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Are they going to reimburse Subs for the extended downtime?


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So far maintenance has gone over by just shy of 6 hours. So, you want a reimbursement of 13¢?


ANd according to the twitter, another hour or more will be going on. I'm not for reimbursement in the extreme...but we did pay for 2 days of early access. So some form of reimbursement is needed.

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Not a chance :(


This is EA we are talking about - not a company that cares about it's customers


Well years ago we got an extra MONTH as an apology for the massive issues with Ranked PvP.


So they gave us 30 days subscription years ago - although I think their metrics might have shown that about half the PvP community had quit, so they probably were trying to entice them back.

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ANd according to the twitter, another hour or more will be going on. I'm not for reimbursement in the extreme...but we did pay for 2 days of early access. So some form of reimbursement is needed.

Early access to what? You have to know that this patch only adds one chapter and a few more alliance missions. Do you seriously need a full 48 hours of early access to blow through that or is everyone just anxious to get back to the "I'm bored" and "There's nothing to do after you finish the story" posts. If that's the case, I'm totally cool with that, but right now I'm super confused.

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Early access to what? You have to know that this patch only adds one chapter and a few more alliance missions. Do you seriously need a full 48 hours of early access to blow through that or is everyone just anxious to get back to the "I'm bored" and "There's nothing to do after you finish the story" posts. If that's the case, I'm totally cool with that, but right now I'm super confused.


Sorry, you've confused me with the ADHD children. I don't post on the forums when I'm bored or there's nothing to do. I go play other games.


And it's not whether or not I "need" the 48 hours early access. This is what Bioware promised us for subbing. What other industry would you find people like yourself defending not getting what they were promised? FFS.

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Sorry, sorry, 18 cents. FFS, "early access" is such a trivial part of your sub.


It's not about whether or not it is trivial. It's what we were promised. When someone fails to uphold a promise, it needs to be fixed. An extra day of sub is all that is needed really. And only for those that qualified for the early access. Everyone else is either free to play or didn't sub in time, therefore they have little to complain about other than they can't play the same content they had yesterday.


The other side of this coin is that the issues early on were networking issues (i.e. the people who host the servers, etc). Whatever is happening with the Alliance Alert thing should have been resolved via testing on the public test server, or at least a private server internally.


They can't control the networking issues. An outside party dropped the ball there.

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others have said it better. For a month subscription you pay $0.02 an hour.


so is complaining about less then 25 cents really worth the effort?


This isn't a pay for game time MMO (being F2P), you sub for the advantages early access being one of them.


While a lot of people continue their sub for other reasons like full access to PvP & ops or no limits etc, a lot of people do sub for the subscriber rewards including the early access to content. That in itself is worth a bit more than 25 cents and if anything to some people that could be worth a full months sub time to have access to content first.

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You pay for a month whether its used or not. There are days when one doesn't play. Do the people who were working today or on vacation and not accessible to their game get free compensation? Who decide who gets it? People get a free ride for doing nothing?


Asking for a free month or compensation is nice to ask but why would we get it? The cost to manage it, who gets it, what it is.. and it all has to be managed. Its not an easy thing to say "lets give everyone something free" from the dev standpoint. They have to make a business case and managers involved and more decisions etc etc.


Once they open the door on giving out free compensation that door can never ever be closed. The greedy players wanting something for nothing will always harp on it on the forums and customer service tickets. "I could not get on the game and demand free stuff" when it might have been the persons internet connection or their computer or they are lying as an example. Remember once you set a precedent there will be people wanting to abuse it. Customer service tickets may increase from the demand of people wanting compensation for things they feel they deserved. This is because once they decided to give a free bone to the hungry dogs to shut them up. It becomes a vicious circle and driving up costs of other ends of the game - customer service. Every call and even ticket made has a cost attached to it for that business unit of the game. The more people calling in for demands on free stuff will affect all the players - for the cost to operate the game increases. All for giving away free stuff. There is a cause and effect.


So when you think about asking for free compensation ask yourself "how can it be managed and why? What are the ramifications?". This is why it will never happen - you are just a player wanting free stuff and no clue on how it can ever become a reality from the designer side. Some things just won't happen and demands are unfair and selfish.

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ANd according to the twitter, another hour or more will be going on. I'm not for reimbursement in the extreme...but we did pay for 2 days of early access. So some form of reimbursement is needed.


More likely delay the other date by a day so you still get 2 days. But really these things happen. I can also say that if BW did give something players would still complain about what was given.

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Look at the extreme if your wish did come true.


Hypothetical numbers:


Subscription cost: $14.99 (confirmed) per month

suscription base: lets say 500,000 as a rough number for I did not get a confirmed number

Money revenue: $7,495,000


Now you want to give that away for a month? What business would give away that kind of revenue for a day of downtime? No revenue for an entire month because you gave it all away. No business can take that hit! The board of directors would freak out.


Cartel packs - if they gave away a free cartel pack valued at say $5.95 worth of cartel coins.

500,000 x $5.95 = $2,975,000 in costs.


Now again why would a business give away that amount for a day of play time lost?


Giving away a free day of playtime:

$14.99/30 days = $0.4996 or $.50

$250,000 for that cost.


Adding in the cost of fixing the issue for escalation and such would you add another $250,000 to that to shut up a vocal minority of gamers on a forum when complaining?


See my point? Not going to happen when you look at the rough base costs to give away compensation. There is also the cost associated with just giving out the free stuff. Its not a simple thing to just flick a switch I imagine!

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Sorry, you've confused me with the ADHD children. I don't post on the forums when I'm bored or there's nothing to do. I go play other games.


And it's not whether or not I "need" the 48 hours early access. This is what Bioware promised us for subbing. What other industry would you find people like yourself defending not getting what they were promised? FFS.


Bioware advertised that you'd have early access to the new content on Feb 9. So as long as they get the servers up before the end of the day (Austin time) they have succeeded in providing you with what you were "promised."


Once you've had enough experience playing MMOs you eventually come to understand to never count on playing the game on a patch day. SWTOR has been pretty good about never having a 24+ hour maintenance so far but that kind of wait is not uncommon in the industry.

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