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Is this game turning into a full PVP game?


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Is it my imagination, or is this game turning into a full PVP game? Because, I feel everything we have to do, now requires PVP. For example, Pierce and M1-4X, you cannot aquire these as alliance companions without doing some PVP mission.


When I logon to the game, I play to get away from other players, it is my world away from real life. And doing PVP missions does not get me away from real life. Not to mention, I do not have a cluue about PVP, and I dont care about it! I don't even know what the best mods, hilts, and enhancements to use for PVP, and when I do end up in a PVP area by accident, some layer jumps me and kills me, before I can figure out what happened.


So please Bioware, could you limit PVP to PVP areas?



........and now here comes all my haters to this post! :D

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Nice big, bold statement - Is this game turning into a FULL PvP Game?


You then go on to give one example (it is just one example as this is a mirror depending on which faction you are playing).

And that's it. Your ONE example of this game becoming a full PvP game is the one companion that requires you to do PvP.

If I may add at this point, you already have more companions than you'll ever need who can each play whichever role you want them to, so the companion gained by PvP is certainly not a requirement to the game.


So in answer to your statement. No, this game is not turning into a full PvP game nor is there any kind of indication that it is.

Oh, and I noted you oh so clever "Here come the haters to the thread". This is actually a writing fallacy - but I'll let you off on this occasion. I'm not "hating you". I'm simply pointing out why your post is extremely flawed.

Edited by Stoofa
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We havent gotten any new pvp content in about 2 years. We were only teased with a new warzone on its way last week. When will we get that new warzone? Who knows? It might be next year by the time that happens. Furthermore pvp servers are either dead or dying

So you tell me. Is this game turning into a full on pvp game?

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And that's it. Your ONE example of this game becoming a full PvP game is the one companion that requires you to do PvP.


Here is another example: On some Planetary Conquest, you used to be able to repeatable Craft War Supplies, now it has been changed to "One Time Objective. But, it was replaced with more PVP objectives!

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Anyone who is even vaguely aware of what BW has done to their game over the last couple of years wouldn't write a post like the OP without donning a trollface.jpg.



YET! question in his topic does touch the truth in interesting and maddening and paradoxal fashion! If measured in game aspects receiving active development, BW has been flaying their game for a good while now. Area marked for actual content drops is extremely narrow now. Mostly, if you don't love every single second you get to watch a head talk or a cutscene play, you are Sith out of luck. Even those who DO enjoy story-aligned game experience are starting to realize how it has virtually no longevity in KOTFE. So you either quit the game or start searching for this longevity elsewhere.


GSF and WZs both have been void of dev attention for few years now. Yet, due to very nature of any PvP, they tend to last time and repetition remarkably well. Sure as hell far better than running through KOTFE story or something. Since game hasn't gotten/isn't getting any new Ops or FPs or events or relevant end game zones or new world bosses or new high level daily quests areas or anything like this at all, what else is there to do? HC2s?? For this reason, of late, plenty of people who usually don't PvP but do like this game have begun coming up with reasons to start pvp. They don't wanna quit TOR but once dat sweet dialogue wheel stops spinning, coming up with reasons to stay is getting very difficult for many who are not into PvP. So people start PvPing. If they are lucky, they get infected by GSF feva and suddenly their game has value again.

Edited by Stradlin
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OP...not in the least. Save for some companion PvP gated quests this game is 97% PvE.


This, however I do feel this is not the last. Still 7 more chapter and bet there is at least 2 more forced PvP in there. Still even if I turn out to be right still a long way of full PvP.


Still it was enough to stop me continuing with KotFE past chapter 9. I get the comps I can but will never ever do those PvP so wont get any and all alerts or comps from the character that gives them. Will if I can do the HK mission (assuming it not from one of the two PvP alerts characters, but wont be doing chapter 10 or any more chapters. BW pretty much killed this xpec for me.

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This, however I do feel this is not the last. Still 7 more chapter and bet there is at least 2 more forced PvP in there. Still even if I turn out to be right still a long way of full PvP.


Still it was enough to stop me continuing with KotFE past chapter 9. I get the comps I can but will never ever do those PvP so wont get any and all alerts or comps from the character that gives them. Will if I can do the HK mission (assuming it not from one of the two PvP alerts characters, but wont be doing chapter 10 or any more chapters. BW pretty much killed this xpec for me.


The issue you're describing, gating future companions behind the PvP ones, is probably going to get fixed. This is why Bioware has metrics. When they see that a significant number of people stopped at that point, they'll change it. Nudging people to give PvP a try won't over-shadow their overall desire to have people follow the storyline. Just give it some time.

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They need to get rid of Pierce and the PVP companion concept.


PVE people are the trashiest PVP'ers. They ruin the PVP content for the actually PVPer's.


There's a reason why PVE people are strickly PVE people. The PVP demand is so far demanding mentally that they can not handle the quick thinking of PVP.


I think the two should be separated and if PVE people want to PVP, they should do it by their own choice and not guided into the PVP world.


Plus, the PVP world doesnt have great content. They haven't touched PVP content in decades. So why try to bring them into something that is not even a quality PVP world?





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I think while the OP's statement is not accurate, it does seem as if 4.0 was designed to try to push PvP upon many players for all sort of different reasons:-


1) The "infamous" PvP companions - Nothing more really needs saying about this as its been done to death.


2) The PvP weapons vendor is the only real place to get moddable weapons outside of the cartel market, so if you want a "specific" look and want to keep it throughout the game you only have the level 8 vendor, the PvP vendor and GTN (although pretty much all moddable none cartel market weapons on the GTN are rare and thus expensive)


3) With the change of moving Heroics to weekly rather than daily (I understand why due to Alliance crates), if you are in a guild participating in conquests PvP is the only quick and "spammable" mission type to get conquest points, flashpoints and heroics take time and require you to be available for a time. So with the "nerf" to both heroic and crafting conquest points BW have really only left PvP as a viable option to gain conquest points

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This, however I do feel this is not the last. Still 7 more chapter and bet there is at least 2 more forced PvP in there. Still even if I turn out to be right still a long way of full PvP.


