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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Electro net should not exist...


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if enet causes someone to blow a breaker and a medpac while having accumulated zero resolve, then the enet has done its job. it's not the "iwin" button it was when 2.0 came out. but really. when is that scenario working out for you? in regs on an off node? or maybe against another team that's hopelessly outgunned in the first place? anyway, that seems like a hell of a trade off. assuming you're on your sin. op..merc can't stop op from lolroll and healing anyway.


yep you made me blow a med pack oh wait i can reset that with stealth you can only use med packs once in combat and i can keep you in combat before stealth with taunt.

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Electronet is only really a huge threat anymore to sorcs, and that's only because with it on, they can't barrier. Every other class has some sort of DCD they can pop to mostly avoid the negative effects from it.


Hell, on my op, I can pop stim boost (with revitalizers and the other +% DR utilities) and a warzone adrenal, and completely face-tank any damage the merc will do to me (70% damage reduction up at that point).


Any ability that allows others to **** on sorcs is okay in my book. ;)

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Electronet is only really a huge threat anymore to sorcs, and that's only because with it on, they can't barrier. Every other class has some sort of DCD they can pop to mostly avoid the negative effects from it.


Hell, on my op, I can pop stim boost (with revitalizers and the other +% DR utilities) and a warzone adrenal, and completely face-tank any damage the merc will do to me (70% damage reduction up at that point).


Any ability that allows others to **** on sorcs is okay in my book. ;)


Yeah, all of this. Enet is highly situational, and really only good for sorcs right before they throw barrier on, or I also use it in on melee that jump on me in hopes it will help me kite them long enough to kill them.


All of the problems in PVP, and there are actually people that think this ability is OP'd and "gaurantees a win". Just LOL at that statement.

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Seriously who thought this trash was a good idea. No class should be "balanced" around such a stupidly strong ability. Take it away and give them something that a monkey on acid didnt think of. If this thing only last a couple seconds then sure.. but its moron proof in it's current form.


I know this isnt a huge deal in the overall scope of pvp.. but abilities like this are just dumb and have no place. Hopefully they never add anymore of this type of trash ability.


Have a heart.


After years of dev mishandling mercs need some way to say "**** you very much!" before getting globalled.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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**** heads like you make PvP a hell what class you play? Let me try and guess hmmm sorc/sage?


You guys need to sit down put your loly in your mouth and be the put my head on the keyboard and win *********** we know you to be


So one class can prevent your godlike go **** yourself bubble oow boooohoooo l2p retard


And stop whining about this is not fair whe whe whe your probably playing one of the most unfair classes at the moment soooo


Shut the **** up

Edited by metaldudie
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Electronet is only really a huge threat anymore to sorcs, and that's only because with it on, they can't barrier. Every other class has some sort of DCD they can pop to mostly avoid the negative effects from it.


Hell, on my op, I can pop stim boost (with revitalizers and the other +% DR utilities) and a warzone adrenal, and completely face-tank any damage the merc will do to me (70% damage reduction up at that point).


Any ability that allows others to **** on sorcs is okay in my book. ;)


It's worse on opheals but I am having a good time in pvp regardless:D.

It's easy to work around if the merc is alone, it's a huge threat in ranked and requires coordination but still it doesn't secure a kill

Edited by aristrokratie
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Net is more of a nuisance than anything else. It's a good ability, but fairly balanced. 90 second cooldown, breakable by CC, and so forth. If a merc comes over and screws up your day and your cc breaker is on cooldown, it is what it is. There's a reason that 1v1s in warzones are not a measure of skill: cooldowns are variable. A mediocre marauder of all classes can beat a good merc if the merc has no cooldowns available. Edited by Hoppinswtor
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Really? Should not exist an ability that prevents some movement for 10 seconds every 90 seconds? While other classes can roll twice every 10 or 12 seconds, can teleport to anyone, others can jump to anyone every 9 seconds or 20 seconds... And mercs can't have a skill that has become quite useless with all the mobility buffs everyone else has (if enemy already has HO ENet is lost, juggs can jump still while Enet on them...)


Yeah man!! Lets remove EVERYTHING from mercs to defend themselves!! Oh you can't teleport, jump, god bubble for 10 seconds...!! Oh, you must have had a really hard time!!


Yeah, mercs got this **** jump bilndly backwards, while others get teleport anywhere they chose... And while other classes can jump back at mercs in half the time they can jump backwards again... Oh yes, they got a heroic utility making them inmune for 4 seconds after this!! Oh god!! While sorcs (who remeber can teleport anywhere) have the same utility with 6 seconds!! Juggs/maras can jump at least every 12 seconds, operatives can roll every 10 or 12, dont remember, PTs can jump too, and the other classes can range dps you, because it is only a 20 meter jump backwards... SO USEFUL!!!


But please, remove electro net, it is unfair to stop your enemies once every 90 seconds, while they can approach you once every 10 seconds or so...

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It's worse on opheals but I am having a good time in pvp regardless:D.

It's easy to work around if the merc is alone, it's a huge threat in ranked and requires coordination but still it doesn't secure a kill


You can still have 70% DR up as an op healer with proper utilties. ;)


But yeah, definitely a bigger threat to healers than DPS because you've likely popped your DCDs as a healer already when you get netted.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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A sorc got netted before he could use his bubble I am guessing. :p


Yeah, this. lol Electro Net isn't some ultra lawlpowerful game breaker. Sorry, OP, if you got netted before you could whatever loolresist your way out of it. It certainly isn't powerful enough to cook you down back to spawn in 2 or 3 seconds.


Can't support your opinion on this one.


Edited to say...buff Ops!

Edited by Volthammer
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