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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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Well, I'm just playing Fallout 4 and waiting for The Flash and iZombie to come on. Probably be bed after that, so no playing for me today. :(


It sucks, too, because this was the one day off I was given this week and I was looking forward to relaxing and leveling my Sentinel.

Edited by KLGChaos
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Has anyone posted a serious response to as why this was not tried on test servers before being pushed live, or did i miss the reasoning behind having test servers and not using them? just curious.


It's because BW/EA did not want the testers leaking KoTFE spoilers out across everywhere.

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I have seen it asked quite a few times. Once this fix has happened and the servers are live, you will not need to download another patch if you already completed 4.1 this morning.




This is nice to hear... Id like to know what you guys are going to do to prevent this from happening again...

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While I agree that most issues could use more testing/vetting, the production environment world does not work like that. There is only so much that a lower environment can actually provide. I run calls like this all the time for both production and lower environments. There are a lot of issues and can not all of them are able to be mitigated. Frustration aside, These guys are now working under a LOT of pressure with all eyes on them. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.


I work in IT and one of our devs pushed his code to production before testing it. Took the entire company down within minutes.


"I don't always test my code, but when I do it's in production."

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At this point that was not a small bug... Somebody mess up real bad. But since I came a little late I have no clue why the waiting has been so long... Come on it was just a simple jump to 4.1 is not like you were doing a full overhaul (which surprisingly have gone smoothly compared to this)


Which makes you wonder how something this glaringly obvious and significant was missed during internal system testing.


Bioware does do system testing before pushing live right?

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I have seen it asked quite a few times. Once this fix has happened and the servers are live, you will not need to download another patch if you already completed 4.1 this morning.




mine did not even have a chance to finish downloading I have the network disconnected 310 while patching is that normal? my internet download rates is 1.2k :(

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Welcome to todays ME ME ME Generation. I'd say have these people have no idea what it's like to wait for their "Dial up" modem to finally connect and be scared to death a family member would pick up the phone, because we only had one phone line.


Now I'm hearing that 'Modem Skrillex' and can't get it out of my head. :ph_lol:

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At this point that was not a small bug... Somebody mess up real bad. But since I came a little late I have no clue why the waiting has been so long... Come on it was just a simple jump to 4.1 is not like you were doing a full overhaul (which surprisingly have gone smoothly compared to this)


Supposedly there was a "unfinished alliance mission" that was put up live and that would break a character. So they took the servers down again to deal with it, and supposedly found a 2nd issue after that to fix. But that was something like 3 hours ago so.......

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