Still it was enough to stop me continuing with KotFE past chapter 9. I get the comps I can but will never ever do those PvP so wont get any and all alerts or comps from the character that gives them. Will if I can do the HK mission (assuming it not from one of the two PvP alerts characters, but wont be doing chapter 10 or any more chapters. BW pretty much killed this xpec for me.


So, because one optional companion per faction requires PvP the expansion is ruined for you?


Here I thought I was melodramatic. smh.

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Betteridge's Law of Headlines comes into force here... and the answer is... No.

(Betteridge's Law states that "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no."


Swtor now has a couple of different options for PvP (Warzones/Arenas, and Galactic Starfighter) as well as open-world PvP if you are flagged or dueling, but to think that constitutes the game turning into a full PvP game is to overlook the VAST expanse of PvE content here.

75% of classes need to do some PvP if they want to get a specific, optional, KotFE companion (and also any future companions/content that is linked to unlocking Pierce or M1-4X).

Crafting missions in Conquest are largely being replaced by other missions, some/many/most of which are PvP-based.

The KotFE companions and Conquest elements of the game are entirely optional, and in both cases there are other options to progress. The PvP requirement does not impede the progress through the rest of the content.


For those who say "well that means that some of the game content is locked to me, because I do not want to PvP", it is not the game or the designers barring you from that content, but your own personal preferences. There have always been PvP-based Conquest objectives, and PvP-based event objectives. The warzone maps/Huttball are not accessible unless you play PvP, so your preferences have locked you out of that content too. This is no different.

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There have always been PvP-based Conquest objectives, and PvP-based event objectives. The warzone maps/Huttball are not accessible unless you play PvP, so your preferences have locked you out of that content too. This is no different.


Except that for Conquest points there used to be a viable PvE alternative in farming the heroics which you could do on a daily basis. 4.0 basically removed all other options (nerfing the crafting objectives and Heroics only being weekly), which has heavily affected my guild in conquests we tended to make the low top 10's on our server on a regular basis, but since 4.0 we are no where close to getting in the top 10, I suspect we have been overtaken by the many PvP guilds (or guilds that take PvP much more seriously than we do) on our server.


To PvE players, its like saying to those that do PvP you can only have a weekly quest for unranked matches (no more dailys) but you can have daily rewards and weekly available on ranked warzones only.

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Everything, really? :confused: One companion out of a couple dozens is everything? Look, PvP players got a companion that gains influence without having to grind PvE... how that is a tragedy? If you do not know how to gear for PvP matches, do ask or refer to the PvP guides on Dulfy.


To PvE players, its like saying to those that do PvP you can only have a weekly quest for unranked matches (no more dailys) but you can have daily rewards and weekly available on ranked warzones only.


There is a multitude of various PvE activities, but only one PvP one. Hence, PvP is repeatable, and PvE is not. I guess, they can give points for participating on a different wz map, but there are still some 30 or so FPs and Ops, and only 5 wz maps and 4 arenas, that pop up randomly.


To be honest, the more I play the game, the more I view it holistically. Each part of it supports other parts, and Conquest reflects it.


Each and every new thing I tried in this game had an unpleasant start. Could not make it through my first class story on my own, was wrecked in PvP, died in the last battle of my first Op and did not get a credit for it, was kicked out of a Flashpoint on loading it, was called names.... but that's people's shortcomings, my shortcomings.


The content itself was great once the dizziness of ignorance had passed. And I've met folks that were awesome people as well as players.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Except that for Conquest points there used to be a viable PvE alternative in farming the heroics which you could do on a daily basis. 4.0 basically removed all other options (nerfing the crafting objectives and Heroics only being weekly)


Taking this week as an example, there are 3 repeatable PvE Conquest objectives (worth 1000 points, 1000 points and 2000 points, for Group Finder, Tactical Flashpoints, and Operations); 3 repeatable standard PvP Conquest Objectives (worth 250, 500 and 1000 points, for unranked WZ's, Winning Ranked or Unranked WZ's, and the PvP Weekly), plus 2 GSP PvP missions (500 and 1000 points, for completing a GSF match and completing the weekly). A single run through the PvE repeatables nets you 4000 Conquest points, while the PvP repeatables net you 3250. Oh, and all of the one-off items are PvE as well, which will give you a potential extra 13000 points.

Sure, you now pick up far fewer Conquest points passively, for doing the stuff you probably would have done anyway, with 1000 points for 250 kills on Tatooine being the only option, and the crafting element has been made a one-time deal.

But as it stood, Conquest was completely dominated by guilds with massive batteries of crafting alts - set the companions to crafting (especially the high Influence comps... love those crits), log to next alt and rinse/repeat 20 times. There was very little incentive for players to explore other/new content on the back of a desire to complete Conquest goals because crafting was such a huge contributor.


Conquest made me a ton of credits, because I was able to sell my stores of crafting materials for ridiculous amounts. So I am sad to see that change, too. However, I can see the reason why Bioware made the change, and I broadly agree with it.

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All fair points, but PvP is a little more spammable than what else we have now, I agree that conquests did require changing to stop crafting spamming, but overall I feel that warzone obectives are one that's set as infinite with no maximum amount and can freely be spammed, irc the flashpoints and possibly the operations ones require the availability of the daily rewards which means you are capped at 4,000 points as opposed to PvP while earning less initially can carry on being spammed beyond that amount per day..

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