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The Force Awakens: You have to go see this movie!


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They relegated the old EU to legend status so they didn't have to maintain consistency, commonality, and continuity with it.


And if you don't think the EU has been jettisoned before in the name of a movie's plot twist, I present Splinter of the Mind's Eye as exhibit A. Look it up.

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Care to ellaborate why?


Is it because it lacked originality? (Looks at Episode VII´s structure copying Episode IV).


Is it because it had overpowered things and characters? (Looks at Starkiller base macking a mockery of the Sun Destroyer and Kylo Ren stopping a laser blast in mid air).


Is it because it had plot inconsistencies? (Looks at Finn´s motivations and Rey´s sudden mastery of the Force).


Yeah, clearly the new story is soooooo much better. Also, the old EU mustn´t have sucked so bad if Disney so blatantly copied stuff from it.


It's because they didn't want to be locked into any of it.


If they kept to the EU they wouldn't have gotten to bring back Chewie for the mass movie going audience, because Chewie would be dead.


Now, sure, they could have brought him back and just had Epi7 soon after RotJ, but then they'd have to have recast Leia, Han and Luke, which the mass movie going audience may not have wanted to see, especially with all the actors still alive. Han, Luke and Leia are Harrison, Mark and Carrie to the masses.


Personally, I was always hoping they'd do the Thrawn Trilogy, recast the three of them, and maybe redo Epi4-6 all together with updated lightsaber fights. :p Here's hoping Epi8 makes them as good as Epi1-3!

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Care to ellaborate why?


Is it because it lacked originality? (Looks at Episode VII´s structure copying Episode IV).


Is it because it had overpowered things and characters? (Looks at Starkiller base macking a mockery of the Sun Destroyer and Kylo Ren stopping a laser blast in mid air).


Is it because it had plot inconsistencies? (Looks at Finn´s motivations and Rey´s sudden mastery of the Force).


Yeah, clearly the new story is soooooo much better. Also, the old EU mustn´t have sucked so bad if Disney so blatantly copied stuff from it.


No, I'm glad it's gone because of most of the utter BS stories there are.

Also if they kept to all those stories, they were really stuck with all those stories and couldn't do something else!

SithKoriandr also elaborates good on this.

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What I have seen of it I think Attack of the Killer Tomatoes had better writing. I sure it was right up there with Tarzan The Ape Man. Funny thing is I like POI which JJ has a hand in. Maybe he should of brought the writers with him. As far as the cast. Meh. Then again the cast didn't have much to work with. Boring movie.
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What I have seen of it I think Attack of the Killer Tomatoes had better writing. I sure it was right up there with Tarzan The Ape Man. Funny thing is I like POI which JJ has a hand in. Maybe he should of brought the writers with him. As far as the cast. Meh. Then again the cast didn't have much to work with. Boring movie.
The real thing is, this is the first movie who acutally has absolute no artistic influence during the moviemaking by Lucas, and we all have recongnized that this is entirely missing. That's why the bashing is all about, even if many of us can't put the finger on it why EP 7 is so less Star Warsy.


JJ Abrams simply has a total diffrent way of storytelling. Without Lucas influence, as little as it might be, all other Episodes will be never so epic. No matter what Lucas might be or not be, he is a helluva storyteller. And I'm far from it beeing one of his fanboys.

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Yeah, it´s obvious they had to write a different story because of the stuff they would have to explain otherwise. But it still doesn´t answer why the "Legends" had to be discontinued. It could have perfectly continued to exist alongside the "canon" story. It´s not like the target audience couldn´t have told between the two of them.


And yes, I´m aware that the now deceased EU had already overwritten stuff, like Splinter From the Mind´s Eye and the original Marvel comics, but you can´t compare 5 years to almost 30, can you?

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Yeah, it´s obvious they had to write a different story because of the stuff they would have to explain otherwise. But it still doesn´t answer why the "Legends" had to be discontinued. It could have perfectly continued to exist alongside the "canon" story. It´s not like the target audience couldn´t have told between the two of them


It couldn't have existed alongside the new post-RoTJ canon that's being created, simply because so much of it is completely different.

The prequels caused massive retcons in the EU, as well as prequel inspired EU materials causing other smaller retcons to pre existing material.


The sensible (and better, imo) option was taken, and everything that wasn't the movies and The Clone Wars/Rebels cartoons was chucked out of canon entirely and redubbed Legends.

For pre Clone Wars era material, that's perfectly fine, since they can sort of exist as myths and legends.

