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Depths of Manaan

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Is it just me, or is the Ortuno fight just that ridiculously hard now? Every time I do this FP the group wipes repeatedly. And his health is insane, can't seem to harm him. I usually end up healing in it, and Im well out of Force before he's even down to 60% health.


Further, if you get a couple of lowbies in the group you are screwed. I honestly have got to the stage where if I see its this FP, I apologise to the group and leave simply because the repair bills for it are huge. I absolutely hate this flashpoint. Lord knows what its like on hard mode.

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He's a bit harder now, but you should be able to beat him still with a good group.


I had a level 25, 55, and two 65s (one was me) and only the level 25 died, but we did wipe twice because the 25 and 65 did not know the fight.

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Im 65 and the tank was 65, but the others were not, one of the DPS kept standing in the lightning pools so in the end I gave up trying to heal him. I told him repeatedly, out of the pool... but I may as well have talked to the wall.


Group finder in general gives me headaches, its becoming apparent these tactical Flashpoints don't work.

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This is a mechanics heavy fight where the mechanics are easily avoidable and/or mitigated but are unforgiving if you don't.


I understand your pain, but when everyone understands the mechanics and avoids them the fight is a cake walk.

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I've wiped many times doing Ortuno tactical, even with high-level players and with some 65's. However, I rarely, rarely, wipe on HM. To me it seems that the tactical fight is harder than the HM fight. Myabe it's just me.
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I've wiped many times doing Ortuno tactical, even with high-level players and with some 65's. However, I rarely, rarely, wipe on HM. To me it seems that the tactical fight is harder than the HM fight. Myabe it's just me.


The tactical fight is not hard. The people you run tactical usaully have less clue of what they're doiing that could transform the easiest fight in a nightmare. And that would explain why you have an easier time in HM. People can queue for HM at level 50, that reduce the number of clueless players. Furthermore, there's the HM label that discourage some people too (I know it did for me in the beginning) so your number of clueless players in even more reduced. Now I'm not saying there's no clueless players in HM, I've encountered my fair share of it to know better, but the pourcentage is lower.

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Tactics are simple and stupid at the same time.


1. Whoever is tanking him - forget about your rotation. Im not kidding. If you want to survive as tank - you must constantly move. Spit>move>spit>move. It's stupid. It's annoying as hell. But it's the only way to prevent stun and HUGE amounts of damage.

2. For DPS/Healers. Stay not far from boss. More puddles around area = wipe.

If you see Ortuno start to "pray" - RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But DON'T spread. Stay with your group for healing.


Thats it.


As for tacticals... Well... I can only wish you luck on this.


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Tactics are simple and stupid at the same time.


1. Whoever is tanking him - forget about your rotation. Im not kidding. If you want to survive as tank - you must constantly move. Spit>move>spit>move. It's stupid. It's annoying as hell. But it's the only way to prevent stun and HUGE amounts of damage.

2. For DPS/Healers. Stay not far from boss. More puddles around area = wipe.

If you see Ortuno start to "pray" - RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But DON'T spread. Stay with your group for healing.


Thats it.


As for tacticals... Well... I can only wish you luck on this.



This is wrong.


This is what causes wipes.


It's a rather simple fight if done right.


The tank, or whoever has the highest aggro in tactical, needs to keep Ortuno in ONE spot. Let him stack his puddles in ONE spot instead of 5. Then when he casts "Flow" you only have ONE puddle to get out of and not worry about running into another one. After the lightning storm, the one with aggro jumps back on him and repeats. The other dps need to pick up the adds because they're going to go after the healer, or in tactical, the one that's used the kolto terminals the most (which will give healer aggro).

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This is wrong.


This is what causes wipes.


It's a rather simple fight if done right.


The tank, or whoever has the highest aggro in tactical, needs to keep Ortuno in ONE spot. Let him stack his puddles in ONE spot instead of 5. Then when he casts "Flow" you only have ONE puddle to get out of and not worry about running into another one. After the lightning storm, the one with aggro jumps back on him and repeats. The other dps need to pick up the adds because they're going to go after the healer, or in tactical, the one that's used the kolto terminals the most (which will give healer aggro).


I wish people picked up adds but if I don't do it no one will, and this is while I have puddle boy on my back too.

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This is wrong.


This is what causes wipes.


It's a rather simple fight if done right.


The tank, or whoever has the highest aggro in tactical, needs to keep Ortuno in ONE spot. Let him stack his puddles in ONE spot instead of 5. Then when he casts "Flow" you only have ONE puddle to get out of and not worry about running into another one. After the lightning storm, the one with aggro jumps back on him and repeats. The other dps need to pick up the adds because they're going to go after the healer, or in tactical, the one that's used the kolto terminals the most (which will give healer aggro).


In the case if you didn't noticed, babe.

Bioware has FIXED this fight.

And now EVERY small puddle will couse Ortuno's attacks to stun tank pretty much all the time.


But be my guest. Keep the old tactics. Enjoy.


P.S. Oh and don't forget about lightning resistance debuff. Healers will be so happy trying to save your **s :D

Edited by Kingsbount
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  • 1 year later...
I always leave the group and FP when i see this crap. Always.


