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How powerful is Malgus?!


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Hey there all, just had a few questions about a loved (and very awesome) character. Darth Malgus. I was just wondering how strong Malgus really is compared to some other sith. Could he beat Marr? Could he beat Satele Shan in a fair fight? Is it just his saber skills that make him great or does he have tremendous force power??


My opinion is that yes, Malgus could dominate both Marr and Satele. While I do love Marr, Malgus has this gritt to him that gives him an edge over Marr, I think his pure saber talent and raw strength would give him the power to beat Marr.


Satele? I'm not so sure about, it seemed like he was wrecking her in the hope trailer until she blocked his flipping light saber with her hand! Da*** O_o... Anyways all of their fights seem to get interrupted by some outsider (looking at you Mr.Trooper that happens to be making babies with Satele) so I don't know...


Tell me what you think!! Feel free to add more matchups and comparisons in the comments! Thank you! :rak_03:

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It's an interesting question.... it's hard to say for sure. I'd say they're probably all roughly equal. Though I'll give you my take if I had to pick a victor.


(potential spoilers below)


Malgus vs. Satele

I would say Malgus has the edge in this one. We've already seen two matchups between them, and Malgus came on top in both 1v1's (He beats her in "Return", but she is saved by her master, and he beats her in "Hope" but she's saved by Jace Malcolm). In addition to this, Malgus just has more feats in general.... he rose to the near top of the Sith Empire and defeated many powerful Sith and Jedi, more then Satele did, and was only defeated by a strike team of four of SWTOR's PC's. I mean, Satele has some powerful abilities (such as Battle Meditation), so I wouldn't exactly say Malgus is necessarily stronger in the force then Satele, but in a straight up duel, with Malgus' brute strength and dueling capabilities.... I'd say Malgus has the edge (as we saw in the previously mentioned fights).


Malgus vs. Marr

This one is harder to determine.... though I'd probably go with Marr actually. Reason being he's the defacto leader of the Empire.... while not actually Emperor, he has the most authority and power in the Dark Council, and by extension the entire Empire. In an Empire whose leadership structure is based almost solely around strength (where straight up murdering your boss is a perfectly valid way to take his job), it stands to reason Marr is the most powerful Sith (save Vitiate, of course) in the Empire, and that includes Malgus... As if anyone (Malgus included) was stronger, they'd be the leader, not Marr. Before Malgus goes renegade, Marr is technically his superior, which to me communicates that Marr is probably stronger. That said, Malgus does have more feats then Marr, so who knows..... my hunch says Marr though.

Edited by Swissbob
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Satele? I'm not so sure about, it seemed like he was wrecking her in the hope trailer until she blocked his flipping light saber with her hand! Da*** O_o... Anyways all of their fights seem to get interrupted by some outsider (looking at you Mr.Trooper that happens to be making babies with Satele) so I don't know...


Tell me what you think!! Feel free to add more matchups and comparisons in the comments! Thank you! :rak_03:

I'm thinking Malgus had the edge because of experience.


In the "Return" trailer, Satele is still a Padawan while Malgus is a full Sith Lord, if I recall correctly. So I think there's probably a huge gap in how long they've been training. And I think the same would hold true for the "Hope" trailer.


As the game opens, however, I would think this gap would have shrunk somewhat. I can totally see endgame Satele having the edge. Like Yoda said, the Dark Side is quicker, easier, and more seductive - but NOT more powerful.



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Id say Malgus would come out on top in a FIGHT vs. both of them, if you have read the book Deceived it seems like Darth Malgus is about the best Warrior Sith around during his time he just despises the political games and underhanded backstabbing that it takes to rise further in the Sith caste system. He also prefers to be in the action, fighting against enemies in person not sitting back plotting against other Sith, so in a straight up fight, Lightsabre vs Lighsabre Darth Malgus would come out on top, im really not sure how many on either side during his time could beat him in a straight up 1v1 brawl.
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I always got the feeling that Malgus made a break away from the Empire to found his own version because he was probably sick of the Council either interfering with his schemes, blocking his assent to the Council, and just generally treating him as a subordinate. I'm sure he was pretty powerful himself, but he always seems to be getting sent to do the dirty work by more superior Sith. As was pointed out, the Sith hierarchy relies on strength, and I think if Malgus could have killed his way to the top, he would have. Why found a new empire if the structure of one already exists and you have the strength to take it for yourself? He just wasn't strong enough.

