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Imperial Agent story written specifically for Chiss?


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I was trying to decide human or Chiss so I asked around ingame and was told the story for IA was written assuming the player would roll Chiss with exclusive dialogue options and that the class was modeled after Thrawn from the EU series...is there any truth to these claims?
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Not really. A Chiss IA is the only combination that gets race exclusive dialog but I wouldn't say the story is specifically written for Chiss in mind. In fact I have a problem with the Ascendancy being so closely interwoven with the Empire and thus so exposed to the Republic since by Thrawn's time neither knows about the other (and Chiss don't even know about droids) but I suppose a few thousand years is enough of a buffer to smooth that over.


Also while the Chiss race is playable because Thrawn, I wouldn't say Thrawn is the inspiration for the class, except in the most superficial sense of "non Force-sensitive Imperial officer". The IA is a spy not a fleet officer and there's no real instance where the story has you strategizing or deducing things. A closer inspiration is actually Mara Jade, being a secret enforcer/assassin that was often dispatched undercover to deal with traitors and dissidents. Palpatine's Emperor's Hands operated very much like Imperial Intelligence except the were only answerable to him. That being said, the story has themes which aren't really dealt with in other SW works so in a way, it stands apart without as much precedent as say the Smuggler or the Force using classes.


Also a bit of advice: the first time I tried to roll an agent I made a Chiss male. Within the first few levels on Hutta I'd already met an exact clone which prompted me to delete and later remake as a human female. I know Thrawn's awesome, but everyone and their mum wants to be him and is rolling male Chiss agents. I recommend trying something different. And definitely go female. Jo Wyatt is amazing and I'm in love with her voice.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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Not really. A Chiss IA is the only combination that gets race exclusive dialog but I wouldn't say the story is specifically written for Chiss in mind.
Not quite true: there is a blink-and-you'll-miss-it mention by a certain NPC very closely connected to the Agent class story on Nar Shaddaa if you're a Cyborg.


Honestly, though, that's about it.

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It might have been modelled after Thrawn but I can't see it working from a lore perspective, the IA all in all goes undercover for several mission I'm feel that a Chiss just does not blend in enough, in fact in my opinion he sticks out like a sore thumb not great characteristics in a undercover agent.
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It might have been modelled after Thrawn but I can't see it working from a lore perspective, the IA all in all goes undercover for several mission I'm feel that a Chiss just does not blend in enough, in fact in my opinion he sticks out like a sore thumb not great characteristics in a undercover agent.


I thought the same thing. The species everyone has heard of except for Rep side PCs :p

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The Thrawn books are good enough compared to other EU, but i feel no relation between them and the agent. My agents are always human. Despite the fact that there is some unique racial dialogue if you are a chiss, i think it makes more sense lore wise for you to be a human,not chiss. Especially when you choose to stay fully loyal to the Empire despite everything.

Not to mention that there are some infiltration class missions which make better sense if you are a human because a chiss would raise greater suspicion than if you were a human.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Not quite true: there is a blink-and-you'll-miss-it mention by a certain NPC very closely connected to the Agent class story on Nar Shaddaa if you're a Cyborg.


Honestly, though, that's about it.

Oh- yeah, that NPC would say something about that.


In general though race doesn't matter, apart from a few lines on the Empire side if you're an alien and the aforementioned examples for the agent.

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Well, as far as I know some fragments of the Imperial Agent story line are specifically for male human Imperial Agents (well I am not sure whether you have to be actually human or just "not alien", meaning true sith and cyborg would work as well). Not that I can say, until recently my only IA was a female Chiss and I believe it was a very good choice. It's not so much "lore" for me. This sly, blue, slightly demonic, yet graceful appearance of the Chiss works well for me.


Last week or so I created a Rattaki IA. We shall see how that goes. In the vast majority of cases it makes no difference at all. For Imperial characters it makes a difference every now and then whether or not you're "alien".


What annoys me most about this ignorance to the character's species is that it does not matter whether you're the same (alien) species as a given companion character in galaxy dominated by humans. One might think that Zenith somehow reacts to a twi'lek jedi consular. We shall see whether it makes a difference to Kalijo when you Rattataki, but I don't really expect it.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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What annoys me most about this ignorance to the character's species is that it does not matter whether you're the same (alien) species as a given companion character in galaxy dominated by humans. One might think that Zenith somehow reacts to a twi'lek jedi consular. We shall see whether it makes a difference to Kalijo when you Rattataki, but I don't really expect it.


Agreed on that. Not that I care for Zenith, but you'd think a Twilek Consular would attract him :p


I do think the Chiss comment with the Smuggler leads the Smuggler being a Mirialan (having green skin instead of blue) with the other species being more easily recognizable to an Imperial.

