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After One Year


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Just returned to my collectors edition of SWTOR to find many new and disturbing changes.


1) Discipline... Wha? Ok, so you eliminated cross classing and hybrid builds thereby making everything cookie cutter.

2) No point in moving on, I cannot get past 1.


That was quick I am saddened to say but SWTOR is now dead to me. If there is one thing I cannot stand and that is cookie cutter. What's the point to a character build if you cannot choose your own path. Everyone is exactly the same with the only exception to their gear progression.


Called and called my sub, asked for a refund.


Moving on with a sad heart. The motivation to play again from the new movie is now gone.

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Yep, came back after the movie, I was inspired to pick up my lightsaber again. That quickly faded when I realized what they had done.


After reading these forums it looks like dark days ahead for SWTOR, too sad. A good business model encourages sales, EA's business model seems to limit and simplify which implies cutbacks to developement.

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Totally agree with you. It's sad for those of us that LOVE the game to see EA overlords going down the path of greed and stupidity. Designers are apparently jumping ship like rats on a drowning ship. Raiders have been given the middle finger and anyone not interested in story will be in for a sad wake up call in a few months when all the movie hype dies down and people are tired of $15 USD for a story completed the first month.
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Yep, came back after the movie, I was inspired to pick up my lightsaber again. That quickly faded when I realized what they had done.


After reading these forums it looks like dark days ahead for SWTOR, too sad. A good business model encourages sales, EA's business model seems to limit and simplify which implies cutbacks to developement.


Ya they dumbed the game down to far, made the combat laughable, made all companions the same, and like you said, changed the way a person sets up there toon, so like you said, besides progression (note: they made the game so easy progression is laughable, and you can be in top of the line gear and have it optimized in a week or 2 if you work at it, a month if you are lazy) and whatever dress up outfit you wearing everyone is pretty much the same. This game is great for a couple play through (class stories) and a 1 time trip through the nex xpac, after that it has no staying power, wish it did but it just dosnt right now.

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They copied World of Warcraft at every step. Bioware/EA have no thought of their own, just mimic whatever else is on the market and hope it does well.


This! But they ignore the fact, that wow is dying a long painful death aswell. I stopped buying EA and Bioware games after SWTOR. it was a good decision.

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Just returned to my collectors edition of SWTOR to find many new and disturbing changes.


1) Discipline... Wha? Ok, so you eliminated cross classing and hybrid builds thereby making everything cookie cutter.

2) No point in moving on, I cannot get past 1.


That was quick I am saddened to say but SWTOR is now dead to me. If there is one thing I cannot stand and that is cookie cutter. What's the point to a character build if you cannot choose your own path. Everyone is exactly the same with the only exception to their gear progression.


How did it use to work?

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Two reasons why people would be mad/glad over not being able to build "hybrids"


They would either love making their OP hybrid build that would ruin ranked pvp games

They would hate getting stomped by a skank healer and a skank tank.


Of course, it still possible to have skank tanks and I see healers offhealing all the time. Didn't really fix much imo

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I have given BioWare a lot of flak for many bad decisions they had, but I don't think that chance was a one of those. It reduces that people can build terrible builds and thus provides a little more hope that the player might actually be capable to support a group, but more important it actually give one more freedom to actually build a character, since one doesn't have to place points into crap to get the stuff one wants, but can directly look at the utilities that one think would enhance the own playstyle.
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I also just came back after a long break. I actually don't mind the new tree system, it still gives you flexibility and you still have choices. I LOVED this game from the beginning, just got a little bored a few months before 2.0 came out. I think a lot of the new stuff is really cool(still haven't yet had a chance to try most of it out), and I'm sure I'll have fun with the game for 3 months or so, and then quit again.
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Really? Everyone used the same cookie cutter builds back than. Heck everyone use the same cookie cutter builds in any game out there. You either used X build for X class or you were useless. You made have thought you were OP but you were just fooling yourself. There was no choice; just the illusion of choice. I am glad for it; so sick of getting hybrid builds that couldn't do anything but be fodder.

Edited by Warrgames
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How did it use to work?




The same as it does now. Everyone choosing the same due to it being the most

effective. The only difference is they are being forced to choose the best spec

instead of looking up on a website which to choose.

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Yep, came back after the movie, I was inspired to pick up my lightsaber again. That quickly faded when I realized what they had done.


After reading these forums it looks like dark days ahead for SWTOR, too sad. A good business model encourages sales, EA's business model seems to limit and simplify which implies cutbacks to developement.


100% THIS


EA is just cutting costs everywhere (no customer support for non-subs ingame, and for subs it still takes a week to get any response for many of the bugs that you may need fixed; performances are still HORRIBLE in warzones (can't get higher than 25-30 fps with every setting on low or OFF and game looks like crap while I have 60-70 stable everywhere else with maxed setting? ok); cookie cutter builds LOL; NO NEW RAIDS for OVER A YEAR and NONE PLANED FOR NEXT YEAR EITHER, no new PvP map for a while too,; pretty much anything decently looking is a cash shop item and many many bugs are still present too...)


I just unsubbed again, thankfully I only paid for the game at launch + 3 months + this month now to progress the story past 50 but motivation has already died down (more like un-earned hype for this game while all the flaws it had are still present and many new ones added on top of it).


Oh well. EA gonna be EA huh. Gotta catch them all $$$

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