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SRW Clash in Hyperspace Conquest Event Feb 23-28th


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Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing is proud to announce the return of the Shadowlands Starfighter Invasion event Feb 16th (Republic Guild Event)!


Goal of this Event: The aim of this event is to increase GSF awareness by competing for conquest (and winning) during Clash in Hyperspace Event. This event, unlike other GSF events, will be a "marathon style" event, taking place over a full week's conquest period, rather than for specific times on a specific night. We are asking all able bodied pilots to help assist us in this goal. To help motivate pilots, we are giving away prizes at different conquest point levels. While we will be facing each other mostly throughout the week, we will all be working TOGETHER to represent the GSF community, and prove to the rest of the playerbase that we pilots are a force to be reckoned with!


Eligibility: You must be guild member to be eligible for prizes, this is so that we can share a common goal, as well as allowing for a tiered prize system. At the outset of the event be sure to contact a member of our guild or ask in GSF chat for an invite (even if it is only temporary). The only responsibility you have is to fly as much gsf as you can during the week of Feb 16th so we can accumulate conquest points as a team. We will be attempting to even out premades, and thus we will discourage players from flying in overpowered groups by evening out experienced, mastered players with less geared or experienced fliers. Following the event, everyone who joined the guild specifically for this contest is free to leave, however, if you wish to continue to fly with Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing following the event, we would be happy to have you.


Teamspeak: Our teamspeak is open to all and can be accessed by clicking on the teamspeak link on the right side of the homepage. Or you can just whisper me in game or just ask in the gsf channel. (type /cjoin gsf to join the channel)



With so many people coming to play gsf pub side we are going to get a lot of wargames. We are aware this it is not fair for people rolling new toons to run into a mastered premade, since we are all working together and no one wants to get beat time after time because they have no gear. So, we will not be making such premades. We are going to try to group people to make even teams as much as we possibly can. Solo-queing is also an option, and is neither encouraged nor discouraged. Stock players will be able to contribute just as much as mastered ones, since conquest points are our primary goal for this event. Ideally, we will be facing off against mostly mix and matched groups of other republic premades in the event, and groups of 4 will be switched back and forth. However, we also have word that a large imperial conquest guild is planning to compete with us, so we will also be facing off against them in game, and thus we can hopefully cultivate a healthy rivalry!




Those with enough conquest points will be entered into draws for prize packs at different levels. For the grand prize, players over 50,000 will be entered multiple times for the drawing. For example,

50,000 pts = 1 entry in grand prize drawing

100,000 pts = 2 entries in grand prize drawing

150,000 pts = 3 entries in grand prize drawing, etc


Grand Prize 50,000+ CP

6,000,000 credits delivered to any server including E.U.


Major Prizes 35,000+ CP

1. K-52 Strongarm + Grand Chance Cube

2. K-52 Demolisher + Grand Chance Cube

3. Jeweled Orobird + Grand Galactic Starfighter Pack

4. Kalakar Advanced Simulator + Grand Galactic Starfighter Pack

5. Korrealis KL-1F + Grand Galactic Starfighter Pack

6. Wilderness Resupply Uxibeast + Grand Galactic Starfighter Pack


Minor Prizes 20,000+ CP

1. 250k credits

2. 250k credits

3. 250k credits

4. 250k credits

5. 250k credits

6. 250k credits

7. 250k credits

8. 250k credits


Daily Giveaways

Ozzmud will be giving away 5 items each day starting Tuesday. All players that have earned >25k pts will be entered automatically. Prizes will include: color crystals, mounts, cartel armor and GSF cosmetics.


We hope that all of the great pilots that we have met will be able to attend the event and represent the GSF community!

Edited by SWCNT
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In your experience, good folks, do people usually move for this one and the queue empties everywhere else?


You might see less activity by some pilots, who will be flying on Shadowlands instead of their normal server. But you probably will also see a lot of usually inactive pilots playing GSF for their conquest points.


Overall I'd expect a rise in GSF participation on most servers during Clash in Hyperspace conquest events.

Edited by Danalon
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In your experience, good folks, do people usually move for this one and the queue empties everywhere else?


At least for the european servers, the times are completely different, so they don't clash. I doubt it would affect harbinger.

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Matches popping like mad this morning, #3 overall on the shadowlands right now. Come join us! Some of the prizes can be delivered to any server, EU included! So don't be afraid to hop on over and join the gang!


It should start getting really crazy tonight

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I'm not seeing a TS button on the page.


It should be on the right side of the home page. It's not viewable until you register with the site, which I've seen you've done now, did you post before you registered? If you still can't see it send me a message through enjin and I'll see what the issue is.

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On saturday there's a stock night. See you then!


Stock night is weird. I can see the attraction for the vets, but as a newb... Well, I have been spending so much efforts to get the ships upgraded, I really don't want to go back to square one. And since it's gearing up the first character for me, hopping to another one is against the grain of the MMO grind, as it results in getting comms that will not be used. :)

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Stock night is weird. I can see the attraction for the vets, but as a newb... Well, I have been spending so much efforts to get the ships upgraded, I really don't want to go back to square one. And since it's gearing up the first character for me, hopping to another one is against the grain of the MMO grind, as it results in getting comms that will not be used. :)


It's fun because it proves that skill is more important than gear, and because you get the chance to use ships you can't normally fly. For example, the quell is still ok stock, because missile breaks have long cooldowns and no ship has more than one.

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I know, but I prefer to play by the rules, and since I can't, and I am still at the stage when I do want to get comms for playing every time I queue, I'd rather do something more productive :) Basically, I want to master my own ships more than I am annoyed by facing the good crowd. I have no illusions about them being able to crash me in a tin-can, wielding a fly-swatter if it came to that. Edited by DomiSotto
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