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Pre-made BS in Regs needs to be fixed


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Bioware - you need to do something about pre-made groups in regular PvP and make the queue separate solo play and group play. I am really considering quitting this game because of this issue. There are other MMOs that do pvp much better for many reasons. In SWToR, I log in to do my pvp daily quest and solo queue against an x2 4man= 8 man Pre-made who are all mic'd in Teamspeak. It is impossible to have fun in this scenario. It is total BS. Waste of time and it makes one very angry. Bad enough no new operations - how many times can we run the new story? A lot of us pvp solo. You have to fix this, you have queueing rules for flashpoints and groupfinder operations and for ranked pvp - something must be done for regular pvp matches too; you must fix this, the average new player experience in a warzone is that pvp in this game is a joke. Is that what you want?
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Bioware - you need to do something about pre-made groups in regular PvP and make the queue separate solo play and group play. I am really considering quitting this game because of this issue. There are other MMOs that do pvp much better for many reasons. In SWToR, I log in to do my pvp daily quest and solo queue against an x2 4man= 8 man Pre-made who are all mic'd in Teamspeak. It is impossible to have fun in this scenario. It is total BS. Waste of time and it makes one very angry. Bad enough no new operations - how many times can we run the new story? A lot of us pvp solo. You have to fix this, you have queueing rules for flashpoints and groupfinder operations and for ranked pvp - something must be done for regular pvp matches too; you must fix this, the average new player experience in a warzone is that pvp in this game is a joke. Is that what you want?


I dont feel sorry for you . Stop being a crybaby go make some friends go find a large guild to be apart of and que up with them . Or qq n **** its simple .

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In SWToR, I log in to do my pvp daily quest and solo queue against an x2 4man= 8 man Pre-made who are all mic'd in Teamspeak.


Are you in TS with them? No? Then you have NO idea if they're in TS. You're just assuming they're using any sort of VOIP.

In how the WZ go nowadays, you don't need to be in any voice program to roll over the noobs playing in game. You just have to know what you're doing & you can do great damage.


Crybaby and QQ are ad hominem attacks. You're attacking the character of the person instead of their argument.


And you're OFF Topic which is against the rules. Stick to the subject at hand. OP's post.

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And you're OFF Topic which is against the rules. Stick to the subject at hand. OP's post.


how is it off topic? he was discrediting someone else's criticism of the OP's topic by pointing out that the criticism was irrelevant. (I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with him just not sure how you could classify it as "off topic")

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Bioware - you need to do something about pre-made groups in regular PvP and make the queue separate solo play and group play. I am really considering quitting this game because of this issue. There are other MMOs that do pvp much better for many reasons. In SWToR, I log in to do my pvp daily quest and solo queue against an x2 4man= 8 man Pre-made who are all mic'd in Teamspeak. It is impossible to have fun in this scenario. It is total BS. Waste of time and it makes one very angry. Bad enough no new operations - how many times can we run the new story? A lot of us pvp solo. You have to fix this, you have queueing rules for flashpoints and groupfinder operations and for ranked pvp - something must be done for regular pvp matches too; you must fix this, the average new player experience in a warzone is that pvp in this game is a joke. Is that what you want?



Hmm apparently Ignorance is in fact, NOT Bliss.

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Crybaby and QQ are ad hominem attacks. You're attacking the character of the person instead of their argument.


Nope im not attacking the person sorry your butthurt about the issue . theres so many crybabies and qqrs like seriously am i supposed to feel sorry for you? Bioware isnt going to hold your hand and baby you just because there are premades thats just how active guilds are bioware isnt going to stop it just because a few ppl cant stop crying about it . Its ridiclous really thays like saying forguilds to stop conqiesting together and or pvp in large quanities just stop . Its not our fault your guildless and or in a small guild . Either run im a well geared group of pugs and or stop crying .

Edited by LordKitana
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Nope im not attacking the person sorry your butthurt about the issue . theres so many crybabies and qqrs like seriously am i supposed to feel sorry for you? Bioware isnt going to hold your hand and baby you just because there are premades thats just how active guilds are bioware isnt going to stop it just because a few ppl cant stop crying about it . Its ridiclous really thays like saying forguilds to stop conqiesting together and or pvp in large quanities just stop . Its not our fault your guildless and or in a small guild . Either run im a well geared group of pugs and or stop crying .





