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Why the harassment and toxic playerbase?


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I have seen Eric Musco or another BW staff post about how others spending an the entire time in a flashpoint/warzon/operation ************ and complaining about others performance is considered trolling.


It's extremely important to put those players on ignore and not respond to them or speak about them at all. As their main goal is to provoke a response out of you while drawing attention to themselves in the process.

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I'm surprised no one has put a link to the Rules of Conduct yet.

It's surprising how much of a cost policing player harassment in an MMO can be. One of the reasons some MMOs defer the supply of VoIP to third party suppliers is that it's just too expensive to keep them well policed. It's also why there are such tight restrictions on how creative players get to be (not sure how well this link will go with the filters http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2015/06/01/lego-universes-developers-didnt-anticipate-the-*****-cost ). Of course, there's also the psychology behind the fact that as soon as an activity is deemed antisocial/ illegal it becomes more attractive.


Actually... I did link to it already, and choose select quotes for those that wouldn't follow the link. We do have rules for the 'playground' we're in as far as the MMO. Some people just don't want to admit it.


They limited your free speech when you logged into the MMO. That would be in the TOS and RoC posted below.


There are terms of service everyone agreed to, you agreed to follow community guidelines and agreed to follow their code of conduct. By logging into swtor you agree to these, and maybe, you need a reminder that just because you have the right to say something outside the game, doesn't mean you have the right in it;



Edited by Manathayria
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Actually... I did link to it already, and choose select quotes for those that wouldn't follow the link. We do have rules for the 'playground' we're in as far as the MMO. Some people just don't want to admit it.

I apologise, I probably shouldn't use such definite statements when I've only skimmed through a thread ;)

Surprised I missed your previous post, must have gone a little 'forum blind', as it's one of the better ones.


The only detail I find incongruous from Bioware's point is that on the forums we are advised just to report a post and not engage the person that made the post.

But, in game we are encouraged to try and take steps to reasonably settle the matter before reporting it. Have they ever tried to deal with someone who's implicit intent is to upset and harass another player? The inciting player wants to goad the other and any response is a success.

Just look at the responses on this thread for an example of some to rise to the occasion to tell the OP they are wrong and should know the internet to be a place of free speech (totally not understanding what free speech actually is). They, and I don't exclude myself from this statement, have felt it important enough to impart such nuggets of wisdom that they have used up an amount of very valuable resource, their own time, to point out the OP needs to toughen up and use the ingame tools as they should be used.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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I think the important thing is just for the people who aren't d-bags to sort of police their own.


A good example of that was yesterday on Dromund Kaas. Someone asked a polite question about their class in general chat, and the first response was something along the lines of, "Quit being a lazy f--k and google."


The person who welcomed the newbie with snark then got piled on by nearly everyone else in general chat, some of whom also answered the new person's question about their class.

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I always find it astonishing that those who find actual fun and glee in insulting others, harassing others, bully others

forcibly insist on the freedom of speech.

It's as if sadists had found out that they could beat people with their own weakness by insisting that they should be allowed to insult, harass, bully othersbecause the "Fredom Of Speech" allows them to do so, according to these sadists.


The only logical evolution out of that would be Hooligans insistng that they are allowed to beat, hurt and injure others because it is allowed - according to them - by some law.

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A good example of that was yesterday on Dromund Kaas. Someone asked a polite question about their class in general chat, and the first response was something along the lines of, "Quit being a lazy f--k and google."


The interesting point in this is, that the person who write that remark about to google anything was too lazy to explain anything - and thus "a lazy f--k" himself (or herself).


People use google nowadays as a shield, behind which they hide, because they are too lazy themselves.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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The interesting point in this is, that the person who write that remark about to google anything was too lazy to explain anything - and thus "a lazy f--k" himself (or herself).


People use google nowadays as a shield, behind which they hide, because they are too lazy themselves.


SO the person who wanted the info can ask and thats fine but the person who told them to google it is lazy for not googling it FOR the original person.


nice logic. or lack of.

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I think the important thing is just for the people who aren't d-bags to sort of police their own.


A good example of that was yesterday on Dromund Kaas. Someone asked a polite question about their class in general chat, and the first response was something along the lines of, "Quit being a lazy f--k and google."


The person who welcomed the newbie with snark then got piled on by nearly everyone else in general chat, some of whom also answered the new person's question about their class.


Well he made a valid point. Could've googled it tbh.

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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.


I'd argue that all of Bowares changes to make this game easy and more accessible is responsible for the rising level of vitriol. Where before it was important, in an MMO, to work with other players in order to achieve goals, BioWare has removed this requirement. The game is now so ridiculously easy that when players attempt group content they find themselves annoyed more often by the other players then they find themselves in need of their company.


The atmosphere is toxic because BioWare's focus is now so firmly entrenched on a singleplayer experience EG selfishness and when you add to this the mask of anonymity etc, it is amplified.


So, thank BioWare for ruining the atmosphere of the game. They made it too easy so you don't need other people so you don't need to act in any way polite in order to support the social grease that makes a community work well.

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The interesting point in this is, that the person who write that remark about to google anything was too lazy to explain anything - and thus "a lazy f--k" himself (or herself).


People use google nowadays as a shield, behind which they hide, because they are too lazy themselves.


To be honest, every time someone asks in general where XXX planet's datacrons are, I politely tell them to youtube it, because it would be a lot simpler for them to watch it than for me to spend 30 minutes trying to explain. I have received responses ranging from "Thats a great idea" to "You mother @#$!!$$ lazy @##, why won't you help me?" The second person immediately goes on /ignore. No reporting necessary, because I am not a little cry baby, and the devs have created a great tool to help me out.


