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How are you already 50? Did you skip over the cutscenes and conversations and everything else in the game?


Because I'm only 36, and I've been playing almost nonstop since I got into the early start (3 days after early game launch). I take my time listening to the conversations and try to make sensible choices for my character (even if they are of no value). I also try to do the appropriate flashpoint for my level between each world as well as the occasional Warzones and ship battles.


If you did not, then, then I ask you why? The voice acting is actually quite excellent, and the story (at least for my character) is quite enjoyable. You should give it or have given it a chance. :\

Edited by DrRoboto
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How are you already 50? Did you skip over the cutscenes and conversations and everything else in the game?


Because I'm only 36, and I've been playing almost nonstop since I got into the early start (3 days after early game launch). I take my time listening to the conversations and try to make sensible choices for my character (even if they are of no value). I also try to do the appropriate flashpoint for my level between each world as well as the occasional Warzones and ship battles.


If you did not, then, then I ask you why? The voice acting is actually quite excellent, and the story (at least for my character) is quite enjoyable. You should give it or have given it a chance. :\


The game doesn't start until 50. Everything before hand is for noobs and casuals

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I got into the game on the 3rd day of Early Access, and managed to get to level 50 Friday night.


I did not skip any cut-scenes at all actually.

But i continuesly did missions when i was online, did not stand around on the Imperial Fleet and do nothing.


I also did some PvP, got to rank 19 before i managed to get to level 50.


I just did not waste any time doing nothing.

From the moment i got on, till the moment i logged off, i was doing something to advance my character in level.


I did not do it to get server first or whatever (which i did not get anyway but never cared for it) before i knew it, i was just level 50, it goes fast once you lose track of time.


And yes i did play a lot.

Edited by XionoraSoulfire
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How are you already 50? Did you skip over the cutscenes and conversations and everything else in the game?


Because I'm only 36, and I've been playing almost nonstop since I got into the early start (3 days after early game launch). I take my time listening to the conversations and try to make sensible choices for my character (even if they are of no value). I also try to do the appropriate flashpoint for my level between each world as well as the occasional Warzones and ship battles.


If you did not, then, then I ask you why? The voice acting is actually quite excellent, and the story (at least for my character) is quite enjoyable. You should give it or have given it a chance. :\


There will always been the hyper-active creepy creeps that play non-stop just so they can be first. Every game has them.


They rush to max level, don't run instances, skip side/bonus quests, and then wonder why they're are so bored 2 weeks after release. Next thing you know they are in the forums whining about their not being enough content.


Luckily the studios know these type players exists and pay no attention to them.

Edited by Six-Echo
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I got to 50 in about 7 days, I didn't skip any cutscenes and I also was only in beta for the last two weekends so I only got to 40 during those weekends. The biggest factor I think that contributed to my leveling is a somewhat straight path, not a lot of exploring as I left it for when I hit 50 and the fact that I was essentially on break from college courses as soon as EGA hit. I also got in on day one of EGA. I've run into almost no bugs other than taris and I was still able to finish that zone up fairly quickly. I can run through about a planet worth in a day if I want to. I have a really mean drive to play >.> thats about all I can think of that contributes to me being 50.


Edit: I only did a couple flashpoints, I'd prefer to wait for more people to get high up and just run heroic versions. I was far more interested in looking at my class story and finishing it up.

Edited by Broxalar
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Lvl 40.


There are people who are skipping story to get through the game faster. As well, the player does NOT have to complete all the regular questing to advance. The use of Flashpoints, daily Heroics and PvP can greatly accelerate your advancement.


I have played approx. five days worth of this game time so far: and that's /playtime. I was in two beta weekends, so knew the entry-level routes, which helped a great deal when sorting out quests.


Its all about time, tactics, and exposure. If you've been through the content already, then you know what to expect - even if you aren't skipping the scenes.


But there is A LOT of content - more than enough for multiple runs. Without skipping voice!



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There will always been the hyper-active creepy creeps that play non-stop just so they can be first. Every game has them.


They rush to max level, don't run instances, skip side/bonus quests, and then wonder why they're are so bored 2 weeks after release. Next thing you know they are in the forums whining about their not being enough content.


Luckily the studios know these type players exists and pay no attention to them.


Funny how the 50's are the ones Bioware is most concerned about. *sunglasses*

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How are you already 50? Did you skip over the cutscenes and conversations and everything else in the game?


Because I'm only 36, and I've been playing almost nonstop since I got into the early start (3 days after early game launch). I take my time listening to the conversations and try to make sensible choices for my character (even if they are of no value). I also try to do the appropriate flashpoint for my level between each world as well as the occasional Warzones and ship battles.


If you did not, then, then I ask you why? The voice acting is actually quite excellent, and the story (at least for my character) is quite enjoyable. You should give it or have given it a chance. :\


Yes I skipped as many cutscenes as I could. Well, I have subtitles on, and the second or less it takes to read each line cuts out a HUGE amount of time.


As much as the story etc in this game IS good, I play MMOs for the endgame, that's the enjoyment for me. When I level my alts I'll enjoy the story and take it all in (I'm hoping to eventually have 1 of every Imperial AC, so I can even enjoy the storuy I already skipped through :p ). But waiting around til 50 doesn't help me play the endgame ;)

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I'm currently sitting at lvl 44. I don't spend 8+ hrs a day every day playing. I was off work for a couple days due to vacation but didn't spend every waking minute playing. However, as some have posted, when playing I maximized every possible minute. I played every quest I could, bonus quest lines, pvp, and space combat missions. All reward very generous exp, and lvling is not very difficult if you're focused. If you spend all your time running around doing nothing or hanging out at the fleet showing off your new speeder to people who don't care, then no you won't level fast. Honestly, this is the first MMO I've played that doesn't require a player to be super hardcore to level up.
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My vanguard is 50. I skipped most of the dialog. I have seen it all before in beta and thus had no desire to sit through it again. You may find this decision odd. Level a character or two to 50 and then tell me you are not tired of the same side quest dialog.
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I think most of the 50's had a 50 in beta, and had already gone through the story, so skipped it this time through.




This, I had several 50s already from playing beta, I knew the story, after you know what's going to happen, it's just boring, and makes leveling take longer, so I skip it.

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I reached level 50 yesterday. I was in the first wave of EA, and have played a ton the past 2 weeks. Didn't skip a single cutscene, pretty much just ran missions all the way through. I did some space combat, a little PvP, but mostly missions.


Early on, I did a lot of Heroics and the 1st 3 FPs, but after that point, the population thinned out and it became difficult to find groups for FPs and Heroics with only a few people on each planet, so I mainly soloed the rest of the way, knowing that I will get a chance to do all the FPs in the future because they all have a level 50 Hard Mode version.


I could have started another character and played that until the majority of the population caught up, but I decided I would rather get to 50 and make some money to fund any alts' skill training and crafting.


Not bored at all by the way. Between dailies, space combat and PvP, there is more than enough content to keep me busy for a few weeks until more people catch up.

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My vanguard is 50. I skipped most of the dialog. I have seen it all before in beta and thus had no desire to sit through it again. You may find this decision odd. Level a character or two to 50 and then tell me you are not tired of the same side quest dialog.

Okay, another question for you then: Why would you level all the way to 50 in beta?

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