Kinda like a kid, packing a suitcase to run away from home cause they don't get everything their own way.

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Why found a new empire if the structure of one already exists and you have the strength to take it for yourself

If you've ever done False Emperor imp side and a few other of the FP's, he makes it quite clear why he went this route.

The inbuilt racism of the empire could never be truly changed with just a change of leadership as it is rotten to the core, hence his vision for a new empire that embraces all races and species.

Marr is just a puppet of the dark council and as much as he says he dislikes the bickering, would not go against the flow of the purebloods reigning supreme.

No, the only way Malgus's vision could come to bare was to wipe the Dark Council and Imperial hierarchy from the galaxy and start anew.

A vision I would of followed if I had the choice. :)

Edited by JennyCharmers
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That's mostly true, but even then, they were allowing pretty much any species into the Sith Academy (not just what species the player can choose, but you can also see others, such as Xalek), and one of Marr's most trusted Imperial officers is a cathar. Why else would Marr have him on Makeb, where the recovery of Isotope-5 is paramount to the safety of the Empire? Just doing a bit of Wookieepedia-ing here, but they also appointed Darth Karrid, a Falleen, to the council (eventually).


Malgus was just using that as his political propaganda to recruit people to his cause. If he truly wanted to try to fix things, (and he was strong enough) he would've forced his way onto the severely weakened council. Remember, this part of the story takes place after the main class stories, where the warrior and inquisitor have both killed council members. The council at this time was down to about 6 members, as far as I can make out.


Edited by CrazyCT
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well it takes 4 finest of the empire to take on malgus, while marr is mere companion who dies in a single lighting spark :p



Where the finest of the empire who took down Malgus because it was the empire was the on who presented Valkorian with Malgus frozen? And also you do know that to reach Malgus we needed to cut trough a whole army I mean ever Raven needed a strike force to reach Malak.


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It's an interesting question.... it's hard to say for sure. I'd say they're probably all roughly equal. Though I'll give you my take if I had to pick a victor.


(potential spoilers below)


Malgus vs. Satele

I would say Malgus has the edge in this one. We've already seen two matchups between them, and Malgus came on top in both 1v1's (He beats her in "Return", but she is saved by her master, and he beats her in "Hope" but she's saved by Jace Malcolm). In addition to this, Malgus just has more feats in general.... he rose to the near top of the Sith Empire and defeated many powerful Sith and Jedi, more then Satele did, and was only defeated by a strike team of four of SWTOR's PC's. I mean, Satele has some powerful abilities (such as Battle Meditation), so I wouldn't exactly say Malgus is necessarily stronger in the force then Satele, but in a straight up duel, with Malgus' brute strength and dueling capabilities.... I'd say Malgus has the edge (as we saw in the previously mentioned fights).


I would say that's a little off. In the first cut she is a padawan. In the second we see that yeah, Malgus is a better duelist but Satele's tutaminis is powerful enough to stop light sabers and she can drop a Mountain on him. I would say that fight is actually a crap shoot with whether it end as a saber or force duel determining the Victor.


Malgus vs. Marr

This one is harder to determine.... though I'd probably go with Marr actually. Reason being he's the defacto leader of the Empire.... while not actually Emperor, he has the most authority and power in the Dark Council, and by extension the entire Empire. In an Empire whose leadership structure is based almost solely around strength (where straight up murdering your boss is a perfectly valid way to take his job), it stands to reason Marr is the most powerful Sith (save Vitiate, of course) in the Empire, and that includes Malgus... As if anyone (Malgus included) was stronger, they'd be the leader, not Marr. Before Malgus goes renegade, Marr is technically his superior, which to me communicates that Marr is probably stronger. That said, Malgus does have more feats then Marr, so who knows..... my hunch says Marr though.


I don't think we could answer this at all tbh. Why is Marr the defacto ruler?


A) he is the Dark Council member in charge of the back bone of the Empire, the Military. Probably unwise to piss off the guy that can Blockade your home planet when you make a visit, or even arrange for your personal Dreadnaught to have a "tragic accident."


