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"Pub pvp..."


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the funny thing about that post is I mained a pub on EH (I think he's the only one with a rating on that server). but there are toons of almost every class at this point. pub 65 is as bad on EH as it is everywhere else at this point. you wait longer for pops. when you get pops, it's the same teammates. I'm not sure what game you're playing or when you're playing it, but that's been my experience for at least a month now. lowbies and mids always go back and forth and always have. 65s, not so much. there are more clear trends.


One more quick thing about this, and please allow me to take the disclaimer that I'm not accusing anyone of anything, and specifically I'm not accusing you of this, and I have seen the situation I'm about to bring up happen on both sides but it happens on the Republic side a LOT more than the Imperial side (based, of course, on my personal experience).


So a few weeks ago I'm in a wz on the Republic side and right away the Imperial side pulls ahead. Without any hesitation some guy starts spouting in ops chat about how bad the Republic is and this is why he never cues on the Republic side and all Republic players should just quit the game... I could go on but we have all seen it. So of course at the end of the match I look at his stats and they are really bad for the class he was playing and the map we were on. So I whispered him after the match and I told him that based on his numbers and what he said during the match I was sure he was trying to help the Imperials win. Then I put him on my ignore list because I wasn't interested in hearing anything he had to say. Well guess what happened: Next map the same guy does well over a million dps and we win. What a change of heart he had there. You mean to tell me that if people like... try... when they cue on the Republic side... then maybe the Republic does better? I know sometimes people cue on the opposite faction to get achievements or something but jeez... have at least SOME class. I mean, if someone is just going to screw their team by not even trying to win then don't spout off about how bad the team is when they are basically fighting short handed.

Edited by TheLunarTick
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Pub side pvp is lacking on the Ebon Hawk. just went through 8 pvp matches of solely imp vs imp today, hopped on pub side and damn did it suck.


First game:

Ancient Pylon


4 Sith jugg, 2 tanks, 1 shank, 1 dps

3 Operatives; 2 healers 1 dps

1 Sith Sorc, healer


Pub side team:

all 8 dps no healers


That game..... sucked.... we couldn't cap because healers circle jerking each other and the tanks guarding them.


Game 2:

Alderan Civil War


6 Sith sorcerers, 3 dps and 3 healers

2 Sith juggs, both tanks


Pub side:

same 7 other players from before.


Game 3



3 Operatives, 2 healers 1 dps

2 sith sorcs, 1 healer, 1 dps

1 sniper dps

1 powertech tank

1 sith jugg tank.


Us pubs, 6 guys from the other WZ's 1 new blood. 0 healers.

It actually was a close game, but... still sucked...


This is where PvP drives me nuts in unranked it is so unbalanced.


What needs to happen is a barring on a team having more then 2 of a single advanced class. I mean have you played a 4 vs 4 agains 4 sith sorcs 2 healers 1 lighting and the other madness spec? it sucks.


Thats what needs to happen, WZ teams cannot have more then 2 of the same advanced class, then PvP will actually be better, otherwise you get a 4 of a class slog of sith juggs and that is never fun.

Edited by josephxp
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Pub side pvp is lacking on the Ebon Hawk. just went through 8 pvp matches of solely imp vs imp today, hopped on pub side and damn did it suck.


First game:

Ancient Pylon


4 Sith jugg, 2 tanks, 1 shank, 1 dps

3 Operatives; 2 healers 1 dps

1 Sith Sorc, healer


Pub side team:

all 8 dps no healers


That game..... sucked.... we couldn't cap because healers circle jerking each other and the tanks guarding them.


Game 2:

Alderan Civil War


6 Sith sorcerers, 3 dps and 3 healers

2 Sith juggs, both tanks


Pub side:

same 7 other players from before.


Game 3



3 Operatives, 2 healers 1 dps

2 sith sorcs, 1 healer, 1 dps

1 sniper dps

1 powertech tank

1 sith jugg tank.


Us pubs, 6 guys from the other WZ's 1 new blood. 0 healers.

It actually was a close game, but... still sucked...


This is where PvP drives me nuts in unranked it is so unbalanced.


What needs to happen is a barring on a team having more then 2 of a single advanced class. I mean have you played a 4 vs 4 agains 4 sith sorcs 2 healers 1 lighting and the other madness spec? it sucks.


Thats what needs to happen, WZ teams cannot have more then 2 of the same advanced class, then PvP will actually be better, otherwise you get a 4 of a class slog of sith juggs and that is never fun.


No healers Pub side is no surprise to me. I've been in so many matches lately with no healer on Ebonhawk pub side lately that I've been tempted to roll one but I'm tired of having healers lol.

