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Why the harassment and toxic playerbase?


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It's not an excuse, it's a fact of life. People will be *******s when they're online and anonymous, but we are given tools to combat this. The only thing Bioware/EA can do more then they are currently doing is make ignore account wide and not just a single character.


No, that is not the ONLY thing they could do. They could do a better job at investigating reports, and suspending people they find in violation. Then, if it continues, banning those who continue doing it.

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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.


I'll usually initiate a group kick against anyone that I feel is being abusive, though this is a little more difficult in OPs because people care more about finishing that the background noise. But it takes the community to take action against these people to stamp the behaviour out.

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Again -- not a fact of life, stop making excuses for people who don't deserve it. Are you unable to act like a decent human being on the internet because of some involuntarily behavior? Are you compelled to attack people for no reason beyond "I can't stop myself?"


And this thought that people are not bullies/trolls/whatever by nature, but by choice, does not preclude the idea that we should be provided tools to block said jerks-by-choice; that's not what I was saying at all.


The problem with that is there are far too many precious people who think people are trolling or abusing them solely for disagreeing with them and arguing a point.


Bullying I can agree with your point but far too often people throw around the terms "troll" or "bully" when it's just not the case and it is more a case of the effected parties inability to communicate properly.

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Again -- not a fact of life, stop making excuses for people who don't deserve it. Are you unable to act like a decent human being on the internet because of some involuntarily behavior? Are you compelled to attack people for no reason beyond "I can't stop myself?"


And this thought that people are not bullies/trolls/whatever by nature, but by choice, does not preclude the idea that we should be provided tools to block said jerks-by-choice; that's not what I was saying at all.

It may or may not be a "fact of life" (whatever that is), but it happens and there is nothing you can do to stop it. All you can do is ignore, /ignore, report if you think it reaches the level of harassment and ultimately quit if you are that dissatisfied. Venting on the forums might make you feel better, but it's not gonna change anything.


Again, calling someone else a moron or an idiot a couple of times in public chat is not going to be regarded as harassment by the game folks.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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It may or may not be a "fact of life" (whatever that is), but it happens and there is nothing you can do to stop it. All you can do is ignore, /ignore, report if you think it reaches the level of harassment and ultimately quit if you are that dissatisfied. Venting on the forums might make you feel better, but it's not gonna change anything.


Again, calling someone else a moron or an idiot a couple of times in public chat is not going to be regarded as harassment by the game folks.


Especially if they are indeed an idiot and/or a moron. :)

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No, that is not the ONLY thing they could do. They could do a better job at investigating reports, and suspending people they find in violation. Then, if it continues, banning those who continue doing it.
i imagine most reports are just general chat cursing/racism and not worth investigating and doesnt qualify as harassment.


their cs reps are obviously stretch thin; why waste cycles on complaints made by players that can easily police the situation themselves?

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Now see, what you fail to realize ORIGINAL POSTER! , is that... here in SWTOR, we do not have "FUN". Once you grab that digital blaster or glowstick, you better hope your a** knows how to use it. because here in SWTOR we s*** on fun...this is serious business. get with the dam program son.
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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.


How about you stop QQ and L2P?

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I think it might be taking the whole "safe spaces" bullcrap to the extreme if you want calling someone an idiot to be an actionable offense. I really didn't think there were such people in the world... that would seriously want someone hurt because they were called an almost but not quite mean word. Tyrannical dictators in the making.....
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I think it might be taking the whole "safe spaces" bullcrap to the extreme if you want calling someone an idiot to be an actionable offense. I really didn't think there were such people in the world... that would seriously want someone hurt because they were called an almost but not quite mean word. Tyrannical dictators in the making.....


That's not taking safespaces to the extreme. Safespaces are simply EXTREME

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just look at the use of the term "bullying" in this thread alone.


the "me me me me" silliness in society today is outrageous. of course these snowflakes want their "safe space" how dare anyone face any difficulties anymore?

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I've got a guildie who is currently squelched in chat because an entire opposing guild reported her for spam. She isn't a spammer, but that's their way of harassing her. With stuff like that going on, its no wonder bioware has no time to deal with actual harassment. They're too busy chasing wild geese.


This thread is really just a joke. Grow a thicker skin, realize randoms on the interwebs can't hurt you unless you let them, report, ignore if you're that big of a baby, and move on.

Edited by Jimvinny
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Harassment is a violation of Terms of Service and the fact that EA allows it show that they have no control or just don't care about their customers. That's really sad.


Calling you a sh*tter isn't really harassment.

Abusing the report system like the person above me said is harassment.


Grow thicker skin.

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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.


Maybe the more casual and friendly players had already left the game over the years, even if they are returning now I doubt most of them are willing to do tactical FP and\or operations. so maybe that why the chances of encountering the more friendly and help veteran players in group contents now is lower. :(


I just recently come back to the game and also noticed the unbelievable high ratio of veteran players who has a toxic attitude\behavior in the game. You don't even need to try joining a tactical FP or operations to experience this.