B) he is the guy who controls the current source of the Empires Energy Independence, Isotobe 5


C) I suspect, that his frustration at the traditional "back stabbing" that goes hand in hand with being With puts him in the unique position of being the one member of that Council that the others make begrudgingly trust to make decisions in the best interests of the Empire.


Sometimes people make the mistake of assuming the Influence of a SWTOR character ks related to their personal strength. Thing is SWTOR isnt Drangonball Z. Marr is clearly powerful, you don't become a Darth without it. I just think the only thing we can say about his power is "Not strong enough to beat Valkorian."

Edited by Ghisallo
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Malgus vs Marr

I always had the impression Marr is the reliable counterpart of Malgus for storyplot reasons. Or let's call him the good twin. Both are quite potent in the force, both are strongwilled, very skilled swordfighters, intelligent leaders and charismatic.

So, who would win? Well if both are actually the same coin but different sides of it I think this would quite go on Pat. I'd go however for Malgus for obvious reasons. His story is already well known and most of us liked him a lot. Beside that he was the face of Sith empire, since SWTOR release.


Malgus vs. Satele

Well this is actually a hard one. While Satele has undoubtfull the greater understanding of the force, Malgus is clearly the better fighter and he knows how to use all of his skills. But let's assume ther would be no disturbances during their duell. Who would win? I could only answer subjectively. We all can only answer this extremely subjecitve. There are people who like Satele and would say, she will clearly have the upper hand. Other who dislike her or like Malgus more, would favour him. I'd go for Malgus, for several reasons. He uses basic swordfightig techniques, and can rely on well designed fighting styles. Also his use of the force is limited to the most usefull features. Hes entire style is compact and greedy. Satele's entire skills are for my understanding to much of a showoff, and this isn't helpfull in a dogfight with such a fighter as Malgus. Let's say, for the better understanding they are swords. Malgus is a broadword while Satele is a Rapier. Who would win? Depends of who would impose its style. If the Broadsword gets a direct hit on the Rapier, the Rapier will break. How could a Rapier damage the Boradsword, .. by poking it? It wouldn't be very effective.


How powerfull is Malgus?

I assume on the identical powerlevel of Darth Marr. But do we speak of skill level as well?

Keep in mind, Darth Vader was ultimate raw power, still he had less kowledge of the Force as Darth Sidious. So, what is the right choiche to gain the upper hand? Knowledge and understanding vs raw power? Actually this question works as well for the "Malgus vs Satele" fight.

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That's mostly true, but even then, they were allowing pretty much any species into the Sith Academy (not just what species the player can choose, but you can also see others, such as Xalek), and one of Marr's most trusted Imperial officers is a cathar. Why else would Marr have him on Makeb, where the recovery of Isotope-5 is paramount to the safety of the Empire? Just doing a bit of Wookieepedia-ing here, but they also appointed Darth Karrid, a Falleen, to the council (eventually).


Malgus was just using that as his political propaganda to recruit people to his cause. If he truly wanted to try to fix things, (and he was strong enough) he would've forced his way onto the severely weakened council. Remember, this part of the story takes place after the main class stories, where the warrior and inquisitor have both killed council members. The council at this time was down to about 6 members, as far as I can make out.


Propaganda? Please, he was in love with a twi'lek.

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Satele is not in her prime during SWTOR. She clearly states that in Colicoid War Games cutscene.

She got rusty being the leader, not the fighter for quite some time.


Malgus was on the front lines, so IMO he could beat Satele.


Malgus vs Marr -well Marr is said to be very good. And strong in the force. Might be Marr is a bit stronger in the force while Malgus is stronger with his lightsaber. Battle hardened Juggernaut vs General.

I'd bet 6:4 for Malgus, but they both wouldn't be to eager to fight each other.


IMO Malgus is the strongest duelist among the Sith save for Wrath.


My order of best SWTOR duelist (not strongest force users -force is not only for fighting, you know)


Hero of Tython



Marr (maybe)


The difference between Knight and Consular is like Mace and Yoda. Mace beat Sidious because he was better duelist. Yoda was still stronger is the force.

