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Everything posted by letitdie

  1. The main thing that is making me seriosly considering stoping subscribing for good, is that the engine is broken since day 1. It's not just lag-wide server, you guys probably understand by now there is something fundamentaly wrong with this, and im about to quit my hopes. You can't even fix bugs that have been reported dozens of times, and yes i understand this is a mmo and your team is probably understaffed for the amount of content you are trying to put out (which let's face it it's not much besides the story is it? i love it dearly and i hope it so continues but how long has it been since we have 1 new ops ?), but all this and more points i can think of, doesn't change the fact you are ignoring the elephant in the room. And you do need to take a step backwards bioware. You are trying to atract more players to swtor, and in doing so ignoring the old ones, and you don't have a solid gameplay experience to deliver. Yes bugs happen and you can always patch it but by now i'm starting to think that even 12,99 is too much to pay for this. The secondary thing, it's the cartel market. For the love of god, allow us to use the new-awesome-love-this-button >desintegrate< to get rid of all the crap acumulated from wasting money on your russian rollete packs (btw, i hate the fact NOW this is how you get your end-game gear sets. keep the cosmetics, give us back our token vendors with new awesome looking sets PLEASE), for one main reason..... i can't sell any of the crap, i can't trade any of the crap, i even try to use crap but i also like nice things. also, if you think about it, it's only a fair use of my money. Use it to fill my shiny new yellow comand bar! This was probably my last imput here. I'll be waiting on the next cinematic that will hype the crap out of me, and when you release it you will get one more subscription. I seriosly hope, for the last time, some1 is actualy paying attention.
  2. yup i agree with you. This wouldn't remove the desire we all have for new ops, but would be a more fun and interactive way to play the story. I love a good single player experience, and that side of the game is on a hole diferent level from the rest. Thing is, when it's over you want to kill yourself for spending money for just that.
  3. thing is, i don't understand how can a company that build a MMO so unlike any other, is making these kinds of decisions... I get and agree with the importance of the story, and i believe that if this gets balanced with new operations and flashpoints, this game can once again be great. But at this point, i simply can't understand what logic there is in choosing this path..... How can you be worried about casual gamers, when your day 1 players keep bashing you everytime you put something new out ? how can they not get the message after all this time ? why don't they bother to fix SERIOUS gameplay issues that are and will be affecting EVERY content they put out ? I don't know about u guys, and i'm not even refering to veteran now, but didn't you think that in terms of gameplay this was your worse experience with swtor yet ? i was basicaly playing for the cutscenes because the stutters just took the fun out of every single fight. especially the boss ones
  4. also i'll copy paste the topic i opened tonight. these are my 2 cents So, here is the thing. After been wasting my abudant amount of credits (sarcasm off from this point forward) wiping trying to progress on chapters in veteran, i finaly decide to google it and see what's wrong, and i'm not doing this just to talk bad about your game, because even with it's flaws i can usually play it. But seriosly veteran mode is completly impossible to progress on dromund kaas, and just comes to show how bad you need to fix the game. The main thing that is making me seriosly considering stoping subscribing for good, is that the engine is broken since day 1. It's not just lag-wide server, you guys probably understand by now there is something fundamentaly wrong with this, and like i said on the title, im about to quit my hopes. You can't even fix bugs that have been reported dozens of times, and yes i understand this is a mmo and your team is probably understaffed for the amount of content you are trying to put out (which let's face it it's not much besides the story is it? i love it dearly and i hope it so continues but how long has it been since we have 1 new ops ?), but all this and more points i can think of, doesn't change the fact you are ignoring the elephant in the room. And you do need to take a step backwards bioware. You are trying to atract more players to swtor, and in doing so ignoring the old ones, and you don't have a solid gameplay experience to deliver. Yes bugs happen and you can always patch it but by now i'm starting to think that even 12,99 is too much to pay for this. The secondary thing, it's the cartel market. For the love of god, allow us to use the new-awesome-love-this-button >desintegrate< to get rid of all the crap acumulated from wasting money on your russian rollete packs (btw, i hate the fact NOW this is how you get your end-game gear sets. keep the cosmetics, give us back our token vendors with new awesome looking sets PLEASE), for one main reason..... i can't sell any of the crap, i can't trade any of the crap, i even try to use crap but i also like nice things. also, if you think about it, it's only a fair use of my money. Use it to fill my shiny new yellow comand bar! This was probably my last imput here. I'll be waiting on the next cinematic that will hype the crap out of me, and when you release it you will get one more subscription. I seriosly hope, for the last time, some1 is actualy paying attention.
