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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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Like the way Eric you only answer the easy questions yet a 'bury head in the sand' attitude when it comes to people waiting over 12hrs for a patch who are loyal paying customers, who are ment to be getting a form of 'Early access'.


Are you actually going to give some form of apology or reinburse your paying customers or not ?


Oh btw the question dodging is very impressive when your time at EA / BW comes to end can i recommend you take up a role as a polotician.

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If the patch was broken... And you don't need to re-download the patch. Does that mean A: it was never broken to began with. B: you will have to download a new patch to fix the previous one but because its fixing the first one its not considered re-downloading?
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Maybe whining about things tells that you are not mature enough to enjoy life as what it is.. sometimes things dont go according to plan at exactly the correct time ..you need to relax..listen to some soft music and maybe then the important things in life will catch up with you.. tis just a game my friend

Pretty sure that is what most people wanted to do when they came home from work. But then they couldn't because the game doesn't work...

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I find it rather displeasing how you treat the americans compared to europeans. It is currently 12:40 am here where I live and in 9 out of 10 weekdays im in bed by now. Correct me if im wrong, but I can't recall seeing any codes being given out within european ''time zone'' where people from our continent are still awake.


Everytime the server is down/having problems the americans are being given something. You can call me a cry baby or whatever, but I think these bribes if you can call it that should be given out when the majority of the european players are awake aswel just for once. It seems like we are the less worth customer compared to our fellow players from america.


Just my 2 cents :p

And by posting this at this time the majority of players will be surprisingly....americans :D

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We just have to be patient with it, how many times did WoW go down for insane periods do to a patch or the fact that they didn't get all the bugs out of an expansion. People just need to chill out, servers will be back up soon enough.


less often than SWtOR does, they ALWAYS estimate 4hrs for a major patch and it is almost NEVER only four hours. Granted normally it doesn't take this long

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You know, I completely understand that unforeseen issues arise and sometimes there are complications that necessitate an unexpected, extended downtime. I get it.


There are two things that are bugging me about this, though.


1) How did this bug, as explained earlier, go unnoticed during testing? From what was said, it seems as if a mission wasn't fully coded. How does that even happen in a game that undergoes weeks, if not months, of testing, before going live?


2) I play three MMOs. I play LOTRO, STO and SWTOR. As bad a rap as Turbine (who run LOTRO) gets as a gaming company, every single time that there is an extended downtime, they compensate their players. They'll extend your subscription at least by the amount of time lost, and in especially egregious cases, sometimes by quite a bit longer. They'll give you free in game boosts or turbine points (their cartel coins), not a ton, but something to say "we're very sorry for the inconvenience." They'll show that they are actually involved in the business of making and keeping customers happy. I've never seen that kind of a response from Cryptic/PWE (who run Star Trek Online, because they truly they are just focused on short term profit. But BioWare always *used* to have a reputation as a great gaming company, and under the classic regime, I would have expected a) this particular issue not to have happened in the first place, and b) even if it did, some form of polite compensation to players who lost gaming time (especially the ones that paid for it). But since EA owns BioWare these days? I don't expect to see *anything* other than the most perfunctory of pro forma apologies.


Turbine, for all its problems, remains the best MMO company in my experience, and the only one to actually give a damn about generating goodwill with their player base.


You are so high its unreal. Did you forget to mention that Turbine sometimes has 4-5 day outages for their xpacs or updates? Turbine is the worst MMO company of all time period. Id rather have 24 hr downtime no perks than 4-5 day outages with some cheap prize to soothe me. Oh and btw I currently have an open case with Turbine Inc., They owe me $6,000 which I am currently litigating for. For you to say Turbine is the best company around is completely false. Worst company ever please go back to LOTRO if you like that crap company so much.

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Has anyone posted a serious response to as why this was not tried on test servers before being pushed live, or did i miss the reasoning behind having test servers and not using them? just curious.


That will never happen. Customers get an apology and advised when things are back up. Internal management is the only place you will ever get an answer to that question. --Major Incident Manager for top 20 fortune 500 co.

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If the patch was broken... And you don't need to re-download the patch. Does that mean A: it was never broken to began with. B: you will have to download a new patch to fix the previous one but because its fixing the first one its not considered re-downloading?


It implies that the Bug is ont he serverside, likely the Database shemes got corrupted :-D

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So will everyone be getting compensated for this downtime or just the trolls that live and breath these forums day and night who found this thread : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=869466




I wouldn't expect much in the way of compensation for anyone to be honest. What are they going to do, give us an extra day of early access to beta test for them?

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Have we learned nothing from Scotty in ST? You're supposed to take your actual repair time, multiply it by three and report that number. Then when you fix it early, you are hailed by all as awesome.


Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.



Edited by -Calypso
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