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Malgus vs. Satele

I would say Malgus has the edge in this one. We've already seen two matchups between them, and Malgus came on top in both 1v1's (He beats her in "Return", but she is saved by her master, and he beats her in "Hope" but she's saved by Jace Malcolm). In addition to this, Malgus just has more feats in general.... he rose to the near top of the Sith Empire and defeated many powerful Sith and Jedi, more then Satele did, and was only defeated by a strike team of four of SWTOR's PC's. I mean, Satele has some powerful abilities (such as Battle Meditation), so I wouldn't exactly say Malgus is necessarily stronger in the force then Satele, but in a straight up duel, with Malgus' brute strength and dueling capabilities.... I'd say Malgus has the edge (as we saw in the previously mentioned fights).


I'm going to have to agree with Ghisallo here, especially in regards to the underlined portion. In the Return trailer she was still a Padawan, and in the Hope trailer we see her shortly after she became a full fledged Jedi Knight while Malgus was already a Darth. Then there's fact that he didn't have Satele beaten in the Hope trailer, he was the one that was defeated in that battle. She'd caught Malgus' lightsaber so that wasn't a finishing blow. Malcom's subsequent intervention broke up the battle for a moment but Satele showed afterward she had enough strength with the Force even then to blast Malgus into the side of a mountain and then bring it down on top of him. Even at that point in their lives I'd expect the battle to be very close as it was in that trailer, with the victor being determined by what course the battle took. Malgus was clearly shown to be the better straight duelist while Satele was clearly the stronger Force user of the two. So circumstances and surroundings would probably play a key role in a fight between these two.

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Malgus vs. Satele

I would say Malgus has the edge in this one. We've already seen two matchups between them, and Malgus came on top in both 1v1's (He beats her in "Return", but she is saved by her master, and he beats her in "Hope" but she's saved by Jace Malcolm). In addition to this, Malgus just has more feats in general.... he rose to the near top of the Sith Empire and defeated many powerful Sith and Jedi, more then Satele did, and was only defeated by a strike team of four of SWTOR's PC's. I mean, Satele has some powerful abilities (such as Battle Meditation), so I wouldn't exactly say Malgus is necessarily stronger in the force then Satele, but in a straight up duel, with Malgus' brute strength and dueling capabilities.... I'd say Malgus has the edge (as we saw in the previously mentioned fights).

Malgus and Satele were used to show the differences of their classes in the trailers. SWTOR seperates Jedi and Sith into Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors, who are skilled in the use of the Force, but masters of the Lightsaber, and Jedi Consulars/Sith Inquisitors, who are skilled with the Lightsaber, but masters of the Force. In line with that Malgus the Juggernaut wins the Lightsaber battle, but at a greater distance is almost crushed by the force abilities of Jedi Shadow Satele, though I think they added a bit of Jedi Sage to her here. Then again, they also gave him the dual lightsaber ability of Marauders in Return, so I guess that evens it out.

Edited by trueKieran
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Satele is not in her prime during SWTOR. She clearly states that in Colicoid War Games cutscene.

She got rusty being the leader, not the fighter for quite some time.


Malgus was on the front lines, so IMO he could beat Satele.


Malgus vs Marr -well Marr is said to be very good. And strong in the force. Might be Marr is a bit stronger in the force while Malgus is stronger with his lightsaber. Battle hardened Juggernaut vs General.

I'd bet 6:4 for Malgus, but they both wouldn't be to eager to fight each other.


IMO Malgus is the strongest duelist among the Sith save for Wrath.


My order of best SWTOR duelist (not strongest force users -force is not only for fighting, you know)


Hero of Tython



Marr (maybe)


The difference between Knight and Consular is like Mace and Yoda. Mace beat Sidious because he was better duelist. Yoda was still stronger is the force.


A couple of things I wish to address.


First, when Satele and Malgus first fought she was a Padawan and he was a Lord. He had more experience training to fight during a time that the Jedi barely ever had to lift their lightsabers to do anything with them. By the time they saw each other again on Alderaan, she was very much in her prime. She could have easily bested Malgus but since this is an MMO, they just had to have her "need help" from the main Trooper charafter in the game to show that Troopers could actually stand up to a Sith Lord, which in reality, they would be crushed in the blink of an eye. I believe the game makers only made this choice to show this "equality" among the classes but we all know that in a movie, an insignificant trooper would fall easily,

much like a certain dark skinned trooper easily fell to the main dark force user in a certain new Star Wars movie by now we have all seen.