Whats next? Doodieface? Yo' mama jokes?


Judging from your complete lack of writing skills and your inability to form a convincing argument I'm going to guess your a child, perhaps a teenager from the angsty vitriol in your posts. Go along and let the grownups talk now. Bye-bye.

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Thank you for this thread; it saves me the trouble of venting in my own for the exact same issue. Just ran into what I *think is a premade in lowbies. How low is your self esteem to run with 3 sages and on merc all above level 30 in lowbies? Whereas at least one is of course a healer. The odds of you NOT winning are incredible low e.g. you must find it amusing to stomp others. This game desperately needs a cross server match-making system that also pitch premades against premades.


* I totally accused them of running a premade in chat and got no denials. And I saw the same 4 people in 2 separate warzones. Could it be completely random and the pubs just happened to have several high level people that know how to play? Sure, absolutely, so take this as rant and nothing more.

Edited by Lundorff
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Whats next? Doodieface? Yo' mama jokes?


Judging from your complete lack of writing skills and your inability to form a convincing argument I'm going to guess your a child, perhaps a teenager from the angsty vitriol in your posts. Go along and let the grownups talk now. Bye-bye.


Don't even botherr with this person. He/She doesn't deserve it.

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Although I don't mind the presence of premades in warzones, the OP has a point.


If the very definition of PVP (hence the "versus" portion of the acronym) is competition, it makes sense to provide separate queues for solo & premade groups.


What are the disadvantages?


The only realistic consideration that would oppose this theme is extended queue times- particularly on lesser populated servers. This is easily remedied as server transfers are still very cheap.


Rift attempted this- but failed. Once a separate queue was established, premades simply vanished- the general consensus was "well, they're just looking to roll unorganized groups of pugs rather than seek competition."


Sure, its fun to group with friends, guildmembers or associates- but to diminish the potential for those who would rather solo-queue to have an even playing field isn't working to the benefit of the overall pvp environment.


Plus, IF these premades are truly seeking competition, why aren't they queued for ranked?

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Although I don't mind the presence of premades in warzones, the OP has a point.


If the very definition of PVP (hence the "versus" portion of the acronym) is competition, it makes sense to provide separate queues for solo & premade groups.


What are the disadvantages?


The only realistic consideration that would oppose this theme is extended queue times- particularly on lesser populated servers. This is easily remedied as server transfers are still very cheap.


Rift attempted this- but failed. Once a separate queue was established, premades simply vanished- the general consensus was "well, they're just looking to roll unorganized groups of pugs rather than seek competition."


Sure, its fun to group with friends, guildmembers or associates- but to diminish the potential for those who would rather solo-queue to have an even playing field isn't working to the benefit of the overall pvp environment.


Plus, IF these premades are truly seeking competition, why aren't they queued for ranked?

Those players are the scum of pvp. They're too bad to q ranked so they rather gank helpless pug-groups with their super tryhard fotm premade. Destroying this utter garbage shouldn't hinder bw from taking it out.

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Those players are the scum of pvp. They're too bad to q ranked so they rather gank helpless pug-groups with their super tryhard fotm premade. Destroying this utter garbage shouldn't hinder bw from taking it out.




Some people are only looking to stomp yes, but others are just grouping randomly with a friend for the fun of it. I think it's very important that we distinguish between the varies mindsets that people enter into warzones with.


Removing groups entirely is not the way to go about it. It will be the final nail in the PVP coffin. Rather they should do cross server match-making with premades and pug players, but that will not happen so... meh. I wish they would do a 1 vs 1 queue.

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Plus, IF these premades are truly seeking competition, why aren't they queued for ranked?


That is really the smoking gun in this whole pug vs. premade quandary


We all see PvP guilds play all night in full trinity premades with their grenades, coordinated cc, and hard swap tactics and 9/10 never queue for team ranked. They would rather take easy street and farm pug groups. Perhaps its the fault of the game design. I suppose it is natural to take the low-risk/same-reward option rather than put your guilds reputation on the leaderboard for possible embarrassment.

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Some people are only looking to stomp yes, but others are just grouping randomly with a friend for the fun of it. I think it's very important that we distinguish between the varies mindsets that people enter into warzones with.