God I'm sorry to say this is me now too. But it's not just Manaan, it's pretty much any of the SOR fps (except LoR). The boss' health are too much. The fights take forever. I almost fell asleep healing Lord Renning the other day. The droid and running around from the explosions is not fun. Not hard, but not fun. The boring fight in front of the Jedi temple. Being held in the air by the last boss in Korriban! What Dev thought that would be fun? And most pugs just can't do SOR FPs HM. Too many things going on and too poor gear or class knowledge.


Don't get me started on BH. I won't do it HM or SM. I haven't taken a new alt through Rishi because I don't want to do it solo mode. :( Nothing about BH I enjoy. And why? I love all the pre SOR FPs!

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Bolster takes care of gear part:


Actually, it doesn't. For a good group that knows what theyr'e doing, sure. Like the naked Manaan video. But as a main healer who has healed several different tanks I can tell you 208s on a pug tank in HM are much harder to heal than a tank in 230s same skill. Bolster is not perfect in HM/SM fps. The gear helps remove mistakes too.


I just did Athliss HM and the tank had 208s and missing spots. He was melting. I couldn't keep up. His DCDs couldn't keep up.

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I've done half the SoR flashpoints in HM (Tython, Korriban, Rakata Prime) and with a good team, they were ok.

Tried to 3-man (and companion) Battle of Rishi HM once because our 4th quit but no replacement materialised and we wiped a bunch of times against the first boss before the other two quit.


I hate Blood Hunt with a passion.

When it comes to this game, my motto once I'm told what I need to know for a boss or puzzle is "I should be ok as long as I can see what I'm doing" . Usually that's true.

Blood Hunt, as I have mentioned many times before, lags worse for me than practically everything else in the game combined. Even with graphics on minimum, it's jerky, half the time the bosses aren't even showing up properly, and trying to navigate the boss fights by the distance marker on my target UI (which isn't always correct anyway) is a pain in the arse.

First boss - adds are invisible to me.

Jos & Valk - I'm fighting more than half blind.

The rare occasions when I actually get to Shae Vizla - I think I could only actually see what I was doing once.


As a melee character, Blood Hunt is torture. It's slightly less hellish on my healers - I just park in the middle of the boss arena and pray I can keep up.


But yeah, Depths of Manaan... very hit and miss. Never had it pop yet in Hard Mode and while the first boss is annoying, nearly all the groups I've been in managed it in Tactical. I explain to new people what they need to avoid (though sadly my reactions aren't always fast enough to let me avoid it myself :rolleyes: ) and yeah, it usually works.


Ortuno on the other hand... ugh. There's a lot of turnover against that guy. I try to explain it as best I can. If we don't have a healer I assign a ranged character kolto duty, but this boss often goes hideously and repeatedly wrong, people ragequit, etc etc, until it reaches the point of the absurd... or on a good day, we burn him on the first or second try and get to the final boss.


Curiously, though I have wiped a few times against the final boss, I've never had the timer run out... though the last time I was in a group that actually got to him we were down to three, had pretty bad dps and no tank, and I think the last man standing struck the killing blow with literally a second to spare. That was a run and a half.

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True... in theory ;)


If it works only in theory then you have very low dps in group.


I've had timer run out because whoever was tanking the boss refused to move to fire. Only times I got aggro we managed to get the boss to fire. After few attempts we finally managed to defeat the boss without any changes to group. I don't remember the exact percentages but you know the "we can do it" feeling: 50% -> 30% -> 10% -> 0%

Edited by Halinalle
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Against Stivastin, it doesn't matter so much how good your DPS is. Just lure him into the fire and you'll be fine :)
Both, Tactical and HM, if you get him under 95% shield on and use fire, you good. If cant get under 95% before ant fire, you most likely low of dps and run out time. Also bring adds as well undr fire
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Probably not so popular opinion, but Depths of Manaan is one of my fav. Veteran is easy, First boss, do not run around as headless chiken, place boss between droids and just step out from red, simple. Onturo. Keep him one side of room, in tactical use kolto when cast flow, gather adds to boss and kill him. Tactical is fine through gf, HM may be pain. But HM`s I run usually with guild anyway. Bonus boss is fun as hell, Just take out row of mines, not shure, but almost every class should have defensive CD witch suck 100% or near 100% damage, there is your chance to put it good use. Just make shure order, who do first and soon, that you not end up to suck it all same time and when next row come, skill is on CD
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Probably not so popular opinion, but Depths of Manaan is one of my fav. Veteran is easy, First boss, do not run around as headless chiken, place boss between droids and just step out from red, simple. Onturo. Keep him one side of room, in tactical use kolto when cast flow, gather adds to boss and kill him. Tactical is fine through gf, HM may be pain. But HM`s I run usually with guild anyway. Bonus boss is fun as hell, Just take out row of mines, not shure, but almost every class should have defensive CD witch suck 100% or near 100% damage, there is your chance to put it good use. Just make shure order, who do first and soon, that you not end up to suck it all same time and when next row come, skill is on CD


I agree the SOR Flashpoints on HM are fun. They aren't content for pugs though, much like LI for years (mayhem still I haven't done it in years).

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