Second, Mace ONLY "beat" Palpatine because Palpatine let him so he could beg for mercy in front of Anakin to get him on his side. he knew Anakin would save him. Palpatine could have easily destroyed Mace.


Anyways, to answer my opinion for what it's worth to the OP, Malgus was able to force choke multiple people at once. Was capable of strong force lightning. Was able to weaken en opponents mind to make them doubt themselves, and this was up against The Hero of Tython, the Barsen'thor, and a cunning Smuggler and more than competent trooper. Or from the perspective of the Empire, a Dark Council member, the Emperor's Wrath, Imperial Intelligence's top agent and The Grand Champion of the Great Hunt. In both cases, you STILL needed a bomb to defeat him only after the four powerful people came together to defeat him.


Malgus is powerful, I say that in a present sense, because I believe that we have not seen the last of him.

Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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Malgus and Satele were used to show the differences of their classes in the trailers. SWTOR seperates Jedi and Sith into Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors, who are skilled in the use of the Force, but masters of the Lightsaber, and Jedi Consulars/Sith Inquisitors, who are skilled with the Lightsaber, but masters of the Force. In line with that Malgus the Juggernaut wins the Lightsaber battle, but at a greater distance is almost crushed by the force abilities of Jedi Shadow Satele, though I think they added a bit of Jedi Sage to her here. Then again, they also gave him the dual lightsaber ability of Marauders in Return, so I guess that evens it out.


Perhaps the BEST explanation of how that all went down based on the classes in the GAME! They also made sure Satele seemed like she needed "help" from a Trooper making it seem like, for gaming purpose, the trooper would stand a chance on the battlefield with a Sith Lord.


Your deduction is SPOT ON!

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A couple of things I wish to address.


First, when Satele and Malgus first fought she was a Padawan and he was a Lord. He had more experience training to fight during a time that the Jedi barely ever had to lift their lightsabers to do anything with them. By the time they saw each other again on Alderaan, she was very much in her prime. She could have easily bested Malgus but since this is an MMO, they just had to have her "need help" from the main Trooper charafter in the game to show that Troopers could actually stand up to a Sith Lord, which in reality, they would be crushed in the blink of an eye. I believe the game makers only made this choice to show this "equality" among the classes but we all know that in a movie, an insignificant trooper would fall easily, much like a certain dark skinned trooper easily fell to the main dark force user in a certain new Star Wars movie by now we have all seen.


Second, Mace ONLY "beat" Palpatine because Palpatine let him so he could beg for mercy in front of Anakin to get him on his side. he knew Anakin would save him. Palpatine could have easily destroyed Mace.


Anyways, to answer my opinion for what it's worth to the OP, Malgus was able to force choke multiple people at once. Was capable of strong force lightning. Was able to weaken en opponents mind to make them doubt themselves, and this was up against The Hero of Tython, the Barsen'thor, and a cunning Smuggler and more than competent trooper. Or from the perspective of the Empire, a Dark Council member, the Emperor's Wrath, Imperial Intelligence's top agent and The Grand Champion of the Great Hunt. In both cases, you STILL needed a bomb to defeat him only after the four powerful people came together to defeat him.


Malgus is powerful, I say that in a present sense, because I believe that we have not seen the last of him.


I soloed him ;)

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I would say that's a little off. In the first cut she is a padawan. In the second we see that yeah, Malgus is a better duelist but Satele's tutaminis is powerful enough to stop light sabers and she can drop a Mountain on him. I would say that fight is actually a crap shoot with whether it end as a saber or force duel determining the Victor.


Yes, Satele is a padawn, but Malgus is an apprentice. They were both not at their prime, not just Satele. EDIT: And so while Satele gained a significant amount of power since that fight, so did Malgus.... and so it stands to reason if Malgus was superior then, after an equal amount of time passed, with both of them getting stronger, Malgus would be again superior now. If x>y , adding 1 to both is not going to make y > x.


And in "Hope".... yeah, it's not like Satele got stomped by Malgus by any means.... but I still believe Malgus is the "victor"..... if one had to be chosen.

. Malgus seems to have the edge almost the entire time.... Satele is on the defensive most of the time, getting struck several times, engaging in a losing saber lock (though bailing herself out of it), getting force pushed into a tree, then immediately after that getting her saber broken.


