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Force awakens sad swtor realization. Not a spoiler but a dissatified customer.


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I'll have to disagree with you here Tux. Blizzard follows a combination of shameless pandering and no new material for WoW. The plot now so heavily relies on time travel because they've killed all the major and minor characters as boss fights and consequently have to go to a time where there are more characters to kill. The endless barrage of pop culture references in WoW and zero effort towards story aren't a sign of quality, but of lack of effort.


I don't think overt references towards the Warcraft movie in SWTOR would make it a better game any more than do the references to Star Wars in WoW. I'm personally not interested in seeing SWTOR try to hook up with the new Star Wars post-Legends content set in the Galactic Civil War era. It would replace a relatively coherent story with the junk they have in WoW.

I'm not talking about building the game to reflect the movie in terms of story, I'm talking about capitalizing on key parts of the movie to market W0W as an extension of that movie.


We just had the release of the largest movie in our lifetime...a movie DIRECTLY related to this game...and there was ZERO attempt by these developers to capitalize on any of it. If you've watched any TV in the past month, you'll notice that we're one of the few segments of society to not try to capitalize on TFA.


It's astounding to me how there was NO attempt to bridge the blockbuster of our lives with this game. They share the same universe...the same lore...the opportunities were limitless...yet not even the simplest of tie ins was attempted...

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No...Bioware W0W will do it because they're smart and they actually care about their product (W0W). Bioware failed to do it because they're lazy and incompetent. Even Campells soups capitalized on Star Wars for Gods sake...

And if BioWare did do it guess what we'd be hearing?


"BioWare spent X amount of money to throw an add up before TFA when they could have spent that money doing more X!"


Hell I didn't even see a trailer for Battlefront the two times I went and saw TFA. Battlefront! You know the big Star Wars game EA is pushing for the holidays. Better yet? I didn't see trailers for SWG back when Episode 3 came out, and I did see ad's for another title World of something or other.... Star Trek Online didn't have any ad's up before any of the new Trek movies. I heard there was one for Age of Conan when that new Conan movie came out a couple of years ago but I didn't see it.


Also and here's the big question, how much did it cost to put an ad up before TFA? Look at the Superbowl and how much it costs to throw an ad up. I'm sure putting an ad up before the biggest holiday movie of the year wasn't going to be cheap.

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And if BioWare did do it guess what we'd be hearing?


"BioWare spent X amount of money to throw an add up before TFA when they could have spent that money doing more X!"


Hell I didn't even see a trailer for Battlefront the two times I went and saw TFA. Battlefront! You know the big Star Wars game EA is pushing for the holidays. Better yet? I didn't see trailers for SWG back when Episode 3 came out, and I did see ad's for another title World of something or other.... Star Trek Online didn't have any ad's up before any of the new Trek movies. I heard there was one for Age of Conan when that new Conan movie came out a couple of years ago but I didn't see it.


Also and here's the big question, how much did it cost to put an ad up before TFA? Look at the Superbowl and how much it costs to throw an ad up. I'm sure putting an ad up before the biggest holiday movie of the year wasn't going to be cheap.

I'm not talking about an ad...I'm talking about SOMETHING in THIS game to capitalize on TFA. Items, special event, unique title...anything. Freaking Campbell's soup is capitalizing on TFA...but nobody at Bioware has any clue how they might be able to get in on the hype? Nobody??

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No...Bioware W0W will do it because they're smart and they actually care about their product (W0W). Bioware failed to do it because they're lazy and incompetent. Even Campells soups capitalized on Star Wars for Gods sake...

You do nothing but bad-mouth this game. Why do you even play it?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I'll have to disagree with you here Tux. Blizzard follows a combination of shameless pandering and no new material for WoW. The plot now so heavily relies on time travel because they've killed all the major and minor characters as boss fights and consequently have to go to a time where there are more characters to kill. The endless barrage of pop culture references in WoW and zero effort towards story aren't a sign of quality, but of lack of effort.


I don't think overt references towards the Warcraft movie in SWTOR would make it a better game any more than do the references to Star Wars in WoW. I'm personally not interested in seeing SWTOR try to hook up with the new Star Wars post-Legends content set in the Galactic Civil War era. It would replace a relatively coherent story with the junk they have in WoW.


