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Swtor at its highest subscriber level in 3 years


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They're on a third party webhost who runs a reseller account from Dreamhost.


401 Park Avenue South, 10th Floor, NY is a private mail box reseller that also rents temporary offices. edit Oooh and desks.


And anyone can put a logo up on their website. Or say that they work with 50 different companies.


Heck, we go through this in the file sharing community. There's a news site that swears they have connections with all of the major release groups as well as tracking sites. But yet many of the tracking sites state that they think very poorly of that news site and refuses any contact with them.

Edited by dr_mike
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They're on a third party webhost who runs a reseller account from Dreamhost.


401 Park Avenue South, 10th Floor, NY is a private mail box reseller that also rents temporary offices. edit Oooh and desks.


And anyone can put a logo up on their website. Or say that they work with 50 different companies.


Heck, we go through this in the file sharing community. There's a news site that swears they have connections with all of the major release groups as well as tracking sites. But yet many of the tracking sites state that they think very poorly of that news site and refuses any contact with them.


They're not making their money from clickbait, at any rate, since there aren't any ads on the site. The dodginess of their webhosting is a thing, I guess, except I've seen plenty of reliable companies on dodgy hosting. It's not a great idea, but it's cheap. Same with addresses of registration.


And, no, putting up someone else's corporate logo, for years, isn't usually something someone can get away with for long, especially when they are implying a business relationship. That tends to get a C&D followed by a DMCA takedown.


A cursory google search shows they've been cited at least twice in NYTimes articles on e-sports, and at least one sports sociology textbook. The founder and CEO was a speaker at a conference hosted by Fordham last month. All available evidence says they are what they claim to be (a e-gaming-focused market research firm). Plenty of other cites, as well. They could be hornswoggling people, but it's unlikely.


Whether their methodology is any good, I can't say. But their public reports are the only thing we have close to hard data.

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They're on a third party webhost who runs a reseller account from Dreamhost.


401 Park Avenue South, 10th Floor, NY is a private mail box reseller that also rents temporary offices. edit Oooh and desks.


Pretty common for small businesses, actually. Particularly when the site is not for commerce or advertising, but rather a site that posts summary data and provides detailed data to businesses that pay to access. Nothing nefarious in this day and age. I guess you do not believe in the virtual office for small business model in todays world. :rolleyes:


And anyone can put a logo up on their website. Or say that they work with 50 different companies.


You have got to be kidding. This is clearly a business, not some random blogger ... and for a business to make false statements about their partners or customers .... well let's just say they would not last very long in business... much less in court. Branded logo corporations do not take kindly to false use of their brand.


Heck, we go through this in the file sharing community. There's a news site that swears they have connections with all of the major release groups as well as tracking sites. But yet many of the tracking sites state that they think very poorly of that news site and refuses any contact with them.


Complete false equivalence, as I pointed out above.


As for if you believe their summary data or not... that is completely up to you, and each of us. I see no reason to disbelieve their summaries personally.... as there is simply no motive to deceive the SWTOR players.. since the site is not focused on us in any way whatsoever.


But you know what.. none of this matters. If you like the game, play the game. If you don't like the game, don't play the game. It's really that simple... and the only reason someone takes the time to point out sites and summary data like these is to provide something more objective then "I said it in the forum, therefore it is true, and anyone who does not agree with me can leave" nonsense that we get around here.

Edited by Andryah
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I was away from the game for quite a while but subbed so I could play the new content. Just recently, I went back and made a new merc and a new vanguard. I'll be making a sage and a warrior. My point is that when I was on the starting planet, I was really surprised that there were 100+ players in the map, obviously making new characters (this was imp side). This game is far from dead and the original content is still great.
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No point to running clickbait - they don't serve ads on that site. They do show the logos of big players in online gaming as "partners." I'm not at all surprised that companies would job out their market analytics to a specialized company rather than do it "in house," after all, companies job out their advertizing all the time.


And they do give an overview of their sources and methodology


In short, there's nothing on the site that suggests they are in it for the pageviews, and a lot to suggest they actually do make their money by selling the details of the data they put up front for free. Which means that what they sell has to be seen to be accurate by their corporate customers and partners, who have access to their own numbers at least. I'd be a lot more interested in seeing the North American numbers and analysis, but I'm not gonna cough up US$5k or more to satisfy that curiosity. It's worth noting that SWTOR moved up a place, but the last time these numbers were bandied about, I recall seeing that TERA was having significant difficulties recently. It's a small pie, but SWTOR has a decent piece of it.


