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Everything posted by Jacomo

  1. when they made the cubes they knew it was a joke, but to bait us into buying them they put in the cool effect light saber and knew with that in the packs they would sell a ton
  2. i agree i bought the 30 pack and revived one gold item and it was a lower body box. a ton of chance crystals that were 95% bronze junk items. this was an extreme rip off
  3. Would be awesome with the expansion or even further along to have a create your own companion quest. Pick sex/race/looks then choose a class. then undergo a mission chain to gain them as a companion. with each class having its own mission chain. Jedi Counsolurs and Knights get a trooper companion, why cant a trooper have a jedi companion? Just makes since to me. Threw the idea out to my guild and everyone loved it
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