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"Pub pvp..."


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I dont know how you get any of this from what i said


Oh dear I must have hurt your feelings. I didn't realize you were all so sensitive :(


See here's the thing, you all aren't here to be constructive. You did see there's a separate thread for talking about the Republic on the Harbenger server right? I have been cueing strictly on the Republic on Ebon Hawk for about two weeks and I probably have a 2 to 1 win ratio... and that's a conservative estimate. It might even be 3 to 1 but I haven't been keeping track. I just know I win a lot. If I wasn't here responding to your insults nobody who came here would know that though.


I understand what you are up to, you are just using every tool you can to help ensure that the good players stay away from the faction you will admittedly never cue on. That's all well and good but as things stand right now we have a two faction system and I would rather not have everyone who wants to PvP but not play as a Sith think that there are no options for them.


So don't pretend that you are just here passing along your observations. At least admit what your real motive is, and if you are talking about how bad the Republic is on the Harbenger server kindly either specify that or post in the thread that is specifically for that server so that the Republic loyalists aren't turned away from the game entirely.

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Oh dear I must have hurt your feelings. I didn't realize you were all so sensitive :(


See here's the thing, you all aren't here to be constructive. You did see there's a separate thread for talking about the Republic on the Harbenger server right? I have been cueing strictly on the Republic on Ebon Hawk for about two weeks and I probably have a 2 to 1 win ratio... and that's a conservative estimate. It might even be 3 to 1 but I haven't been keeping track. I just know I win a lot. If I wasn't here responding to your insults nobody who came here would know that though.


I understand what you are up to, you are just using every tool you can to help ensure that the good players stay away from the faction you will admittedly never cue on. That's all well and good but as things stand right now we have a two faction system and I would rather not have everyone who wants to PvP but not play as a Sith think that there are no options for them.


So don't pretend that you are just here passing along your observations. At least admit what your real motive is, and if you are talking about how bad the Republic is on the Harbenger server kindly either specify that or post in the thread that is specifically for that server so that the Republic loyalists aren't turned away from the game entirely.


Nobody has ever accused you of being mentally stable before; have they? Your paranoia makes Alrick seem normal.


Oh. And I have queued pubs for years up until the last level increase, so; whatever.

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I have not seen a Pub yet today over several hours of PvP. I think they are a myth at this point.


Sad part is; eventually whatever bad there might have been pub will be imp side as well so they can get pops.


What server are you on and what bracket and time(s) zone.

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What server are you on and what bracket and time(s) zone.


Harbinger 65s, eastern time zone. This was Sunday though. Last night I finally saw one pub team. From around 9-11 PM EDT. Maybe it's just low and for my time zone being east coast I miss the west coast prime time.

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Might be lack of mentoring.I was a worthless pub player untile many people helped me.They helped me /Advice/on Rotation,Gear min/max,Spec,Set bonuses,Kitting,Key binding,Guarding,Healing,Focus targetting,Tunneling,Objectives,Strategy,Setting up voice chat,The list is endless.Ironically imps still rolling pubs on BC but when other experienced pubs group we compete and god forbid do win too.lol.So few people are willing to take time and resources to help our faction.Also why throw pebbles when you can shoot LIGHTNING out of YOUR ARSE....lol...A shout out to a few of the peeps who helped me on BC,all Pub Legends.Flux, Desi,Scyn,and Delere.ASK FOR HELP ..YOU MIGHT JUST GET IT.Good hunting all.
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Premades, premades, for the love of a random twi'lek dancer, make a team. If you find yourself being steamrolled get friends to play with you. If you are in a warzone and see one other player actually putting up a fight but obviously can't 1 v 4 and they are trying to win, invite them after the warzone. Even in a complete loss I can find one good player out of 6 potential bads. Maybe after a bit you got a full blown team of decent players. Maybe you still lose some but now that you are qued together you might be able to take some wins, or maybe que with one or two more decent players. Now you are just carrying two. Granted the imp team may also be and really amazing premades but all I know is losing 10 times in arow solo will make me lose faith in pub pvp and I probably won't even make it to 10.


People make a big deal about premades sometimes but in reality you are more than likely being steamrolled by a premade. Once you form a decent team of even people you barely just met they feel obliged to carry through, help you, and play with you and listen to what you say. This is already the first step towards a more developed team and will help you win more often in a warzone.

Edited by VixenRawR
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I have 5 imps and 5 pubs, when I play my imps I can usually get the dailies and weeklies done in two days across all characters. Good healers, good dps, strong team play.


