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I find the lack of knowledge many players have, ... disturbing.


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Read the OP, and popped over to reply...


Of course the Empire is fascist. In fact, in spoiler related commentary, I read that one of the scenes in Force Awakens was 100% meant to parallel the Nazis. If you've seen it, this should be obvious.


But... Fascist is basically an insult. Fascists don't want to admit that they're fascist. They don't like to be called fascist. They're... "Purists" or "Traditionalists" or... "Patriots."


...the problem isn't lack of knowledge in the player base, the problem is you don't language good.

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I just know from older times that people were absolutely proud to call themselves as fascists in the game. That is why.


And of course I have seen the movie, and I loved the scene with General Hux, such power, such formations and such nice words, I am a national socialist now because I loved it? :D :D

Edited by LordSodos
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Lately I recruited for one of my bigger guilds and the reaction was... strange.


My post:


[imperial Propaganda Holonet] All fascists and Imperial patriots beware! Sign up for duty and join the <Imperial Special Forces> on its way to a better galaxy! Fight on the fronts of the battlefields of life and destroy the Republic butchers! Join up NOW!


So now about ten people whispered me if I would be a fascist, national socialist, racist and so on.


I find it just... SAD, that people these days do not know in what SYSTEM they live in, for what SYSTEM they fight for and stand for.


This system is the SITH EMPIRE. The Sith Empire is fascist, of course. It is also very racist, not against black people, but against other races, what is absolutely fine, else I would be no Imperial patriot. The Sith Empire even got its own racial law that outsources alien filth, which is good and keeps the empire pure.


So I said "Of course I am fascist. The empire is fascist, racist and a totalitarian regime." Then they shut up and one of them even joined the guild....


In older times of the game everyone knew that... and the reason why it is that way: In older times everyone played side missions, felt himself into the game and started to "live" in this universe. Today where people take less than one week to get level 50.... it is sure that people have ZERO idea about what the Sith Empire is and what its ideology is.


I'd say the joke is on you, and it is you who demonstrates a serious lack on knowledge of both modern terms and SW lore. You was not able to come up with anything creative and lore related in your advertisement, you used modern political terms to describe something very different and fictional, and even with that you failed, since you were positioning Empire as a self aware Big Evil rather then "order fighters". Should that be on Rep side - sure, way to go (minus modern terms like fascist) but do not blame people for a lack of RP and understanding if you are not capable of RPing and understanding lore yourself.

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I'd say the joke is on you, and it is you who demonstrates a serious lack on knowledge of both modern terms and SW lore. You was not able to come up with anything creative and lore related in your advertisement, you used modern political terms to describe something very different and fictional, and even with that you failed, since you were positioning Empire as a self aware Big Evil rather then "order fighters". Should that be on Rep side - sure, way to go (minus modern terms like fascist) but do not blame people for a lack of RP and understanding if you are not capable of RPing and understanding lore yourself.


You can't be serious. I know what people want to hear, I RP since Star Wars Galaxies came out and my knowledge about the lore was expanded with every Book I read and every movie I watched. It all fits together wonderful, if you use your fantasies at some points.


Some years ago all people on my server saw themselves as racist, fascists Imperial patriots and we included it into our advertising, and it worked very, very, very good. Today there is most likely another generation of players here, even in the glorious empire. Which is sad.

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Read the OP, and popped over to reply...


Of course the Empire is fascist. In fact, in spoiler related commentary, I read that one of the scenes in Force Awakens was 100% meant to parallel the Nazis. If you've seen it, this should be obvious.


But... Fascist is basically an insult. Fascists don't want to admit that they're fascist. They don't like to be called fascist. They're... "Purists" or "Traditionalists" or... "Patriots."


...the problem isn't lack of knowledge in the player base, the problem is you don't language good.


Hmm, while it did dissolve in 1995 the Italian Social Movement did identify as fascist.


I fail to see the term as being absolutely pejorative and not at all descriptive.


Now, Nazi is in my opinion an insult and very rarely actually accurate in any way.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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Hmm, while it did dissolve in 1995 the Italian Social Movement did identify as fascist.


I fail to see the term as being absolutely pejorative and not at all descriptive.


