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East Vs. West


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Given how much arguing you do on the forums about it, I going to guess you are the one in chat who ended up getting so upset, which is why they threatened to ignore you.


I asked for clarification, and I was called dumb and told to shut up. In the time it took them to respond they could have just answered my question. Thanks for your silly assumption.

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As far as Right/Left being relative, sure it is if people are going in different directions. So, if you are trying to talk to the other team, that might be an issue. However, since you are only talking about your team, and your team is all spawning from the same thing, then it's not a problem.


You didn't read the initial post. I asked if they meant the left side of the minimap (West), or if they meant left of the spawn (East). If I knew all along that they meant the left side of the spawn, this would be a non-issue.

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I tried to argue this back in the day. I grew up doing a fair bit of orienteering as a kid, and spent a spell in the military so of course cardinal directions make much more sense. I've also seen 'left' and 'right' used both 'from spawn' and 'on the map', which inevitably results in confusion.


But I also recognise that a whole bunch of people simply don't use east and west as naturally. Despite my early protests, this is the way things are. And no amount of forum posting or grouching in general chat is going to change that. So we deal with it. Complaining further is just pissing in the wind.

Edited by Jherad
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But I also recognise that a whole bunch of people simply don't use east and west as naturally. Despite my early protests, this is the way things are. And no amount of forum posting or grouching in general chat is going to change that. So we deal with it. Complaining further is just pissing in the wind.


Yup. Thanks. My question was answered ages ago, but people keep posting with their made up stories and accusations. Thanks for contributing.

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You're not paying attention. I didn't argue with my temmates, I asked for clarification. I would not have had to ask for clarification if they had used non-relative terms.


Are you a skeptic of relative direction as a concept? What don't you understand? How can I help? If you dont trust Wiki, feel free to find other sources, or y'know just demand that I do the work for you.


Since the game mechanic includes switching sides...calling directions relative to your current spawn point makes perfect sense in voidstar and is the most accurate and clear way to convey direction via text and under stress to people you have just met. Everyone knows their left from their right...can't really say that about east and west. Same goes for Alderon...you don't always start on the same side so snow and grass are the best and most clear way to convey direction. This argument is one of the oldest in this game...lol

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Since the game mechanic includes switching sides...calling directions relative to your current spawn point makes perfect sense in voidstar and is the most accurate and clear way to convey direction via text and under stress to people you have just met. Everyone knows their left from their right...can't really say that about east and west. Same goes for Alderon...you don't always start on the same side so snow and grass are the best and most clear way to convey direction. This argument is one of the oldest in this game...lol


The difference is that grass and snow never change. Grass is always west with snow always being east no matter which spawn point you start at.


In VS, east/west is far more clear because those directions never change. Call left/right, as you said, depends on the spawn point and can be confusing. I have actually known some players call incorrectly because they got turned around and were calling left when they meant right.

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I'd like to add a vote of support for OP's contention to use of East and West when calling for defense in Voidstar.


I offer these observations of this game scenario:


1. As an attacker, you can go Left or Right at will. From your spawn point you can see both doors and all the defenders at each. Naturally a spawning attacker will go to the path of least resistance.


2. As a defender, if you spend much time in the respawn area, you are doing something WRONG. You have been killed, and a dead player cannot defend anything.


3. Defenders should call out situation reports before an attacker gets to the door. This is where East and West is better than Left/Right. You should already be in the fighting area. Your orientation may be completely turned around.


4. Defender reports should include a number for how many attackers are nearby. (W2 or E4)


5. When an attacker is planting the bomb on a door, target that person and shoot first!

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They're not relative. Most people make calls with respect to leaving their spawn. Left is West and right is East when defending in Voidstar. People call snow and grass in Alderaan. Get used to these as well.


Actually, I'm pretty sure Left is East and Right is West when defending in Voidstar.


But better yet, it would have been nice if Bioware went to the trouble of adding distinguishing traits to each side that would allow PUGs to better communicate with each other (like snow and grass). Maybe coloring East doors red and West doors blue. This way you could call out "Red" or "Blue" incs. For any naysayers who are gonna chime in with "but <red/blue> is confusing because <whatever logic they want>" just swap those for whatever color makes you happy, the argument will still be the same.

Edited by gocard
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I'm just returning to the game after a long break. Recently in Voidstar, people began shouting "left" or "right" based on which door they determined needed the most defenders (I hope). The thing is, left and right are both relative to the direction you're facing.


As a fresh returning player this totally confused me. I asked the team if they meant East or West? They repeated "left!!!". I pointed out that 'left' on the minimap, and 'left' from the perspective from which you respawn are two opposite directions. This guy referred to me as 'The Dumbness', and several on the team threatened to ignore me in chat. ***?


I asked again "Do you mean left on the minimap, as in West?" ... Silence.


I know this community can be toxic, but for people to straight up cut me out of a WZ because of their fundamental misunderstanding of what the words left and right actually mean is absurd. So what am I missing here? Why don't people use cardnial directions to avoid confusion? Is 'left' East or West?


Crossposted to General


You can blame the modern world's public education system for this. The average person now has trouble relating what "east" and "west" are on a map. That's right, people are just stupid now.


It's annoying when people yell "LEFT LEFT LEFT!!!!!" I jump out of spawn, going left from my point of face, and, hmm... The side is fine. Then .1 secs later the other side is taken.


