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missed opportunity, but you can salvage it bioware!


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Hi there!


So TFA is out and making crazy amounts of money. and i have seen many post where people were upset there was not connection to the game or vice versa.


but this is my observation on how Bioware could have used this box office behemoth to breath new life back into this game. ( however we all know they probably just want to move on, but some of us still love you! )


and now on to my point,


I see a ton of new players flocking to the game because of the release of SW : TFA, and Bioware failed horribly. i did see an add prior to the movie about swtor. but why was there no enticement to join?


all you had to do was offer a small deal or two like,


- Brand new players get 1 month sub status ( minus free cartel coins )

- a combo bundle of all expansions for $10. ( lets be honest nobody really cares about the expansions that are history but you still need to buy)

- some sort or gear that resembles some outfits in the movie.


I would personally like to know everyone's opinion on the matter. any ideas you would have implemented prior to TFA or anything you would implement moving forward?

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Considering the fact that the events of all seven films take place more than 3600 years after the events of this game, I can't imagine how you could make any kind of connection between the two, even in terms of similar looking gear. It's about like asking for Bronze Age Sumerian warrior garb in a World War II game, well vice-versa actually.


In fact, there's no guarantee that the Galactic Republic in SWTOR is even the same Galactic Republic that exists in the films. There could have been a Galactic-- something else in-between that lasted a thousand years, and you'd never even know it. Rome itself barely lasted a thousand years. Frankly, the fact that so much of the culture and technology is so similar across such a vast amount of time sometimes stretches the suspension of disbelief to it's very limits. Because I don't see any concrete reason why my D-5 Mantis couldn't hold it's own against Slave I, or how R2-D2 is any more capable than T7-01. Yeah, you've got Bacta instead of Kolto, but the difference seems minimal.


In my own headspace, I have to imagine that the galaxy of Star Wars reached a threshold where the science and technology reached some kind of plateau or ceiling, and there just isn't any more culture-changing scientific discoveries left to be made, and things just kinda move along mostly static for the next few thousand years. That's about the only way I can maintain my suspension of disbelief and accomplish any immersion whatsoever.

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Considering the fact that the events of all seven films take place more than 3600 years after the events of this game, I can't imagine how you could make any kind of connection between the two, even in terms of similar looking gear. It's about like asking for Bronze Age Sumerian warrior garb in a World War II game, well vice-versa actually.


I thought the same thing about why BW isnt trying to make money off of TFA...assuming Disney isnt preventing them from doing so. One of the ways i was thinking they could do this is with gear. Now it might not be possible to add stormtrooper armor from TFA into SWTOR cause that might seem like they are trying too hard to cash in on the movies success. But what about adding in Reys outfit and calling it "scavengers outfit" or something like that? or Fins outfit with the all black and borrowed Poe Jacket? they can name it "wanderers outfit" or something i dunno. Reys staff, BB8 as a pet but with a different name, Kylo Rens lightsaber...though that might be pushing it. Han Solos blaster, Chewies bowcaster or a standard Stormtrooper blaster rifle.


It would just suck to not see some of those things make it in game due to the timeline differences.

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...adding in Reys outfit and calling it "scavengers outfit" or something like that? or Fins outfit with the all black and borrowed Poe Jacket? they can name it "wanderers outfit" or something i dunno. Reys staff, BB8 as a pet but with a different name, Kylo Rens lightsaber...though that might be pushing it. Han Solos blaster, Chewies bowcaster or a standard Stormtrooper blaster rifle...


There is gear in the game now that is very similar to almost everything you listed... except Kylo Ren's lightsaber, and that's a good thing. That lightsaber is completely asinine, and if they add one like it to this game, I'll quit.

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Good points!


it does make sense that there may be no logical way to put the gear in there. but then again, even if it was cartel market exclusives. just for looks. it could work.


i do not really care that there was any correlation between TFA and SWTOR. because i know there is a massive gap in time. however i do make the argument that even a scenic thing like the island they go to in the last scene of TFA, if it turned out to be say an old temple that is in SWTOR. that would be epic. to put that in context just think about the pyramids. they have been around a long time. from an old civilization.


but my main point was that it saddens me they did not make any effort to entice all the people with "star wars fever" to get into this game, and possibly breathing some new life into it.

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I suspect that Battlefront was intended to be the tie-in vehicle for the whole "The Force Awakens" merchandise effort, because if you were to start seeing some content from the film in swtor, then new players coming to the game would be like "Dude, where's my Millenium Falcon?", missing the fact that the film happens far far in the future compared to the game.

Knowing Disney's incredibly slick merchandising setup and their general ability to milk every last cent out of as many people as possible, it is something that they would specifically have to decide not to do, as that kind of cross-over comes naturally to them.

The lack of content with Battlefront is explainable in this way, because the initial surge of players not connected to TFA get to iron out the server access problems, major bugs and so on, then when the TFA crowd plug in and want to play, everything is smooth. So as project timelines slip, instead of pushing the game release for Battlefront, they release with the relative lack of content that the game has, hoping to add more later once it works.

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...the island they go to in the last scene of TFA, if it turned out to be say an old temple that is in SWTOR. that would be epic...



Luke was supposedly looking for the "first Jedi temple". If they call that planet "Tython" by name in the next movie, I will literally have a nerdgasm right there in the theater.


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Frankly, the fact that so much of the culture and technology is so similar across such a vast amount of time sometimes stretches the suspension of disbelief to it's very limits.


I actually blame the stagnation on the nature of the war between the Jedi and the Sith. Whenever one of them really tries to create something new, the other panics and blows it up, along with all the research.

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Luke was supposedly looking for the "first Jedi temple". If they call that planet "Tython" by name in the next movie, I will literally have a nerdgasm right there in the theater.

I've heard it said that the planet Luke is on is Rakata Prime, and that Rakata Prime has been acknowledged as canon by Disney


I can only assume that Bioware's license for SWTOR does not give them any rights to advertise or promote SWTOR as having anything to do with The Force Awakens. Having said that...


There is totally a Droid in TFA that looks very much like Scorpio, and when Rey is climbing the mountain to meet with Luke, her outfit appears to be a wool version of Satelle Shan's pre 4.0 duds.


Edited by LordFell
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