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Lvl sync is ruining our experience...


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For me level sync is the best thing that has ever happened to this game. Ever. I can now level where I want to! It's not linear anymore. If I don't want to do a certain planet I will level on another one, or grind mobs somewhere, or do some missions on others or skip some things. The heroics on the planets when you are higher level and go back and do them is GREAT. Now, you get rewards for anything you do. Not just being stagnant when you are high level or so. I think level sync is the greatest thing to happen. Every piece of content is relevant. It's not as bad as some make it out to be at all
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Again, stupidity without understanding. The OP says his level 50 quest. The bad guy at the end used to be level 50. Now he is 12. Are you saying level sync has nothing to do with this? Are you really that stupid? The only reason that boss went from 50 to 12 is because of level sync. And because of level sync, this fight, that although hasn't been hard for a long time, is now a laughingstock. Because of level sync. Level sync is making level 50 bosses level 12. You can't blame anything else, besides level sync. Unless you are a freaking moron. Then I guess you can blame whatever you want.


I'll keep this simple so you can follow along, it appears that slightly complex concepts are troubling you.


Level sync isn't the issue. The actual issue is that, for a small number of quests, the location overwrites what the mob levels used to be making them easier for some classes. That is a problem with how those quests were re-designed and those locations aren't instanced in the same way they used to be. Level sync is absolutely fine for the vast majority of what it does, in some isolated cases lack of up-level instancing (e.g. to 50 on a level 10 planet) - which is entirely possible within the game engine - results in some people blaming it incorrectly.


But please, go ahead with your strings of insults to make yourself feel relevant, it does appear to be a specialty of late from you.

Edited by SootyTX
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...and specially at the end of chapters that force you to come back to starter planets. The most epic moment of the storylines gets ruined by this laughable difficulty, heck, even the boss fights can't be taken seriously thanks to this magnific idea, kudos to you Bioware.


With these companions you are immortal, where is the difficulty?

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alright guys, I understand what the OP is saying, and this is a problem for specific classes.

Namely the sith classes.

everyone else is on corellia or a unique story instance and thus is fighting near level 50.



problem is the SW and SI return to Korriban, and their bosses are thus level 12. and well.. push overs.


having just completed the warrior storyline I agree this is a bit of a mild problem, and would like to see BW try to address it. perhaps by making the dark council chambers a seperate instance level matched to the level of the player


You are synched to level 52 for the JK end boss and my T7 at influence 4 set to healer soloed the emperor in less than 30 seconds. Face it, BW ruined the class story climactic encounters in a myriad number of ways that all collide to make something that should be mildly satisfying into a "That was it?" moment.

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You are synched to level 52 for the JK end boss and my T7 at influence 4 set to healer soloed the emperor in less than 30 seconds. Face it, BW ruined the class story climactic encounters in a myriad number of ways that all collide to make something that should be mildly satisfying into a "That was it?" moment.


Yeah. It sucks. It's not just a couple classes, or just the final bosses; it's every combat from the start of the story content to the end.


Level sync isn't the reason it's all too easy, but it isn't helping either. The problem is a combination of enemies just being too weak at any level and XP coming so fast that doing anything outside of the critical path over levels you anyway. Level sync is supposed to keep the XP from becoming an issue, but it's set too high. Two levels higher than the highest level story enemy on the planet would be faceroll territory even if 90% of that planet's enemies weren't even lower level than that.


Level sync could help fix this problem, if we were able to adjust it down several levels as needed. Instead of the first few areas worth of enemies on Hoth being 5 or 6 levels lower than I am, and unable to actually move my health bar, I could manually drop my level 5 or 6 (or more) and have a more satisfying fight.

Edited by ReverendAnderson
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Despite initial reservations I have come to accept that this was actually a very good mood. I'm big enough to admit when I'm wrong :D Ultimately it makes sense to incorporate this.


That said, like a few others have mentioned I'd like to see the chapter-end and particularly the final class bosses tweaked a wee bit. When I played my first-ever class - a JK Sentinel - I had my arse handed to me by the end boss. This was largely because I was rubbish, but there was at least some difficulty in there and as a result of realising that I was rubbish I started to learn how to play better - to use all the skills available to me. When I finally beat him I did feel some small measure of personal achievement plus I became a better player. All-in-all a good result.


Now though, when the bosses are on a low level planet it is a bit too easy. For example with the SW boss I think my character could have farted in his direction and he'd have exploded. It was a little disappointing when he was such a lightweight - far more so than a lot of the H2+ champions. This does, to me at least, seem very unbalanced, but generally-speaking I'm totally cool with level sync.