And again you mix it... I am well aware about the real history, I know nearly every battle since Columbus until 2003. Every regime and structure. No one can say that I am "under educated", and I see the empire as a fascist, racist, totalitarian regime, and I still follow it with patriotism, because I learned to live in it with my character.


And again you can't compare real racism with this racism, because the real racism is against black or against white, but in Star Wars it is against other species, which is good. Look at the purebloods, the first Sith on Korriban copulate with Massassi and the new race of the Sith Pureblood raised and quickly was the master race in the Empire, followed by humans, who were the master race before them. Now the blood of the pure sith is damaged because slaves, humans and other people copulate with purebloods. This way the blood thins out every generation.

Edited by LordSodos
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LOL, Good post and very true these days. People don't know the difference between fiction and reality. More so in a world that puts political correctness above everything else to an extent that borders on the absurd. It's a little sad when players expect that in a game about a battle between light and darkness.


I think this sentiment sums it up.


Good luck finding some players who can differentiate for your guild OP.

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I would rather call the Sith Empire an Autocracy. Totalitarian Autocracy

They worship the Emperor and the Sith as near deities.


And I also think that term 'fascist' somehow don't fit fantasy Star Wars game.

It is too heavily connoted now with real history. No wonder people had questions.


If you're indeed so vastly educated in SW lore, surely you could come up with some better, more SW-ish term for your militia.

Sith have their own history, they don't need to take terms from 1920s Italy.

Edited by jstankaroslo
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And again you mix it... I am well aware about the real history, I know nearly every battle since Columbus until 2003. Every regime and structure. No one can say that I am "under educated", and I see the empire as a fascist, racist, totalitarian regime, and I still follow it with patriotism, because I learned to live in it with my character.


And again you can't compare real racism with this racism, because the real racism is against black or against white, but in Star Wars it is against other species, which is good. Look at the purebloods, the first Sith on Korriban copulate with Massassi and the new race of the Sith Pureblood raised and quickly was the master race in the Empire, followed by humans, who were the master race before them. Now the blood of the pure sith is damaged because slaves, humans and other people copulate with purebloods. This way the blood thins out every generation.


Do not know about under-educated (have no idea about your education) but unimaginative and incapable to adopt your knowledge of and to the lore - yes, I can call you that. If you have a friend who also incapable to actually play in the given setting and has to bring real history to the plate - it's the problem of you and your friend, not the lore or people who do not understand the need to do so. You should not blame others for your shortcomings.

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Don't let the idiots get to you.


I stopped roleplaying a few years ago due to a particularly traumatic event, but before that, I was a hardcore roleplayer in every MMO I played since The Realm.


In Dark Age of Camelot, I was a member of a Siabra guild, based on the Unseelie Court of Irish mythology. Yes, we were evil. Yes, there were plenty of idiots who couldn't separate IC and OOC. We would vent to each other about it and then continue to do what we wanted. (And if your original post is a venting post, go for it. :) )


I believe that roleplaying is an art form, akin to impromtu acting, but with no director and no audience. It's too bad that the bad apples of ERP spoiled the whole bunch for a lot of people.


What needs to happen is education. Lead by example. Treat it like a performance. If you are amusing, people will get interested. I play on the Progenitor and I see people walking in the cantinas, but they are an insular group and never once have I really wanted to look any closer because it was the usual "I'm an evil evil Sith" or "I'm a dancing girl". This is what is causing the death of RP -- those who don't draw new people into it. Comment on a random person, perform an amusing action. Play a loopy bartender. Make those who don't understand RP *want* to understand it and want to get involved.


Also, I really flipping hate that roleplay has been reduced to cantinas. In UO there was plenty of RP out in the wild. I used to roleplay in group chat in Dark Age and also in Warhammer Online. Never was I out of character. Of course the mundanes complained or didn't get it. Screw 'em. Those who did understand made up for everyone else.


And yes, this did turn into a sort of rant. Sorry for that. I do miss the wonderful times I've had roleplaying with some amazingly talented people over the years.

Edited by Cedia
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There are too many 90s kids who feel entitled to everything they see. Unfortunately, these vermin also populate our Internet servers. Add the ignorant clueless millennials to the mix and you might understand the cesspool of mediocrity that now is the majority of every MMO playerbase.
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