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3 companions instead of group finder (Optional for players).


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Hello Bioware, before the new expansion came up I wasn't around during 2015. I started playing from January on 2013 but then quitted on January 2015. One of my reasons was because I wasn't satisfied with the experience I had in flashpoints with other players. Whenever I start a new flashpoint for the first time, players would always tell me to press the spacebar and a few would say "It's for your own good." That's one of the most self-centered thing I had to put up with during my experience in this game. I hated it. I never got to embrace the story and adventure that I would always have whenever I pick up a new videogame as a kid and growing up. When I mention something like this in general chat, some jerk would mock me and make fun of it (Another reason why I left the game because most of those players don't follow the rules of conduct, even though they've agreed to those terms before even installing the game).


But then I came back around December because I heard that players can have access to solo mode on other flashpoints like The Esseles and the Maelstrom prison and not just the forged alliance flashpoints. I even noticed they did some decent changes to the armormech like newer armor that I've seen before (I've always wanted to wear them and now I can thanks to you guys but I hope they don't go away again like the other old schematics for that crafting skill). So I was kind of convinced that you guys from Bioware and the rest understand what players like me want. That being said, I decided to give you guys an idea that I hope you can look into. I hope it would happen soon in the future like maybe a year or so depending on your schedules and the time you have (I understand that game art and design can be a challenge or take time to accomplish).


I think the best way to solve this is giving players like me the option to either do flashpoints in group finder... OR they can walk into the flashpoint with 3 companions tagging along in replace of 3 random players.


To begin, the player would only have 1 companion out when in open world or any other areas of the game. But once the player steps into the flashpoint on his own and reaches to the designated area, 3 companions will be out next to the player instead of just one. I know some would say this can't work because some flashpoints require another player to activate a trigger of some sort like a puzzle or console while the other is occupied with the boss or champion. However, I think a good way to fix that is to give the player a four button command system that would give orders for 3 of their companions at the same time. Here are the four commands: Attack/Assist, Position/Hold, Activate/Target, and Regroup/Standby.


Attack/Assist: Companions attack any enemies that are within range of the player's radius.


Position/Hold: By using the mouse cursor after pressing the key ability or on the keyboard (if key bind), the player can aim on a specific area like the ground (the way players use to activate area attack abilities like Hail of bolts or Mortar Volley) and the companion would go to that area/spot. They can still attack while in that spot.


Activate/Target: By using the mouse cursor and right clicking on the highlighted object, like a terminal that can be triggered or a barrel that can be broken/dispensed/destroyed, it can activate them as intended without having the player go up to it by him/herself.


Regroup/Standby: All Companions would disengage all commands and regroup to the player. However, they can still retaliate enemies as they regroup to the player's position, if the player chooses too (It can still be passive for the companions and not retaliate the enemies within the area).


I know a companion already has two basic commands like attack and standby on their toolbar, so why not add the other two in those as well for all 3 (In case the player wants a command for a specific companion then the others). However, there should be a separate toolbar that would display all four of those commands for all the 3 companions when entering a flashpoint on his own without a group (Just like when a player activates Heroic moment, the legacy weapons would become available over the player's HUD (Heads Up Display).


After explaining this, I don't know if this would make the designers and programmers replace solo mode with this flashpoint option. I really do love having that combat support droid tagging along during the flashpoints in solo mode. If this does happen, is it okay if we can have that droid as a companion for the rest of our adventure? If so, is it okay if we can try to earn it and make it feel like we just earned an awesome droid soldier recruit like when we buy it or try to get the parts for it or achieving a certain amount of reputation points like GSI/Thorn or a faction related company like the Republic/Empire/Hutt Cartel (With a short, but worthy cutscene)? Also, can it have it's own customization appearance as well? I want to keep that combat support droid forever. He's so awesome. :D

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Is it still an MMO?


