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best server for gsf? as in most pops, friendly players etc


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I have toons on ToFN and TRE europe servers and the harbinger on us side. Which server gives most frequent pops? Ive never really played gsf, always pve and now pvp but as bioware refuse to realese new pve content im going to try gsf


I've only played on two - TRE and Harb, and not that much on the latter.


Pops rate - very similar. Peak hours it's rarely more than a few minutes on either server solo. In a group you can come out of a match and get another pop immediately on both servers. On TRE this is true from about 12pm to 12am. Can't comment on Harb, never tried to play it outside its evening time.


Standard of play - Similar again, but my feeling so far is that the peak skill level is about the same on each server (similar number of regular top tier players) but the average standard on TRE is a little higher. That might be an artifact of having been there a lot longer though.


Faction balance - slight favour to Imps on Harb (is my impression so far), big favour to Pubs on TRE (is not an impression in the slightest, it's a fact (though it isn't as bad as it used to be)).


Friendliness - Harb wins, hands down. GSF chat is much livelier, groups are readily available from chat, people in my experience so far have been welcoming, friendly, and sportsmanly. A couple of exceptions, but not nearly enough to tarnish the server as a whole. Special mention to Despon, who is the only person I've ever seen give advice to an opposing team of weak players during the match. Kudos to them.


TRE is not hostile in the least (except all the shooting), it's just silent. Huge GSF population, and people are totally friendly if and when you group with them, but the GSF chat is basically dead, with everyone seemingly doing their thing solo or in their guilds. You can still sometimes get groups out of it, but it's not as welcoming or engaging as Harb in that regard.


Bottom line is they are two very active GSF servers and between them you could fly with 5 min pops for about 22 hours a day. Have at it.

Edited by MDVZ
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I have toons on ToFN and TRE europe servers and the harbinger on us side. Which server gives most frequent pops? Ive never really played gsf, always pve and now pvp but as bioware refuse to realese new pve content im going to try gsf


I've played on TRE, ToFN and Harbinger. Assuming that you're European (by your toons), you'll get the best pops on TRE during your activity time.ToFN is pretty slow, compared to both the others. I've never stayed up late enough to get hit the main GSF times on harb, but you can get pops until ~01:00 GMT on TRE on weekends.


Chat will be silent most of the time, but if you ask a question or look for a group, most people will help you out no problem (on the republic side, imp side seems to be much quieter).

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On T3-M4 (German, PvE) there are usually 1-3 simultaneous games during the afternoon and evening. On weekdays it's possible to play from around 14:00 to 00:30. On weekends (and during holidays) it's possible to start earlier and play until around 01:30. All times in local time. Edited by Danalon
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I have been trying my hand at flying a little on other EU servers. TRE imp side is improving quite a lot in the past couple of months, but it is still a bit lop sided in favor of the pubs.

I have also flown a little on a German and French server, but since I don't speak either language, communication is difficult. The German server is quite equal in skill of pilots and I win/lose, 50% of the time.


Of the servers you mentioned, I'm mostly on TRE and Harbinger. I agree with MDVZ on the friendliness factor. My daughter Rose and I helped make the community on Harbinger the way it is. Faction balance is actually quite equal on Harbinger as most pilots fly both sides and when one is losing, will hop sides to balance. My pub toon has a slightly higher w/l than my imp and a few 100 flights less.

And I have started working a bit on TRE. lol

I give props to Tilia in Unrelenting on TRE who welcomes everybody no matter the level, skill...ect. There needs to be more people like him. It is unfortunate the imp side there is so quiet, but I think after having so long been losing consistently, they have shut down. I'm not sure that's quite the correct way to put it, but the best I can think of.


Look me up on either Harbinger or TRE and I'll gladly fly with you either side.



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It is unfortunate the imp side there is so quiet, but I think after having so long been losing consistently, they have shut down. I'm not sure that's quite the correct way to put it, but the best I can think of.


Look me up on either Harbinger or TRE and I'll gladly fly with you either side.




You quite often see impside players moaning about pubs dominating, and generally expecting to lose/not trying. Certainly not all, and not all the time, but I think at some point in the past (before I started flying) there was, for whatever reason, a downward spiral impside after some slight imbalance set in; i think it just fed back on itself, and impside got down in the dumps. Otoh, one of the best pilots on the server (who probably wants to remain nameless, as they get tunnelled enough) considers that 'training', so attitudes vary.


Most of the top players have toons on both sides, but there's a lot less organisation on impside, including decent players calling out tactics in matches. It's a shame, and something that I should try to do more to help with as well (be part of the solution, not the problem and all that).


On that note, I wouldn't recommend it as I'm not that good (you'd be better off with six/lucky!), but if you want to come to TRE, feel free to look me up - Lukeutus repside (member of Ghost Squadron), Zaraad impside (member of Thranta Squadron). I'll fly with you (or anyone for that matter).