Poeple wonder why they didnt put a swtor trailer in the new movies.... really?!!?!?!?what do you expect from people that dont take even the effort to listen to customers about fixing bugs that affect us since launch

This game is not great by any means and to tell the truth has lots of flows but would still be able to deliver with just the wish and effort to fix bugs and listen to people but since EA dont care about their customers all they care is money this is just talking to the wind and there is no HOPE in the GALAXY for a decent STAR WARS game till EA lose the right for them

Lets face it once and for all whatever they touch it become **** no matter how good the frachise were before

Please dont even compare EA and Bioware with Blizzard it is like to compare **** to chocolate no matter what WOW is today you can see that Blizzard CARE FOR THEIR PRODUCTS of course they do care about money but they do both and for sure they listen to their customers i am not a WOW and Blizzard fan but they have proven it lots of times

Edited by Askarulez
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Poeple wonder why they didnt put a swtor trailer in the new movies.... really?!!?!?!?what do you expect from people that dont take even the effort to listen to customers about fixing bugs that affect us since launch

This game is not great by any means and to tell the truth has lots of flows but would still be able to deliver with just the wish and effort to fix bugs and listen to people but since EA dont care about their customers all they care is money this is just talking to the wind and there is no HOPE in the GALAXY for a decent STAR WARS game till EA lose the right for them

Lets face it once and for all whatever they touch it become **** no matter how good the frachise were before


EA is super greedy but bioware is great company who gave us mass effect and dragon age, problem is EA see this game as cash cow and they invest as less as possible while they milk the game as much as possible.

this game is decent specially 1 to 50 story but EA does not care they see star wars ip as their cash cow, shame is on EA and not bioware.

Edited by bahramnima
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sadly yes that is true because EA is making other star wars games( its rumor but strong one) the life span of this game is over,.



I estimate SWTOR will be effectively dead by Thanksgiving 2016 so that EA can put all of their efforts into selling their new games for Xmas.

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after much investigation the salavage is drying up. Which means people are just playing starwars. people are not playing swtor mmo per se. No salavage is available on my server. which means people are not running the ops missons etc... to earn this salvage.



we are in a crisis I think. maybe you have a great guild that's running stuff.... but onother servers its the exact opposite. its dead. I saw 8 on my fleet today yes 8. isaid 8 and I mean 8. on the fleet.




it seems its not just they don't tie into swtfa its bigger than that. ig your guild is doing well you wont want to even agree with mee or make characters on different servers to explore this possibility. however its real....

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I'm op



I didn't expect it a tie in. but I didn't expect other games to bust in on the star wars hype as much as they did. We got left in the dust.....




look at your servers check your salvage sellers....


how many ops salvage is being sold.....


how much movement is growth?

how much movement is contraction....?



I wont put my head in the sand....

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I didn't expect any sort of tie in from the movie to the game. My understanding is that this game's historical roots are in non-canon IP.


That said, I was somewhat surprised that the swtor staff didn't even acknowledge the movie in any way, unless you count the double xp thing, which after months of it seems sort of meh.


Pretty pathetic, really.

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I am not so sure about this. Originally the description for chapter X said that it's going to be released in January, after the new film has been released. It has been postponed for a month, but... well, anyway, it sounded like it was important that chapter X was released after the film.


I did notice one striking similarity, if only in the pronunciation of two different words. Obviously I cannot say which lest I spoil it for some. However, the film left a lot of things open. And a lot of background to fill. It would not surprise me if Disney spread that over the entire existing franchise. It hardly make sense for them not to. It's in Disney's best interist that Star Wars is as popular as possible.


While it is possible there is no connection, it's very well possible that there will be in chapter X. That would also explain this drastic shift in the story from Ziost to Knights of the Fallen Empire. While the explanation was always that Vitiate and Valkorian and the Emperor are all the same person, I cannot imagine the story writers who created Ziost had anything even remotely in the alley of Knights of the Fallen Empire in mind.


Only one way to find out, I suppose.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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I am also very sad that they did not capitalize on this (2 month holiday - ffs, are you guys for real?). and I'm not talking about an advert before the movie even tough on my screening there were THREE (3) SW: Battlefront commercials...


I mean some ******** items would suffice and/or a small event awarding something similar to the snowball cannon...


Eh, Time to cancel the sub again and play some while it lasts.

Edited by Drolnar
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after much investigation the salavage is drying up. Which means people are just playing starwars. people are not playing swtor mmo per se. No salavage is available on my server. which means people are not running the ops missons etc... to earn this salvage.



we are in a crisis I think. maybe you have a great guild that's running stuff.... but onother servers its the exact opposite. its dead. I saw 8 on my fleet today yes 8. isaid 8 and I mean 8. on the fleet.




it seems its not just they don't tie into swtfa its bigger than that. ig your guild is doing well you wont want to even agree with mee or make characters on different servers to explore this possibility. however its real....


this is my experience... as well

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sad part is I want to plat a starwars game.


I love the genre...