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No healers Pub side is no surprise to me. I've been in so many matches lately with no healer on Ebonhawk pub side lately that I've been tempted to roll one but I'm tired of having healers lol.


For me, when i am on my healer Alpha Triage, and pvp pops with my luck yesterday we had 5 healers.... there is such thing as to many healers you now, and when its voidstar.... ya cant progress, but hey you have a great defense XD

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Sorry about your luck Joseph. I'm absolutely 100% sure that if the Pub side had won all those matches you would have got right on here and let everyone know. I have no reason to believe that you would have just kept it to yourself and come back at some later point to make a post here after a losing streak.


Owell though I digress. Like I say I play both sides in all tiers so I have options for finding balanced matches when I'm cueing by myself. I'd say overall I probably have a marginally better record on the Empire side than the Republic side but for me it's not anywhere near the point where I would say one side has been way stronger than the other for an extended period of time. Then again I know that the Imperial die hards just aren't going to let up so I'll just say in my opinion it's worth looking into Ebon Hawk if you are looking for a server where both sides are strong at times and it's not just totally one sided. That could change either way at any time and clearly there are some folks who are just not going to let up on the Pub bashing, but hey come check it out and make up your own mind if you want.


Oh and I looked it up, Newt Gingrich mains a sassin in a guild called <That Mandalorian Guild> Who knew?

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So a few weeks ago I'm in a wz on the Republic side and right away the Imperial side pulls ahead. Without any hesitation some guy starts spouting in ops chat about how bad the Republic is and this is why he never cues on the Republic side and all Republic players should just quit the game... I could go on but we have all seen it. So of course at the end of the match I look at his stats and they are really bad for the class he was playing and the map we were on. So I whispered him after the match and I told him that based on his numbers and what he said during the match I was sure he was trying to help the Imperials win. Then I put him on my ignore list because I wasn't interested in hearing anything he had to say. Well guess what happened: Next map the same guy does well over a million dps and we win. What a change of heart he had there.


Interesting - psychological warfare ? Trying to scare away Rep side players so that Imp side players can play alone in their closed circle ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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One more quick thing about this, and please allow me to take the disclaimer that I'm not accusing anyone of anything, and specifically I'm not accusing you of this, and I have seen the situation I'm about to bring up happen on both sides but it happens on the Republic side a LOT more than the Imperial side (based, of course, on my personal experience).


So a few weeks ago I'm in a wz on the Republic side and right away the Imperial side pulls ahead. Without any hesitation some guy starts spouting in ops chat about how bad the Republic is and this is why he never cues on the Republic side and all Republic players should just quit the game... I could go on but we have all seen it. So of course at the end of the match I look at his stats and they are really bad for the class he was playing and the map we were on. So I whispered him after the match and I told him that based on his numbers and what he said during the match I was sure he was trying to help the Imperials win. Then I put him on my ignore list because I wasn't interested in hearing anything he had to say. Well guess what happened: Next map the same guy does well over a million dps and we win. What a change of heart he had there. You mean to tell me that if people like... try... when they cue on the Republic side... then maybe the Republic does better? I know sometimes people cue on the opposite faction to get achievements or something but jeez... have at least SOME class. I mean, if someone is just going to screw their team by not even trying to win then don't spout off about how bad the team is when they are basically fighting short handed.


I don't waste my time in the WZ arguing with ppl. every once in a while, I'll butt heads with him, but it's rare and not unless I've already given up like CW: the WZ that ends 8 minutes after it's won. however, the way the game/matchmaking is structured, I determined long ago that the solution is to leave. that's it. leave. don't sit there and get angry at the morons who don't understand basics and try to insult you when you tell them truths.

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I don't waste my time in the WZ arguing with ppl. every once in a while, I'll butt heads with him, but it's rare and not unless I've already given up like CW: the WZ that ends 8 minutes after it's won. however, the way the game/matchmaking is structured, I determined long ago that the solution is to leave. that's it. leave. don't sit there and get angry at the morons who don't understand basics and try to insult you when you tell them truths.


This really is the only sane answer. Q dodge the hopeless. I basically have faction dodged pubs. The amount of stupid I see in pub teams far exceeds the amount of stupid I see on imp teams. Still....just to build character...I will hop on my pubs every once in a while. I try to do at least a few matches a week on a pub. But that is about all my head can take as it is banging against a wall or being smashed with a palm the entire time.

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... And here the badmouthing of the Rep side goes on ... to anyone looking into this forum from the outside (like people who just don't want to be active in these forums), this is like an overly clear signal : "Come to the Imp side ! We have better players = more often wins !"


