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Bioware just doesn't wanna put any effort and quality into their product. (Examples)


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Look at these videos from game developers (mmo's) that actually put in effort for their games during the holiday season (events).


Example one:


Example two:


Just look at the quality and effort they put forth in their games... These are companies with LESS money than you and smaller teams!


This isn't just about holidays and events, it shows all around the type of work and half-arshed effort they put into developing swtor... the ONLY star wars mmo around right now. People deserve a better experience for what they are paying! (180 Dollars a year!).. You even have a cash shop!.. These new games are buy 2 play meaning you only pay 20-30 bucks once! and never have to pay a dime again! I want more for my money, as I hope others do. Until we make a stand, nothing is gonna change. Thank you and happy new year!

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Entitled Elitism


People pay no matter what. They doing as little as possible and it's working. Speak with your wallet, not of the forums crying.


Push out crap changes and a rushed expansion that has nothing to do with Star Wars and make it cannon during a new trilogy and watch the subscriptions roll in and cartel market purchases sky rocket before the holidays. Do as little as possible and ride the hype train. They won't do anything extra just for you or I. They don't care about the community. Could careless about the bugs since beta and launch. Could careless about the events during life day being broken, just like every previous year before.


Don't sub, don't buy cartel coins. Walk away, uninstall, delete the Electronic Arts directory, and submit an account deletion with customer support. A maybe then they will actually listen to the paying community. Not the fanboy minority

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This is like saying Picasso's paintings are lacking in quality, because they don't use the same brush style as Van gogh or Da vinci. =/


Comparing this game with Picasso is an insult for him LOL

Edited by MiguelGx
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This is like saying Picasso's paintings are lacking in quality, because they don't use the same brush style as Van gogh or Da vinci. =/


Congratulations. This ludicrousness actually left me speechless for a few minutes, and that doesn't happen too often.

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People deserve a better experience for what they are paying! (180 Dollars a year!).. You even have a cash shop!.. These new games are buy 2 play meaning you only pay 20-30 bucks once! and never have to pay a dime again! I want more for my money, as I hope others do. Until we make a stand, nothing is gonna change. Thank you and happy new year!


Translation: http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view1/20140124/4961349/crying-baby-o.gif

Edited by ZanyaCross
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This is like saying Picasso's paintings are lacking in quality, because they don't use the same brush style as Van gogh or Da vinci. =/


Not really. It's more like saying BW's paintings are lacking in quality, because they don't use brushes and often have a hard time opening their finger paint tubes.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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He's right, I only started playing recently and after 2 weeks, I feel I have no reason to log in. Class stories are cool, but would've been so much better done as a single player game, instead of being dragged across an MMO. I've gone back to playing KotOR for story anyway as its much better writing, being an SP RPG. This game has nothing, really. It's not WoW, it's not KotOR, it's not massive. It's just a single player grind with rather shallow PvP. The whole experience seems shallow, they just tacked on features like GSF to try and create content where there is none. It just feels very vapid in the end, when it could've been made into an amazing interactive game, using the starships to create an actual space-sim based on SW universe, smuggling, trading, piracy, space combat, boarding parties. So much potential.

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he's right, i only started playing recently and after 2 weeks, i feel i have no reason to log in. Class stories are cool, but would've been so much better done as a single player game, instead of being dragged across an mmo. I've gone back to playing kotor for story anyway as its much better writing, being an sp rpg. This game has nothing, really. It's not wow, it's not kotor, it's not massive. It's just a single player grind with rather shallow pvp. The whole experience seems shallow, they just tacked on features like gsf to try and create content where there is none. It just feels very vapid in the end, when it could've been made into an amazing interactive game, using the starships to create an actual space-sim based on sw universe, smuggling, trading, piracy, space combat, boarding parties. So much potential.



Edited by knowmyname
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To OP dont even bother to compare this game events with most other MMO's. Its not even same level in any aspect. I played Rift recently and they have cool Christmas event aswell with lots of random stuff to get (mostly fluff but still fun).

It is not fun to toss snowballs thousands of times to get chance RNG based event currency to barter later.


Yesterday i watched twitch streamer Docgotgame playing SWTOR. He havent played this game for very long time and was level 16. Doing some low level PvP and FP's. After doing some FP's for a while being with level 65's he rage quitted later when he died many times. And i dont blame him. It is stupid how this game puts very low levels with level caps in same group instance. Bolster just wont work correctly.

Edited by Divona
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hey that EA for you, if you think its just bioware just go look at star wars battlefront.


sadly the only way you will be free of Ea is if they collapse they have bought so many company's and are trying to dominate the market soon it could be EA or no games at all.

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I look at it this way, I used to play a game called Star Trek Online, it was never a great game and I stopped enjoying it so I stopped playing it, I moved on and ended up back here.


I don't waste my life moaning about what is missing in a game, the OP seems to have found what he wants in 2 other games which are Christmas events that have a fat bloke on a sleigh flying around dropping tat..... just a suggestion, go and play those games and enjoy your gaming time.


If your the type of person that can play KotOR over and over, great, go and do that (I still wish they made a 3rd one).


I personally don't take part in Christmas events in any game, I find them all boring but each to their own.

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I look at it this way, I used to play a game called Star Trek Online, it was never a great game and I stopped enjoying it so I stopped playing it, I moved on and ended up back here.


I don't waste my life moaning about what is missing in a game, the OP seems to have found what he wants in 2 other games which are Christmas events that have a fat bloke on a sleigh flying around dropping tat..... just a suggestion, go and play those games and enjoy your gaming time.


If your the type of person that can play KotOR over and over, great, go and do that (I still wish they made a 3rd one).


I personally don't take part in Christmas events in any game, I find them all boring but each to their own.

its not just Christmas events which i also dont take part in (never did q winter wonderland on STO or the winter crap on wow) but the original rackgoul event was fun and unique now its just the same rehashed crap so is bounty week and the gree event there is never any difference.

I no longer do any of these events because they are boring as hell we need new events.

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