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3 companions instead of group finder (Optional for players).


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I support this 100% as well. I admit that I suck in PvP and Ops. I want to do those missions, but I don't want to drag down my fellow players, so I don't do them anymore. I know I'm missing out on quite a bit of content by not doing these missions, but what else can I do? Play and be insulted? No thanks. Give me, us, this option so that we can get the experience, the gear and the know,edge to beat these missions so that in time we can join GF content instead of being left out.


I realize every experience is different, but I honestly do not see players called out in pvp for not performing well. I think in well over several hundred games I've seen 1 person ever get called out by a guy who was clearly nerd raging hard. So honestly I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep at it it. At first you're going to get destroyed as you try to learn a whole new aspect to the game, but so what? That happens to all of us (or like 99% of us at one point or another) Live and learn, and get better gear. Eventually you will get good enough to make a real difference for your team and help secure the win(s). Even people that are good, go through rough patches as they're in the process of gearing out new toons, so unless you're playing rated pvp no one really pays attention to it.


In regards to the ops. I will say this. I've played across 3 different servers in the past few months alone. The amount of new people in this game is actually pretty astonishing. I'm in a few different guilds across the servers, and on both the empire and republic side. We recruit new people all the time, as the inactives get kicked to make room for new players. New recruits come in go in those guilds on a fairly regular basis, and the number of people who have never done a flash point or only a few flash points is amazing. I've helped several people learn those, and will probably continue to do so, for a long while or until I quit. People who have little game experience in this game is actually a lot more common than you'd think. Now I'm not trying to be demeaning here if that's how it comes out, and if it is I apologize. Instead what I want to convey is that look people are used to other people not knowing ops bosses or fights. Even if you've done them a few times, but didn't get the hang of them the first couple of times, just find a guild that will work with you.


Find a guild who will teach you to do them, most of the mechanics really aren't that hard at all, at best it just takes a little while to get used too. Just be up front about it with them. Don't pretend to know the fight if you don't. That annoys the hell out of people, but if you say hey I've never done this, what do I need to know, they'll generally walk you through it. Or if you say I've done this once, but didn't really get it, they will work with you too, and if you mess up people are a lot more forgiving and understanding of it. If you're still having issues with the fight, let's say your guild carried you through that boss fight, and you know you're going to have to do it again at some point. Instead of shutting yourself out and saying nah I don't want to do this anymore. Look up a few videos on youtube or something. Often times you learn something you didn't know before. Sometimes because the person on the video explains it differently than your raid leader, and it makes more sense. Other times because now that you're not concentrating on the boss fight so much, you can look around at the mechanics of the fight, pause rewind or fast forward if necessary, to know what you're looking for next time, so you can avoid unnecessary damage or perform the boss fight mechanic.


Even if you're just not that good, you should be alright for story mode ops, just to see the content. Ya not everyone is capable of hard mode, and even less are capable of nightmare mode, but that doesn't sounds like a goal of yours anyways, you just want to see the story so. Also don't go looking to pug it. Most of the time people who pug, expect other people to know the fights, and want to be in and out as fast as possible, they have little patience and nerd rage really easily. Guilds on the other hand are pretty much the opposite of that. As I said story mode ops are fairly simple for the most part, and unless you're a healer or especially a tank there's not a lot of pressure on you in general, so learn the mechanics as a dps first. Get to know the raid, and then when you're more comfortable with it, switch to a more rewarding role.


edit : broke up wall of text a little bit...


edit 2 : Forgive me for the spelling and grammar mistakes. I know they're there, but I'm running on 0 hours of sleep in the last 33 hours, and I can't concentrate all that well right now. Thankfully soon I'll get some sleep.

Edited by Setta
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After seeing some comments, i changed mind, and agree.


As much as a i like to protect hardcore players stuff, theres ppl whose will never do the content. A "solo mode" is alredy in the game. Also, a mere difference in the drops could resolve that.

Nonetless, i find it difficult that Devs will adapt Ops content.

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After seeing some comments, i changed mind, and agree.


As much as a i like to protect hardcore players stuff, theres ppl whose will never do the content. A "solo mode" is alredy in the game. Also, a mere difference in the drops could resolve that.

Nonetless, i find it difficult that Devs will adapt Ops content.


I still prefer 3 companions than group finder.

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If you remember Guild wars 1 had this. I was upset when 2 dropped the henchmen thing. Then GW1 took it further allowing our own created characters to be our companions. Image that too! :D Do a flashpoint where the 3 other characters are ones you created. You could pick companions or created characters.
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Sounds great! Totally support this.


As along as it stays as an option, and not replace playing with other people.


Exactly! I would hate to hear players feel like they have to be forced to get more data crystals because of its' design. That's how I'm feeling right now for group finder because it's the only way for me to get more data crystal commendations. They should add some for solo mode flashpoints and that 3 companion option that I'm offering.