Yeah, "LEFT" isn't always the direction you are facing out from the spawn, because ********s will call the side that is relative to where THEY are facing at the time of them calling.


Don't bother trying to explain to these windowlicking chimps what east or west is... They won't understand and they will only become insultive because YOU don't know what way THEY are facing when they called the side.

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Another thing you can do is always watch your teams hp and check on your map where that character is if you hover over them. i only recommend this when you're stuck in spawn for a period of time allowing this.


I do that a lot even without people crying for help on a side. It's a good way to see what that character is doing, even if their fingers get stunned by that ops disabling their ability of typing out for help. I can tell their side they are guarding is getting attacked by their hps dropping.

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I agree that the banners by those doors and bridges will be perfect. Or tinting half the floor... Aww.


Also, I would love to see them add two keybound-enabled Signal Flares to the game that when pressed give out an audio alarm sound and a flashing light on the map tracking in the first case the location of the caller and, in the second case, the place where you’ve dumped it, like a phasewalk.


Because typing in chat is an inferior and slow way to communicate.


Well, until such crazy dreams can come true, I will try to remember which way I am facing on the offense and defense.

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I do that a lot even without people crying for help on a side. It's a good way to see what that character is doing, even if their fingers get stunned by that ops disabling their ability of typing out for help. I can tell their side they are guarding is getting attacked by their hps dropping.


Yep. VS is where I learned whatever situational awareness I might be said to have. When I was just a young lad, a new recruit in the WZs, I was fighting away and suddenly I'm wondering "Hey, why is that veteran rushing to the other side!? There's still one or two red guys for the 5 of us here to kill!" Finally it dawned on my what they were doing.


One easy way is to watch the names on your ops frame that are dimmed out. Assuming everyone is fighting near the doors (haha, I'm so funny) those are probably the guys on the other side. Paying attention to that, and how may red things you are fighting, and where all the (now) blue icons are on your mini-map can help you switch sides before a call comes in.

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Yep. VS is where I learned whatever situational awareness I might be said to have. When I was just a young lad, a new recruit in the WZs, I was fighting away and suddenly I'm wondering "Hey, why is that veteran rushing to the other side!? There's still one or two red guys for the 5 of us here to kill!" Finally it dawned on my what they were doing.


One easy way is to watch the names on your ops frame that are dimmed out. Assuming everyone is fighting near the doors (haha, I'm so funny) those are probably the guys on the other side. Paying attention to that, and how may red things you are fighting, and where all the (now) blue icons are on your mini-map can help you switch sides before a call comes in.


Well, at least you noticed someone running to the other side... Most nubs group up in a cluster of 4-5 pounding away on one jugg while the other side gets swarmed, totally unaware they might consider following that lone guy rushing to the other side to defend.

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I try to use E/W for all the reasons already stated in the thread, but have learned to adapt when people use L/R


It wouldn't hurt for bioware to add some visual distinction like ACW has (grass vs snow) as a quality of life improvement.


But, then again, its all about the story.

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Most directions are called with respect to your spawn point. Some servers and guilds call differently. Honestly it shouldn't have been that hard to adapt to with a quick look at your mini map and which side had fewer defenders.


Bullseye. Also, in that zone, it can be very confusing for people to know which is east and west. All you have to do, of course, is look at which way your toon's arrow is pointing to know which is east and west, but it gets disorienting for some when you change positions from defense to offense and vice versa.

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Bullseye. Also, in that zone, it can be very confusing for people to know which is east and west. All you have to do, of course, is look at which way your toon's arrow is pointing to know which is east and west, but it gets disorienting for some when you change positions from defense to offense and vice versa.


Sense of direction is hard.

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I try to use E/W for all the reasons already stated in the thread, but have learned to adapt when people use L/R


It wouldn't hurt for bioware to add some visual distinction like ACW has (grass vs snow) as a quality of life improvement.


But, then again, its all about the story.


Well, it does a little. Only as you're planting, though, will it show you "East Door" or "West Door" .LOL If you just mouse over the door it doesn't show you that.

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Okay. At the very least the mini-map can use a North arrow. I have tied to study a map of a Voidtstar on the defense, but boy, it's annoying. I guess, you just have to remember that you are facing South on the defense, so East and West are reversed. I guess, next time I will just double call, so it will be W/R for the 'right jumping off spawn" and E/L for 'left jumping off spawn'.
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They're not relative. Most people make calls with respect to leaving their spawn. Left is West and right is East when defending in Voidstar. People call snow and grass in Alderaan. Get used to these as well.


LOL um no thats wrong LEFT IS EAST and RIGHT is WEST if defending. The map is from the perspective of the attackers its always been confusing but the next time a bomb is placed read the notification and note the door again coming out of the spawn point when defending LEFT is EAST and RIGHT is WEST

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LOL um no thats wrong LEFT IS EAST and RIGHT is WEST if defending. The map is from the perspective of the attackers its always been confusing but the next time a bomb is placed read the notification and note the door again coming out of the spawn point when defending LEFT is EAST and RIGHT is WEST


Yeah, from what i always read and called, when defending, coming out the spawn to the left side is east. Right is west. Holy ****. This thread gives me a headache. rofl.

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