  5. yup, we are all mad. these foruns are live with complains just spamming so my topic reaches the top again hehe. Coments are welcomed. Hope they read my ideas
  6. indeed brings a tear to my eye thinking it may well be the last nail in the coffin. After finishing the story, that is simply a masterpiece, hell, even halfway through the thing, you realise all the problems from day1 are still there. They don't bother to even try to fix the engine before a major content update. They don't care if we spend money subscribing and on the cartel market (to get NOTHING that you can say to yourself - hey at least i got my money worth). Matter in fact, they now make that russian rolette mandatory for you to get end-game gear ? im almost lvl 18 (yeah im stupid enough to been farming these last 2 days) and what for you wonder ? green items lower than my 224 gear, companion gifts, reputation trophys, scrap metal, and the ocasional orange or blue item (amazingly, i have 230 lightsabers on my marauder thanks to that amazing drop). you keep expecting us to keep farming the SAME OLD BEAT UP BUGGY CONTENT, YOU KEEP TAKING OUR MONEY AND PLAIN IGNORING THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU, AND ULTIMATLY YOU WILL ONLY REALISE TOO LATE, THAT LIKE THE GREAT CHARLES CHAPLIN ONCE SAID - GREED HAS POISONED MAN'S SOULS. And by that time all of us will be LONG gone from your game. Do something, and do it fast bioware. I think this time people really are pissed enough to leave for good
  7. funny but really these kinds of decisions make you wonder if they want to kill their own game. This will become one of those games you will subscribe to play the story. period. This is the worse expansion i've ever played in swtor. I absolutly loved the story, and it seems the hardest challenge atm is actually getting past chapter 2 in veteran mode loooooooooooool. Fix your game Bioware, and start paying attention to us idiots that have stuck with you since day 1. Unless you really want to kill swtor for good
  8. i could allready had my game ruined if i didn't spent this subscription's coins in transfering my chars from TOFN to the TRE. Because bioware doesn't do free transfers lol.
  9. would love people to give their opinions about what else is wrong with 5.0, construtive thoughts if possible.
  10. it allready shows. nobody uses gf for higher dificulty content anymore. You either have an active guild or you're screwed. Also i woudn't mind grinding my gear as usual doing ops, although like allready said... we desperatly need some new ones. Keep galatic comand as another way to get cosmetic gear, but never raiding gear imho.