Well yes, players should still have an option to either group with friends, guild members, or random players for flashpoints or go solo. I know every player has their own perspective on how to play a videogame but not everyone likes how the other plays that's contrary on what they do. But that is why single players that enjoy action/adventure games be given the opportunity to enjoy just about everything that the game artist and designers have to offer, which should include the story experience in flashpoints. It would be nice if they can include this feature for operations as well for up to 7 companions (like using other companions from other characters on their legacy), but I understand if that seems too complex to make before even touching the first idea that I've mention earlier.

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I admit I only read the thread title, and that already made me realize you made the:


:sy_star:Best suggestion since the release of KotFE:sy_star:


Oww it would be so cool to do group content with Talos, Gyzen Fes and Yuun!! Or with three of the story-companions of KotE. Or Khem Val,


Or, for the Bounty Hunters, with Gault, Skadge, and that annoying Mandalorian kid (My BH and most of his crew all wear the same uniform; I'd love to see them together!).


(In fact the idea is so cool, that I'm even looking forward to read some people complaining about how it ruined the game! :D )


Btw Bioware whenever you are up to implement this, and I hope this will be scheduled for February, please add a Companion Team manager to it, so that we can save and name certain combinations! (Similar to how some addons for WoW enable you to save Pet Battle teams)

Edited by Orlogg
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I admit I only read the thread title, and that already made me realize you made the:


:sy_star:Best suggestion since the release of KotFE:sy_star:


Oww it would be so cool to do group content with Talos, Gyzen Fes and Yuun!! Or with three of the story-companions of KotE. Or Khem Val,


Or, for the Bounty Hunters, with Gault, Skadge, and that annoying Mandalorian kid (My BH and most of his crew all wear the same uniform; I'd love to see them together!).

(In fact the idea is so cool, that I'm even looking forward to read some people complaining about how it ruined the game! :D )


Btw Bioware whenever you are up to implement this, and I hope this will be scheduled for February, please add a Companion Team manager to it, so that we can save and name certain combinations! (Similar to how some addons for WoW enable you to save Pet Battle teams)


HAHAHA!!! You just made my day!!!:D

I actually had this idea since January of 2015, but I quit the game during that time because I wasn't satisfied with some of the designs that I witnessed and the experience I had during endgame. I started playing this game since 2013, so that was 2 years total. But after visiting back to the site and reading on the new forums and update patches around 2015 of December, a few new things caught my attention that appealed to what I've always wanted. Cool armor from armormech for outfit designer, a cool combat support Droid on old flashpoints like the Esselte and the Maelstrom prison... That's when I realized that the designers of this game are beginning to understand what I'm looking for!


Having said that, that's when I've decided to give them ideas on this forum which I hope they can apply for the next few updates. I hope it's soon too.


And thanks for the support dude, I'm glad a few were able to understand what I'm trying to propose. I believe everyone deserves a good experience.:D

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I kinda agree on this one - to let people do FP's with 3 companions would be a good concept, and would totally fit in with bonding with your own alliance, the way KotFE is taking the game. But then all you are really doing is giving yourself more mobs to fight with more companions, which seems more of a grind, while companions power you through. Seems completely contrary to what a lot people have been asking for on the forums, but I can see how some people would like it.

So, yeah, let people fight more/harder mobs with more companions, but don't give them the rewards you get from using Group Finder, and don't let it count towards the Daily/Weekly Group Finder quests (do they still have those? it's been a while since I used GF).

Edited by CrazyCT
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HAHAHA!!! You just made my day!!!:D

I actually had this idea since January of 2015, but I quit the game during that time because I wasn't satisfied with some of the designs that I witnessed and the experience I had during endgame. I started playing this game since 2013, so that was 2 years total. But after visiting back to the site and reading on the new forums and update patches around 2015 of December, a few new things caught my attention that appealed to what I've always wanted. Cool armor from armormech for outfit designer, a cool combat support Droid on old flashpoints like the Esselte and the Maelstrom prison... That's when I realized that the designers of this game are beginning to understand what I'm looking for!