And THEN you wonder about faction inbalance ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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No healers Pub side is no surprise to me. I've been in so many matches lately with no healer on Ebonhawk pub side lately that I've been tempted to roll one but I'm tired of having healers lol.


Yup, the same goes to me. Also what another guy said about no heals. I love to heal, before coming to this game all my first characters were healers. In 1.0 of this game I had a merc healer as well. Its fun, I find the challenge to be exciting having to focus on 8 targets including myself and keep them alive requires imo a lot more skill than a dps who focus on one target. However for over the last 2 years healing has become boring and a joke and requires little skill, nor focus if you have powers like roaming mend slipping through the cracks of your fail healing to save other people anyways. Another reason why no one heals pub side is have you ever healed a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off? Thats what it feels like when I am healing pub side. No damage? Like why are some so bad? Though its not always pubs, there are generally bad players everywhere that make me cry and wonder why I am doing all the work.



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... And here the badmouthing of the Rep side goes on ... to anyone looking into this forum from the outside (like people who just don't want to be active in these forums), this is like an overly clear signal : "Come to the Imp side ! We have better players = more often wins !"


And THEN you wonder about faction inbalance ...


lol Yeah that about sums it up. The irony is that now there's already one cross faction wz and I believe I read somewhere there's more to come so now one way or another these elete Imperials that win every wz are going to have to deal with grouping up with the very people they love to verbally bash. Thing is, I don't think 90% of the community cares and the dev's have realized that. Honestly I think they have done a great job turning the game around lately and I hope they keep it up... another thing that might be blasphemy to say around here but yes I'm giving the dev's a nod for doing a great job.


Another funny thing is that I have done no less than 20 wz's since last time I posted here, all on the Republic side, probably half in the 65's, and I have absolutely no idea what anyone's problem could be with the pub side on Ebon Hawk. There was maybe one day when the Imperials had 65's on lockdown the rest was all win win win for me. I'm just sitting here shaking my head wondering what these people could possibly be talking about. I like to cue on both sides but I guess the Republic needs players so I guess I'll just hang out over there and win a lot of matches. Until, of course, the tide shifts back to the Imperial side which it will for awhile, before shifting back again. Either way I'll go back to probing different tiers on different sides to try and find good matchups where both teams have a chance to win...

Edited by TheLunarTick
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This really is the only sane answer. Q dodge the hopeless. I basically have faction dodged pubs. The amount of stupid I see in pub teams far exceeds the amount of stupid I see on imp teams. Still....just to build character...I will hop on my pubs every once in a while. I try to do at least a few matches a week on a pub. But that is about all my head can take as it is banging against a wall or being smashed with a palm the entire time.


Just jump on lowbie pubs and give them some polite directions. Some listen, some don't, but the ones that listen are grateful and do get better, which is a win for pvp in general.

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For me, when i am on my healer Alpha Triage, and pvp pops with my luck yesterday we had 5 healers.... there is such thing as to many healers you now, and when its voidstar.... ya cant progress, but hey you have a great defense XD


Agreed, too many healers is a big parsing exercise. I'd rather have no healers in void star than 2 or more.


I noticed the other poster said they didn't see healers on the pub side. I actually see the opposite on Harbinger. Too many healers and not enough good dps. I think lots of them rolled healers because sages were OP, plus they couldn't compete against the imp dps, so having heaps of healers off sets the dps the imps have.

I have seen the number start to drop, but there are still a lot more healers on the pub side than the imp side

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lol Yeah that about sums it up. The irony is that now there's already one cross faction wz and I believe I read somewhere there's more to come so now one way or another these elete Imperials that win every wz are going to have to deal with grouping up with the very people they love to verbally bash. Thing is, I don't think 90% of the community cares and the dev's have realized that. Honestly I think they have done a great job turning the game around lately and I hope they keep it up... another thing that might be blasphemy to say around here but yes I'm giving the dev's a nod for doing a great job.


Another funny thing is that I have done no less than 20 wz's since last time I posted here, all on the Republic side, probably half in the 65's, and I have absolutely no idea what anyone's problem could be with the pub side on Ebon Hawk. There was maybe one day when the Imperials had 65's on lockdown the rest was all win win win for me. I'm just sitting here shaking my head wondering what these people could possibly be talking about. I like to cue on both sides but I guess the Republic needs players so I guess I'll just hang out over there and win a lot of matches. Until, of course, the tide shifts back to the Imperial side which it will for awhile, before shifting back again. Either way I'll go back to probing different tiers on different sides to try and find good matchups where both teams have a chance to win...