  11. I didn't think i could use diferent companions on veteran mode, but even so from what i've read here in the foruns, the whole think stinks of rushing to make a deadline kind of thing. Think about it. How many expansions that bioware has put out appeared anyway near to a polished product? I don't want to be harsh, i love this game. But i'm also a gamer. And this game deserves A LOT more. I burried to much money and opened too many packs dude. I'm not of those that hogs money to play the GTN, and i'm also one unlucky SOB. That doesn't change the fact they could most definetly let us use the >desintegrate< for that. I mean seriosly... it's the perfect solution to the sheer amount of frustration of having cargo bays filled with stuff. Can someone genually disagree with me here ? PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN BIOWARE
  12. same here dude they need to do something. I love LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the story they are crafting and i'm sure i will love it even more in the future, but they need to fix the game first. I rather they stop now, give us new ops and FIX THE WHOLE THING ! take as long as you like but please FIX IT. IF YOU FIX IT PEOPLE WILL COME BACK
  13. So, here is the thing. After been wasting my abudant amount of credits (sarcasm off from this point forward) wiping trying to progress on chapters in veteran, i finaly decide to google it and see what's wrong, and i'm not doing this just to talk bad about your game, because even with it's flaws i can usually play it. But seriosly veteran mode is completly impossible to progress on dromund kaas, and just comes to show how bad you need to fix the game. The main thing that is making me seriosly considering stoping subscribing for good, is that the engine is broken since day 1. It's not just lag-wide server, you guys probably understand by now there is something fundamentaly wrong with this, and like i said on the title, im about to quit my hopes. You can't even fix bugs that have been reported dozens of times, and yes i understand this is a mmo and your team is probably understaffed for the amount of content you are trying to put out (which let's face it it's not much besides the story is it? i love it dearly and i hope it so continues but how long has it been since we have 1 new ops ?), but all this and more points i can think of, doesn't change the fact you are ignoring the elephant in the room. And you do need to take a step backwards bioware. You are trying to atract more players to swtor, and in doing so ignoring the old ones, and you don't have a solid gameplay experience to deliver. Yes bugs happen and you can always patch it but by now i'm starting to think that even 12,99 is too much to pay for this. The secondary thing, it's the cartel market. For the love of god, allow us to use the new-awesome-love-this-button >desintegrate< to get rid of all the crap acumulated from wasting money on your russian rollete packs (btw, i hate the fact NOW this is how you get your end-game gear sets. keep the cosmetics, give us back our token vendors with new awesome looking sets PLEASE), for one main reason..... i can't sell any of the crap, i can't trade any of the crap, i even try to use crap but i also like nice things. also, if you think about it, it's only a fair use of my money. Use it to fill my shiny new yellow comand bar! This was probably my last imput here. I'll be waiting on the next cinematic that will hype the crap out of me, and when you release it you will get one more subscription. I seriosly hope, for the last time, some1 is actualy paying attention.
  14. i should have read the forums before wasting so many credits. i thought i was doing something wrong.... Seriosly bioware... i love what you do to the story, but you have to fix this broken game for the love of gaming and all things star wars. This deserves a much better experience than the one you are putting out. I've asked this once and i'm stupid enough to keep giving you my money hoping you guys make it better but the core problems are here since day 1 ffs. You don't put out polished produts, or even bother fixing the known problems. This engine needs a fix. I think it's the main base for ALL the problems
  15. After another 20 mins of fleet-chat cancer, i come back to here hoping that the devs actually care, since most trolls there, just don't. All i want to, is to get my achiv back. If you plan to make dark vs light again in the future, design it to progress the 8 toons i did to reach legendary (continuing from lvl 50 to 70). Any other option is plain insulting, sorry but i just don't see another word for it. You keep doing stuff in your game only thinking about bringing more and more people to the game, and i see no respect at ALL for people that have been supporting you since day 1. I have 15 + toons, so there is simply no way i'm farming 8 more to get a achiv that i allready did (and you took it away). Shame on you, seriosly.
  16. for the love of god bioware, re-instate the achivement we got from investing time to get legendary. UPDATE the achivement so that way we can progress these 8 new chars we got from farming it the first time. That way on the next event we can progress them all to 70 and get new rewards. It makes no sense at all, taking the achivement from us. If this means i'll have to farm 8 new chars again, i'll simply stop playing this game for good. This was the last drop for me, fix it or i'm sure i won't be the only one leaving
  17. actualy happy to see so many people complaning, since in-game all i see is trolls when i talk about it. I mean seriosly ? again you ignore people that allready have 20+ toons ? you reseted the whole thing ? ARE YOU KIDDING ? i understand this will be another event-type farming, but there is no way, and i mean NO WAY, i'm farming 8 more chars to get the same kind of crap i got from going legendary the first time, even with the xp-boost gear. I'm seriosly considering if this game is worth playing anymore. It's things like this that make me think about the subliminal message they are sending to old players, and that is a huge middle finger for us. /signed , logic says - update the achiv instead of resetting it, so that way we can progress the 8 new chars we have from lvl 50 - 70. This makes no sense at all bioware, and i feel like you are burying yourselves with these kinds of decisions
  18. Tired of repeating myself. Read my other posts for the reasons, or don't bother posting. Besides, it's a service that is needed because some servers (including my original one) are dead. It's a service that should be free in this situation. And most of all, it's a small show of good will, that would do a big diference.