Having said that, that's when I've decided to give them ideas on this forum which I hope they can apply for the next few updates. I hope it's soon too.


And thanks for the support dude, I'm glad a few were able to understand what I'm trying to propose. I believe everyone deserves a good experience.:D

You're very welcome :) I've added it my sig, for what it's worth. Also, I intend to bump this thread.


This idea is cool, and in addition it also seems not too complicated to implement for the devs, and also, to quote CrazyCT, it "would totally fit in with bonding with your own alliance, the way KotFE is taking the game". So, it has a good chance of succeeding, imho.

Edited by Orlogg
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I kinda agree on this one - to let people do FP's with 3 companions would be a good concept, and would totally fit in with bonding with your own alliance, the way KotFE is taking the game. But then all you are really doing is giving yourself more mobs to fight with more companions, which seems more of a grind, while companions power you through. Seems completely contrary to what a lot people have been asking for on the forums, but I can see how some people would like it.

So, yeah, let people fight more/harder mobs with more companions, but don't give them the rewards you get from using Group Finder, and don't let it count towards the Daily/Weekly Group Finder quests (do they still have those? it's been a while since I used GF).


That's actually one of the main reason why I wanted a 3 companion system, so I can enjoy blasting every enemy I see with my assault cannon with havoc squad. I know most players that I've grouped up with in group finder find that to be a chore, but not everyone sees it like that. If they played videogames like Ratchet and Clank or Jak and Daxter as a kid, they would understand what fun is.


As for the rewards with the option that I'm proposing, I actually wished the designers of this game would have the same level of rewards as group finder does. I don't find it fair that I have to go to group finder just so I can get more of the rewards then on my own but miss out on the cutscenes and enemy mobs that I want to obliterate. It's fine if most players I know don't like attacking enemy NPCs because they consider it to be "Tedious," but that's why I'm proposing this. I don't like grouping with players that tell me to just spacebar every cutscene that I want to see (especially if it's my first time being in that flashpoint and they don't care what my progress for the story is) and skipping mobs all because they want to get to the boss, beat it, get the loot and get it over with. Where's the fun in that? And even if they did all that, achieved everything where they maxed out all their characters with the top rating gear, what happens next?


If players like that are just in it for the loot and perks, that's fine by me. But to me what really matters is the experience that one embraces with the game. And that is why I wished the game artists and designers of this game should add this 3 companion option that I'm proposing for flashpoints. I would witness and realize that players like me aren't getting the experience that they were hoping to embrace: blowing things up and enjoying the story. :hope_05:

Edited by Clone_Enforcer
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I have to admit I agree with this 100%. I am tired of queing up for FP to have to wait till the sucky, undergeared, underlevel or underskilled players leave to finally finish a FP with my companions. I would play this game so much more If this becomes a reality.
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I have to admit I agree with this 100%. I am tired of queing up for FP to have to wait till the sucky, undergeared, underlevel or underskilled players leave to finally finish a FP with my companions. I would play this game so much more If this becomes a reality.



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Well yes, players should still have an option to either group with friends, guild members, or random players for flashpoints or go solo. I know every player has their own perspective on how to play a videogame but not everyone likes how the other plays that's contrary on what they do. But that is why single players that enjoy action/adventure games be given the opportunity to enjoy just about everything that the game artist and designers have to offer, which should include the story experience in flashpoints. It would be nice if they can include this feature for operations as well for up to 7 companions (like using other companions from other characters on their legacy), but I understand if that seems too complex to make before even touching the first idea that I've mention earlier.


Im in for PvP.

But loved the story. And also did all the heroics and flashpoints soloing what i could.

So, I understant what it is to not have acess to many content, like Operations, because youre not a fan to grouped. Really.

If that change happens, i will ejoy doing that... But i was thinking of the hardecore PvErs. I bet they wont like. And it was thing build for them.

Also, i think that would be more like the options a single player game have, than a MMO.


But i got your point. You have your right, of course.