You more or less answered the lack of reliability in their data in your own link ...


The data is only reliable based on who reports said data to them ... in other words it's completely bias conclusions that may or may not have any accuracy compared to reality.

If some MMOs refuse to report data ( Final Fantasy and ESO for lets say for example ) they basically don't get ranked.


Being we have no idea where the data comes from ( beyond some unspecific spiel ) and what data is omitted we can not take any of those "rankings" with any sort of accuracy what so ever.


People can of course choose to put as much weight in those "stats" as they like but in terms of analytics it comes across as highly flawed and "to be ignored" data for me at least.

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You more or less answered the lack of reliability in their data in your own link ...


The data is only reliable based on who reports said data to them ... in other words it's completely bias conclusions that may or may not have any accuracy compared to reality.

If some MMOs refuse to report data ( Final Fantasy and ESO for lets say for example ) they basically don't get ranked.


Being we have no idea where the data comes from ( beyond some unspecific spiel ) and what data is omitted we can not take any of those "rankings" with any sort of accuracy what so ever.


People can of course choose to put as much weight in those "stats" as they like but in terms of analytics it comes across as highly flawed and "to be ignored" data for me at least.


They're still in business; therefore they're selling their product. For around 7 years. That's a data point right there, and a telling one. People have paid them for their product, more than once. As compared to your ad hominem.

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They're still in business; therefore they're selling their product. For around 7 years. That's a data point right there, and a telling one. People have paid them for their product, more than once. As compared to your ad hominem.


They're still is business thus their MMO ranking analytics must be right is what you're saying?


You do realise it's the MMO ranking we're talking about here and how that data is most likely flawed for the reasons I outlined right? Which you glossed over and decided to try a tired tactic of refuting it by calling it ad-hominem ( which is most clearly isn't - familiarise yourself with the definition perhaps ) rather than refute the points themselves.


Now you do realise they offer other data for other areas that is going to be far more accurate if they have access to POS sales figures wherever that POS might be be it retail, electronic etc. They can get a decent subset of data from the likes or origin, steam, retail chains etc. to the point any data missing could be considered negligible.

This data alone would be more than enough to keep them going.


MMOs on the other hand rely on them having access to the actual subscription/extra content revenue and that can only really come from the publisher themselves in most cases. So if, for example, Square doesn't release this data for FF14 then they effectively have zero data on how that games does or ranks compared to others thus the ranking is automatically flawed and not worth the webpage it's coded on.


At the very least they should be pointing out what data is missing to form these rankings but I can't seem to see that anywhere and don't feel like paying money just to find out. Perhaps you can pay and provide this information yourself to prove whatever point it is your trying to make?

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  • 7 months later...
No point to running clickbait - they don't serve ads on that site. They do show the logos of big players in online gaming as "partners." I'm not at all surprised that companies would job out their market analytics to a specialized company rather than do it "in house," after all, companies job out their advertizing all the time.


And they do give an overview of their sources and methodology


In short, there's nothing on the site that suggests they are in it for the pageviews, and a lot to suggest they actually do make their money by selling the details of the data they put up front for free. Which means that what they sell has to be seen to be accurate by their corporate customers and partners, who have access to their own numbers at least. I'd be a lot more interested in seeing the North American numbers and analysis, but I'm not gonna cough up US$5k or more to satisfy that curiosity. It's worth noting that SWTOR moved up a place, but the last time these numbers were bandied about, I recall seeing that TERA was having significant difficulties recently. It's a small pie, but SWTOR has a decent piece of it.


Super data is full of BS and selling people reports with a bunch of half-baked perceptions. Not like they would be the first research company to do so.


They do NOT have the data on SWTOR revenue, partnership or not. EA is too big a company to do something so stupid as illegally reporting financials. Yes folks, to give those numbers to a third party firm and not disclose them individually to your investors in financial reports is in violation of federal law.


Normally, these companies could compile sales through Amazon, Steam, etc. to bring that kind of information together. But when a product makes its revenue solely on sub fees and cash shop sales, and doesn't individually report this information, there is NO WAY a third party can know the numbers at all.


As we say in the corporate world, what they are selling is SWAG (silly wild-a** guesses).

Edited by Wayshuba
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According to the latest EA Q3 FY 2016 Financial Results репорт, our favorite game Star Wars: The Old Republic has registered the highest number of Subscriptions since “nearly 3 years”.