Edited by Fluffometer
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I like it, ads a bit more tanager can no longer run through a heroic to the main target and take zero damage.


Now at level 65, you can do all the heroics and dailes naked with shells for Main Hand and Off Hand (if needed) and not die if you're companion is a healer. So instead of not taking damage for low level companion, we got Healing comps so OP that you can't die, even with level sync.


Level sync doesn't make the low level content harder to do at cap, it just take longer to do it.

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I like it, ads a bit more tanager can no longer run through a heroic to the main target and take zero damage.


Ehh, you still kinda can. Level sync was a good idea, but Bioware didn't go far enough with it. The point was to make all the content meaningful no matter where it was or what level you were, but if you're at the level sync level, almost all the content on that planet has become meaningless.

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I been saying this since the start of level sync that levelling is now worse off then it was before. I would prefer to be on Tatooine at level 26 like it was designed to be not 45. Boss fights are easy and it's pretty much impossible to die ever, I wanted to do a play through of doing almost all the quests like back in the 1.0 experience however that would just make it more easy since I would be level 65 in no time . So now I am only do the class quests and planet story lines (purple missions) and I'm still getting a way too much XP.


I don't see what's wrong with turning level sync off, or at least when you start have an option to play with it on or off for this toon idk. Or even have a server that's dedicated to an earlier version of the game. Runescape for example has a version called "old school" which is a version of the game from 07. I would play on a server of SWTOR that's set in say 1.3 (Group Finder and Legacy added to the vanilla game).

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I think complaining about level sync while you are still leveling is a little lame. While leveling, level sync is great. You get decent creditss, decent xp, and keeps the gear you are wearing relevant to your level. When you are max level however, level sync becomes a nuisance, because you no longer care about XP, and you do not care about how challenging something is when you have already done it an x amount of times. You kind of just want to get it done, so you can build up your credits to buy that very expensive outfit in the gtn or crystals to get that legendary gear.


but even with the cons of level sync, it's not the end of the world.


As for the heroics being more challenging. I don't think they are.


When level sync was about to be implemented, I took the effort to record my clear times on daily zones (Black Hole, CZ-198, and Oricon), before and after 4.0 hit. They were roughly the same in difficulty and clear time, and with the detuning of the Heroic 4s, it got mildly easier.


Even going back to Trouble In Deed; the rush-though time for that hasn't really gotten any longer; and the rewards are a lot more rewarding.

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"Boss fights can't be taken seriously" due to... You not being able to one shot them? Huh? What are you talking about OP?


actually you can one shot them, that is the problem I think he is talking about. Look, the level sync when you hit 65 is a joke, you are by no means synced to the planet level. It may say you are, but you can pull like 10 elites and 2-3 gold elites and not even break a sweat.


But since I just go to planets to do heroics, doesnt bother me because the faster you can get through those heroics the better :rolleyes:

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actually you can one shot them, that is the problem I think he is talking about. Look, the level sync when you hit 65 is a joke, you are by no means synced to the planet level. It may say you are, but you can pull like 10 elites and 2-3 gold elites and not even break a sweat.


But since I just go to planets to do heroics, doesnt bother me because the faster you can get through those heroics the better :rolleyes:


It's because your crit and accuracy aren't capped. (Neither is your alacrity, for that matter). It's quite noticeable on the 4 starter planets and the capitals (outside of former H4s, and even there only the golds are unlikely to be one-shotted by basic/AoE). Pub Tython/Imp Balmorra isn't quite so bad, and Nar Shadaa starts to have enemies where you might need to hit them a second time. Weak/Standard enemies never get really tought, but silvers and especially golds past Tatooine can have enough HP and defenses that you might get a little into a rotation with them.


Remember, level sync effectively caps your DPS/HealPS (either directly or by capping mastery and power), your HP (either directly or by capping End), and possibly your Defense and Absorption. It doesn't cap Accuracy, Crit, or Alacrity, and it may not cap shield chance (I haven't checked one way or another). Nor does it cap presence.

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It's because your crit and accuracy aren't capped. (Neither is your alacrity, for that matter). It's quite noticeable on the 4 starter planets and the capitals (outside of former H4s, and even there only the golds are unlikely to be one-shotted by basic/AoE). Pub Tython/Imp Balmorra isn't quite so bad, and Nar Shadaa starts to have enemies where you might need to hit them a second time. Weak/Standard enemies never get really tought, but silvers and especially golds past Tatooine can have enough HP and defenses that you might get a little into a rotation with them.


