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Everything posted by Lolxinol

  1. If you created the character and it is still level 60, then you can delete it and make something else. Once the character levels to 61, then it is locked in.
  2. 30 crates? Or 30 packs? If it is 30 crates, I'd say you have better chances. If it is 30 packs, I'd say slim. The issue is some people get the sabers off one pack. Some people never get them off 5 crates (150 packs). It's just RNG. The sabers have a low drop chance. If you intention is you want a saber and are going to spend money, then possibly look into buying other things with CC that you can see to get you credits so you can just buy a saber off the GTN.
  3. Perhaps a little of column A, a little of column B.
  4. What's wrong with that? The only way I could see that being an actual problem is that if the lightsaber didn't drop in the packs.
  5. It really all depends on your RNG. Grand Chance Cubes actually made up about 42% of my items in the Crates that I opened. I know other people who had higher; I know people who had lower. My Grand Chances Cubes actually proved to be rather nice as I actually got items that weren't just old Bronze items, but quite a number of high credit value Gold items. So as far as investment goes, I actually did rather well with them. With the way the packs were bought (with people trying to get an Arbiter) there really is a glut of the silver drops out of the pack, so most really aren't worth much. The Golds do a bit better, but still, large glut. Had the Grand Chance Cubes not been there and I had the usual slew of bronze items that every other pack had, then yes, I would completely agree with you that this pack was not a good buy. The Chance Cubes actually saved it for me. You (or me) can't tell anyone else whether buying something is worth it or not to them. For some people, it was never worth it. For some people, a crate was worth it. For some people, multiples were worth it. Now, would I change the structure of the pack? Yeah, I would. I wouldn't mind seeing one guaranteed pack drop (weapon, armor, mount, emote, etc.), one guaranteed deco drop (sue me, I like decorating heh), one Chance Cube with the Chance Cube basically being a freebie in there.
  6. Can you link me anything official on what the drop rate of a Gold item is?
  7. Go to the Cartel Market. Click on the Anarchist Pack. Just the pack to buy. Not the Hypercrate. Not the Supercrate. The one for just one pack. Please read the section there on what items are in the pack. Please the section on the Grand CHance Cube. Please notice the section as well that explains what comes out of the Grand Chance Cube. So no, not false advertising. When you look at an individual pack, it explains right there exactly what might come out of the pack.
  8. Considering that the CM packs are cosmetic items, really, have they ever been worth it?
  9. Still working on finding a rarity listing from Strategy Alliance to kind of compare the break down of silver/bronze in that pack to this one. If the number of gold and silver in that pack is comparable to the silver and gold in this pack, then you could assume that a number of bronze fluff items that would have been created to fluff out that tier, just weren't created.
  10. No, it's more of that the people who dislike the crate assume that since they don't like it, it has to mean that *everyone* dislikes it. And that is not the case. Is this pack perfect to me? No. Did I buy a single crate with the assumption I was going to get X item? No. Did I hope I would get X item? Yes. But I never expected it so I haven't been disappointed. My luck may also be better then the average person. I don't know. I've pulled four White crystal iterations from my Chance cubes along with a couple of sets of armor that I always thought about picking up (that are old and expensive). So for me, the Cubes haven't been a disappointment. Honestly, I expect that the next pack will have a change to how it functions. Most likely you will see a bronze tier in items again (so the chance cube goes away or is just one of the potential bronze drops) and everyone can have their glut of bronze items again and go back to being happy.
  11. One thing to remember. You can't compare the Strategy to the Anarchist due to the fact that Strategy had a series of bronze items in the pack and Anarchist doesn't. So, go throw out all bronze items from Strategy and only count up the silver and gold items and then the silver and gold items you have to get your percent. That's how to compare them unfortunately. All those Grand Chance Cubes were the bronze items from Strategy.
  12. The CM gear is cosmetic. It''s just for looks. Those sabers will perform just like a cheap saber would. Same as the mounts. They'll get you from point A to B the same as a cheap mount would. But... to a lot of people... looks matter. And the new 'shiny' look is always desirable because for even a short period of time, you can feel like a special snowflake because no one else looks like you. Saber is fotm right now. It'll be replaced when they invent a new flavor, which I assume is in a month when the next pack comes out I guess.
  13. Well, I guess you can throw me in the column of those that love the Chance Cubes. Why? The Chance Cube replaced normal bronze items in the pack. Getting rid of the Chance Cube wouldn't mean you get more Silver and Golds, because it would be replaced with a set of bronze items. Based on the amount of duplicate Silvers I got in the crates that I opened and the general value of most of them at this point, the bronze ones would be even worse. I would be sitting on piles upon piles of worthless bronze items. Which isn't any different then the bronze items I got from the Chance Cubes, but with the chance cubes, you might get something that is better. I know I got a white crystal in one of mine and there was another rare or two that I got (the large cyan crystal centerpiece deco I think is another) that basically were more valuable then having a crap ton of current pack bronzes.