  19. And i find it ironic, that you don't even mention the ridiculous joke that is the GTN. You're probably swiming in credits like so many rich folks. And like i told you, for what you consider vanity, it's one of the main reasons i play this game. And even when you spend money in it to have zero luck getting what you're looking for, your argument is hey don't be greedy, bury even more money! Do you actually think it's logical or fair that after building and leveling a legacy since day 1, where you invested time and money, you simply have to leave it to start over ? I SPEND MORE THAN I HAVE ON THIS GAME. Don't you dare tell me that isn't enough. Not when even though it's not bioware's fault that my server died, it is their job to make me happy, so i keep on spending money on this game. As for the greater good, i guess i still expect too much from people. Everybody complains on how the world and society is, but they only complain. Nobody is interested in being the change they want to see in the world. I'm no preacher and have no interest in preaching, but there are a lot of people here that really need to open their eyes. There used to be a time when life sucked, you could turn on your computer and simply leave it all behind for a few hours... As it is today, not only do you pay 60 euros for a game that's incomplete (take battlefront for instance) and still have to spend MORE just to make it "bearable". Not to mention what is happening to the internet right now, but if u haven't noticed your freedoms are going away by now, there's simply no point posting anymore. I gave this game everything. Time, money & most of all love. I just get the feeling it's like a one-way relationship, like so many in my life. The more you give, the more they spit on your face.
  20. Because you would be so happy to start over in an MMO. You think i'm greedy when you don't have any ideia how much money i spent on cartel market since it came out. I find it unbelievable you people are defending that i should spend even MORE money on transfering my chars. Tell me how am i being the only greedy one, when there are dozens of topics in these forums all asking the same thing - server mergers, or free char transfers. Like i said before, it's easy to talk crap when you have everything you want and without spending a dime. That's not the case for me, and certainly not for most of the people. Not everything should be free, or cheap. But having 1 free char transfer per account, is not at all useful when u have 8+ chars fully ready to do ops on a dead server.
  21. Thank you But since i just check my box and i have a warning for my coment, i guess they don't really care if you are happy or not. So on that note, i'd like you all to know this was my last subscription for a long while. Maybe i'll come back or maybe i won't, either way i feel really sad how ****** this game is becoming to 1st day players.
  22. What you consider vanity, is for me one of the main reasons i play this game. Immersion. Excuse me for caring about looking apart in a story, cutscene based MMO. And i'm not one of the lucky ones that besides knowing all the schemes to be filthy rich in in-game currency, usually pop a pack and get a super rare item (that's how stupid this RNG mechanic is). I never had the patience or motivation to grind anything, even in wow, but i did it with this event. All for nothing. Add that efford + money and you can probably understand how frustrating it is when you can't seem to enjoy yourself. Wich brings me to another topic. Prices on GTN. I would prefer they gave me a partial refund button (like 50% of the cartel coins you spent on the pack) on the items i don't like, that i could later buy more packs with and maybe get something worthwhile, rather than sell it for 4000 credits. That's how low people underprice cartel armor, and it still doesn't sell. This ideia i belive would eliminate the need of 136846436737638957698357698735986739576 cargo holds, and maybe give people like me that simply hate farming, a chance to get their credits back. Or at least a cool item every once in a while.
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