Remember, level sync effectively caps your DPS/HealPS (either directly or by capping mastery and power), your HP (either directly or by capping End), and possibly your Defense and Absorption. It doesn't cap Accuracy, Crit, or Alacrity, and it may not cap shield chance (I haven't checked one way or another). Nor does it cap presence.


I think it would be great if it did cap every stat. Either they want us to find the content so easy it is trivial, or they don't. If we get a lot rewards for it, it should be harder to accomplish. But level sync does not do this.

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But since I just go to planets to do heroics, doesnt bother me because the faster you can get through those heroics the better :rolleyes:
The entire game was rebuilt around this, and group content was fitted with a restraining bolt and retuned for it. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Just a little observation...


White knights of Level Sync main argument is - you are still overpowered.


So following question is...




Whats the point of level sync in the first place?


BS. Loot is total garbage.


BS. At 65 lvl i don't need exp.

Helping others?

BS. Content is easy as sh**. No one care to helping others.


So... Do we REALLY need level sync?

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I just wanted to post a bit of feedback from a returning players point of view in regards to the level sync.


I got back after like 1,5 years of absence (Was playing a different MMO)

Especially after having a long break, I like starting from the ground up again, I just move over some resources from other chars and get going from scratch, with a small head start bonus.


These are my impressions:

- The experience gained for quests is stupidly high. By the time I left Coruscant (Including skipping a few quests) I was already level 27, Please note that the Nar Shaddaa max level is 25 and I have only just begin to scratch Taris. Due to this I have decided to skip all sidequests except for heroics to upgrade my gear.

- Crafting is officially a joke while leveling right now. Due to the fast pace of leveling gear becomes obsolete way too fast. The only reason I am doing it, is to see if it'll have any uses at higher level (Cybertech, Scavenging, Underworld trading)

- I am face rolling Heroic 2+ with the basic level 10 lightsaber without upgrades and am pretty much immortal with healing companion. Yes, your heard me Immortal. With 5+ gold mobs whacking at me, my health is at a stable 95-100%. You guys are complaining about this at level 65, I'm 29 within 6 hours of playing!

- Due to every dungeon being levelsynced, when you can gather from a dead mob? The resources are rank 8, virtually useless for you at lower level. (Not that it will be an issue for long at this leveling rate)

- Very, very little to no adjustable gear and no need for it. This is something I really liked in the past, mixing and matching adjustable gear and making a nice set out of it. Upgrading it as I go and giving it a nice look.

- Flashpoints at low level are too many, too fast. New players get no chance to learn any form of tactics

- Some flashpoints are EXTREMELY difficult with certain parties especially with only low levels. Lack of skills means lack of DPS, less defensive cooldowns thus more damage taken. Group composed of all highlevels? Faceroll time!


From my point of view, there is a LOT of balancing to be done and I recommend that this gets done as soon as possible. a lot of quests have been made obsolete and useless. Personally I like having a challenge and right now while leveling? I am running through things like a madman with a lightsaber facerolling everything. It used to be so that with some difficulty I could solo a Heroic 2+ with good gear and then not even always. Now? Even if I would see a heroic 4+ I'd probably charge in solo... Not very heroic now is it?


I actually don't want to upgrade my lightsaber right now, because If I do? I'm afraid I will kill golds in a single hit WHILE LEVELING. Where is the fun in that?

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I haven't had a problem with it at all matter of fact I forget most of the time that I am level synced don't really see anything wrong other than if you are farming something "Are you farming something for creds :rolleyes:" because it would take to long,,lol ,,,



Bet you that what this whole thread is about:rolleyes:


WHAT!! Cant get your bots to farm right:eek:

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We are level synced to keep the power curve linear instead of exponential. It's not perfect, but it works, more or less. The system has some issues on low level planets (I mentioned that above). However, I'm running a L6-ish character on Imp Taris, and it's not a total faceroll, particularly if I don't set my comp to healing.


The XP curve is designed to keep a character on-level (probably a little over) by just doing the purple planetary and character quests. If you do heroics, exploration missions, events, etc; you'll go over the curve badly.

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I think he's referring to bosses at the ends of quest arcs that are so easy that the fight is usually over before the player even realizes it. He or she does have a point. But I would think it has more to do with the crazy amount of experience this game gives players . It's not level sync really. The fact that you can be level 50 on say Hoth is ridiculous and trivializes any fight that should matter.


The problem here is we have two camps.


There are those, like you, that want content to stretch out. Then you have those, like me, that have done it quite a few times and now just want to level alts as quickly as possible. Dragging it out would be an absolute nightmare, we've seen it all several times already.


I much prefer it like it is now. It's one of the reasons I decided to come back. Levelling alts got incredibly boring, now it's tolerable.

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