Edited by leonlotus
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I would like to get Havok Squad in an instance all going instead of just one member with the others just hanging on the ship or whatever they do when I am out.


Did you bring Elara with you? Hate to break it to you, but she's cheating on you buddy.

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Im in for PvP.

But loved the story. And also did all the heroics and flashpoints soloing what i could.

So, I understant what it is to not have acess to many content, like Operations, because youre not a fan to grouped. Really.

If that change happens, i will ejoy doing that... But i was thinking of the hardecore PvErs. I bet they wont like. And it was thing build for them.

Also, i think that would be more like the options a single player game have, than a MMO.


But i got your point. You have your right, of course.


Thank you for understanding.

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BioWare, with 4.0 I have the potential to have lots and lots of companions and they are under my command/in my control as part of my alliance, but they usually just stand around and do nothing.


Since you have already made the game basically play itself, why not let me determine 4 of my companions (or eight of them) and send them off to do FP's or OP's for me so I really don't have to do anything at all but open loot boxes.


This way I don't have to deal with the hassle of playing (or heck, even logging in if you give me a web interface to issue these commands.. QOL!) and I don't have to deal with all the other clueless bad players you created by making the game playable by mashing your face against the keyboard or setting up a 'drinking Bird' to press my 1 key gets them through all the content.


TBH I don't even know why you don't give me 1200% experience anymore and rewarding me for pooping all by myself! without anyone's help at all!


Also, please make this game more like a Guild Wars but instead of using their model where I pay for the game one time and get all the content updates for free, instead make It so there are no content updates except for maybe once every couple months and then charge me lots of money to get them and only ever give me special things if I keep giving you money monthly and request for nothing in return.. In fact, I am happy to pay you so I can come to the forums and talk about how AWESOME the game is now that I don't even have to play it to achieve anything.

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I would like to get Havok Squad in an instance all going instead of just one member with the others just hanging on the ship or whatever they do when I am out.


At first I was like meh, and then I read this comment. Now I want!!

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BioWare, with 4.0 I have the potential to have lots and lots of companions and they are under my command/in my control as part of my alliance, but they usually just stand around and do nothing.


Since you have already made the game basically play itself, why not let me determine 4 of my companions (or eight of them) and send them off to do FP's or OP's for me so I really don't have to do anything at all but open loot boxes.


This way I don't have to deal with the hassle of playing (or heck, even logging in if you give me a web interface to issue these commands.. QOL!) and I don't have to deal with all the other clueless bad players you created by making the game playable by mashing your face against the keyboard or setting up a 'drinking Bird' to press my 1 key gets them through all the content.


TBH I don't even know why you don't give me 1200% experience anymore and rewarding me for pooping all by myself! without anyone's help at all!


Also, please make this game more like a Guild Wars but instead of using their model where I pay for the game one time and get all the content updates for free, instead make It so there are no content updates except for maybe once every couple months and then charge me lots of money to get them and only ever give me special things if I keep giving you money monthly and request for nothing in return.. In fact, I am happy to pay you so I can come to the forums and talk about how AWESOME the game is now that I don't even have to play it to achieve anything.


Isn't this what players would do in a strategy game?:jawa_confused:

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I support this 100% as well. I admit that I suck in PvP and Ops. I want to do those missions, but I don't want to drag down my fellow players, so I don't do them anymore. I know I'm missing out on quite a bit of content by not doing these missions, but what else can I do? Play and be insulted? No thanks. Give me, us, this option so that we can get the experience, the gear and the know,edge to beat these missions so that in time we can join GF content instead of being left out.
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I support this 100% as well. I admit that I suck in PvP and Ops. I want to do those missions, but I don't want to drag down my fellow players, so I don't do them anymore. I know I'm missing out on quite a bit of content by not doing these missions, but what else can I do? Play and be insulted? No thanks. Give me, us, this option so that we can get the experience, the gear and the know,edge to beat these missions so that in time we can join GF content instead of being left out.


Agreed. :hope_05:

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