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Returning Companions


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Ingame credits for KOTFE lists all voice actors and for the main ones their roles.


Based on that, we can expect the return of :




Lieutenant Iresso

Kira Carsen


Andronikos Revel



Couldn't that be referring to that opening scene in Chapter 1?

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So something occurred to me and tell me if this has been said, but it seems that each companion might be getting equipped with a new item from the upcoming CM packs. Kaliyo didn't have her in game rifle in the trailers, but you can see that it's attached to the packs. Now Jorgan appears to be carrying a unique Sniper Rifle. Any bets its going to be part of a new upcoming CM pack.


Also, just curious, but what does everyone think of the new default outfits for companions? I'm also wondering if say I get Kaliyo back as an Agent will she wear her new outfit after she is recruited?

Edited by Vanis
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Also, just curious, but what does everyone think of the new default outfits for companions? I'm also wondering if say I get Kaliyo back as an Agent will she wear her new outfit after she is recruited?

Some of them are ok. Xalek's new chestpiece looks pretty cool, and so does Pierce's new military uniform. I'm not fond of what Talos had, and I liked Kalyo's initial default outfit better. Haven't played far enough with an Agent to compare Lokin's outfits, but the one he has in KOTFE is... alright, I suppose? I haven't recruited Qyzen (yet?) but I don't really remember either of his default outfits. Never played with a Trooper past Ord Mantell, so I have no idea about Yuun and I slaughtered Tanno Vik without even realizing he's a companion...


In regards to Kalyo, an Agent player should be able to answer with absolute certainty, but based on my experience with Pierce as a Sith Warrior, once you recruit the old companion they keep the new look, but you receive the old items they wore at the start of KOTFE back so you can immediately dress them as they were before the carbonite nap.

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In regards to Kalyo, an Agent player should be able to answer with absolute certainty, but based on my experience with Pierce as a Sith Warrior, once you recruit the old companion they keep the new look, but you receive the old items they wore at the start of KOTFE back so you can immediately dress them as they were before the carbonite nap.


This is exactly what happens :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So we received some news recently regarding Bowdaar's recruitment. Looks like we have a 4-6 week delay before we can get our Wookiee friend (sorry Smugglers).

Hey folks,


We have been doing a lot of internal playtesting on the Eternal Championship and it is currently not at a level that we believe our players deserve. In keeping with our commitment to offer the highest quality experience possible with our latest expansion, we have decided to delay the launch of the Eternal Championship. We are focusing on overall balance, ensuring each boss fight is challenging, endeavoring to exceed quality expectations, and most of all, making sure it is a fun experience. Please note Bowdaar will also be delayed, but will continue to launch alongside the Eternal Championship.


To help ensure we deliver on the deeper experience we promised, we have decided to make the Eternal Championship available on our Public Test Server (PTS) prior to releasing it. We are eager to make this feature as high quality as possible and would love to get your feedback as we work to strengthen it. Once we nail down the release schedule we will let you know how to get access on PTS.


I will provide more information as I have it; our goal is to have more information in the next 4-6 weeks. Thank you.




Unfortunately, unlike last season BioWare confirmed we won't be getting a replacement follower as with Blizz.

Good question. You will recruit a Companion as a part of the Chapter, but with Bowdaar moving out there will not be a new Alliance alert with Chapter XI.



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So we received some news recently regarding Bowdaar's recruitment. Looks like we have a 4-6 week delay before we can get our Wookiee friend (sorry Smugglers).


Makes my smugglers sad. All those complaining that their favourite companions aren't back yet spare a little sympathy for those Smugglers out there who so far have no one back yet :(

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Makes my smugglers sad. All those complaining that their favourite companions aren't back yet spare a little sympathy for those Smugglers out there who so far have no one back yet :(


Yep. Waiting to hear about these guys before I decide to roll a Smuggler. I suppose I'll work on my: trooper, consular, and inquisitor in the mean time.

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I'm sure we'll have at least Bowdaar and Guss show up before the end of this season. Not sure about anyone else though. I say that because the Smuggler has three LI and I think each LI is going to have a chapter to themselves.
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Okay. There are a few things I'd like to point out in this list. In the Non-Playable Characters section, you should put Guss Tuno because he appears in the Blizz Alliance Alert Mission. You should also put Zenith in the Upcoming Companions Section for undetermined because an achievement for his alert mission has been leaked. Edited by meowmeowcvm
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Okay. There are a few things I'd like to point out in this list. In the Non-Playable Characters section, you should put Guss Tuno because he appears in the Blizz Alliance Alert Mission. You should also put Zenith in the Upcoming Companions Section for undetermined because an achievement for his alert mission has been leaked.


I would except that the only reason Bowdaar is on the list is because he previously had a date attached to his name. Khem Val, Zenith and Guss all had alliance alerts (bugged) at the start of Chapter X so if I were to put them on the list it would be under Upcoming Companions. The problem with putting them on there is that they don't have a date. Bowdaar at least has a tentative date of 4-6 weeks.