Removing groups entirely is not the way to go about it. It will be the final nail in the PVP coffin. Rather they should do cross server match-making with premades and pug players, but that will not happen so... meh. I wish they would do a 1 vs 1 queue.

I was referring to the tryhard-fotm-groups that enjoy stomping and are not q-ing ranked.

Players that group up randomly just to have fun together don't use comps like triple pt+sorcheal and communicate per voice chat their tactics excessively.

Those are normally not the issue.

Matchmaking would make thing easier.

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Bioware - you need to do something about pre-made groups in regular PvP and make the queue separate solo play and group play. I am really considering quitting this game because of this issue. There are other MMOs that do pvp much better for many reasons. In SWToR, I log in to do my pvp daily quest and solo queue against an x2 4man= 8 man Pre-made who are all mic'd in Teamspeak. It is impossible to have fun in this scenario. It is total BS. Waste of time and it makes one very angry. Bad enough no new operations - how many times can we run the new story? A lot of us pvp solo. You have to fix this, you have queueing rules for flashpoints and groupfinder operations and for ranked pvp - something must be done for regular pvp matches too; you must fix this, the average new player experience in a warzone is that pvp in this game is a joke. Is that what you want?



I think what is being said here is that it is intended to not work this way, i somewhat agree, although to counter the situation what you need to do is leave and que again. Exploiting a system set in place to equal the playing field is what needs to be looked at . No one wants to get in a reg wz and fight a team stacked with all jugg tanks and dps with sorc heals, as much as this is frustrating and frankly pretty pathetic that players need to do this to win, it isn't against any set rule, as pathetic as it may be.


Buffs to Juggs and sorcs is causing a "FOTM" (flavor of the month) play-styled game which is lowering the apeal of the pvp.

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You complain about no new ops. You tell premades to do ranked. Ranked is ONLY arenas. Arena after arena after arena. That s*** get old very quick. Not to mention a good portion of AC are worthless in ranked. Bioware took away ranked 8v8 b/c the population and q times for those were so long. Even then it was people playing against the same people OVER and OVER and OVER again to STALEMATE after STALEMATE after ROFLMAO stomp. and had to be coordinated from both sides b/c not all "premades" played at the same time.


Thing is a large portion of Pvper's like objective based maps as opposed to the "look at the size of my johnson...err rating" deathmatch style arena's.


Bioware has done a couple things that may or may not have helped the pvp community.

1. instant 60 token.

2. M1-4x mission


The above two have flooded warzones with people who have no idea what the maps are, what tactics are used, how to defend, how to cc, how to call for help, what gear to wear (224 gear ftw...no, pro tip: use 190 Pve to get full bolster if no pvp gear), how to target, who to attack. And it's impossible to explain all that in the 1min before the match. Bright side is that both sides have to deal with it. If you feel your going up against the same people. wait 5 min after match then q. Hopefully you will get out of sync with them. Even if you do get unexperienced people it may not be a total lose since you may get 2-3 really good players to backpack you to a win.


Lowbies and Mids should be used for two things. Learning your class and rotation to see what works for you and learning the map, to know how it is scored, and what tactics to employ. winning is secondary. Even in ROFLMAO games where you are cornholed, use it to see if you draw somebody out and stealth to get in behind. engage in a 1v1 and learn going up against another class.


If you see someone in your matches and he's doing as well as you. ASK TO GROUP UP for a couple matches. It's not like your asking to marry them. example: say " hey man, nice (heals/deeps/tanking) last match. You wanna group for a match or 2?"


However,the above maybe to hard to do and find it easier to QQ.

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This really goes both ways.


I've lost plenty of warzones because some guild zoned in as an 5/8 premade on my team but they were all very bad.


I've gotten lucky and been carried by premades here and there, but that's fairly rare. There's only a few specific guilds on my server you can count on to carry you or utterly destroy you.


There's a sea of guilds that queue together as premades but still lose. Eliminating premades would mostly hurt those average players in mediocre guilds, not the elites you fear so much.

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What tends to help premades a lot is that they can dictate 4 of the 8 slots in the "random" party.

So they mainly roll with the trinity, or as I've started to see recently two sorc healers, a tank and a single dps.



With the current state of he game those two sorcs are an absolute pain and can make or break the match.

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