I am a lazy player. Search for my posts where I say I am lazy. It is probably about 50 posts where I say it. I don't hide that fact. My time in game is valuable to me, since it is not very often.

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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.


me doesn't talk in chat but maybe its natural thing maybe some people are influenced by what happens in real world so like in usa where people angry about government maybe some of them bring frustration out in the game

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It doesn't bother me because I am an adult. When I see someone say something I don't like, I either ignore it, or steer into it. MMO's have people like this. They ALL do, no matter what. But if it's that bad, there is /ignore and you could try to find a guild instead of pugging. If that's not enough, find a nice single player game to play where there's no one around to harass you. If strangers saying mean things over the internet is too much for you, you need thicker skin.
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I play MMO's since the 90's and there was never a time without such people. That what ignore is for. Its not an MMO issue or an swtor issue, its the Internet. You will always find some losers, who call you all such names hiding behind a screen and acting in a way the can't do in rl, cause they could not stand the consequences there. All you can do is be smart, suck it up and use ignore. I never saw any company that banned someone for calling names.
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Though shalt not speakith of... *Gasp* SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED!


Fear of a name only enhances fear of the object itself (you will have to forgive me, I'm not much of a fan of HP and cant be bothered looking up the actual line).


Anyway I think Anita is great, because without her you wouldn't have this, or this.


In all seriousness though, and more on topic, the game gives sensitive people a multitude of ways to avoid getting offended. There is the ignore list and profanity filter along with rules of conduct which means you may be able to get the person removed (censored because they disagree with you).


I'm not one for using the ignore list, simply because I don't care much about what people on the internet say to me. However with the ignore list and filter on the worst you will see is a load of * <- these with afew "a" or "mother" or "and" joining them together. You then pop an ignore and never see any more, and can move on with your life without the "risk" of somebody swearing on the internet.

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Fear of a name only enhances fear of the object itself (you will have to forgive me, I'm not much of a fan of HP and cant be bothered looking up the actual line).


Anyway I think Anita is great, because without her you wouldn't have this, or this.


In all seriousness though, and more on topic, the game gives sensitive people a multitude of ways to avoid getting offended. There is the ignore list and profanity filter along with rules of conduct which means you may be able to get the person removed (censored because they disagree with you).


I'm not one for using the ignore list, simply because I don't care much about what people on the internet say to me. However with the ignore list and filter on the worst you will see is a load of * <- these with afew "a" or "mother" or "and" joining them together. You then pop an ignore and never see any more, and can move on with your life without the "risk" of somebody swearing on the internet.


We also wouldn't have

. Plus, ANita has taught me how easy being a conman is- I MEAN CON-NEUTRAL GENDER! :D
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The biggest reason for the actions like that is the reaction, once the reactions start dropping or not having that great of an affect on players, the more likely we are to see the action happening often.


While you will always get idiots, but your experiences will allow you to build a better one by weeding out the ones you dont like

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The biggest reason for the actions like that is the reaction, once the reactions start dropping or not having that great of an affect on players, the more likely we are to see the action happening often.


I still highly recommend this scientific study : https://www.academia.edu/6016545/Trolls_just_want_to_have_fun


Sadistic trolls just feed themselves on the reactions of others.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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In all seriousness though, and more on topic, the game gives sensitive people a multitude of ways to avoid getting offended. There is the ignore list and profanity filter along with rules of conduct which means you may be able to get the person removed (censored because they disagree with you).

That's not serious. You can't get someone "removed" or "censored" (unless you count adding to an ignore list as "removing" or "censoring") simply because they disagree with you. :rolleyes:


Frivolous reports of harassment are, I have no doubt, treated as such.

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Something a friend taught me on MMO's , be careful of the company you keep. Some people are not actually friends. I limit myself to people I know to group with and then I will wait to see how a person acts in general or on flashpoints. Not everyone in the game can be your friends, not matter what they say.


My friends tell me I have an unique ability that I am pretty good at judging what a person is like, even on games, and I been pretty lucky on the people I play with but then again I tend to show respect to people and treat people like I want to be treated.


I don't use the internet as an excuse to be a jerk like some do. I take responsibility for my actions and yes there are times I am in a bad mood, my boyfriend can attest to that, but on those days I stay away from group activities.

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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.


It is pretty bad, I tried to ignore it. It got to the point where I wrote a thread to the community to tone it down, report it when you see it and to help avoid future trolls from going there. The result was Bioware deleting the thread, which quickly got popular and the trolls with racist offensive names singling me out in warzones. Granted they couldnt kill me no matter how hard they tried, but the attempt was noted. This was on top of seeing multiple "Trump" and "Obama" accounts talk about black people, mexicans and jews on fleet and starter planets. Last week it was "Godnotallah" and "Blacknagger" and the week before that was some guild called "white power". At times on chat there are rounds of sexist, racist, religious jokes. Sometimes there are religious fanatics attacking other religions. It's a thing.


Ill save your name and other community folk who appear to be concerned and perhaps interview you some of you for an article. Honestly I truly rather not to, but It's seriously turned into a daily thing and nightly issues on my server. This is the game I play and I am here and I pay money, I don't feel like logging on to go into a "race war", when I just want to Star Wars. I understand there is only so much Bioware can do, so I don't really have issues with the way they handle it as they have mechanisms to help deter it, but I did find it alarming to see my thread regarding this issue from a few days ago deleted. It was a thread directed at the community to help out.

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