When they finally get around to making all pvp cross faction (if they ever do), all of these threads will be null and void. I can't wait till that happens because then we'll actually have better and hopefully less one sided matches.

Queue times should also be faster.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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A lot of criticism expressed here is rather pointless. Things like 'why would I bother healing headless chickens' or 'Reps don't do objectives' or insert 'whatever reason'.

It's pointless because most good pvpers aren't playing Pub side, so what do you expect really?


People that are serious about pvp mostly do so on Imp side because of cooler animations or because it's cool to be evil or because queues are shorter (which is of course a simple matter of cause and effect, if people go Imp for the aforementioned reasons, of course queues will be shorter).

There is no fix for the imbalance. Unless they make Reps cool or something.


It is what it is. Eventually all warzones will be mixed, and that will be the end, literally.

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When they finally get around to making all pvp cross faction (if they ever do), all of these threads will be null and void. I can't wait till that happens because then we'll actually have better and hopefully less one sided matches.

Queue times should also be faster.

I actually doubt that, sure some people wouldn't mind but some will. It will make the total player pool even smaller. Not everyone likes to pvp alongside the enemy.

If they ever go full cross faction, I'm out. Lore wise it makes zero sense. Odessen meh, I can somewhat understand, the rest, no way.

In other games the faction division can be overcome by some clever twisting of game lore, but Star Wars is iconic. It makes no sense for sith and jedi to battle together everywhere.

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No healers Pub side is no surprise to me. I've been in so many matches lately with no healer on Ebonhawk pub side lately that I've been tempted to roll one but I'm tired of having healers lol.
I used to heal but I gave up and only heal in pve. Being tunnel vision focused is not fun for me. I understand why some like the challenge so all more power to them.
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I actually doubt that, sure some people wouldn't mind but some will. It will make the total player pool even smaller. Not everyone likes to pvp alongside the enemy.

If they ever go full cross faction, I'm out. Lore wise it makes zero sense. Odessen meh, I can somewhat understand, the rest, no way.

In other games the faction division can be overcome by some clever twisting of game lore, but Star Wars is iconic. It makes no sense for sith and jedi to battle together everywhere.


Unfortunately you are in the minority of pvp players. Sure there is a place for Lore in the game, but most pvpers just want to pvp, they don't care about the Lore aspect. I don't think it will diminish the population at all. If anything it will revitalise it and probably bring a lot of players back who left because it isn't cross faction and/or cross server (if that will ever happen)

It will be a shame if you leave as there are ways around the Lore situation if you are willing to have an open mind and be a bit flexible with your thinking. Lots of people in other threads have suggested ways around it, so I won't rehash it.

Ask any ranked players if they want cross faction, then do a poll of how many reg players want it. I can tell you that my old pvp guild of 50 players are all for it and not one against. I'm guessing you'll find 99% if not 100% of ranked players want it. Reg players will be a mix, but I would say more than half, if not three quarters of people want cross faction pvp.

The only way to know is to do a poll.

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I used to heal but I gave up and only heal in pve. Being tunnel vision focused is not fun for me. I understand why some like the challenge so all more power to them.


I actually find healing boring, it's not that I can't do it, I can. I also don't even think I'm that good, but lots of people have said I should main it because I'm good, which Is still debatable. It's really not that hard, even getting focused. All you need to know is how to LoS and position yourself to prevent getting tunnelled too hard.

But it's sooooo boring.

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Unfortunately you are in the minority of pvp players. Sure there is a place for Lore in the game, but most pvpers just want to pvp, they don't care about the Lore aspect. I don't think it will diminish the population at all. If anything it will revitalise it and probably bring a lot of players back who left because it isn't cross faction and/or cross server (if that will ever happen)

It will be a shame if you leave as there are ways around the Lore situation if you are willing to have an open mind and be a bit flexible with your thinking. Lots of people in other threads have suggested ways around it, so I won't rehash it.

Ask any ranked players if they want cross faction, then do a poll of how many reg players want it. I can tell you that my old pvp guild of 50 players are all for it and not one against. I'm guessing you'll find 99% if not 100% of ranked players want it. Reg players will be a mix, but I would say more than half, if not three quarters of people want cross faction pvp.

The only way to know is to do a poll.

Well, as you can not know, and no one can really, because your facts are anecdotal or based on what people that can be bothered to visit the forums think, it's up in the air really.

But if you think about it, all those Imp players that hate playing Rep side because Pubs suck so much, suddenly don't mind playing alongside of them. Doesn't make a lot of sense does it?


Even if it's only 10% of players that have lore objections, that's still 10%, out of a small player pool as it is. I hope this will somehow get fixed.

