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Dmg dealers breaking 2.5k dps, but hardly killing anybody or achieving WZ objectives


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These individuals are good at pressing buttons and that's why they manage to produce a non-stop dmg at WZs like my little sister would do on a training-dummy.

But then, if you look at their kills and/or achieved WZ objectives, it's nothing special. And their win/lose ratio is exactly the same that one would also expect from a 1k DPS.


Yet, these great heroes of pointless damage locate themselves amongst the 1% elite PvPers. They feel entitled to yell at everybody who doesn't share their opinion, since according to them, everybody else is bad.


How comes?

Edited by Cretinus
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Cretinus, please, take a break from this game. You are so badly unhappy, I am worried for you. Please, just do something else for a while and do some soul searching. You are self-obsessed and consumed by misery and petty envy. You need to learn contentment and empathy before you pick up another warzone. You are not cooping with what competitive nature the game has in its PvP aspect. Edited by DomiSotto
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Because different people go into a PvP match with different goals. Some go in to try and win the match, work as a team, co-ordinate. Others go into it with a clear goal of buffing their leaderboard stats (or at least the stats that they feel are important to them).

Just the same as people who play the endgame PvE generally fall into 2 categories (forgetting about the 3rd category, which is "not competent") - those who go into a fight with a desire to complete the content, and those who go into the fight with a desire to top the DPS parse lists.

Your goals are different from theirs, and for each the other is both wrong and braindead/should not be allowed to procreate/play computer games, and neither can or will find a place for the other in their chosen activity.

The person/team who wins most consistently is the one that finds a way to get something out of both types of player. Not criticizing, just saying ;)

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Are you the one crying "GET ORBS!!!!" when no one is dying in the middle of a hypergate?


Obviously he is, but I think my tactic of taking them myself is better than any ********. He must be very social player in WZ's kappa


But to be honest, Cretinus, you need to get some distance and be more cool when it comes to pvp, otherwise your undying soul will suffer much longer than you play particular WZ and then you post 3 whole days on pvp forum, starting on OP heals and ending on bad DPS's.

It's not only bad for our mental health (even physical, coz sometimes what you write is truly cancerous), but mostly yours. :3

Take care of your actions and stay chilled,

Much love xoxo

Edited by garomaath
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Cretinus, please, take a break from this game. You are so badly unhappy, I am worried for you. Please, just do something else for a while and do some soul searching. You are self-obsessed and consumed by misery and petty envy. You need to learn contentment and empathy before you pick up another warzone. You are not cooping with what competitive nature the game has in its PvP aspect.


Now, now, this is the living proof of the blind hen being able to find a needle in a haystack . . .


Only the other day, I planted the bomb in VS, lowered the bridge and attempted to plant the second door on my VG Tank!!! At that moment there were me and four red ones at the second door . . . All the others were still in the first attackzone in front of the first door gathering their precious stats . . .


I'll say that there's a growing fear in the pvp community of not producing the stat and that it doesn't matter whether you're in a wz or arena or even know the difference between said pvp places . . . What I wouldn't give for a tandem stun while guarding a node in AHG, atleast it would show that some know what they're doing . . . :eek:

Edited by t-darko
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These individuals are good at pressing buttons and that's why they manage to produce a non-stop dmg at WZs like my little sister would do on a training-dummy.

But then, if you look at their kills and/or achieved WZ objectives, it's nothing special. And their win/lose ratio is exactly the same that one would also expect from a 1k DPS.


Yet, these great heroes of pointless damage locate themselves amongst the 1% elite PvPers. They feel entitled to yell at everybody who doesn't share their opinion, since according to them, everybody else is bad.


How comes?


Not much you can do but laugh.. As a conceal op my overall dmg isnt all that great usually compared to top dps.. so I do like those wz's where i can put out bigger #'s. But overall my killing blows and solo kills are what really makes me smile. Doing tons of dmg with no kills is LOL. And of course winning the match is important too. Or at least it should be.

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Does it even matter ? I mean, other things seem to be more important ( kills, that is ), in Hypergates, if I understood the mechanic correctly ...


In hypergate, orbs give a few more points (each) than kills - but there are limited orbs and potentially unlimited kills. Orbs are really only an incentive to stop one team from simply turtling by their pylon.


And of course you can't take orbs if people are attacking you. Those people who just sit there spam-clicking an orb and screaming for their team to 'play objectives' are doing nobody any favours.


So long as both teams have solid node guarding, AH is almost all about kills. Things were a little different in 8v8 ranked where it was about a 3-4 split with a floater and capping your node while preventing the other team from taking theirs. But that level of coordination is beyond a pug.