Example, imagine you are a noobie in a Dromund Kaas waiting for a boss respawn in open world, you see a few fellow noobie coming in obviously waiting for the same boss, you send invite to groups, most of them will happily accept as heroic though solo-able has a design to reward players to complete them in group. Then while still waiting, in come a legendary Lv65 with full epic l33t raid gear guy, you sent an invite, you get ignored instead. Then when the boss respawn, this l33t player don't even bother to Q and wait for his turn, just steal the kill from you. I don't know how he do it, I thought I was already very fast in attacking and yet he get the tag. To rub salt on your wound, he even emote a laugh at all of us before teleport off.


This is not just one or two freak incident, I actually encounter similar behaviors of these veteran players on a very frequent basis over the last two months especially in lowbie area with those open-world heroic bosses. :(


Take last night for example, I was doing processed hunter quests and it take me 30+min to finally kill that boss cause in every respawn maybe we are just too slow and it is always a Lv65 player with legendary status that ignore group invite to just right jump in and steal the kill, This actually happen 5 times in a roll. Make me wonder if there is some kind of UI tool that allow you to auto-target and attack much faster then just simply right-click on the target? As they seem to be able to do so as soon as boss respawn, while it make me maybe 0.5s to reaction and right-click, more over my mouse cursor was already on top on the boss respawn spot and yet I still always slower than these veteran players. And this is still not the worst, out of these 5 players, 3 actually bother to did some form of mocking at us before they teleport out. One do a dance after the kill, the other two emote a laugh. :(


Ironically the 2 players that I run into in the same area and managed to invite successfully into my group to do the boss together are both below Lv20 and are new to the game. One of them give up after the 3rd kill steal and the other stick with me till the end and finally got our kill in the 6th respawn, and we succeed only because there are not other players around when the boss respawned. He too is very puzzle why we keep missing that first attack when he too basically place his mouse cursor right over the respawn spot and click as soon as he saw the boss,


Really hate the fact that as empire lowbie there is limited heroic options to avoid such players as unlike Republic Coruscant where there are 3 instanced heroic that you can do at your own pace and own time, I recall almost all the heroic in Dromund Kaas are in open-world (though only a few of them has this respawn issue but still). And these unpleasant encounter really ruin your experiences. :(

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I run into a lot of bossy people in Ops. Some insist on trying to tell me what to do. I love the classic "I can handle heals myself...you go dps". Or the ones who assume I don't know how to perform the most basic healing abilities, like refreshing slow-release med pack. I can always tell the best tanks right away because they use their cool downs smartly and make healing quite easy, they never say a word because they don't need to.


Bottom Line, just put them on ignore right away and feel free to tell them you are doing so. Do you really want to group with these people again? I don't.

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So, i'm just going to express my actual opinion here.


The game has an ignore option that you can use, and it will keep you from receiving messages and grouping in any instance with that person again. Unless the person is getting on multiple accounts just to harass you, nothing more needs to be done. Wanting more to be done to the person over simple name calling is not only vindictive and childish, but also shows you are the type of person who isn't happy unless they can control everyone around them/you aka... control freak.


In short, your need to control what people, feel, do, and think, is not a plausible cause for Bioware to take action. They have given you the tools to not deal with things you do not wish to deal with.

Edited by cool-dude
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In short, your need to control what people, feel, do, and think, is not a plausible cause for Bioware to take action. They have given you the tools to not deal with things you do not wish to deal with.


The OP is the very definition of selfish to try and force people/society/game community or an entity (Bioware) to make everyone act in a way that they approve of. There are many ways to shelter yourself from behaviour you don't approve of, you try and speak for everyone else (when you don't), or try and justify it that "people shouldn't be subjected to this behaviour" cuz you consider it bad. And why is what you consider acceptable behaviour the way things should be?


You don't speak for everyone and to think you do is, bottom line, SELFISH.


Harassment and bullying, yes, it's bad, it happens in school, work, online, etc from children to adults... but people saying bad words in chat is NOT harassment. Actual harassment can be dealt with in many ways on your end and on the developers end. I know, I've had experiences being harassed, did what I'm supposed to do, and never see/hear from them again.


TL;DR - This is silly. It's the same old thing just a different day and a different game. Protect YOURSELF with the tools you have, but don't try and 'change the world' or be selfish and try and force changes to things in the world that you don't approve of.

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just look at the use of the term "bullying" in this thread alone.


the "me me me me" silliness in society today is outrageous. of course these snowflakes want their "safe space" how dare anyone face any difficulties anymore?


What the hell is a safe space:rak_02: I'd appreciate cliff notes because I'm concerned this might happen if I google it.