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A lot of criticism expressed here is rather pointless. Things like 'why would I bother healing headless chickens' or 'Reps don't do objectives' or insert 'whatever reason'.

It's pointless because most good pvpers aren't playing Pub side, so what do you expect really?


People that are serious about pvp mostly do so on Imp side because of cooler animations or because it's cool to be evil or because queues are shorter (which is of course a simple matter of cause and effect, if people go Imp for the aforementioned reasons, of course queues will be shorter).

There is no fix for the imbalance. Unless they make Reps cool or something.


It is what it is. Eventually all warzones will be mixed, and that will be the end, literally.


Your reasoning is a bit flawed as too why there are more imp pvpers. It's certainly not just better animations lol. It's because the actual imp stories are more interesting than the rep ones. Most people who start the game will play through the stories to get the class buffs. The rep ones, especially the Jedi ones are so boring and lame, that people quickly switched to imps side. Most people who are new to the game don't jump straight into pvp, so most don't even realise there is an imbalance. Plus most people like the idea of being a little bit evil or dangerous and are attracted to the imp side. Blame Bio for the class stories and blame the people's natural attraction to the dark side.

The issue is once people start pvping on the rep side and see the big imbalance, lots switch to imps to pvp because it's easier to play with a group who can steam roll people, than actually learning to play properly. On a percentage vs percentage basis, there are actually the same if not more rep players that are as good as or better imps. But the population is much smaller on the rep side, so the less experience or less skilled players stand out more because there aren't enough reps queueing. While the less experienced imp players hide in amongst the larger population of players, which means they can be spread out through more games. This allows them to be carried by the better players.

At certain times of the day, imps are a lot worse than the worst reps I've seen. In those time brackets the reps completely dominate them. But once again, because of the larger population, the time brackets are more in favour of the imps because a higher population means a better chance of having better player on during a larger part of the day.

The only solution to the population imbalance is to have cross faction pvp.

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I actually find healing boring, it's not that I can't do it, I can. I also don't even think I'm that good, but lots of people have said I should main it because I'm good, which Is still debatable. It's really not that hard, even getting focused. All you need to know is how to LoS and position yourself to prevent getting tunnelled too hard.

But it's sooooo boring.


I find merc healing to be satisfying, I like the feel of it more than op heals and sorc heals is really boring because I can close my eyes and heal and still get top healing and 0 deaths. Also I hate when I get another healer on my team. Its boring when I have to compete with heals and everyone is always at max and im just topping people off. I want a challenge, let me respec if there is more than one healer. I carry around dps and heal gear on every class that can heal just so I can swap if I get tired of being on teams filled with healers. Sadly I have to do it outside the warzone then I que up and get no heals. sigh

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Well, as you can not know, and no one can really, because your facts are anecdotal or based on what people that can be bothered to visit the forums think, it's up in the air really.

But if you think about it, all those Imp players that hate playing Rep side because Pubs suck so much, suddenly don't mind playing alongside of them. Doesn't make a lot of sense does it?


Even if it's only 10% of players that have lore objections, that's still 10%, out of a small player pool as it is. I hope this will somehow get fixed.


There is about the same percentage of less skilled imps as there are pubs. So if you throw them all together in cross faction, there will be little or no difference in the skill of people on your team. Take Odessen for instance, I find when I have more reps on my team, the more wins I get. That's because reps know how to play objectives better than imps, while imps know how to death match better.

Also remember there are a lot of people who have rep toons who have made imp ones because of the pvp rep vs imp population pops, as well as it being easier to have other imps carry them. So if you have cross faction, people who prefer rep classes can actually switch back to playing them. I think cross faction would actually increase the rep side and move towards a more balance faction populations for pvp. Imps would still have more, which I explained reasons for in another post, but they would start to level out a bit.

As you said if it's only10% of pvpers care about Lore and the rest don't, wouldn't that make them the minority? When the rest of the population want it and lots of people would return if it happened, losing 10% of Lore players wouldn't hurt the population at all. So are you saying that Bio should favour the 10% of Lore players over the 90% who want cross factions?

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I find merc healing to be satisfying, I like the feel of it more than op heals and sorc heals is really boring because I can close my eyes and heal and still get top healing and 0 deaths. Also I hate when I get another healer on my team. Its boring when I have to compete with heals and everyone is always at max and im just topping people off. I want a challenge, let me respec if there is more than one healer. I carry around dps and heal gear on every class that can heal just so I can swap if I get tired of being on teams filled with healers. Sadly I have to do it outside the warzone then I que up and get no heals. sigh


Catch 22, queue as a healer and you have other healers on your team. Queue as anything else and there are no healers.

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