I just don't want o play battlefront and have to rush into a canyon with 500 12 year olds ganking me and there is nothing I can do becayse that's where I have to clikc my blinky

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I didn't expect a "tie in" at all to The Old Republic era. Keep in mind, it would be very complicated to do so in such a short span of things. But I just came back from the movie again. Yes, saw it again! Will be doing so tomorrow as well. In order to fully appreciate this movie you have to go see it a second time. Your mind captures SO many things you didn't see or hear the first time. I will say this however without giving away spoilers. I believe Disney DID do some nod to The Old Republic era in my eyes. Don't expect this to have any spoilers.


Rey TOTALLY reminds me of Bastilla. 100 percent. Same voice and accent to AND the hairstyle is even the same and the way she wears her robes! And her power in the force is incredible when she realizes this.


The planet that *character* is standing on at the end when Rey seeks *them* out seems to be non other than Tython. Because they explained in the movie he was going back to the original Jedi temple.


When they landed on starkiller base, was TOTALLY nostalgic and looked exactly like Taris in kotor 2 when you visited the Sith Temple where Atris was EXACTLY like it!


There is a certain symbol when they go to the Resistance world by the cantina that all of you will notice when the camera drops down ;) Especially the second time. Look for it!


Just, little things. Little nods. Those were the things I picked up on the times I went to see the movie. Great, great movie. Great feelings leaves me happy at the end but also deeply thinking about it, which a movie SHOULD do. I can't wait to see it again.

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There was no tie in to swtor and worse of all there was actually a trailer before the movie of other bioware games.


Allegedly the planet Luke is on is either Tython or Rakata Prime.


And to the guy above, Rey is nothing like Bastila Shan. At best she's a poor rip off of Jaina Solo (Don't worry there's no spoiler there, just a comparison to another character).


But the latter part I agree with 100%. That is the single biggest problem with this game: you do not see copies of it in stores, you do not see advertisements for out outside of their facebook/twitter accounts, etc. etc.


They are not reaching 99% of their potential subscribers. A single 30 second advertisement before The Force Awakens would probably overload the servers with NEW players and subscribers within a week. But 99% of the people who walk into The Force Awakens have no idea that this game, or any piece of Star Wars media outside the movies, even exists. They'll tweet/post/instagram/whatever about the movie and wait for the next one.


Granted, Disney is allegedly not endeared to this game, so Bioware or EA may have asked for one and Disney may not have allowed an advertisement.


Either way, either someone in Bioware or Disney's marketing screwed up, IMHO.


I have never showed blatant disrespect for this game's staff, but I have to say failing to advertise this game is ultimately their biggest mistake. You cannot have a sustained or increasing profit margin without advertisement. TFA was their biggest opportunity, which they outright missed completely.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Allegedly the planet Luke is on is either Tython or Rakata Prime.


And to the guy above, Rey is nothing like Bastila Shan. At best she's a poor rip off of Jaina Solo (Don't worry there's no spoiler there, just a comparison to another character).


But the latter part I agree with 100%. That is the single biggest problem with this game: you do not see copies of it in stores, you do not see advertisements for out outside of their facebook/twitter accounts, etc. etc.


They are not reaching 99% of their potential subscribers. A single 30 second advertisement before The Force Awakens would probably overload the servers with NEW players and subscribers within a week. But 99% of the people who walk into The Force Awakens have no idea that this game, or any piece of Star Wars media outside the movies, even exists. They'll tweet/post/instagram/whatever about the movie and wait for the next one.


Granted, Disney is allegedly not endeared to this game, so Bioware or EA may have asked for one and Disney may not have allowed an advertisement.


Either way, either someone in Bioware or Disney's marketing screwed up, IMHO.


I have never showed blatant disrespect for this game's staff, but I have to say failing to advertise this game is ultimately their biggest mistake. You cannot have a sustained or increasing profit margin without advertisement. TFA was their biggest opportunity, which they outright missed completely.


~ Eudoxia


She reminded me of Bastilla :)


Anyway, they could have played KotFE after the Blizzard overwatch or Warcraft trailer and they would INSTANTLY get a huge amount of players on this game. They really missed their golden opportunity in my eyes. And as staunch as I am a defender of BioWare and this game, as you guys know how much I am, I think they actually "missed the boat" on this one. This could have been huge for this game. There would have been MILLIONS tens of MILLIONS of people that saw that trailer or just a 30 second clip before the movie. They really should have done ...something.


And please don't get me wrong guys, this is not a call out of the game I still love it and play it every night. But, I just feel they should have done SOMETHING with this HUGE hype and new ear of Star Wars beginning. Get people interested :)

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