Edited by Jherad
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These individuals are good at pressing buttons and that's why they manage to produce a non-stop dmg at WZs like my little sister would do on a training-dummy.

But then, if you look at their kills and/or achieved WZ objectives, it's nothing special. And their win/lose ratio is exactly the same that one would also expect from a 1k DPS.


Yet, these great heroes of pointless damage locate themselves amongst the 1% elite PvPers. They feel entitled to yell at everybody who doesn't share their opinion, since according to them, everybody else is bad.


How comes?


Go away, you are bad at PVP.


Not everyone has the gaming skills to manage it, its ok, there is plenty of PVE in this game for you, you will enjoy it.


At the end of the day, PVP is about winning, not taking part, and having you on my team, means I am more likely to lose than win, so you are essentially trolling warzones by just being there.


I do agree with you in your point regarding number chasers, they are as bad as you are, PVPers do not care about where they are on the leader board, what dps or hps they achieved, and certainly not how many medals they get (you get 1 comm per medal, who gives a darn), all that matters, is that we win the game.


The gaming world is catching up with our liberal real world where it is somehow wrong for people to lose, which frankly is garbage.


Competitive sport, or gaming is not about taking part, no one remembers the losers.

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The gaming world is catching up with our liberal real world where it is somehow wrong for people to lose, which frankly is garbage.


Competitive sport, or gaming is not about taking part, no one remembers the losers.


Point one is fair enough, but point two... Why do you play, if not to have fun? And if you have fun only when winning, why keep playing when you lose?

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For me it's because of that word "competitive". Losing is just part of what you do until you get good enough to win more often. It's always been that way and if that changes, it probably won't be PVP anymore. There are always better players than me, and I want to learn, practice and get more used to things, slow the pvp down to my perception, and then climb over the corpses of those who used to be better than me and kill them every time i see them in a wz. FUN!


<cough> I almost always play healers and this dps merc I've just started with is going to my head.

Edited by Rantank
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The gaming world is catching up with our liberal real world where it is somehow wrong for people to lose, which frankly is garbage.


Competitive sport, or gaming is not about taking part, no one remembers the losers.


Lol at you "conservatives" and your claim to loving fair competition (see massive corporate welfare for the counter example to that). I think you have confused "wrong for people to lose" with "there is no shame in losing".


Also, I remember quite clearly that the Bills lost all four Superbowls they went to; so much for you "nobody remembers the losers" thesis.


Man I hate conservative blowhards.

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These individuals are good at pressing buttons and that's why they manage to produce a non-stop dmg at WZs like my little sister would do on a training-dummy.

But then, if you look at their kills and/or achieved WZ objectives, it's nothing special. And their win/lose ratio is exactly the same that one would also expect from a 1k DPS.


Yet, these great heroes of pointless damage locate themselves amongst the 1% elite PvPers. They feel entitled to yell at everybody who doesn't share their opinion, since according to them, everybody else is bad.


How comes?


Dps dps dps ...stop focusing on your stuff: when i focus on heal it's the same i'm on the bottom down quater if not last.


When i play objective and less concentrate on being a heal bot: BOOOM! i'm often in the 2/3 first in medals if my team wins.

What do you think is best for the team:


- when i heal for 2M and i'm at the bottom because i was with "the pack" the entire match.


-when i heal for 1M and i'm at the top because i was in def when needed, rushing to help capping when needed, delaying as much as i can and all that while healing/shooting/ccing?


I don't have the answer, but i beleive it's the 2nd one.


So again man, stop thinking like it's a deathmatch looking at your dps/total dmg/biggest hit and >>>>>>> play objective!

Edited by digitalyn
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Just had a Hutball. Extraordinary DPS we had. Top 2 both above 3k and the remaining ones all great DPSers too. Was still a loss. These individuals were all standing mid and playing for the damage meters, nothing else.


I meanwhile have to agree with people who say that most DPSers are terribads. Not because of their dmg output (well, at least as long as they hit at least >1k), but because of their fixation with it. PvP DPSers in this game are like a bunch of PvEers with a damage-meter fetish.

Edited by Cretinus
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Just had a Hutball. Extraordinary DPS we had. Top 2 both above 3k and the remaining ones all great DPSers too. Was still a loss. These individuals were all standing mid and playing for the damage meters, nothing else.


I meanwhile have to agree with people who say that most DPSers are terribads. Not because of their dmg output (well, at least as long as they hit at least >1k), but because of their fixation with it. PvP DPSers in this game are like a bunch of PvEers with a damage-meter fetish.


