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What to do?


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When I got this game just over a year ago I thought it was the best game ever! I thought whoever made it was a genius beyond belief! But recently I have been losing interest in the game, I have played all stories and all expansions and so, except repetitive dailies I have practically nothing to do. I tried to re-play certain classes but even when I chose a different advanced class I don't enjoy it nearly as much. I used to play 6 or 7 days a week. Recently I have played mabey once or twice a week.


I am sorry to bother you all but I don't suppose any of you have any suggestions on what I could do to jumpstart my interest in the game again or mabey even recommend another good game (while I do love this game and I don't want to leave it unless absolutely needed.)?


As said, I used to love this game but it just losing the special feeling it used to have. I really want to enjoy the game again. I hope you guys can give some good suggestions. Thanks in advance.


Yours sencierly, Ejbsuperbat

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Have you gone outside the story arcs? PvP? Galactic Star Fighter? Operations? Achievement hunting (if you're that kind of gamer)? Crafting and making money on the GTN? Started or joined a guild?


1) my computer is not the fastest in the world (and I have no PVP gear) so for me PVP is just "stand and be shot" or on rare occasion "run into battle and try to fight but be killed."


2) I can never control galactic starfighter, it is amusing to watch me fail however. I also feel the GS matches are too long


3) for operations you need to get a group and then you do it but it takes a while and it is not the most fun in the universe...


4) achievement hunting, no matter the game, I have never seen a point to. You do these things that are often rather challenging and what do you get? A little thing that exists just to say "I did this".


5) I did don't like crafting. To me it is just pushing a button every 3 minuites.


6) starting a guild is a good idea. I have a friend from real life who has just got the game and another who is getting the game soon, I could pay a random geezer to join then let him leave to I can make the guild. But what do I do every Other time.


Thank you for your suggestions. Does anyone else have any?

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But but your the prime candidate for this Expac!!

Solo story players are suppose to love KotFE!!


Already played it twice, once dark and once light. From what I have heard it is the same every time with one or two small changes depending on class. At least SoR have a very brief change at the start depending on faction and you got a class mission thrown in.

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You could take a break for some time. You sound like being a bit burned out.

Or, you could try out the other aspects / parts of the game : PvP, Crafting, Exploring ...


Already covered PVP and crafting in post #3. Exploring used to be good but now with level sync I have to stop and fight stupid enemies every 30 seconds.


But a break does seem like a good idea. Thank you for your suggestions

Edited by ejbsuperbat
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If you haven't started a Stronghold, I see a lot of people who love doing that. (I don't myself, but I did set up one for quick travel purposes). If you actually do start a guild there's conquest stuff and grinding to get all the stuff associated with that...again, not what I'm into but it turns a lot of people on
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If you haven't started a Stronghold, I see a lot of people who love doing that. (I don't myself, but I did set up one for quick travel purposes). If you actually do start a guild there's conquest stuff and grinding to get all the stuff associated with that...again, not what I'm into but it turns a lot of people on


I already have a stronghold that is quite decorated.


As said in post #3, I am considering starting a guild.


Thank you for your ideas.

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or mabey even recommend another good game (while I do love this game and I don't want to leave it unless absolutely needed.)?

Well imho Dragon Age and Mass Effect trilogies is absolute must)) Actually for me almost all bioware games is absolute must - I'm a sucker for good storytelling))

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When I got this game just over a year ago I thought it was the best game ever! I thought whoever made it was a genius beyond belief! But recently I have been losing interest in the game, I have played all stories and all expansions and so, except repetitive dailies I have practically nothing to do. I tried to re-play certain classes but even when I chose a different advanced class I don't enjoy it nearly as much. I used to play 6 or 7 days a week. Recently I have played mabey once or twice a week.


I am sorry to bother you all but I don't suppose any of you have any suggestions on what I could do to jumpstart my interest in the game again or mabey even recommend another good game (while I do love this game and I don't want to leave it unless absolutely needed.)?


As said, I used to love this game but it just losing the special feeling it used to have. I really want to enjoy the game again. I hope you guys can give some good suggestions. Thanks in advance.


Yours sencierly, Ejbsuperbat


is it the game or your attention span that is the issue? Join an active guild. Make friends and enjoy the game with others. If you are just tired of SWTOR there are other MMOs. I would suggest taking a break, try the other AAA MMOS out there, and most are free to play, then ill see you back here in a month or so.

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