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TRE imp side is improving quite a lot in the past couple of months, but it is still a bit lop sided in favor of the pubs.


I've seen this sentiment stated quite a bit, but in the couple months I've been on TRE (granted, only 140-ish matches) it seems fairly balanced. My win% right around 70 - and granted, I do group frequently, but most of those games were solo queued.


And this is a timely post:

Most of the top players have toons on both sides, but there's a lot less organisation on impside, including decent players calling out tactics in matches. It's a shame, and something that I should try to do more to help with as well (be part of the solution, not the problem and all that).


On that note, I wouldn't recommend it as I'm not that good (you'd be better off with six/lucky!), but if you want to come to TRE, feel free to look me up - Lukeutus repside (member of Ghost Squadron), Zaraad impside (member of Thranta Squadron). I'll fly with you (or anyone for that matter).


...because you & I just randomly grouped up for a couple of games, literally as I was in the middle of typing this. One of them was that 1000-998 mesas dom, hell of a game.


As you said in chat - it seems like things are pretty well balanced as long as the better pub premades aren't running, specifically the Ghost guys. When they're out of the picture, which is most of the time (at least, in my experience), the games are pretty much always competitive. Or even imp roflstomps. Had a couple of those after you logged off.

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No question it's better than it was, and that was indeed a hell of a game! After I un-fried my brain with a cup of tea I went and got a low level alts weekly on impside and I think only lost one, solo queuing. It can definitely be like that these days. OTOH, the games I flew before all those on repside with one other Gh.Sq. and one other good pilot (alongside I think one other random group of 3) were all comically one sided for the reps except for one where a couple of thranta pilots (one of whom is also Gh.Sq. and switched to queuing against us) put up a hell of a fight, considering the rest of their team. A lot of other people also switched after a few matches stomps, so good on them.


Nevertheless, I would still really like to see Thranta squad in particular (as they are resident on TRE, have some very good pilots and are generally cool and friendly; I like their attitude) expand and get more active so they can offer a regular backbone to imp teams, like ghost squad and unrelenting do comparatively frequently for reps.


Actually, even if imps just used the chat to team up more, as we did today, that would be spiffing.


Edit - Aaaaanyway, I feel this is a topic for another thread. OP! Your question is answered. Harb and TRE kick arse for GSF. Get among it.

Edited by MDVZ
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I haven't played on TRE, but I know Harb and Jedi Cov are pretty active, cove earlier than harb, but at peak for both harb is better. While I haven't found any GSF community to be bad per se, Harb is so big with so many people it is hard to get to know any individual players, and Jedi cov has the best / most friendly GSF chat I've seen so far.
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I haven't played on TRE, but I know Harb and Jedi Cov are pretty active, cove earlier than harb, but at peak for both harb is better. While I haven't found any GSF community to be bad per se, Harb is so big with so many people it is hard to get to know any individual players, and Jedi cov has the best / most friendly GSF chat I've seen so far.


Harbinger is my home server and I know most fliers quite well. However, with all the new people moving, rolling alts or just coming back to the game, getting to know them personally is a bit more difficult. When I get into a match though, I know who the good fliers are on both teams and their strengths/weaknesses.

Your experience on JC is different than mine, recently it has gotten better though. Several months ago, it was very secular. A new name in chat got ignored, no people grouping with said new name or even really offering advice when a question was asked. It has improved a little, but still not as good as Harb, IMO.

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Begeren Colony is always a great place to fly.


Unfortunately our GSF community is smaller but we get it crankin' every weekend.


This past week (January 2016) we had 10 pilots in Teamspeak coordinating and competing. Queue times were about every 5 minutes and we had a ton of fun.


If you're looking for a server you can not lag out of check us out anytime.

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Begeren Colony is always a great place to fly.


Unfortunately our GSF community is smaller but we get it crankin' every weekend.


This past week (January 2016) we had 10 pilots in Teamspeak coordinating and competing. Queue times were about every 5 minutes and we had a ton of fun.


If you're looking for a server you can not lag out of check us out anytime.



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The Bastion server is the top PVP server of the United States. Our GSF matches pop pretty well from 6pm to 2am EST. Our morning pops are not so well. In the last few months our pilots on the Bastion server have been getting better rather significantly with more than one GSF premade going on in a single match. We have endless gunship and bomber pilots. Some matches are nothing but gunships and bombers, which is like nightmare mode, GSF style.


Many months ago, the older pilots fled to a lame laggy PVE server and it hurt us pretty bad. But we're back in action. All you PVE players who deserted the top PVP server of the United States, can stay on your laggy server. We're good and we dont need your lag. =P


So basically if youre looking for the most pops, go with the laggy pve server. Lag in GSF is really bad for your eyes and can cause convulsions. If you want healthy pops with no lag, go with the top PVP server of the United States, The Bastion. I'll fly with you.

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