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If you remember Guild wars 1 had this. I was upset when 2 dropped the henchmen thing. Then GW1 took it further allowing our own created characters to be our companions. Image that too! :D Do a flashpoint where the 3 other characters are ones you created. You could pick companions or created characters.


DUDE!!!! That's even better!!! Please Bioware/EA!!! ADD THIS TOO!!!:jawa_biggrin:

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Please do this BW. Then, at the same time, turn the game into a full-downloadable and turn off the servers.

You can then roll out your patches as "DLC" every 3-4 months (same rate you're doing patching right now).


No PvP

Everyone wants to just play on their own with overpowered companions - just shut them servers off. You'll save money not having to run the servers and you can get customers to buy "season tickets" for the DLC.


I don't actually agree with anything I've written above, but it appears there are plenty of people that want this as a single player game, so give it to them maybe. Money to be made, just keep them off the servers once they have switched to "single-player at home" mode.

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Please do this BW. Then, at the same time, turn the game into a full-downloadable and turn off the servers.

You can then roll out your patches as "DLC" every 3-4 months (same rate you're doing patching right now).


No PvP

Everyone wants to just play on their own with overpowered companions - just shut them servers off. You'll save money not having to run the servers and you can get customers to buy "season tickets" for the DLC.


I don't actually agree with anything I've written above, but it appears there are plenty of people that want this as a single player game, so give it to them maybe. Money to be made, just keep them off the servers once they have switched to "single-player at home" mode.

This could work too, but I also want to get the exotic crafting materials so I can craft armor from armormech in order to help other players out on their gear while they are leveling and/or playing the game. I wish there was a weekly/daily missions for solo mode/hard solo mode flashpoints if the designers are going to go with the 3 companion approach. I want to get the same rewards that players would get from doing weekly/daily missions from group finder but in a "solo" approach.

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There is one simple reason why this would not work - fight mechanics.

In fact, there are two simple reasons why this would not work - fight mechanics, and the companion AI.

Fight mechanics: Those Kolto stations dotted around the boss fights (which by the way don't work in Tactical Flashpoints unless you are in a group... go figure... you try to run a Tactical FP without help and Bioware decide to make it harder for you, because that is what you want)... where was I? AHh, the Kolto stations, that none of your group mates click on when you need a heal? Your companions will ignore them as well. Have a boss fight where everyone needs to be correctly positioned? Forget that with companions. A machanic that requires co-ordination, such as pressing 2 buttons at the same time, forget it with companions.

Companion AI: Tell me, do you rage in group chat, guild chat, or even in your own head when you run a flashpoint and your fellow players stand in the fire? Companions do that too, all the time. 90% of the time, the only way they ever move out of the fire is if you set them to passive so that they come back to you. Ranged companions especially will just stand there burning, while melees will at least try to follow whatever it is they are trying to fight.


So... no. If Bioware gave us solo versions of the existing TFPs that currently do not have a solo mode, it might work. Otherwise, no.

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So what you're saying is you want a solo game? You do know they have solo option for flashpoints now so you can spend 2 hours killing all the trash and watching every cut scene. I don't find it rude that other players told you to spacebar through because they have seen the damn thing 100 times before, who wants to spend an hour and a half watching every lame cutscene in The Black Talon or The Esseless for example. It's posts like this why the devs focus on solo game play and in the end will kill this game.


Also with all honesty if you know how to play your class you can just take a healing companion or DPS if you're a healer and kill most the things in a tactical flashpoint solo it really isn't that hard for the most part. I understand you don't get your easy to obtain daily commendations though.

Edited by Lil_Fusion
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There is one simple reason why this would not work - fight mechanics.

In fact, there are two simple reasons why this would not work - fight mechanics, and the companion AI.

Fight mechanics: Those Kolto stations dotted around the boss fights (which by the way don't work in Tactical Flashpoints unless you are in a group... go figure... you try to run a Tactical FP without help and Bioware decide to make it harder for you, because that is what you want)

Or you could, you know, just run the solo version (for the FPs that have solo options). The kolto stations do work in the solo versions. Go figure.

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Soooo. Companions do the fights instead of you. That's cool I suppose. Good game. I saw this before. Oh yeah the Revan fight at the end on SoR. Where you have not much to do to win. It's cool, it's cool, I think I'm missing something regarding the definition of game.


I want the design that gives both the player and his companions to do this kind of flashpoint option. But if the player dies, all of the companions go down with him/her as well, unless the designers decide to give their companions the ability to revive the player back up again and the only way he or she loses is if everyone with his/her group dies (as in the player and their companions die all together). It can either be this or the other, it depends how the artist and designers of this game see fit.

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So what you're saying is you want a solo game? You do know they have solo option for flashpoints now so you can spend 2 hours killing all the trash and watching every cut scene. I don't find it rude that other players told you to spacebar through because they have seen the damn thing 100 times before, who wants to spend an hour and a half watching every lame cutscene in The Black Talon or The Esseless for example. It's posts like this why the devs focus on solo game play and in the end will kill this game.


