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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Advanced class switching and Guild Banks should be avalable.


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The problem with the advanced class is one misclick, and your stuck with the advanced class. There is no confirmation screen. I think there should be a comfirmation screen. In addition, there should be a way to switch between the advanced classes.


Also, there should be guild banks as well. I know the developers copied a lot of things from World of Warcraft, such as scheduled maintence days no crossfaction communication, monthly fee plans, naming policy, battlegrounds with evil faction winning most of the games, PVP servers with encouraged ganking, auction system, aggro sounds, flightpaths for taxis, having to learn riding skills that are outrageously expensive before using a speeder, with the riding skill price coping WOW, just to name a few.


I also thing that the price to learn riding skills is too much, and should be lowered.

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Research. It can do you wonders.


They've already stated there would be an AC change available in the future and Guild bank is one of their higher priorities.


I'm not going to link them because then that would defeat the purpose of my first sentence.

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I think you should be able to change your advance classes 2 times only for a fee of 1,000-10,000 creds that way you can choose 1 AC and if you dont like it you can switch to the other and if you like it less switch 1 last time back to your old AC but each time you switch you must pay
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If you know its such an important decision, why are you casually clicking and screwing it up?


Look at what you want. Say it out loud. Put your mouse over and pick up your hand. Read it. Read it again. Look away. Look back. Read it again. Read it out loud. Put your finger on the mouse button. Read it. Read it out loud. Click it.


Not difficult.

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guild banks- agree and they will come in time


AC confirmation- Sure what ever helps you sleep at night


AC swapping- no no no no no no PLZ FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS.....just no


Duel spec within your one AC- Yes, I support this 100%


I think the training price on abilities get's a little too high but I think the riding skill price is perfect the way it is

Edited by DWarrior
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Research. It can do you wonders.


They've already stated there would be an AC change available in the future and Guild bank is one of their higher priorities.


I'm not going to link them because then that would defeat the purpose of my first sentence.


Actaully they changed thier minds and there is not going to be any advance class changes allowed. We can respec within our advance class however. And dual spec is on the horizon. I prefer if it was'nt. But...it will come to past I am afraid.

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Guild banks? Sure.


AC switching? No. Definitely not.


Dual Spec within your chosen AC? Should have been a priority for day one.


Agreed. Right now my entire (admittedly small) guild is dps spec. While we'd like to do flashpoints and 4-man quests you really lose more than you gain by speccing heals/tank while leveling up. And even at 50 it will stink that you have to sacrifice your ability to solo just to fill a role that's required to do group content.

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Ya ACs need to be switchable. Maybe not dual spec but you should be able to respec to either.


- The story is the same since only the base class matters for it.

- They are more or less just talent trees/souls.


Then there is hard gear restriction (marauder can't wear heavy armor, Jugg can't use two sabers), oh and then there are the numerous AC only abilities that are not tied to the talent trees. Then for one class there a massive change in the resource system... yep they are just talent trees... oh wait.

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Ya ACs need to be switchable. Maybe not dual spec but you should be able to respec to either.


- The story is the same since only the base class matters for it.

- They are more or less just talent trees/souls.


They are not the same when 2 of 3 talent trees are totally different. Advanced Class IS your class. Get used to it now so you'll stop asking.

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Agreed. Right now my entire (admittedly small) guild is dps spec. While we'd like to do flashpoints and 4-man quests you really lose more than you gain by speccing heals/tank while leveling up. And even at 50 it will stink that you have to sacrifice your ability to solo just to fill a role that's required to do group content.


Healers solo just fine, sages are awesome, and I'm loving my SI, who's also healing specced.

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Agreed. Right now my entire (admittedly small) guild is dps spec. While we'd like to do flashpoints and 4-man quests you really lose more than you gain by speccing heals/tank while leveling up. And even at 50 it will stink that you have to sacrifice your ability to solo just to fill a role that's required to do group content.


I rolled tank and have had no issues leveling...in fact I can complete many 2 man quests on my own with little to no difficulty so I'd say I have an advantage...

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Agreed. Right now my entire (admittedly small) guild is dps spec. While we'd like to do flashpoints and 4-man quests you really lose more than you gain by speccing heals/tank while leveling up. And even at 50 it will stink that you have to sacrifice your ability to solo just to fill a role that's required to do group content.


Healing spec'd since day one (BH Merc - Bodyguard). I have had no trouble leveling. My friends has been tank spec'd since day one as well, and has had zero trouble leveling either.


If you're having trouble leveling as either, it's not your spec that's limiting you.

Edited by Bdatik
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Then there is hard gear restriction (marauder can't wear heavy armor, Jugg can't use two sabers), oh and then there are the numerous AC only abilities that are not tied to the talent trees. Then for one class there a massive change in the resource system... yep they are just talent trees... oh wait.


Fury vs arms for weapons.


Admittedly you have a point vs gear types but that is not significant. It is basically no different then having a dps set, healing set, tanking set.


The resource change = druid.


Sorry they are glorified talent trees.


They are not the same when 2 of 3 talent trees are totally different. Advanced Class IS your class. Get used to it now so you'll stop asking.


More unique then Druid or Paladin from WoW? No.


More unique then souls from Rift? LMAO no.


Sorry stop trying to make more out of the AC then they are.


The only argument relevant to the game is if the AC had unique stories.

Edited by Pyrolight
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Fury vs arms for weapons.


Admittedly you have a point vs gear types but that is not significant. It is basically no different then having a dps set, healing set, tanking set.


The resource change = druid.


Sorry they are glorified talent trees.


No, they aren't.

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Fury vs arms for weapons.


Admittedly you have a point vs gear types but that is not significant. It is basically no different then having a dps set, healing set, tanking set.


The resource change = druid.


Sorry they are glorified talent trees.


How are weapons, resources, gear, and separate abilities the same thing as talent trees? Oh, they're not.


If you want to argue in favor of AC switching, do it, but don't make asinine comparisons. It only hurts your argument.

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