  14. And I loathe to call you a liar, because I honestly don't know. All I know are my own results, which are far far different then yours (and I logged every item that came out of each of my crates - my wife actually was sitting behind me laughing at me about I am such a dork). Yes, I didn't get a Saber. But I got everything else that was rare... with at least two of each I think. Oh, the prairie kangaroo thing I only got one of and the Statue of Kaliyo I only got one of as well. But the other rares, I got two to three of each of them. Maybe you just had craptastic luck and I hate that kind of stuff can happen in the crates. It's why I wish if you bought a crate, you would get a free good rare or something with it.
  15. I can actually say almost the same thing about you. You are either the unluckiest person alive or are just lying. No one I know got anywhere close to as bad as you supposedly got.
  16. Out of curiosity, when you opened any of the former crates, what percentage of the item drops were of the bronze variety? What percentage of the items in it were of the silver? Of gold? The thing is... the hypercrate is just a replacement in the pack for what would have been a bronze item before. So had they not done it, it would have just been one of X number of items of bronze designation in the pack. It's not really a scam. The question really is... would you rather have had a bronze item from a limited pool of bronze items (had they created them for this pack) or would you rather have a bronze item from the whole tier of CM items (with a chance here and there for something better).
  17. And how did you come up with figure out 95% dislike? Based on forum threads? Sorry to say, if the forum threads (looking at unique posters) make up 95% of the SWTOR population, let's face it. The game is dead. You can't make a claim of what percent dislikes the change. People who are fine with them or really don't care tend to not be anywhere near as vocal about it.
  18. You know you are making a false statement right? The Grand Chance Cubes are not diluting the pool of items that are being rolled on in the pack. Yes, if you look at what is in the pack, and just take away the cube, the pool would be smaller. But if you go back and read Bioware's post about the changes, they basically said the Grand Chance Cube was this packs 'bronze' level item and they weren't putting in any bronze level items. So, the cube is just a replacement for all those normal bronze items you would have gotten in any other pack. The cube does not shrink the pool. The pool just made it obvious how many bronze items you would be getting in the pack. Your silver and bronze drops would likely have stayed the same (out of my 5 crates, it worked out to 9% Gold, 47% Silver, and the rest Grand Chance Cubes (Bronze)).
  19. Packs have been safe to buy when they were first put out there. The question you have to ask yourself is are they *worth* it to you. You have about a 50% chance from any pack of pulling a Chance Cube, which instead of a bronze from Anarchists (which there aren't any) you get most likely a bronze from the CM at large (with a rare chance of a silver or gold). The other item will either be another Chance Cube or a Silver or Gold from the Anarchists pack. The only advice I will give you: If you are buying a pack because you want to pull a saber, don't buy any. They are rare. They do drop. But I know people who bought a crap ton of packs (more then me) and never pulled any as well as knowing one person who bought just one 200 cc pack and got one. Random is random. Buying more won't change that it is random. I, for one, enjoy just opening packs (just as I love opening Pokemon TCG packs with my kids) but I set an amount of money I will spend and then I stop at it... whether I got what I wanted or not.
  20. Actually, at that point, as a *parent* of said children, if you don't want your children exposed to it, then perhaps you should have them not play.
  21. The packs with just new would (unless they designed a new set of bronze items) have to cost more then as well. The Cubes replaced what would have been bronze items in the pack. Removing the cubes wouldn't double up on the silvers and the golds.
  22. If you take out the Cube from the pack, you wouldn't get more chances at the silver and gold items. It would have been replaced with a whole other series of bronze quality items. The cube is just a replacement for those bronze items. So yes, you would get 'new' items, but you would have a glut of relatively speaking worthless bronze items and not more of the silver and gold which everyone assumes if the cubes were gone you would get.
  23. You got exactly what you paid for. It was listed. It was explained. You just don't like it. Just remember, for everyone one of those chance cubes you got, in any previous pack, it would have just been another bronze item (which are not in this pack). You wouldn't have gotten another silver or gold. It would have been a bronze that wasn't made for the set. So you would just be drowning in some other kind of bronze crap item.
  24. Well, the question is why you got flagged. Were you in a PvP on area? Or was it a flag that just hadn't turned off? If you get ganked, find a place to wait out the timer until the PvP flag drops off. Never log in a character to talk to them. Chances are good, you sending them a whisper saying please don't hurt me is just going to make them want to do it even more.
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