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The OP is the very definition of selfish to try and force people/society/game community or an entity (Bioware) to make everyone act in a way that they approve of. There are many ways to shelter yourself from behaviour you don't approve of, you try and speak for everyone else (when you don't), or try and justify it that "people shouldn't be subjected to this behaviour" cuz you consider it bad. And why is what you consider acceptable behaviour the way things should be?


You don't speak for everyone and to think you do is, bottom line, SELFISH.


Harassment and bullying, yes, it's bad, it happens in school, work, online, etc from children to adults... but people saying bad words in chat is NOT harassment. Actual harassment can be dealt with in many ways on your end and on the developers end. I know, I've had experiences being harassed, did what I'm supposed to do, and never see/hear from them again.


TL;DR - This is silly. It's the same old thing just a different day and a different game. Protect YOURSELF with the tools you have, but don't try and 'change the world' or be selfish and try and force changes to things in the world that you don't approve of.


Yep. Little do those people realize, that what they want is borderline fascist, which is the ideology that believes in order for the state to have unity, it's citizens must all be of the same mind in all things.

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and if I may add on the end of the link above. Though it used to be about LGBT and homophobia, now everybody seems to be asking for the damn things.


People known as SJW's (social justice warriors - those are people who say that white males opinions are irrelevant effectively judging them by race and gender then claim they are combating racism and sexism in the name of equality) often demand "safe spaces" for everybody.


The funny thing is, as much as I dislike the whole safe space BS everybody already has one. If I don't feel like talking to people I sit at home watching telly or reading a book and don't bother answering the phone.

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Yep. Little do those people realize, that what they want is borderline fascist, which is the ideology that believes in order for the state to have unity, it's citizens must all be of the same mind in all things.


I think Authoritarian would be better fitting though at that point in the horse shoe it's very hard to distinguish between a Fascist and Authoritarian.


As for safe spaces. I'm still chuckling over the events of Mizzu. Far left African American students want a safe space away from white students. I know a certain far right clan that would gladly sign off on that.


So the circle of stupid continues.

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and if I may add on the end of the link above. Though it used to be about LGBT and homophobia, now everybody seems to be asking for the damn things.


People known as SJW's (social justice warriors - those are people who say that white males opinions are irrelevant effectively judging them by race and gender then claim they are combating racism and sexism in the name of equality) often demand "safe spaces" for everybody.


The funny thing is, as much as I dislike the whole safe space BS everybody already has one. If I don't feel like talking to people I sit at home watching telly or reading a book and don't bother answering the phone.


I hate the term SJW. Not because it's used, but how it's used. If someone defends something that people consider PC, a lot of times those who don't agree with them just throw the term at them when it really should be reserved for the fanatical self-loathers who champion a cause without any thought put into it. The description you gave is a good example, but sadly, as a term gains popularity, the meaning gets twisted more and more and suddenly anyone who defends anything is an SJW, even if they have valid and logical arguments.

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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.


I agree with you and it's not cool. SWTOR seems to have more than it's fair share of jerks and I've ignored more people in this game than I do in most mmo's. MMO's with a F2P model also seem to have a lot more jerks than just subscription games. Unfortunately the days of the community ostracizing rude people in mmo's is over. Back in EQ you could NOT get away with being a jerk. You got blacklisted and people would not group with you. The game policed itself. Part of the problem is that we've all come to accept this behavior as part of the package. Bioware shouldn't be the only one policing their game. We the community should also do it. Instead of encouraging it we should turn our backs on it but since those players don't really need you to level or do anything it's a bit harder to do these days. Unfortunately there's not much you can do. If they're really really harassing you and not just being an average jerk then take a screenshot or two and report their behavior. Ignore them for sure. If they change characters or get their buddies to join in then report everyone involved. I don't get why some people feel the need to be mean or belittle others online. I have my own opinions on it and think most of them suffer from low self esteem and that's their way of trying to prop themselves up which is really sad.


When I first came back I was doing the datacrons and there's that one where it takes two people to hit levers at the same time and another player had just gotten his with some help and the little shield barrier closed before I could make it in so I asked him if he would please help me turn the levers and he just sat there and finally said "No, hahahaha."


I really don't get why he couldn't be bothered to just click a lever. It would have taken less time than typing no would and he'd just gotten help from someone else. Fortunately that person who'd just helped him was in the area and overheard and came and helped me plus he told that other person he was on ignore after begging for help over and over and then refusing to help someone else. I didn't ignore the guy, I really could care less but it seemed to piss the other person off more than me. Now that's not the same as harassment but is just one small example of people's rudeness. Everyone wants help, needs help, needs a team but once they're done they won't actually help other people who have the same need. I'll pretty much help anyone who asks if I have the time to do so. Some people are just jerks.


On a side note I was looking through the forums this morning trying to find a random person to give a virtual hug to and you've won so /Hug. :) Sometimes you just need a hug. :csw_destroyer:

Edited by DarthBubba
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