Here’s the quote from EA’s document:

In Q3, STAR WARS™: The Old Republic grew to its highest subscriber level in nearly three years.




drunk druged or insane. chose one of em. all a re the same.


according to a glass that is only 1/8 full after 1.0 and filling some more water in to half full, it's legit :cool:

and seeing 7 half full servers ( in my opinion 350k players ) down from https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/372c3j/i_just_found_out_there_was_once_this_many_servers/. u are right.and this is only for US and not even included europe and the rest swtor have the highest sub since 3 years.

only in your dreams :o u little fool

looks like some ppls would play swtor if its not fxcked up or underperforming ;)

Edited by ShinDoRai
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Do you buttheads ever check dates?


sure and what are u trying to say with ur statement ? i dont get it.

u see, this game could be great if they remove only the RNG-DEVs and replace them with real devs.

ppls would flood the servers like grasshoppers if we got what was promised back then.


and now u reply ;)

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sure and what are u trying to say with ur statement ? i dont get it.

u see, this game could be great if they remove only the RNG-DEVs and replace them with real devs.

ppls would flood the servers like grasshoppers if we got what was promised back then.


and now u reply ;)


4.0 had a lot of things going for it that 5.0 didn't: Star Wars movies were just starting up again, the return of Blur Trailers, the return of many people from BW's other game (Shadow Realms) that was cancelled, a big thumbs up from EA, etc. And no one really knew what to expect from the new SWTOR: we heard implications about a return to "class stories", choices that matter, a new Outlander class, new relevant companions, etc.. The bs was very thick and in EM's solo stream before the release he almost looked like he was apologizing to us (or was otherwise initially very nervous/frustrated about something). Interestingly, Jeff Hickman, Jesse Skye, Bruce McLean - many of the senior BW people hyping KOTFE at the E3 and other events before 4.0's release - were gone at least from swtor relevance not long into 2016.


5.0 had a Blur Trailer and it had a SW movie release - but the hype was very compressed and very subdued compared to the previous year. People knew what to expect and knew not to believe the devs on anything ("choices matter" got laughs if it was ever used in promo materials). People knew that in 5.0 swtor wasn't getting a rewrite or much in the way of engine enhancements. It didn't suck in hordes of new or returning players like 4.0 did, although I'm sure it did get some people to binge the chapters for a month or two.


I seriously doubt CXP/RNG have done much damage to subs or player retention. However, pasting the word "GRIND" onto an MMO does scare new and returning players away (as does a game having mostly dead/dying servers).

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i realy like grinds. also this korean/jp grinding games. but only if u get instant rewards/drops. doesn't matter if its rng or 100% same loot every time. but i prefer rng but with guaranteed drops.


for example AION

i liked it so much i grinded enemys ( hunting/ganking lowies or highlevs ) for full three month on level 36. always reducing my exp not to gain a level py killing myself. :p

the oppoiste faction already thought i should naturalization/change the faction because i was only in their are to play that game. even in abyss i was killing and playing with low lev chars in the lower abyss.

it was a freaking fun. but the game design was made to be able to kill high level chars with low level chars. and also there was low level gear for pvp from level 30 up to max level.


also for example the hero areas in aion were great designed and full of fun. while u cant kill solo any trash there ( only if u haul up one by one ), you had to team up for this areas and needed all skills ( stun chains etc pp ), while u learned how to play. and in this areas u could find hard rares with greater gear.


imagine that we had for example wide areas like one part of makeb only as a hero area where trash kills u if you not play canny. and in this area u have maybe 5-6 rares with great unique drops. that would be great fun. seeing ppls playing this also on max level ( at this time it was level 50 ), but also could be killed if not played well ,)


or a similar thing like the abyss from aion in swtor. like a hole pvpve planet. imagine the fun, doing pve wilhe every second someone could attack you or a team comes along and snowballs ur team. and after this its payback time :p


or imagine the dradgion dungeon from aion revised as a elemnt for swtor. this alone would hold the community for month. the devs dont play much mmos at all and this u see on every corner of this game. and there is su much space for improvements. like i said. i would work for them as a gametester 24/7 and show them real mmo content that matters.

but jeah, we are stucked now with this €A/bw combo, wich dont like to be a improver in this market. :D

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You realized you necro'd a post that is almost a year old? 2017 showed a loss for SWTOR vs last year....


Either the person doing the necromancy on the thread didn't check the date, or they were hoping no one else would?


Yeah, I got nothing. XD

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