When I play pubs it's an absolute abortion, we don't just lose we get steamrolled. If I heal my team gets tripled in dmg, if I dps I get 10+ deaths with 3 healers on my team below 1k hps.


I think the issue is that you have alot of family house dad casual types that play republic (the good side). They grew up with Luke Skywalker posters on their wall and want to be a Jedi. They are not much of gamers but they love starwars; they click and keyboard turn. They also look down on their keyboard and mouse when they use abilities.


It is definitely a rare occasion when a pub pug in an unranked WZ pulls a win. I run 4 pvp toons, 1 pub and 3 imps and I'm lucky if I can pull out 2-3 wins while running my weekly on my sage. The thing is, my sage is my main, I run it much better than say, my juggy. I'm usually right at the top on dps, and sadly, healing. And I die a ton as most pubs seem to drop or go afk at a node as soon as the imps take control of the WZ.


Having played SWG on both sides in addition to SWTOR, I can tell you that the imp side is usually a little nastier. So I agree your filthy casual dad gamer is more likely to want to play a Luke Skywalker type than, say, Boba Fett. Obviously that is a stretch, most people I know have multiple alts on both sides, but if I had to run the numbers of adderall fueled rage driven 16 year olds who know nothing but arena pvp in mom's basement, I'd wager a sail barge those numbers skew bad guy.


And you only half to PVP a little bit as an imp to notice the population imbalance.


But when I see other pubs complaining as soon as the second node gets capped I want to tell them this is a pug, you want to compete, recruit some friends for a premade and practice. But that's too hard. They'd rather mash their keyboards and whine.

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every match i queue into today started off the same: the enemy team held all of the objectives and was streamrolling my team. *** guys.




to be fair, yesterday it was the exact opposite. each team i was on was streamrolling the imps hard. i don't know why there is a disparity between yesterday pubs and today.

Edited by astrobearx
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I'm leveling my pub DvL character on Harb, all lowbie pvp atm ......its so frustrating. It seems that Pubs have no sense of objective direction. It is getting better as the night gets later, possibly because the Aussies are on? but God, earlier in the day it is just terrible, ive never seen a weaker group of players. No clue how to play their class or work as a cohesive unit, just pure garbage PVPers. It really sucks
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every match i queue into today started off the same: the enemy team held all of the objectives and was streamrolling my team. *** guys.




to be fair, yesterday it was the exact opposite. each team i was on was streamrolling the imps hard. i don't know why there is a disparity between yesterday pubs and today.


Well; I PvPed quite a bit the past 3 days on imp side, but I think the reasons for losing are quite common regardless of what side you're on. I was thinking about it because I had mixed results Tuesday, a bad day Wednessday, and a good day Thursday.


This is why you lose:


1. You played bad, alone or with your team. Just bad play. That was at least part of my losing day Wednessday. I was just off most of the time playing. (and that's not to excuse my team, either.)


2. Team composition. Tuesday; I got on a good team where we had a nice mix of healers tanks and DPS and won a couple of times. Most of the night however; I faced the same guys I was just on a team with, while not having more than maybe 1 healer and lack of a tank. This may be the biggest losing reason on pub side as you generally are not going to have the chance of getting on the decent composition team unless you premade to help.


3. Lack of plan, bad plan, or not sticking to the plan. Now; you don't NEED a plan if you have a decent team but assuming you are pugging and don't want to risk it; its not a bad idea to come up with at least an opening strategy. 1-7-0 as the old standby is going to fail if the other team has a better compostion and goes 1-5-2. That 5 can easily hold off 7 while they get the side nodes.


From a hypergate perspective; I had the other night a guy call out that he would take pylon and everyone else should go center. Not only did most people not listen; 3 guys went enemy pylon. That left 4 guys in mid (with a bad composition too, BTW) to face 7 enemies. The 3 captured the enemy side pylon which you think would be great; but it was way too early. What happened pretty quickly was an 8 vs 3 at their pylon. Meanwhile someone direct that 4 guard each pylon which is also dumb because that left 1 guy coming to reinforce the 3. Again; maybe 1 healer, no tank. This repeated every round and the match ended about as bad as you'd expect, with the people giving out the plans being the most vocally upset.


4. Speaking of guys being vocally upset. That behavior causes nothing more but a distraction at best and at worst; maybe you alienate some players. We don't need that. We need better players and they only will become that is if they keep working at it. I've been in matches where we still have a chance, but 2-4 of the team start bickering back and forth.


5. Heading off the premade call out. Yes; you can lose by facing a premade but its not the premade that causes it. See the first 4 points. You do not need a premade for any of this other than to ensure team comp. That is why it is a matchmaking issue.

Edited by Technohic
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