Also with all honesty if you know how to play your class you can just take a healing companion or DPS if you're a healer and kill most the things in a tactical flashpoint solo it really isn't that hard for the most part. I understand you don't get your easy to obtain daily commendations though.


I know they have a solo flashpoint but I want to get the same rewards as players would for doing weekly/daily group finder missions. And, I want to get the same loot rewards as they would such as the exotic crafting material and gear. But if they were to implement this, I recommend that they increase the challenge a bit because I don't want it to just be a smooth ride and get the rewards that easy. That would be considered lazy from my perspective and unfair. I think they should have both options if they are willing to go with the 3 companions only approach: Solo mode and Solo hard mode. Maybe they can make that solo hard mode with a better name like "squad mode" since it's about a player and his/her 3 companions. But I still want Bioware/EA to keep that combat support Droid. I love it that much. But if they were to remove it from solo mode, I want them to give players the chance to get a combat support Droid by buying it either a Republic/GSI reputation vendor. But in order to buy it, they need to collect a certain about of items like a Droid spare part, schematics, or whatever that seems and feels like it's part of building an AI Droid. It would be cool if they can buy the two types of droids from each vendor: the faction reputation vendor (like the Republic and Empire faction) and the GSI reputation vendor. Also, it would be cool if they sell different customization appearances for both of these droids, like the ones I see from other planets or from events.

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Haha that's a big if it stays an option seems they want to go the route of RPG rather than MMORPG :(


When you say "they" do you mean Bioware/EA or the players? I know Bioware wouldn't do something that "forces" players to have only one choice. I know they want players to have options. If they don't implement this option, then that would mean they are firm to the design idea to have players group together for endgame purposes like gear and content. I don't like this design because some players are better off doing things on their own without having players that are considered "speedrunners" or "Game Addicts" that tell them what to do. Videogames aren't suppose to make players feel this way. Videogames are suppose to let players have fun without having anyone tell them what to do with persecution. I know some would make excuses like "we are trying to teach them" or "they need to learn how to play" but really after 2 years of gameplay since 2013 in group finder, all I've seen and been through is thought provoking. I hate the fact that most players I randomly group with tell me what to do like spacebar and skip mobs by saying "This way" when really, I don't want to do that. I want to go in the flashpoint, listen to the cutscenes and watch my character act with his cool duds, kill every enemy I see with my guns because come on now, what else are they there for in the first place? Why do we have guns to begin with? Why do players speed run as if it's the last time they are gonna do it or is it really just for the sake of something that isn't real like the loot. I'm in it for the experience, not the loot. I thought MMOs are suppose to share each other's happiness but instead I see the opposite. I've been yelled at if I don't follow "Their" rules like not attacking every mob I see and not hitting the spacebar button. Why do you think there are ninja looters out there to begin with? Don't you think that is a sign of karma? That you can't always get what you want if you're gonna be so controlling in situations like these? I know I can't change every person's perspective, but if this is the case give players like me the same share as other's would in group finder but from an independent approach (a.k.a. going solo). And when I say the same share I mean the same rewards that players would get for doing weekly/daily missions from group finder. And again, I'm saying this needs to be OPTIONAL for players, unlike the design that we have now that's only focused on group content. This does not mean it will turn this game into an RPG only, this would only happen if group contents like group finder and operations were taken out of the equation. AND again, I'm not saying they should get rid of these two designs because that's what makes this game an MMO to begin with. All I want is Bioware/EA to add a new option for flashpoints to have a player to go in with 3 companions out without the need to use group finder. If they were to implement this, they should call this option "Squad Mode" for every flashpoint, and I mean EVERY flashpoint that they have in their disposal. :sy_republic:

Edited by Clone_Enforcer
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I want the design that gives both the player and his companions to do this kind of flashpoint option. But if the player dies, all of the companions go down with him/her as well, unless the designers decide to give their companions the ability to revive the player back up again and the only way he or she loses is if everyone with his/her group dies (as in the player and their companions die all together). It can either be this or the other, it depends how the artist and designers of this game see fit.


You are missing the point. The problem with your 'vision' is that it engages your companions, not you. That's why I mentioned the solo Revan fight. See, in there you almost don't have to do anything to win. Marr, Satele and Theron Shan, Lana, the wookie, Shae Vizla are doing the fight. Try it, you don't have to dps Revan at all to lower his hp. And this is the problem with your approach. The player is not engaged. As soon as you have more than 1 companion beside you, you are not doing the fights. OK, let me be more clear. You are not the deciding factor in the fights. Try to understand it.


And, I want to get the same loot rewards as they would such as the exotic crafting material and gear. But if they were to implement this, I recommend that they increase the challenge a bit because I don't want it to just be a smooth ride and get the rewards that easy. That would be considered lazy from my perspective and unfair.


This is ridiculous. Forget this.

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