If enough people (one or two others) agree either way I'll change it though.

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I would except that the only reason Bowdaar is on the list is because he previously had a date attached to his name. Khem Val, Zenith and Guss all had alliance alerts (bugged) at the start of Chapter X so if I were to put them on the list it would be under Upcoming Companions. The problem with putting them on there is that they don't have a date. Bowdaar at least has a tentative date of 4-6 weeks.


If enough people (one or two others) agree either way I'll change it though.


That would explain why when I was looking at a Guss Tuno customization, he had a different armor.

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So I've put Aric in the Main Characters section, but in game he was under Other Followers. So I'm not sure whether this is a bug or where he is supposed to be. If this persists after the patch today please let me know and I'll change it. I will let you all know that the chapter preview for Chapter XII did not provide a new companion.
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So I've put Aric in the Main Characters section, but in game he was under Other Followers. So I'm not sure whether this is a bug or where he is supposed to be. If this persists after the patch today please let me know and I'll change it. I will let you all know that the chapter preview for Chapter XII did not provide a new companion.


Chapter XII Will Have A New Dashade Shadow Killer.

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Chapter XII Will Have A New Dashade Shadow Killer.


Sorry, I should have clarified. Chapter XII didn't show any hint at a new Main Character in the vain of Aric Jorgan and Kaliyo Djannis. Akghal Usar is a new companion that will be showing up, but will be an alliance alert like Blizz. The developers also said that in order to get him players will have to go through some puzzles.


It appears as though the story of Chapter XII will follow the Outlander as they find and interact with both Satele, Marr and Valkorion.

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Sorry, I should have clarified. Chapter XII didn't show any hint at a new Main Character in the vain of Aric Jorgan and Kaliyo Djannis. Akghal Usar is a new companion that will be showing up, but will be an alliance alert like Blizz. The developers also said that in order to get him players will have to go through some puzzles.


It appears as though the story of Chapter XII will follow the Outlander as they find and interact with both Satele, Marr and Valkorion.


Yes,which is so far what should have been happening,only chapter II was about interacting with the emperor,considering his importance to the overall continuity of star wars legends he needs more interactions,that's what made some villains in the game bad,they just showed up from nowhere to be killed then forgotten,vitiate was so badly explored up until ziost i felt bad for Drew who writted his wonderful backstory.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright folks. How was the recruitment quest for Akghal Usar? What do you think of the character and the news that he won't be replacing Khem Val?



Are you excited by the news that both Vette and Gault will be returning next chapter? Are you happy about that or are you worried?


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Alright folks. How was the recruitment quest for Akghal Usar? What do you think of the character and the news that he won't be replacing Khem Val?



Are you excited by the news that both Vette and Gault will be returning next chapter? Are you happy about that or are you worried?


I like Akghal Usar and heavily enjoyed his quest, it was a nice little puzzle (Though I would of enjoyed a bigger hint to go and summon the relic keeper).


And I am very excited to see that my Vettey-boo-boo is coming back next chapter! After that letter she sends, I think she needs a hug.

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Alright folks. How was the recruitment quest for Akghal Usar? What do you think of the character and the news that he won't be replacing Khem Val?



Are you excited by the news that both Vette and Gault will be returning next chapter? Are you happy about that or are you worried?

I was actually hoping that this chapter would signal the return of Andronikus. I was never a huge fan of Gault (although his reunion with Hylo will be amazing and possibly lethal), but I will be happy to see my Sith Warrior reunited with her lil' sis. Gault and my Bounty Hunter will have a lot to catch up on... she may want to punch him, depending on what he's been up to.


As far as Akghal Usar goes... I would have preferred Khem Val for my Inquisitor. He's fine for everyone else since they hadn't met a dashade before, but my Morose Monster had a special place in my Quizzie's heart despite all his threats to eat her.

Edited by Yermog
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I've decided to keep Akghal Usar on my Smuggler because I seem to think he could be helpful. Maybe when I go face some knights I'll bring him and say "Dinner time!"

I'm keeping him on all of them. Beggars can't be choosers.

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I was actually hoping that this chapter would signal the return of Andronikus. I was never a huge fan of Gault (although his reunion with Hylo will be amazing and possibly lethal), but I will be happy to see my Sith Warrior reunited with her lil' sis. Gault and my Bounty Hunter will have a lot to catch up on... she may want to punch him, depending on what he's been up to.


As far as Akghal Usar goes... I would have preferred Khem Val for my Inquisitor. He's fine for everyone else since they hadn't met a dashade before, but my Morose Monster had a special place in my Quizzie's heart despite all his threats to eat her.


I hear you. With as prevalent as Steve Blum is in this game, you know he's probably already recorded the lines. You'd think Andronikos would have shown up by now. I see the story taking us back to Rishi where we meet up with: Jakarro, D4 and Andronikos keeping the pirates in line. :D

Edited by h_weber
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