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Nox is a ****** (Inquistor spoiler)


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I am a great Nox fan i think inquistor is the greatest thing you can play i love the assasin playstyle (im part of the 20% that plays inquistor and dosent go sorc ;) ) i love his voice actor. and im not much for their english accents and its to this day why i havent played the imperial agent story line i only play males and his voice just hurt my ears. but nox has this smooth voice where you can just how proud he is how powerfull he is and how little of a **** he will give when he frys you.


Even Khem tells you that he was wrong about you that you are perfect heir to tulaks leagcy but im rablin here.


My point when making this thread was two of my favourite moments in gaming wich most of you will proberly have look at and tought over but the first is


When fighting thanaton on corellia where theyre circling each other thanaton starts reciting the sith code but forgets the last part where as Nox the former slave stops in his tracks


''You forgot the last section. Trough victory my chains are broken.... The force shall free me''


and i think that was a great nod twoards how thanaton has done nothing but caling you a disgrace to the sith and he forgets that part. and in my mind its an indication that nox isnt a slave anylonger but a true Lord of the sith.


The next and last part is in the ending Nox could have killed him so easy when thanaton was beaten flick of his wrist boom toasted. But instead he starts breaking thanaton to his knees and the last thing thanaton will remmber is Kneeling before the power of a slave.


Just for thoese two moments this is the greatest story in the game. yes it is... No i said i dindt play imperia... No that isnt the point. Jimmy shut up just shut up.. Dont you *********** lie to me boi...

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Yep and it is even better when the Sith Lord that is Thanation's Master stops you from killing Thanation and snaps his neck then appointing you "Lord Imperious" and asking you to take Thanation's own seat.....before Thanation gets his neck snapped his own Dark Lord Master says that I am a better sith than he is, it was a great moment for my Erikskynwalker character to get a Sith Lord Councilor Seat and to be named protector of the Artifacts of Knowledge.:sy_armor:

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I do like the inquisitor story and both the male and female voice. But I don't like what they did with Thanaton - he was a really cool character in the comic and I don't think his behaviour in the inquisitor story makes much sense for him or does him really credit. And I would have preferred a different story in chapter 2 and 3 instead of this ghost stuff.
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When fighting thanaton on corellia where theyre circling each other thanaton starts reciting the sith code but forgets the last part where as Nox the former slave stops in his tracks

I do not think that he has really forgotten the part. More like finishing the quote prematurely, or remembering that it can actually play to his enemy - as Inquisitor has the possibility to quote that very part in arguments with Thanaton at Chapter 2.


Yep and it is even better when the Sith Lord that is Thanation's Master stops you from killing Thanation and snaps his neck then appointing you "Lord Imperious" and asking you to take Thanation's own seat.....before Thanation gets his neck snapped his own Dark Lord Master says that I am a better sith than he is, it was a great moment for my Erikskynwalker character to get a Sith Lord Councilor Seat and to be named protector of the Artifacts of Knowledge.:sy_armor:

Perhaps the moment was so overwhelming that it forced to confuse a few things.

Mortis was not Thanaton's Master. Calypho was, Mortis and Thanaton were equal.

And Mortis did not name the Inquisitor Darth - that was Marr who did it. And it was the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, not Artifacts of it.

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ya, I've made a rather insane number of inquisitors, though I prefer the lightning sorcs


And I think the ending is the best of all the classes, no contest.


Are you kidding, AGENT ftw. And to the OP, play a female agent, I love that voice.

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