People find PVP'ing in a PVP match fun, strange I know.

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Top tier DPS are doing well above 2.5k DPS. Have you tried being better?


Top tier DPS above 4k is where I am. Have you tried to refrain from klicking your usual PvE rotation? If you'd follow a more PvP oriented approach, you could easilly hit 1k DPS. This would be an acceptable start for a long term back-paddling PvE-klicker. People would surely understand.


Happy Easter to you too.

Edited by Cretinus
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Top tier DPS above 4k is where I am. Have you tried to refrain from klicking your usual PvE rotation? If you'd follow a more PvP oriented approach, you could easilly hit 1k DPS. This would be an acceptable start for a long term back-paddling PvE-klicker. People would surely understand.


Happy Easter to you too.


I will not lie to you, but I find this awfully amusing given your clear ineptness at PVP.

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People are trying to tell you that 2.5k dps is kinda average for a decent DPS. It's not 'damage farming', it's just 'stuff we're doing while playing objectives'. Which makes the title of this thread just plain weird.


It does explain why you're personally having so much difficulty killing healers though.

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Lol at you "conservatives" and your claim to loving fair competition (see massive corporate welfare for the counter example to that). I think you have confused "wrong for people to lose" with "there is no shame in losing".


Also, I remember quite clearly that the Bills lost all four Superbowls they went to; so much for you "nobody remembers the losers" thesis.


Man I hate conservative blowhards.


Given that you are clearly an American, I am not entirely sure what a "conservative blowhard" is, or what your point is meant to be.


I live in the UK and have never voted for these career politicians who are currently in power, and never would. However, that's not the point.


The point I was making is that it has become wrong for people to lose and come runner up, or fail an exam at school these days. Do-gooder culture has created this drivel.


When I finished school and University in the early 80s, people were allowed the fail exams, now, well they don't, there are simply more grades of success, with the bottom grades, which are still essentially fails, leaving the person involved with a misguided opinion of where they stand in the pecking order. Essentially, they think they are better than they are.


The world now appears to creating too many wannabe chiefs, with people not prepared to be the indian anymore, this is due to the falling standards, and people not allowed to fail, don't want them upset now do we.


It is a prime reason we have thousands of Eastern Europeans in the UK, doing menial jobs, that Johnny, fresh out of school with his 6 grade E's thinks he is too good to do, he wants to a Media Studies Consultant don't you know, not a car wash attendant.


The same applies to competitive sports. Show me one team or professional sportsman who is happy losing, they do not exist. They play to win. You only need to see grown men in tears after losing a world cup final for example.


All that said, I do agree, that there is indeed, no shame in losing, as long as you did the best you can, and certainly from a SWTOR PVP stance, learn from it, but, a competitive sportsman, will forget that match and move on, and do his best to win the next one. Taking part is not in the mentality of winners.

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What you forget though, that for hundreds professional athletes out there that earn money by winning, there are millions who jogg in the park or toss a basketball or play a soccer game for fun. Sure, any activity that involves a scoreboard appeals to a competitive part in us that is a part of our survival mechanism. Nobody queues up with an intention to not do well (well, almost no-one).


But the thing is, there is such a thing as athletic ceiling, and the similar thing is with the gaming. The 'everyone can achieve anything if they only try hard enough' is a fallacy, and a fairly modern Western concept that breeds unhappiness in the most fortunate and affluent of people.


Play because it makes you happy. There is no better reason for it. You are one of the very few people in the world that can spend leisurely time in a fantasy world. If you are unhappy while at that, you are an undeserving brat. Sure, strive to win, find the advantages that maximize your results, stay on the level of play that you can cope with (there are 4, thanks goodness), etc.


But don't follow into the footsteps of the OP in this thread. Just... don't.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I have been observing the forums lately, pvp in particular, and have seen the outcry against "sorc healers" and "sage healers". I dont see things the same way as the masses though apparently. In my opinion, the reason heals seem to dominate in so many pvp matches is because of the gross lack of damage dealers. Are there a lot of damage dealing players, yes, but is thier output significant enough to make a difference, no.


It ironic that there is a post knocking the elite dmg dealers when we actually need more of them.


It is the reason solo ranked has never worked and why players have been forced into the group ranked scene. It is the only way a passionate pvp'er can protect a ranking.


Now, as to the OP's question in regards to "how come": Who knows really. There are so many different senarios in regs and ranked that could occur. Im my experience though, when an event as u explained happens, its usually because one team is all dmg while the other consists of dmg dealers and healers.

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