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We shall see whether it makes a difference to Kalijo when you Rattataki, but I don't really expect it.

My experience in the spoiler box:


Kaliyo doesn't seem to care about that stuff (later in the class story, she, um, entertains a human dude on your ship). She does explain in one of the companion conversations what life on Rattatak was like, even though a Rattataki Agent would probably know all about that.


There are also multiple conversations where you and Kaliyo are there together and an NPC talks about "the Rattataki" and doesn't mean the player. A Rattataki Agent never gets an option to say "which one?" or "both of us?" and in one case, where "the Rattataki must wait outside", you don't get the option to say something along the lines of "Go ahead Kaliyo, I'll wait out here for you."


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My experience in the spoiler box:


Kaliyo doesn't seem to care about that stuff (later in the class story, she, um, entertains a human dude on your ship). She does explain in one of the companion conversations what life on Rattatak was like, even though a Rattataki Agent would probably know all about that.


There are also multiple conversations where you and Kaliyo are there together and an NPC talks about "the Rattataki" and doesn't mean the player. A Rattataki Agent never gets an option to say "which one?" or "both of us?" and in one case, where "the Rattataki must wait outside", you don't get the option to say something along the lines of "Go ahead Kaliyo, I'll wait out here for you."


That could have just been the Agent using common sense.

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That could have just been the Agent using common sense.

Especially given the specific circumstances in which the last one happens. But it's still stupid that they didn't accommodate the Rattataki Agent in the dialogue.


(Yes, I know. You have to unlock Rattataki before you can create an Agent with that as its species, and they didn't have that unlock model in the original game, but even so, they could have *tried*...)

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Especially given the specific circumstances in which the last one happens. But it's still stupid that they didn't accommodate the Rattataki Agent in the dialogue.


(Yes, I know. You have to unlock Rattataki before you can create an Agent with that as its species, and they didn't have that unlock model in the original game, but even so, they could have *tried*...)


I consider only the original classes to be what race the agent could be the rest are additional flavor.

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Hmmm... no, Rattataki is one of the original species for Imperial Agent. If it were otherwise I would not be able to create one, because I never unlocked the species; neither by playing up to level 50 nor by cartel coins.

OK, thanks for the correction. In that case, then, they definitely *should* have tried. Sigh.

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OK, thanks for the correction. In that case, then, they definitely *should* have tried. Sigh.
They did.


My Sniper started out as a Rattataki (before I first used the Character Designer tool thingy to make him a Chiss). She DID mention being surprised to see my tattoos from across the room in the first full conversation with her as a companion, but I changed Spawncamp's species shortly afterwards, so I'm not sure just how far it goes.


...great, now I have to make a Rattataki Agent while Double XP is still active. Thanks, guys...

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Hmmm... no, Rattataki is one of the original species for Imperial Agent. If it were otherwise I would not be able to create one, because I never unlocked the species; neither by playing up to level 50 nor by cartel coins.


With time, most species unlock for every class, there are just cathar and togruta I don't have yet and I didn't pay to unlock anything.


I really like my consular chiss :p

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As someone who's dull and only ever rolls humans, how much exclusive dialogue is there for chiss IA? 1 or 2 small blurbs or an interesting significant amount?
Most of the class story dialogue on Hoth changes a bit.


There's also the usual mentions of you being an alien in the Sith Empire's service throughout the game, that you normally would get from playing ANY non-Human species.

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  • 1 month later...
Chiss is one of the worst choices for the Agent from a lore perspective, despite it being by far the most popular choice. The Agent spends much of the game as an undercover operative, which shouldn't make sense for a Chiss. Chiss should stand out like a sore thumb, since they only live in Ascendancy space and are Sith Empire allies. The only worse choice for a secret agent in Imperial Intelligence would be a Pureblood Sith.
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Honestly, I think the Chiss are the WORST possible race to play as an undercover agent. They're blue. They're isolationists. I can only think of one place where you see one outside of Hoth, and that's on DK. (I could be wrong, of course. I just can't think of any off the top of my head.)


They stand out VERY much. A Chiss steps foot onto Balmorra and the people will be like, "What the deuce? A Chiss? What the heck is s/he doing here? We should keep an eye on them." Which, you know, seeing as an undercover agent is specifically trying to avoid notice...


In my opinion, cyborg or human is basically the best choice for immersion/suspension of disbelief.


Edit: And seeing as I responded before reading the full thread, I should also add that I agree with the poster above me. A Sith Pureblood would also be a terrible choice.

Edited by AngFour
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