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Everything posted by butforwhy

  1. Of course they're not (legally) obligated to, but that doesn't mean that it isn't a dick move to refuse to acknowledge the inconvenience in any meaningful way.
  2. This is funny, because I just started a new legacy on Ebon Hawk. I came from Bastion, and was surprised that the queue times for PvP were significantly lower. the quality of players isn't any worse so far as I can tell either. I now feel like I wasted my time dicking around on a low population server, despite the fact that it was PvP (and that's what I prefered).
  3. butforwhy

    East Vs. West

    Yup. Thanks. My question was answered ages ago, but people keep posting with their made up stories and accusations. Thanks for contributing.
  4. butforwhy

    East Vs. West

    You didn't read the initial post. I asked if they meant the left side of the minimap (West), or if they meant left of the spawn (East). If I knew all along that they meant the left side of the spawn, this would be a non-issue.
  5. butforwhy

    East Vs. West

    I asked for clarification, and I was called dumb and told to shut up. In the time it took them to respond they could have just answered my question. Thanks for your silly assumption.
  6. butforwhy

    East Vs. West

    No. I was waiting to spawn, but thanks for speaking to me like I'm a child.
  7. butforwhy

    East Vs. West

    You're not paying attention. I didn't argue with my temmates, I asked for clarification. I would not have had to ask for clarification if they had used non-relative terms. Are you a skeptic of relative direction as a concept? What don't you understand? How can I help? If you dont trust Wiki, feel free to find other sources, or y'know just demand that I do the work for you.
  8. butforwhy

    East Vs. West

    This seriously made me laugh. I'm so sorry you've got to deal with this. Sigh. I guess I should just learn to expect it.
  9. butforwhy

    East Vs. West

    Yes they absolutely are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_direction
  10. butforwhy

    East Vs. West

    Also this makes no sense. Saying left/right requires the listener to ask or know whether the speaker is speaking from their perspective or the perspective of the minimap. Just stating East/West ends the conversation. There is no ambiguity.
  11. butforwhy

    East Vs. West

    That's fine, but completely sidesteps the original point. I asked what the person meant, and they threw a tantrum over my having asked. The snide attitude these guys took over a question that shouldn't have to be asked is totally absurd. Left and right are ambiguous terms.
  12. RIP, common sense. We knew her well enough. Even if others couldn't be bothered. Ugh.
  13. butforwhy

    East Vs. West

    If you shout 'left' or 'right' knowing that those terms are relative, you're the one who is wasting time and confusing the issue. During a WZ when time is limited, I want a clear and unambiguous response. This is why East/West is superior to left/right.
  14. This would be amazing, but I was in a PUG. Maybe I'm expecting too much. Should I have assumed that East/West would be too obscure to understand?
  15. butforwhy

    East Vs. West

    So what you're saying is that I should have ignored my teammates and just looked at my map to assume? Words have meaning.
  16. I'm not looking for a warm fuzzy response, just a clear unambiguous one.
  17. butforwhy

    East Vs. West

    I'm just returning to the game after a long break. Recently in Voidstar, people began shouting "left" or "right" based on which door they determined needed the most defenders (I hope). The thing is, left and right are both relative to the direction you're facing. As a fresh returning player this totally confused me. I asked the team if they meant East or West? They repeated "left!!!". I pointed out that 'left' on the minimap, and 'left' from the perspective from which you respawn are two opposite directions. This guy referred to me as 'The Dumbness', and several on the team threatened to ignore me in chat. ***? I asked again "Do you mean left on the minimap, as in West?" ... Silence. I know this community can be toxic, but for people to straight up cut me out of a WZ because of their fundamental misunderstanding of what the words left and right actually mean is absurd. So what am I missing here? Why don't people use cardnial directions to avoid confusion? Is 'left' East or West? Crossposted to General
  18. I'm just returning to the game after a long break. Recently in Voidstar, people began shouting "left" or "right" based on which door they determined needed the most defenders (I hope). The thing is, left and right are both relative to the direction you're facing. As a fresh returning player this totally confused me. I asked the team if they meant East or West? They repeated "left!!!". I pointed out that 'left' on the minimap, and 'left' from the perspective from which you respawn are two opposite directions. This guy referred to me as 'The Dumbness', and several on the team threatened to ignore me in chat. ***? I asked again "Do you mean left on the minimap, as in West?" ... Silence. I know this community can be toxic, but for people to straight up cut me out of a WZ because of their fundamental misunderstanding of what the words left and right actually mean is absurd. So what am I missing here? Why don't people use cardnial directions to avoid confusion? Is 'left' East or West?
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