At this point in the fight (right before Jace Malcolm's intervention), she's on her knees holding back Malgus' saber (with quite a considerable look of effort and pain on her face), while Malgus is slowly pushing his saber into her. Now, Satele held her own for sure, but most of the beats of the fight played out in Malgus' favor, and the ending certainly favored Malgus.


You say it's a total crapshoot, and I do agree they are very close matches.... but based on the evidence we have, I do think we can say Malgus has a slight edge.




I don't think we could answer this at all tbh. Why is Marr the defacto ruler?


A) he is the Dark Council member in charge of the back bone of the Empire, the Military. Probably unwise to piss off the guy that can Blockade your home planet when you make a visit, or even arrange for your personal Dreadnaught to have a "tragic accident."


B) he is the guy who controls the current source of the Empires Energy Independence, Isotobe 5


C) I suspect, that his frustration at the traditional "back stabbing" that goes hand in hand with being With puts him in the unique position of being the one member of that Council that the others make begrudgingly trust to make decisions in the best interests of the Empire.


Sometimes people make the mistake of assuming the Influence of a SWTOR character ks related to their personal strength. Thing is SWTOR isnt Drangonball Z. Marr is clearly powerful, you don't become a Darth without it. I just think the only thing we can say about his power is "Not strong enough to beat Valkorian."


Well, again, it's if we had to pick a victor. I myself stated it's difficult to determine, and that they are roughly equal. So basically everything you said I agree with. But I wanted to answer the OP's question, and if I had to give an answer I'd still say Marr.


And yes, not everyone's strength in SWTOR is directly equivalent to their political power, BUT, in the Sith Empire, where strength so often leads to political power, and having political power while there are those below you who have more strength so often leads to your immediate death..... I think it is a pretty safe assertion that strength has a moderate direct correlation with political power with the Sith. Thus, where feats of strength fall short, we can look at political power to get a general metric of a Sith's strength (taking in context of course).... and in that regard, Marr wins over Malgus.


Again, these two are a pretty even match. But, if we use all of the evidence we have, I think there is a slight favor for Marr.

Edited by Swissbob
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I'm going to have to agree with Ghisallo here, especially in regards to the underlined portion. In the Return trailer she was still a Padawan, and in the Hope trailer we see her shortly after she became a full fledged Jedi Knight while Malgus was already a Darth. Then there's fact that he didn't have Satele beaten in the Hope trailer, he was the one that was defeated in that battle. She'd caught Malgus' lightsaber so that wasn't a finishing blow. Malcom's subsequent intervention broke up the battle for a moment but Satele showed afterward she had enough strength with the Force even then to blast Malgus into the side of a mountain and then bring it down on top of him. Even at that point in their lives I'd expect the battle to be very close as it was in that trailer, with the victor being determined by what course the battle took. Malgus was clearly shown to be the better straight duelist while Satele was clearly the stronger Force user of the two. So circumstances and surroundings would probably play a key role in a fight between these two.


In Return, Malgus was an apprentice too. Satele wasn't the only one who wasn't at her prime yet.


As for Hope, I'm not looking after Jace intervened, because the fight is no longer a 1v1, and thus (while not irrelevant) is much less important then the 1v1 fight in determining who would win in a 1v1. Sure, I could agree that Jace and Satele vs. Malgus would probably not end in Malgus' favor.... but that's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about Satele vs. Malgus.


And before Jace intervened.... sure, Satele wasn't killed or irrevocably defeated, but all of the beats of the fight played out in Malgus's favor, Satele was on the defensive almost the whole time, and the fight ended with her on her knees, her saber sliced in half, and her holding back Malgus' saber with anguish on her face as Malgus slowly pressed the blade closer to her chest.


Now, again I agree it would be a close fight, and that they are roughly equals..... and the evidence we have doesn't conclusively say "Malgus would clearly defeat Satele in every circumstance!"..... however in my view there is more evidence suggesting that Malgus would win, then evidence suggesting Satele would win, and that gives Malgus a slight edge over Satele, based on what we know.


The evidence is incomplete and indecisive, however I do think it does lean towards Malgus. And if I was forced to pick a winner, as equal as they are..... I'd still go with Malgus.

Edited by Swissbob
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