed MMO, which at least gives each time some small tokens to buy the stuff you wanted directly.... when one was weak enough to open one of their lockboxes...

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i gotta say, as much as i respect ppl that play this since launch, you can't diss the cubes because you have pretty much everything. i played from launch but only now started wasting some money on this, and i can say i preffer the cubes instead of fixed junk like it was on strategy alliance pack (the previous one before this new one). At least i get something different i can use, even if it's a decoration. Although i agree, for the amount of money they are getting of these packs, they should bring more items. I'm guessing the lightsabers are either very rare drops (in that case it's intentional to make u waste money) or bugged.





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i gotta say, as much as i respect ppl that play this since launch, you can't diss the cubes because you have pretty much everything. i played from launch but only now started wasting some money on this, and i can say i preffer the cubes instead of fixed junk like it was on strategy alliance pack (the previous one before this new one). At least i get something different i can use, even if it's a decoration. Although i agree, for the amount of money they are getting of these packs, they should bring more items. I'm guessing the lightsabers are either very rare drops (in that case it's intentional to make u waste money) or bugged.






The issue we are talking about doesnt replace the fixed junk it replaces the NEW stuff... you very much still get the junk

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Actually speaking on a legal level it is very, very close to fraud. It skirts the line a bit because of the randomness (or apparent randomness) of the packs. But these grand chance cubes are a total rip off. 30 packs from a hypercrate and over half of them had 2 chance cubes in it which give nothing but old junk. Bioware we do not buy the newest pack for old items. We want the new items.


Once again you've listened to a vocal minority, in this case people wanting to have a chance at old items in new packs, to the detriment of people who make up a far larger chunk of your financial gains. I will never again buy cartel coins. I have to say I'm extremely disappointed by these shady business practices and I feel like a company I have supported since pre-launch just ripped me off for 50 bucks.


This is excatly why I will be calling support tomorrow morning and demanding a refund. It is outrageous.

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I agree , this is basicly cheating people imo.


I dont buy a NEW pack to get items from a OLD pack !!!


I bought 2x5packs ... normally i buy 2x30 , but luckely i was low on money irl. when i noticed these new packs. Saved me alot of disapointment. Anyway i got chance cube in every single pack except one... heck i even got two cubes in same pack tree times (so basicly no new items).


This makes it freaking hard to get an entire set of even bronze quality, and normaly with old system i owned 90% the items of a pack serie after opening 2x25 or whatever the old pack big box number was.


This is secound time you guys mess packs up with new idea's .... why are you messing with something that was allready working well ? Make a poll first and see how we react there, before you add random crap content or remove things we like alot.

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-shrugs- I am kind of ambivalent to them being in the packs.


The problem for me is that I don't have any actual data from former packs.


Since this pack doesn't have any bronze items in it (that are specific to the pack), I don't know if I opened a similar amount of the last pack would I have been left with the same amount of pack bronzes as grand cubes. Basically, is there really a difference other then your crap bronze items being from a much larger pool of items (if going to sell) versus a much smaller pool of crap bronze items.

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I can tell you that I will no longer buy hypercrates. I used to buy 2 hypercrates every release... Now BW will get no extra money. They should gurantee one pack item from that pack in each pack. In an entire hypercrate. I got 3 armor boxes, one vehicle, and three decos. Everything else was garbage from the Chance Cubes. It's worse than Mafia Wars roll garbage.


The best thing I got was a Dathomir Rancor. I bought four hypercrates (Because I'm an idiot, clearly). My friend had said the packs were really skewed towards chance cubes, but I chalked it up to bad RNG. No. I did the math.


Four crates = 120 packs

Each pack has two items from the cartel pack OR a cube of disappointment - 2 * 120 = 240


Out of my 240 possible items, I ended up with 157 chance cubes. Most of which turned into terrible old gear I had, decos I used (even though I had them) or comp customizations. Out of the 83 cartel items I got that was actually from the pack - you know, the things we pay money for - I got about 54 decos. Leaving me 29 items. Subtract the 10 duplicate mounts I got and I'm left with 19 items that I potentially wanted. Those 19 items were distributed to the Vibrosword, and silver gear boxes. I essentially paid a lot of money for a dathomir rancor and a few vibroblades.


I don't usually post very often, but if BW hopes to keep making GOOD money off of packs, they need to seriously rethink how they operate. I like the idea of the chance cube, but make it one per pack at the absolute most. In the end,I think Bioware took a trolling class from Master Rahool. Cuz the level of disappointment right now equates to the Cryptarch in vanilla Destiny.



-shrugs- I am kind of ambivalent to them being in the packs.


The problem for me is that I don't have any actual data from former packs.


Since this pack doesn't have any bronze items in it (that are specific to the pack), I don't know if I opened a similar amount of the last pack would I have been left with the same amount of pack bronzes as grand cubes. Basically, is there really a difference other then your crap bronze items being from a much larger pool of items (if going to sell) versus a much smaller pool of crap bronze items.


Yes, this pack didn't have any bronze items, but the thing to keep in mind is even bronze items that came from previous packs were new. It wasn't "Hey, you COULD get this new stuff.......or you could get all this stuff from the past four years.". I think the general issue is we're paying money for (from the way it seems) a 50% chance or higher at things we've already had a chance to get. We have to basically sacrifice a nerf to RNGesus and hope to god we get something new. I cringe to think what I'll be dropping in credits on the sabers once things start to unbind.

Edited by twotilmidnite
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My experience...


Dozens of people I've never met are, apparently, my friends, so I have thousands and thousands of CCs coming in every month without paying even one centime for them. That got me two of the new hypercrates on a "let's have some fun seeing what drops" basis.


My only gripe with the cubes is that getting down to actual items is now a two-stage process (three if you count opening armour boxes as a stage). On the scale of things, that's pretty minor.

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