Post RoTJ material, it's not a "Legend" it's just gone completely. Given the power creep of characters and enemies, and the one-upmanship between authors that had developed (combined with a rather lax control of the EU, accepting pretty much anything as being part of "canon") post-RoTJ had long since gotten ridiculous and needed reining in badly.

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Given the power creep of characters and enemies, and the one-upmanship between authors that had developed (combined with a rather lax control of the EU, accepting pretty much anything as being part of "canon") post-RoTJ had long since gotten ridiculous and needed reining in badly.


That bolded part is the biggest reason for the power creep. :p

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Given the power creep of characters and enemies, and the one-upmanship between authors that had developed


That bolded part is the biggest reason for the power creep. :p


Because nothing says poor story writers quite like "over 9000" mentality ;)

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Its not a terrible movie, if you compare it to some of the really bad movies out there, its not bad. However, it is not a great Star Wars movie, in fact, it didn't really feel like star wars. And like others have pointed out, I think probably because we have all come to expect some level of Lucas artistic inputs as far as sets/story telling.


I really think they made a big mistake for at least not consulting with Lucas, if you want to pay "homage" or do something right, I would never have just told the guy who basically came up with the whole thing, to beat it.


I know the new Star Trek movies had a lot of critical praise, and audiences loved it, but I thought they were not Star Trek movies. They made action movies with Star Trek imagery.


And to me, that's what this Star Wars movie was. It was an action/nostalgic movie, with Star Wars imagery. But what was the core of the old movies? It was the story, and the characters. I mean the acting was shoddy at best even back then, but at least the story, and dialogue was memorable.


Think of all the quotable Yoda phrases? Darth Vader? Even the music, man, I will say, the music for this movie was meh. At least Ep1 had better music, but this was something else.


So it is just hard for me to accept this as a proper star wars film. I did enjoy watching it, and don't get me wrong it is entertaining. But as a Star Wars film, I would put it in the mix with the prequels as far as overall score. There is no way in hell that it is better than return of the jedi, even keeping in mind the entire terrible Ewok fight against the empire (which was crap dammit...),


What will remain memorable about TFA? I think I could rewatch (and have) the originals many many times. The prequels not so much, but TFA eh, I really don't see it holding up well over time. I would venture a guess it will have a worse shelf life than the prequels.

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I didn't feel ripped off when the movie was over, so I wouldn't say it's a bad movie, but I didn't think it was a very good Star Wars movie. There was nothing really memorable about TFA. Not to mention, it was almost a carbon copy of the original film...seriously, when I saw the empire had another giant, planet destroying weapon, all I could think was "ugg, AGAIN?"


Comparing TFA to the original three films, people really connected with the characters in the original movies Luke, Han, Leia, Yoda, Chewie, etc. Yoda was a PUPPET in the original movies and had more gravitas and memorable dialogue than anybody in TFA. Not to mention, Darth Vader was an ICONIC villain.


TFA had what? Our villain is Kylo Ren, the emo Vader wannabe who can't defeat a couple nobodys like Finn and Rei. A movie can only be as good as it's villain, and this guy wouldn't even make my top 100 movie villains list. The big "finale" fight in TFA was just ridiculous. Kylo Ren should have snapped his fingers and defeated them, that would have been far more believable. Either Kylo Ren is ridiculously weak with the force, or Rei is Luke Skywalker multiplied by over 9000 with the force. I can't even believe they went with this ending still. That was just bad.


Who else did we get in TFA? Finn, the cowardly lion. I could care less about this guy. Also, there's some cocky, hot shot rebel pilot guy I guess I'm supposed to care about, but I don't even remember his name already. Rei is about the only new character I liked.


If I was a kid again, and there was no such thing as earlier SW movies, I'm sure I would have thought this movie was awesome. Being old now, it just seemed like a rehash of the first SW film, with none of the heart, charm, or memorable dialogue of the earlier movie.

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It's important to remember too that when A New Hope was made they didn't know the other movies were going to follow. There was no expectation of success. With this one it is obviously known that there are many movies to follow to fill in the plot gaps. I enjoyed the movie a lot, also felt it had some weaknesses, but I'm saving overall appraisal for after the 9th one to judge as a trilogy.
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It's a very good movie. But not really a good Star Wars movie.


I agree I saw it on December 18th, 2015 in the evening paying out $15 Canadian and still think that it is only half-agood-Star Wars Movie, SWs: VII The Force Awakens does not compare to SWs TOR and the EU as well as the 2 Animated Old Republic series including the 3 70s to 80s Star Wars Movies. JJ Abrams and the Disney Executive Movie Producers simply did not do enough homework they should have to make SWs VII, I fear that SWs VIII will be even worse.

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